#74301 - 05/28/04 02:40 PM
Shell Marr
Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA
OK.... I'm asking for you all to help me.... push me...motivate me.... keep me going!! My goal is to loose 40 pounds by Oct 15th.... I KNOW I CAN DO IT.... I just need some support..... and I KNOW I CAN GET IT HERE!! 
I'm counting calories, going back to the gym.... if I can just loose 2 pounds a week MINIMUM... I'll meet my goal....
Then when I meet that goal... I'll go for another 40 pounds!! That's right ANOTHER 40!! And then another 40.... yes...that's right!! I have approx. 150 pounds to go bye bye.... and NOT come back this time!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Shell, I have to be honest here. I have fallen off the wagon. After my 20 pound loss... my best friends visited, and it was the end of school, and there was food and alcohol everywhere. I have probably gained back at least 5 pounds. My belly was gone, and it has returned.
So, I shall redouble my efforts and we can badger each other into losing weight!!!
We should give ourselves some sort of reward for reaching our goals... what do you think?
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Hi Shell, I just wanted to say Good Luck and I am sure you can do it! It seems like you have a good plan, so I think you'll do awesome. Kick some @$$, girlfriend, we'll be here to support you! --Steph
-------------------- ~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20
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Good for you, Shell. Two pounds a week should be do-able. You have a palm pilot right? There's a great freeware or very low cost program that tracks both calories consumed and calories burned through exercise versus your goal. It helped me lose 15 pounds (from 140 to 125 so proportionately a lot!). It's called Diet and Exercise Assistant and it's made by Keyoe, Inc. Just google it.
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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Counting calories, eh? Well, how about cutting out all sugar? (That was Heather's suggestion to me since sugar is just empty calories. I couldn't do it. I'm a total failure.)
Try a mantra. I remember it worked for me 100 years ago when I wanted to get down to a size 6. When I was really hungry and reaching for the fridge door, I kept saying over and over again in my mind, "....for the joy of a slender figure..... for the joy of a slender figure ...... for the joy of a slender figure ......" I know, it sounds stupid -- but it worked for me -- back THEN.
How supportive is Shane? He works out regularly -- an hour at the gym is good stuff -- and you guys go together, right? What all can you do at the gym? What equipment do they have there? Can you run, Shell? When I used to run, I had no problem keeping the weight down. Do they have treadmills at your gym? What about Winsor pilates? Do you have the tape? You can get a helluva workout on the floor with pilates! Oh yeah.
Girlfriend, this is a very important event to you. You want to look back on it for a very long time afterward, and you want to do so with fond memories of feeling really great about yourself. If that includes losing weight -- and it apparently does -- then you'll do what it takes to get there. Your post about that horrible stabbing you went through and how you fought off your attacker showed me just what you're made of.
You can do this, oh yeah -- I have no doubt whatsoever!
You GO, Girl!
P.S.: Michael can help you out here as well. Here's what he told me:
When I see people in my practice who want to lose weight, the first thing they have to do is cut away the importance of the weight. The more important we make it the more difficult we make it to lose weight. The next thing is to decide how you gained the extra weight -- is it through lack of exercise, overeating, particular foods, out of boredom, loneliness, tiredness, whatever? Then to change our thoughts. If you have listened to "Reflections on Life," remember the equations of life, one of them being, "If you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else." If you say yes to unnecessary food or beverage, you are saying no to yourself, no to feeling fitter and happier, no to being more active and more confident. But when you say no to unnecessary, unneeded food, you say yes to yourself, yes to better health, yes to being more comfortable in both your body and in your clothes, yes to being more active too. But also remember, food is the life force; if you don't eat enough food, you will become ill. So keep this equation in your thoughts; it might help you more than you initially think.
Hope this helps, Sugar. (Oops, sorry; bad word, BAD!)
-------------------- <img src="http://home.comcast.net/~letsrow/smily3481.gif">Bevvy
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I have about 25 to loose. And I'll kick your A* if you kick mine, but ONLY if you take this thread to the Las Vegas Fall Sprawl board!!!!
Besides, you may loose a bunch of weight, but look at all the prizes you're gonna WIN by winning all the "what is its" on that board..........
Yes, folks, you heard right, come play our what is it and if you come to Vegas we have prizes for you!!!
Anyway, Shell, You can do it, I know you can........besides, when you're there, you're gonna take off another 5 just from all the walking!!!
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Shell, have you ever heard of Denise Austin? She is a fitness guru and has lots of tapes out. Her website is www.deniseaustin.com I think you'll find lots of encouragement and ideas there. There are women on there who have lost weight following her plans. It's obvious that the "before" and "after" models are truly the same person.
Another suggestion are "walk fit" tapes. I think Denise has an indoor walking tape, but you are more likely to find a few by Leslie Sandsone. She talks a lot but her tapes are very effective. Along with diet, you only need 30 minutes a day of exercise. Don't give yourself a heart or intestinal attack by working out to hard.
