-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Good for you Shell!!!
I wanted to give you a suggestion if someone hasn't already given it to you. Since I didn't post for a few days haven't got to check. When I went on a diet what I did BESIDES weigh myself was to take my measurements. I took my bust, waist, hip and thigh (for the thigh measure down eight inches from the waist (that is the part of the thigh they say IS your thigh) and then measure it around the circumfrence and after write down the date you took the measurements and all the measurements you took. Now when you weigh yourself (not more than once a week or you will go crazy LOL) also take your measurements and write them down. Then if don't lose that week or lose less than you think you should have the measurements will show how many inches you've lost. Sometimes when we lose weight it is only water, and if we don't lose it is because we're holding the fluids,but measurements show how much FAT is being burned off. I lost 67 lbs. when I did diet and did this and it really helps. You will notice a couple of pounds one week, none another and then can drop 5 or 6 the next week. Since you are also exercising the measurements will really show how many inches you've lost.
The most important thing to remember is it took us quite a while to put the weight ON and it will take time to also get it off, but it WILL come off. It took me 8 months to lose the 67 lbs. Now I need to lose what I put back on again as that was quite a long time ago.
You Can Do It!!!!!!
Hugs and Congrats to you!!!!
Yes, Pat... you are SO right.... I was gonna ask one of the female trainers at the gym to do that for me today. Saturday is a REAL slow day at the gym.... I did not want an audience watching this happen last week.... besides it was a guy trainer and he was real nervous just doing my body fat percentage.... he mentioned one of the girls was supposed to be doing it... but they were all busy with others or teaching aerobic classes. SO.... I will get that done today! I will then get re-messured when I weigh in on Friday's! 
Thanks for your help & encouragement!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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To get my @$$ to the gym.... I was watching a movie and fell asleep on the couch.... so, hopefully that nap will give me enough strength to go. I just have to change my clothes..... I hope I make it!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Boy, I know that feeling! Myself says "I don't WANNA!!" And I say, but it would make us feel better. Then myself says, "I DON'T WANNA AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!! Who the heck is this 3 year old that lives rent free in my brain??!!
So did you make it to the gym? I'm sitting here looking at my sneakers which are reproaching me for not getting my *** in gear. So I've got 3 year olds in my head and sneakers that nag!! In case anyone had any doubts that I'm nuts!!
-------------------- Laura
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I'd give myself a day off and eat bon-bons if it were me and I'd worked as hard as she had all week. But then the IBS doesn't "do" bon-bons .
Here is her reply; web page As you can see she's got company. You ought to go to the LVFS board and see her daily report of what she eats. It's awesome and she inspires me (and others) to do better diet wise, whether we have to loose weight, gain weight or just eat better.
How are you feeling today LS?
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Hey, Kandee, thanks for the Shell report!! I'm actually doing okay today, maybe a 5 or 6 on the fibro scale. How about you, honey?
-------------------- Laura
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Hi, LS....
#76630 - 06/06/04 04:26 PM
Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California
Hey LS, a 5 or 6 is pretty darn good I'd say...............I'm sending you a hug............did you feel that cyber hug?
Oh, you would have to ask how I feel...............more down in the dumps than physically bad. Had a doc appt on Fri, with the "good" doc. He could tell by feeling around the thyroid gland that I still had the acute thyroiditis, but because I was starting to feel a bit better (I suspect because, like Steph, the meds were starting to kick in) I thought for sure this acute thing must be on it's way out. Not so. He said I just have to ride it out and as I already knew it could take months, but then he informs me some folks have it forever............darnit! He took blood to check the antibodies and will give me a report next Friday. Also said this "stuff" opens the door for EBV and other things, big time. Oh darn, I didn't need to hear THAT. Anyway, I have an appt with the Endo tomorrow(first time so I don't know what he's like) and if he is decent I'll ask him if he can order the EBV test (they are expensive if you are paying out-of-pocket and I'd just as soon have insurance pay for it) and a few others. However, the GOOD news is that my thyroid scan came back and it did not indicate any cancer.............whew, I was sweating that part. Sooo, basically there was good news and bad news..............and I have to play the waiting game and all the d* symptoms that go with it..........meantime I've spent a fortune already for DECENT health care...if I'd relied on insurance and my primary heaven knows what I'd been like...... maybe I need to just hibernate ...someone just wake me up when fall gets here, ok?
Now, aren't your sorry you asked?
Kandee Oh yes, a little FYI..........good doc said everyone, regardless of having thyroid problems or not should ask for a thyroid shield when getting X-rays...and especially dental Xrays. Those scatter and are the hardest on the thyroid, period. If they don't have them, grab that big shield they lay over you and wrap it around your neck as protection. This is the first I'd ever heard of that.......but good info for everyone, since Xrays are cumulative.
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Yeah, I got that cyber hug! Thanks, hon. Now here's one back {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
NO, I'm not sorry I asked how you are. Don't be silly! That's what we're here for. C'mon!!
I'm glad, SO GLAD, about the good news part. That is just fabulous. And glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better physically. And I wish I could send a big ole crane over there to winch you up outta them dumps!! My hubby and I used to joke about needing a crane to lift us out of bed sometimes. Well, that morphed to a derrick, which morphed to Bo Derek, which morphed to "Where's Bo when you need her?" Well, I might just hafta send her over to help, as long as you promise to keep your Southern gentleman away from her! he he!!
-------------------- Laura
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Re: Hi, LS....
#76658 - 06/06/04 06:29 PM
Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California
Yeah, I got that cyber hug! Thanks, hon. Now here's one back {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
NO, I'm not sorry I asked how you are. Don't be silly! That's what we're here for. C'mon!!
I'm glad, SO GLAD, about the good news part. That is just fabulous. And glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better physically. And I wish I could send a big ole crane over there to winch you up outta them dumps!! My hubby and I used to joke about needing a crane to lift us out of bed sometimes. Well, that morphed to a derrick, which morphed to Bo Derek, which morphed to "Where's Bo when you need her?" Well, I might just hafta send her over to help, as long as you promise to keep your Southern gentleman away from her! he he!!
I'd rather have ARNIE......(as in our Governator)........besides, he's closer (somewhere in Sacramento, I hope) and stronger and better for ME to look at. Now hubby would rather have Bo. Isn't she getting a little long in the tooth these days? 
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YES, it became " THAT TIME OF THE MONTH " before I went to the gym.... but I got on the scale anyway...cuz when I walked in... my future weight trainer said, "Today is weigh day!" So anyway... I got on..... I LOST ONE MORE POUND!! Only 37 more to go by Oct 15th!! You can see my daily report in on the "Vegas" board.....
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