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ideas? (especially moms!)
      #254222 - 03/24/06 12:34 PM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Hi everyone,
So I've been SUPER busy again at work and havn't been posting, but I'm wondering about something and thought I'd put it up for opinions - I really hope that some of you that are moms can answer, cause I think you might have good insight here.
About 2 weeks ago now, we found out that my husband's (Will) cousin's family had taken thier son to the hospital. Their son Ian is 3 years old. We've never met him because the last time we saw thier whole family was at our wedding when Will's cousin's wife was pregnant with Ian. We've seen Will's cousin once since then.
This has been a really difficult time for them though, because it turned out that Ian was diagnosed with cancer. He had a tumor in his abdomen. It was surgically removed about a week ago now, allong with one kidney and part of his sigmoid colon. In the last two weeks Ian has had three surgeries (one exploratory, one to remove the tumor and one after complications after surgery #2). The third surgery was very traumatic. They went in to fix a blood clot in his leg and his blood pressure dropped out. They had to crack his chest and massage his heart to start it beating again. He's been on and off a breathing tube because fluid is gathering around his lungs. When they drained the fluid earlier this week they said it was the equivilent of 1.5 liters if it had come from a full grown person. He's been suffering from infection from his incisions and he now has pneumonia. So of course this is exremely hard for his mom and dad. They also have an older son - he's 6.
I have sent them a few cards already and of course I've been praying LOTS! But I feel so bad that we havn't seen them in years now and that we've never even met little Ian. They only live four hours away for goodness sakes! But both families are really busy. They are surrounded by family down there for support and that is good. Both his parents (Will's aunt and uncle) and her parents live within half hour's drive and they have loads of close friends that are helping out and offering much needed support. I feel like we might not do much good to go visit them now since they are speding so much time in the hospital and it is really intense now. I don't want to get in the way. But I wanted to do more than send a card or two. I was thinking about putting together some kind of package for thier family. Maybe some baked goods they could give to the hospital staff (cookies or brownies), some books they can read to Ian (they've been doing that alot) a toy or something for his brother and something nice for mom and dad that they could use and would not buy right now (the bills will be stacking up and this will be financially taxing on thier family). Moms - think what you would want for your family if this were one of your precious little ones...
So I wanted your ideas on things I could include in a package for them or on other things I could do to let them know how much we love them and are thinking and praying for them.
Also - After Ian recovers, they plan to start chemo in about a month and that will go on for several months. All of this will be a nasty process and they will need family support throughout - when do you think we should try to take the time to go visit them?

Thanks for your advice ladies!


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Re: ideas? (especially moms!) new
      #254259 - 03/24/06 02:09 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I love your ideas about getting something for both children. The six year old must be terrified and would likely enjoy a little attention. My son is 4 1/2 and at 3, he was all into Bob the Builder, Thomas the Tank Engine, Sesame Street, and trucks. Those would all be good bets. Even a stuffed toy might be nice for him to have something to hold onto.

Another idea I have - and I don't know if this is tacky or not, but I would most likely send a nice card with some cash in it. In the note just say - use it for whatever you need right now.

Another idea would be to talk to the family and set up a trust fund for Ian to help pay for his medical expenses. If each family member threw in $10 or $20, it may add up to a nice little sum.

Let us know. I will pray for sweet little Ian. No child should have to suffer like that.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: ideas? (especially moms!) new
      #254335 - 03/24/06 09:46 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

That poor little baby. And his brother must be so confused and scared right now. He definately needs to be showered with love. I think it will be okay to go visit them as soon as you like. They will most likely appreciate the support. Even if things are hectic, just your presence will be appreciated. I like the idea of the whole family pitching in for financial support. That will be a tremendous help. They'll all be in my heart. I hope everything comes out well.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: ideas? (especially moms!) new
      #254349 - 03/25/06 05:35 AM

Reged: 02/11/04
Posts: 837

I like the idea of a financial gift for the family. There are so many costs associated with a hospital stay. Just eating in a hospital cafeteria everyday can get to be a strain on the pocketbook, so the baked goods are a great thought, but they might need them for themselves. When my mother was in the hospital, my niece brought up a batch of cookies and a snack tray for Mom's room. It was a very welcomed gift because my brother and sister and I would go for very long periods without eating, not wanting to leave her.

Also, I think it would be just fine to go visit them asap; because it's so helpful to know that people care.

My heart goes out to this little fella and his family. It's sweet of you to care enough to be putting this extra effort into it.

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how sad.... new
      #254357 - 03/25/06 07:08 AM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

I think lots of gift certificates so they can get what they want/need... the 6 year old would love a gift certificate to a toy store, maybe one for himself on one to pick something out for his brother.

Gift certificate for the parents to go out to eat? and a movie? If they could even pull themselves away at all (not sure I could) but IF they could, a date night might mean a lot.

If you did go to visit I'd say maybe do it in the sense that you offer to take total care of big brother and send them to a hotel or something for a "break". If they are willing for that right now... you might have to realize that they are too emotionally stretched for anything of the sort.

Hugs to you for being so thoughtful.

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Re: how sad.... new
      #254368 - 03/25/06 08:19 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Hi Michelle!
Gift certificates are defenitely a great idea - especially for Ian's mom and dad. Since they have so much family with them, there have been a couple nights here and there that Grandma or grampa will stay with Ian and give them some "normal time" as they refer to it. I'm sure they would appreciate a dinner out.

Thanks for your prayers.


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Re: ideas? (especially moms!) new
      #254370 - 03/25/06 08:23 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Yeah, with food, I'll have a few things to keep in mind with who will be eating and what will keep in a fed-ex package - I'll think of something like that to include though. I know they have been eating lots of hospital cafeteria food too - probably not the most apatizing. I hope some of thier freinds down there have been cooking for them. I know they've been good with helping out with Ian's older brother - so that's certainly important in itself.

Thanks for your thoughts!


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Re: ideas? (especially moms!) new
      #254371 - 03/25/06 08:25 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

They have said they will be putting something together soon for monetary donations - apparently alot of people have been asking. Some freinds of ours are getting married next month in a town that is about half way inbetween DC (where we live) and VA Beach (where they live). Maybe we will go visit them afterwards since we'll be closer. I'll see what hubby thinks.

Thanks for your warm thoughts and prayers!


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Re: ideas? (especially moms!) new
      #254375 - 03/25/06 08:29 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Hi Alicia,
It is so sad to read every day when his mom and dad post to his website and it has just been one battle after another for the poor little guy! I cannot immagine how trying this would be on a parent! I know they are trying to keep things as normal as possible for Ian's older brother Townsend, but it has been hard on all of them of course. I know they will be setting up something soon for monetary donations, and I plan to send something for that - I'm sure it will be needed for lots of people to pitch in.

I will keep you updated with his progress. He's a fighter with this and it's hard, but he will make it. Thank you for your prayers.


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Re: MINDY - VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #254513 - 03/26/06 05:58 AM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

This will help Ian pass the time, even if he doesn't feel well enough to play. Does the hospital have a TV/VCR unit that he can use sometimes???

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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