Best of luck, I know you can do it!! It's so worth it!! Don't look at it like punishment, but a road to the healthier life! Bless you.
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put you on antidepressants???
If so, don't MOST of them make you gain weight?
Someone else help me out here. I'm ignorant when it comes to the side affects of them.
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Wait a minute Shell, I just remembered, didn't you say your doc...put you on antidepressants???
If so, don't MOST of them make you gain weight?
Someone else help me out here. I'm ignorant when it comes to the side affects of them.
Yes, he did... and yes....he warned me about that.... that is just another reason I'm kickin my own AS*... and need the rest of ya to kick me too!! hehehe
Off to the gym.... I'll try for 30 mins cardio... but may only get up to 20... I would like to burn 300 calories! Wish me luck and I'll reply to everyone else later!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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I have about 25 to loose. And I'll kick your A* if you kick mine, but ONLY if you take this thread to the Las Vegas Fall Sprawl board!!!!
Besides, you may loose a bunch of weight, but look at all the prizes you're gonna WIN by winning all the "what is its" on that board..........
Yes, folks, you heard right, come play our what is it and if you come to Vegas we have prizes for you!!!
Anyway, Shell, You can do it, I know you can........besides, when you're there, you're gonna take off another 5 just from all the walking!!!
OK..... I'll start posting tomorrow with you and Tammy on the Las Vegas board.... the 1st 40 pounds are so I feel GREAT on that trip!!
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Oh my, then your job is going to be super hard if the meds don't want the bod to loose weight.
Good for you Shell, off to the gym!!! I can't wait till I get over this nasty thyroiditis so I can go back to daily aerobics..........I miss it and all my friends there. Tough when a doc tell you NO EXERCISE!!
Please see the Vegas Board...........we've got a diet thing going there..........you, Tammy and I are all going to report in daily...........any one else want to join........We're going to be so sexy looking by the time we get to Vegas they'll think we are showgirls!!! 
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Off to the gym.... I'll try for 30 mins cardio... but may only get up to 20... I would like to burn 300 calories! Wish me luck and I'll reply to everyone else later!!
WWWWooooohhhhooooooo I DID IT!! 20 mins & 315 calories!! I even got one of the trainers to weigh me and do my body fat percentage (UGLY I TELL YA)... But not for long!! He gave me a chart to mark it on and I will grab him again in 2 weeks to check it again!!
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So.... I need to be on 1700 cal diet right? I get confused LOL But, I'm really trying to understand it all.
My base is 2300 + 200(daily walking etc) = 2500 + (I burned 315 at gym) = 2815 - 1000 = 1815 but that is on the high end.... so I can go with 1715 calories and still be ok?
Breakfast today: 45 tea those cal are from that bad word "sugar" (only drank 1/2 my 16 oz cup), 130 reduced fat wheat thins = 175
Lunch today: 315 Subway sandwich, 0 water, 130 reduced fat wheat thins = 445
Planned Dinner: 200 chicken, 350 rice ,35 v8 juice, 0 water = 585
with out any snacks at all....(subject to change) = 1195 cal
I think Heather suggests that I eat 5-6 times a day...... so maybe an applesauce, banana, pretzels, some other kind of cracker or something..... if just a like 100 cal each snack would be another 200-300 cals for aprox 1395-1495.
What do you think?
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
Edited by Shell Marr (05/28/04 08:44 PM)
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Hmmm, I thought this was the Vegas Board...........I don't see anything but a blank screen........I'll go over there and see what's there, and maybe I can help..........(slap me)....
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Hmmm, I thought this was the Vegas Board...........I don't see anything but a blank screen........I'll go over there and see what's there, and maybe I can help..........(slap me)....
LOL tomorrow I will start posting there!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Shell, I have to be honest here. I have fallen off the wagon. After my 20 pound loss... my best friends visited, and it was the end of school, and there was food and alcohol everywhere. I have probably gained back at least 5 pounds. My belly was gone, and it has returned.
So, I shall redouble my efforts and we can badger each other into losing weight!!!
We should give ourselves some sort of reward for reaching our goals... what do you think?
Oh Jenny we can do this together then!! I'm gonna be reporting in daily to the weight & diet police (mean Kandee hehehe) on the Las Vegas board every day.
As for the reward.... I'm not sure how to go about doing that.... reward to me has always been food and that is how I got into this problem in the first place.
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Yeah... have to replace the food reward. Maybe clothing? Clothing is always a good one...
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Hi Shell, I just wanted to say Good Luck and I am sure you can do it! It seems like you have a good plan, so I think you'll do awesome. Kick some @$$, girlfriend, we'll be here to support you! --Steph
Thank you so much for your encouragement..... it is gonna be a long haul.... but I'm up to it!! Time to kick some @$$ as you say!! hehehe
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Hey Shell... don't pay attention to that calorie calculating device. It's not accurate at all. I would just go on time!!! And WOO HOO FOR YOU!!!! 
