I have lupus.
#254278 - 03/24/06 04:43 PM
Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634
Well, yesterday I got my diagnosis: lupus. I actually had a positive anti-dsDNA test, which is specific for lupus, in addition to the RA factor and ANA. In two weeks I start plaquenil, but first I have to get my eyes checked. I also had to have a urine test done, to check my kidneys, so I'd appreciate it if you could send me some positive thoughts/vibes and prayers that the test comes back normal. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I feel both relieved and sad. My rheumy seemed confident that the Plaquenil should help me feel less fatigued and less pain. Wow! I am a little nervous about starting it because I've heard it can cause D and fevers the first few days you're on it.
I probably won't be posting as much, so I just want to thank everybody for your support and for showing me how to be a better advocate for my health!
Wow -- it's been 10+ years of dealing with this and I can't believe I finally have an answer!
Edited by Maria! Maria! (03/26/06 12:49 PM)
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Oh my gosh!
#254279 - 03/24/06 04:50 PM
Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC
M!M! I am stunned. {{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}} to you for banging down all the doors to get this answer. Lean on us as hard as you have to. We're all here!
I can't believe it! How old are you, and what symptoms match up? I'm going to read up on Lupus as much as I can right now...
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Finally some answers! I hope the "plaquenil" does the job for you. It must be an incredible relief to know what the problem is now. I hope this isn't a stupid question, but I'll take the chance: does this mean you don't have IBS after all?
Will you stay with us or move on to a Lupus support board? I hope you do both.
-------------------- <img src="http://home.comcast.net/~letsrow/smily3481.gif">Bevvy
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I know you feel relieved that at least you have a diagnosis.
I have a friend that has Lupus and she has had it for many years. She is doing great and still working.
Hopefully with your medications you will be fine. I hope you will stay on the boards and keep us updated on your condition.
Good Luck Barbie
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I'm glad you found answers, but I'm sorry for the answers you found! Hope your eyes and kidneys check out OK and that the Plaquenil helps you feel better! If you're nervous about having problems when you start it, try to make sure you start it when you've got a couple days off work, just in case (I always started new meds Friday afternoon/evening).
I'll be thinking of you. I hope everything goes well.
-------------------- jen
"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC
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I'm so very sorry. I just did a quick google and it's no walk in the park. But if the meds you give help you at all then it will be an improvement.
Getting diagnosed with a serious disease is not an easy thing. We're all here for you and you can get through this.
I found this, you might want to check it out:
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I'm really sorry, Maria. You have tons of prayers coming your way.
I pray you gain some relief from your symptoms...and the determination to know you will have a wonderful life despite having an Auto Immun diagnosis.
What are the symptoms/treatment?
I hope you decide to stay on the boards and allow us to continue to support you emotionally. Many of us have come to love you and we want to continue to have you in our lives.
Big ((((((((HUGS)))))))). Love, prayers, and well wishes coming your way, sweetie.
-------------------- ~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!
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I'm shocked--and yet it makes sense. I'm glad that you're no longer in the dark & I hope you are on the journey toward increasing wellness. Whoever would have thought...I suspected your immune system was shot, but lupus? I'd better read up on this. I don't know very much about it.
I'm glad you finally KNOW!
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Sweetie.....please hang in there. If there's anything besides prayers we can do for you, please let us know.
Hugs, maria. I'm sorry about your diagnosis. Tkae excellent care of yourself OK?
-------------------- Keep on keepin' on...
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I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you end up feeling better.
-------------------- IBS-C and Bloating
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