(I went to the movies... I should aspire to be like Shell)
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Yeah... have to replace the food reward. Maybe clothing? Clothing is always a good one...
Yes, that might work.... I guess I will have baggy clothes by then.... I'll need to stuff to show off in Las Vegas!! hehehe When I hit 65 pounds lost I'm getting a massage!! $65 value.... 1 dollar per pound!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Hi, Shell! Just wanted to say that I've been watching what I eat since February. So far, I've lost 28 pounds. I need to lose at least another 20 lbs. and that won't be a perfect me; but one that I can live with. I have a hard time losing it and for me it's a slow process. But, I don't think about the time factor. I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. I just eat better now. I only eat sweets once in a blue moon. I eat when I'm hungry and I don't go for seconds. That was the hardest part for me.
I also don't eat late at night. Now, this new way of eating is just becoming a way of life for me and I don't even think about it as a diet.
I weigh everyday, just to be sure I'm doing okay. I NEVER go hungry. I just can't handle that, so I don't allow it. I bet that since you're still a young thing, it'll go much easier for you. Just be patient, don't give up, and just stick with it; no matter what. Terri
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Good for you, Shell. Two pounds a week should be do-able. You have a palm pilot right? There's a great freeware or very low cost program that tracks both calories consumed and calories burned through exercise versus your goal. It helped me lose 15 pounds (from 140 to 125 so proportionately a lot!). It's called Diet and Exercise Assistant and it's made by Keyoe, Inc. Just google it.
Yes.... VERY do-able!! yes, I have a Palm...I'll look for it and see it that will work for me!! Can't wait... I'll look for it after dinner. Thanks for the tip!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Oooh... that's a good idea!!!
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Counting calories, eh? Well, how about cutting out all sugar? (That was Heather's suggestion to me since sugar is just empty calories. I couldn't do it. I'm a total failure.)
Try a mantra. I remember it worked for me 100 years ago when I wanted to get down to a size 6. When I was really hungry and reaching for the fridge door, I kept saying over and over again in my mind, "....for the joy of a slender figure..... for the joy of a slender figure ...... for the joy of a slender figure ......" I know, it sounds stupid -- but it worked for me -- back THEN.
How supportive is Shane? He works out regularly -- an hour at the gym is good stuff -- and you guys go together, right? What all can you do at the gym? What equipment do they have there? Can you run, Shell? When I used to run, I had no problem keeping the weight down. Do they have treadmills at your gym? What about Winsor pilates? Do you have the tape? You can get a helluva workout on the floor with pilates! Oh yeah.
Girlfriend, this is a very important event to you. You want to look back on it for a very long time afterward, and you want to do so with fond memories of feeling really great about yourself. If that includes losing weight -- and it apparently does -- then you'll do what it takes to get there. Your post about that horrible stabbing you went through and how you fought off your attacker showed me just what you're made of.
You can do this, oh yeah -- I have no doubt whatsoever!
You GO, Girl!
P.S.: Michael can help you out here as well. Here's what he told me:
When I see people in my practice who want to lose weight, the first thing they have to do is cut away the importance of the weight. The more important we make it the more difficult we make it to lose weight. The next thing is to decide how you gained the extra weight -- is it through lack of exercise, overeating, particular foods, out of boredom, loneliness, tiredness, whatever? Then to change our thoughts. If you have listened to "Reflections on Life," remember the equations of life, one of them being, "If you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else." If you say yes to unnecessary food or beverage, you are saying no to yourself, no to feeling fitter and happier, no to being more active and more confident. But when you say no to unnecessary, unneeded food, you say yes to yourself, yes to better health, yes to being more comfortable in both your body and in your clothes, yes to being more active too. But also remember, food is the life force; if you don't eat enough food, you will become ill. So keep this equation in your thoughts; it might help you more than you initially think.
Hope this helps, Sugar. (Oops, sorry; bad word, BAD!)
Oh Bevrs....always a wealth of info!! 
That bad word "sugar" is hard to cut out for me... however.... the only sugar I had today was in my tea.... I'm not sure about honey calories.... that might be a sub...I'll check it out.
Shane is VERY supportive!! We are doing this together... we started going to the gym 6 days a week and doing an hour cardio 2 weeks ago. He has lost about 7 pounds and is REALLY watching his food (counting calories like crazy)!
They gym has EVERYTHING!! Right now I'm just doing the kind of a ski machine. I'm focusing on just cardio for now. I'm a BIG GIRL.... and much more then that will really do me in.
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Shell, have you ever heard of Denise Austin? She is a fitness guru and has lots of tapes out. Her website is www.deniseaustin.com I think you'll find lots of encouragement and ideas there. There are women on there who have lost weight following her plans. It's obvious that the "before" and "after" models are truly the same person.
Another suggestion are "walk fit" tapes. I think Denise has an indoor walking tape, but you are more likely to find a few by Leslie Sandsone. She talks a lot but her tapes are very effective. Along with diet, you only need 30 minutes a day of exercise. Don't give yourself a heart or intestinal attack by working out to hard.
Best of luck, I know you can do it!! It's so worth it!! Don't look at it like punishment, but a road to the healthier life! Bless you.
Andrea: Hey.... that is kinda cool.... I'm gonna check out Deskercise
I love this part from your post....... "Don't look at it like punishment, but a road to the healthier life!"
Thanks for your help & encouragement!
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Post deleted by Jeano
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Hi, Shell! Just wanted to say that I've been watching what I eat since February. So far, I've lost 28 pounds. I need to lose at least another 20 lbs. and that won't be a perfect me; but one that I can live with. I have a hard time losing it and for me it's a slow process. But, I don't think about the time factor. I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. I just eat better now. I only eat sweets once in a blue moon. I eat when I'm hungry and I don't go for seconds. That was the hardest part for me.
I also don't eat late at night. Now, this new way of eating is just becoming a way of life for me and I don't even think about it as a diet.
I weigh everyday, just to be sure I'm doing okay. I NEVER go hungry. I just can't handle that, so I don't allow it. I bet that since you're still a young thing, it'll go much easier for you. Just be patient, don't give up, and just stick with it; no matter what. Terri
Terri: 1st off...congrats on YOUR losse of 28 pounds... that is GREAT!!
Thanks for your advice.... is it great! Shane thinks so too! I'm just changing the way I eat & "LIVE"
Best of luck to you too!
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I used my Healthrider about 30-45 minutes every day and I went from 141 to 119 pounds in about three months. I just kept losing. I have gained back five pounds because I tried to gain. On the week-end I would walk 1-2 miles Saturday and Sunday when the weather was nice. I gave up all my junk food because I would sit at the computer and eat all evening. It is easier to lose the weight now because there are so many foods that I can't eat. There will be many times you will not feel like exercising after working all day but you have to keep working at it and then you look forward to working out. I quit using the Healthrider when I got down to 119 because I didn't want to lose any more weight. Put on your favorite music when you exercise. I know you can do it. Good Luck Shelby
Shelby: My best friends name is Jr High was Shelby..... gee I miss her!
Anyway... congrats to you too!!
I'm aiming for at least 4 days a week to the gym.....and Sunday off....unless we go for a drive somewhere I will get out and walk. I'll start with 20 mins and then go up in 5 min incriminates from there..... I don't want to over do it in the beginning....
So true about the music.... I have an MP3 player and I just bought 2 of Madonna's old CD's to put on them.... I used to work out to her all the time back in the day!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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have you heard of cardio strip tease? You could be practicing up for Vegas and loosing weight and driving Shane wild all at the same time. I thought the video would be fun to get............I'll have to look into it again and see what's out there. I know one guy that produced one is the same that teaches the stars to dance seductively for their music videos.
And don't compare your weight loss with Shanes. Men loose 50% faster than women do. It's the pits I know, but true.
Kandee (Ok, over to the LV board now.)
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Good for you, Shell. Two pounds a week should be do-able. You have a palm pilot right? There's a great freeware or very low cost program that tracks both calories consumed and calories burned through exercise versus your goal. It helped me lose 15 pounds (from 140 to 125 so proportionately a lot!). It's called Diet and Exercise Assistant and it's made by Keyoe, Inc. Just google it.
Yes.... VERY do-able!! yes, I have a Palm...I'll look for it and see it that will work for me!! Can't wait... I'll look for it after dinner. Thanks for the tip!!
Ok...I downloaded the trial.... I WANT THE FULL VERSION...this one is too limited!! LOL In the full one..were you able to manually add foods that were not listed? If so, this is WAY COOL!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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have you heard of cardio strip tease? You could be practicing up for Vegas and loosing weight and driving Shane wild all at the same time. I thought the video would be fun to get............I'll have to look into it again and see what's out there. I know one guy that produced one is the same that teaches the stars to dance seductively for their music videos.
And don't compare your weight loss with Shanes. Men loose 50% faster than women do. It's the pits I know, but true.
Kandee (Ok, over to the LV board now.)
hehehe.... I think the 1st time I will try a strip tease would be AFTER I loose at least 40 pounds LOL So, I guess I will be cheaper in Las Vegas then Shane paying to see someone!! LOL Yeah, like he is gonna NOT pay to see some!!
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Yes, there's a separate Food Database where you can add new categories as well as food. I even set up my Metamucil dose!!
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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Yes, there's a separate Food Database where you can add new categories as well as food. I even set up my Metamucil dose!!
I bought it this morning and have been playing with it.... I have not found THAT yet. I printed the manual too. I'm gonna go to the gym soon (as soon as my D stops again ) then I'll check it out. LOTS of things need to be added
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You don't have to take your clothes off, from what I understand, just learn the sultry moves.........but something tells me you know those already Shell....... 
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You have to go back to the main menu of Palm Pilot applications. If you have them listed alphabetically it will be further down the list under F for Food Database. Weird that they don't let you go to it from inside the program, but it's there. Have fun!!
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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You don't have to take your clothes off, from what I understand, just learn the sultry moves.........but something tells me you know those already Shell....... 
oh yeah....sure I do!! NOT!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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You have to go back to the main menu of Palm Pilot applications. If you have them listed alphabetically it will be further down the list under F for Food Database. Weird that they don't let you go to it from inside the program, but it's there. Have fun!!
AW...... there it is!! THANKS....this is way cool!!
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You're welcome. Isn't it??!!
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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the Diet & Weight Loss Police (Kandee) on the Vegas Fall Sprawl board!! LOL I'm reporting in every evening with my calories & exercise for the day!! I've been kicking my own @$$ at the gym the last 4 days big time!!
I'M GONNA LOSE 40 + POUNDS BY OCT 15TH (Fall Sprawl)
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It is a new week, no excuses. I was a size 20, now I am a size 14. Yayyyyyyy. NO, I did not loose my weight the right way, I was having lots of other problems. I look back on it now, and dont really care how I lost it, it is gone. I just want to keep it off, because I just bought new clothes. cant have that money going down the drain,now can we.
Thanks for the calorie counting idea, I have never done that, I am going to right now!!
I also take anti's, they have definitely given me a fight, they love to hold on to that fat. Hate 'em, have to take 'em.
Keep on and on and on and on, you are an inspiration to me.
PS, I have never read the knife attack story. so sorry you had to experience something so horrendous! So glad you are alive and able to live among the best of us!!! Prayers to you also.
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It is a new week, no excuses. I was a size 20, now I am a size 14. Yayyyyyyy. NO, I did not loose my weight the right way, I was having lots of other problems. I look back on it now, and dont really care how I lost it, it is gone. I just want to keep it off, because I just bought new clothes. cant have that money going down the drain,now can we.
Thanks for the calorie counting idea, I have never done that, I am going to right now!!
I also take anti's, they have definitely given me a fight, they love to hold on to that fat. Hate 'em, have to take 'em.
Keep on and on and on and on, you are an inspiration to me.
PS, I have never read the knife attack story. so sorry you had to experience something so horrendous! So glad you are alive and able to live among the best of us!!! Prayers to you also.
I know you can keep it off.... if it's what you really want you will make it happen.
Thanks for your encouraging words... they REALLY help!!
Calorie counting has TOTALLY opened my eyes to see how MUCH (portion wise) as well as unneeded calories. WOW....I'm guessing before this week I was eating close to 3,500 calories a day... no wonder I packed on the pounds.
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
Edited by Shell Marr (06/01/04 10:49 PM)
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Shell, you are amazing. You're making me feel so guilty I'm reporting in too.............. Anybody else wanna join us.......? You don't even have to be planning to go to the Fall Sprawl, but hey, if you look that great by Oct. you may change your mind and come help us live it up... 
From what I can tell Shell, you're gonna surprise yourself and loose more like 50, maybe more !!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you, but I'm here to make sure you DON'T slack up.......
geez, I don't recall ever aspiring to be a drill sergeant!!! 
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You're making me feel so guilty I'm reporting in too..............
Kandee.... I'm just playing... trust me... it is KNOWING that I have to report that I'm SO careful ALL DAY LONG.... LOL So, THANK YOU!!
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You're making me feel so guilty I'm reporting in too..............
Kandee.... I'm just playing... trust me... it is KNOWING that I have to report that I'm SO careful ALL DAY LONG.... LOL So, THANK YOU!!
You know something? I didn't realize what an affect actually having to WRITE out what you eat daily , for all the world to see, would have. Isn't it amazing that we now think twice about how many calories are in what, and if we had enuf protein, or veggies or fruits for the day,..........etc, etc........I know how you feel.....I'm feeling the same way..... I think if others would do this they'd get that same feeling.......the OMG..........to much candy, or OMG, no protein, or veggies, or whatever...........feeling... 
Then there is the other factor.............what are others going to think if I've eaten nothing but muffins for 3 days in a row? (Something I've been known to do, BTW.) Kandee
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You're making me feel so guilty I'm reporting in too..............
Kandee.... I'm just playing... trust me... it is KNOWING that I have to report that I'm SO careful ALL DAY LONG.... LOL So, THANK YOU!!
You know something? I didn't realize what an affect actually having to WRITE out what you eat daily , for all the world to see, would have. Isn't it amazing that we now think twice about how many calories are in what, and if we had enuf protein, or veggies or fruits for the day,..........etc, etc........I know how you feel.....I'm feeling the same way..... I think if others would do this they'd get that same feeling.......the OMG..........to much candy, or OMG, no protein, or veggies, or whatever...........feeling... 
Then there is the other factor.............what are others going to think if I've eaten nothing but muffins for 3 days in a row? (Something I've been known to do, BTW.) Kandee
I hear ya sister.... I can't count how many times this last 4 days I have said OMG!!
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I LOST 2 POUNDS THIS WEEK.....ONLY 38 TO GO BY OCT 15TH!! You can see my daily report in on the "Vegas" board.....
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Yay!!!!! 2lbs is great!!! Keep it up girl, if you get discouraged, let us help you!!
Hey, I thought I felt something on my behind this morning, its those danged 2lbs you lost, well I found them, and they have attached themselves to my butt!!! I just dont think thats one bit funnny!!!!
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Yay!!!!! 2lbs is great!!! Keep it up girl, if you get discouraged, let us help you!!
Hey, I thought I felt something on my behind this morning, its those danged 2lbs you lost, well I found them, and they have attached themselves to my butt!!! I just dont think thats one bit funnny!!!!
Oh Gayla... you made me laugh.... that was funny!! LOL Thanks for your encouragment!!
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-------------------- ~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20
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Good for you Shell!!!
I wanted to give you a suggestion if someone hasn't already given it to you. Since I didn't post for a few days haven't got to check. When I went on a diet what I did BESIDES weigh myself was to take my measurements. I took my bust, waist, hip and thigh (for the thigh measure down eight inches from the waist (that is the part of the thigh they say IS your thigh) and then measure it around the circumfrence and after write down the date you took the measurements and all the measurements you took. Now when you weigh yourself (not more than once a week or you will go crazy LOL) also take your measurements and write them down. Then if don't lose that week or lose less than you think you should have the measurements will show how many inches you've lost. Sometimes when we lose weight it is only water, and if we don't lose it is because we're holding the fluids,but measurements show how much FAT is being burned off. I lost 67 lbs. when I did diet and did this and it really helps. You will notice a couple of pounds one week, none another and then can drop 5 or 6 the next week. Since you are also exercising the measurements will really show how many inches you've lost.
The most important thing to remember is it took us quite a while to put the weight ON and it will take time to also get it off, but it WILL come off. It took me 8 months to lose the 67 lbs. Now I need to lose what I put back on again as that was quite a long time ago.
You Can Do It!!!!!!
Hugs and Congrats to you!!!!
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Good for you Shell!!!
I wanted to give you a suggestion if someone hasn't already given it to you. Since I didn't post for a few days haven't got to check. When I went on a diet what I did BESIDES weigh myself was to take my measurements. I took my bust, waist, hip and thigh (for the thigh measure down eight inches from the waist (that is the part of the thigh they say IS your thigh) and then measure it around the circumfrence and after write down the date you took the measurements and all the measurements you took. Now when you weigh yourself (not more than once a week or you will go crazy LOL) also take your measurements and write them down. Then if don't lose that week or lose less than you think you should have the measurements will show how many inches you've lost. Sometimes when we lose weight it is only water, and if we don't lose it is because we're holding the fluids,but measurements show how much FAT is being burned off. I lost 67 lbs. when I did diet and did this and it really helps. You will notice a couple of pounds one week, none another and then can drop 5 or 6 the next week. Since you are also exercising the measurements will really show how many inches you've lost.
The most important thing to remember is it took us quite a while to put the weight ON and it will take time to also get it off, but it WILL come off. It took me 8 months to lose the 67 lbs. Now I need to lose what I put back on again as that was quite a long time ago.
You Can Do It!!!!!!
Hugs and Congrats to you!!!!
Yes, Pat... you are SO right.... I was gonna ask one of the female trainers at the gym to do that for me today. Saturday is a REAL slow day at the gym.... I did not want an audience watching this happen last week.... besides it was a guy trainer and he was real nervous just doing my body fat percentage.... he mentioned one of the girls was supposed to be doing it... but they were all busy with others or teaching aerobic classes. SO.... I will get that done today! I will then get re-messured when I weigh in on Friday's! 
Thanks for your help & encouragement!
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To get my @$$ to the gym.... I was watching a movie and fell asleep on the couch.... so, hopefully that nap will give me enough strength to go. I just have to change my clothes..... I hope I make it!!
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Boy, I know that feeling! Myself says "I don't WANNA!!" And I say, but it would make us feel better. Then myself says, "I DON'T WANNA AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!! Who the heck is this 3 year old that lives rent free in my brain??!!
So did you make it to the gym? I'm sitting here looking at my sneakers which are reproaching me for not getting my *** in gear. So I've got 3 year olds in my head and sneakers that nag!! In case anyone had any doubts that I'm nuts!!
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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I'd give myself a day off and eat bon-bons if it were me and I'd worked as hard as she had all week. But then the IBS doesn't "do" bon-bons .
Here is her reply; web page As you can see she's got company. You ought to go to the LVFS board and see her daily report of what she eats. It's awesome and she inspires me (and others) to do better diet wise, whether we have to loose weight, gain weight or just eat better.
How are you feeling today LS?
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Hey, Kandee, thanks for the Shell report!! I'm actually doing okay today, maybe a 5 or 6 on the fibro scale. How about you, honey?
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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Hi, LS....
#76630 - 06/06/04 04:26 PM
Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California
Hey LS, a 5 or 6 is pretty darn good I'd say...............I'm sending you a hug............did you feel that cyber hug?
Oh, you would have to ask how I feel...............more down in the dumps than physically bad. Had a doc appt on Fri, with the "good" doc. He could tell by feeling around the thyroid gland that I still had the acute thyroiditis, but because I was starting to feel a bit better (I suspect because, like Steph, the meds were starting to kick in) I thought for sure this acute thing must be on it's way out. Not so. He said I just have to ride it out and as I already knew it could take months, but then he informs me some folks have it forever............darnit! He took blood to check the antibodies and will give me a report next Friday. Also said this "stuff" opens the door for EBV and other things, big time. Oh darn, I didn't need to hear THAT. Anyway, I have an appt with the Endo tomorrow(first time so I don't know what he's like) and if he is decent I'll ask him if he can order the EBV test (they are expensive if you are paying out-of-pocket and I'd just as soon have insurance pay for it) and a few others. However, the GOOD news is that my thyroid scan came back and it did not indicate any cancer.............whew, I was sweating that part. Sooo, basically there was good news and bad news..............and I have to play the waiting game and all the d* symptoms that go with it..........meantime I've spent a fortune already for DECENT health care...if I'd relied on insurance and my primary heaven knows what I'd been like...... maybe I need to just hibernate ...someone just wake me up when fall gets here, ok?
Now, aren't your sorry you asked?
Kandee Oh yes, a little FYI..........good doc said everyone, regardless of having thyroid problems or not should ask for a thyroid shield when getting X-rays...and especially dental Xrays. Those scatter and are the hardest on the thyroid, period. If they don't have them, grab that big shield they lay over you and wrap it around your neck as protection. This is the first I'd ever heard of that.......but good info for everyone, since Xrays are cumulative.
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Yeah, I got that cyber hug! Thanks, hon. Now here's one back {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
NO, I'm not sorry I asked how you are. Don't be silly! That's what we're here for. C'mon!!
I'm glad, SO GLAD, about the good news part. That is just fabulous. And glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better physically. And I wish I could send a big ole crane over there to winch you up outta them dumps!! My hubby and I used to joke about needing a crane to lift us out of bed sometimes. Well, that morphed to a derrick, which morphed to Bo Derek, which morphed to "Where's Bo when you need her?" Well, I might just hafta send her over to help, as long as you promise to keep your Southern gentleman away from her! he he!!
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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Re: Hi, LS....
#76658 - 06/06/04 06:29 PM
Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California
Yeah, I got that cyber hug! Thanks, hon. Now here's one back {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
NO, I'm not sorry I asked how you are. Don't be silly! That's what we're here for. C'mon!!
I'm glad, SO GLAD, about the good news part. That is just fabulous. And glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better physically. And I wish I could send a big ole crane over there to winch you up outta them dumps!! My hubby and I used to joke about needing a crane to lift us out of bed sometimes. Well, that morphed to a derrick, which morphed to Bo Derek, which morphed to "Where's Bo when you need her?" Well, I might just hafta send her over to help, as long as you promise to keep your Southern gentleman away from her! he he!!
I'd rather have ARNIE......(as in our Governator)........besides, he's closer (somewhere in Sacramento, I hope) and stronger and better for ME to look at. Now hubby would rather have Bo. Isn't she getting a little long in the tooth these days? 
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YES, it became " THAT TIME OF THE MONTH " before I went to the gym.... but I got on the scale anyway...cuz when I walked in... my future weight trainer said, "Today is weigh day!" So anyway... I got on..... I LOST ONE MORE POUND!! Only 37 more to go by Oct 15th!! You can see my daily report in on the "Vegas" board.....
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Kandee, you're correct. Antidepressants DO make you put weight on.
I think if Shell keeps her caloric intake down and works out it will still help her to lose the weight even with the meds.
I didn't check to see if the doctor told Shell how many calories to be on to lose weight but if not it would help to check back with the doctor just to be sure. She may have to go on a little bit less calories in order to offset the weight gain of the antidepressants.
Shell if you get to read this I want to commend you for staying on the diet as I know it is even harder for you with the meds.
Hugs to you both,
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Kandee, you're correct. Antidepressants DO make you put weight on.
I think if Shell keeps her caloric intake down and works out it will still help her to lose the weight even with the meds.
I didn't check to see if the doctor told Shell how many calories to be on to lose weight but if not it would help to check back with the doctor just to be sure. She may have to go on a little bit less calories in order to offset the weight gain of the antidepressants.
Shell if you get to read this I want to commend you for staying on the diet as I know it is even harder for you with the meds.
Hugs to you both,
Pat.... here a a copy of a post that I did for Kandee about what my Dr told me.
Thanks Tammy for your kind words AGAIN!! And Congrats on you loosing another 4 pounds!! WOW!!
Kandee.... this is what my Dr told me.....
The average woman needs 1400-1600 calories... he suggested 200 calories less... so 1200-1400 is where the "average" woman should be. And to take it off and KEEP it off.... you should only plan to lose 5-10% per year!!
I personally am twice the size of the average woman so, that will not work for me.... (it will someday, just not right now). I aim for 1400-1600... here are my calories when all is said it done at the end of the day since 5/28/04
5/28 = 1293 5/29 = 1386 5/30 = 1904 (big sunday breakfast ) 5/31 = 1829 6/1 = 1471 6/2 = 1502 6/3 = 1446 6/4 = 1603 6/5 = 1666 6/6 = 1570 6/7 = 1563 6/8 = 1614 6/9 = 1473 6/10 = 1339 6/11 = 1276
Again...thanks for all your kind words.... it really does help having all of you here to support me.... REALLY!! I'm doing better staying in my calories range... I'm TRYING to stay at the lower end of it...but sometimes it is hard.
I know your probably thinking that 1400-1600 calories is a lot.... but really it's not for me considering I think I used to consume 3500-4000 EASILY (2-1/2 weeks ago). 
NOW.....I read EVERYTHING for calories before I cook with it or buy it.... I even have the teaspoon set out at the BBQ for when Shane adds BBQ Sauce or any other flavorings that have calories while he is cooking for me. He is counting too so it makes it even easier. He is my workout buddy....even if we are not doing the same "thing" we are both THERE. Man is he ever looking yummier (is that a word) these days!! 
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Shell - well done on the weight loss YET again! How on earth did you get so motivated? Its awesome!!!!
p.s - you and your husband sound like you make such a great couple...thats what I want someday! heehee
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**I LOST 8, YES THAT IS RIGHT EIGHT POUNDS THIS WEEK!!** For a total of 11 pounds in 3 weeks.... only 29 more to go to reach goal #1 (10/15/04) You can see my daily report in on the "Vegas" board.....
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Post deleted by Jeano
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Shell - well done on the weight loss YET again! How on earth did you get so motivated? Its awesome!!!!
p.s - you and your husband sound like you make such a great couple...thats what I want someday! heehee
Gosh... I just saw this post... this was from last week...eekkk... sorry!! I will have to find the post to Kandee on the "Vegas" board where I told her WHY I'm doing this!! Ok... I found it....
Wow Shell, GOOD work...........I don't know how you go on that little a cals and work out and work and do all you do. You're amazing!!
Ya know....to tell ya the truth.. I don't know how I do it either.... I used to eat ALL the time and NOT small amounts either....which is how I got myself here in the first place! I guess it is just finally being sick and tired of being sick and tired!! There are so many things coming up that I KNOW my weight would be an issue....so, I'm doing all I can to change that. We have our 2nd Anniv trip in Sept (I would love to be able to walk the long beaches and climb some hills so we can go down to the lower ones....I have not been able to do this in the past) then we have Vegas...my biggest fear of my last trip was being able to fit in the seat on the plane....I want to fix that!! Then next year is Shane's 20 year high school reunion.... I want to look good Not to mention.... the new things in the bedroom we could try!!
And yes... Shane is WONDERFULL.... I think I'll keep him!!
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Now Shell, didnt I ask you last week to quit sending these unwanted lbs. over to me??? I think they are running to my butt and jumping on before you even realize they are gone!!
Now cut it out!!!
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CONGRATULATIONS You can do it. Shelby
Thanks Shelby
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Now Shell, didnt I ask you last week to quit sending these unwanted lbs. over to me??? I think they are running to my butt and jumping on before you even realize they are gone!!
Now cut it out!!!
Oh you crack me up girl!! Well, you better start running away now.... cuz I'm releasing A LOT more!! LOL
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#81474 - 06/21/04 09:38 AM
Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123
Shell, You are so awesome!!! I can't believe how well you are doing! I like how you put your mind to something and then go and do it!!!
I think that's just great!!! 8LBS!!! In one week!!! Your are SO GOOD!!!! Those other 29lbs don't stand a chance with you!!!!
Keep it up girl!!!!
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Shell, You are so awesome!!! I can't believe how well you are doing! I like how you put your mind to something and then go and do it!!!
I think that's just great!!! 8LBS!!! In one week!!! Your are SO GOOD!!!! Those other 29lbs don't stand a chance with you!!!!
Keep it up girl!!!!
Thanks Steph... this has been real hard to do... but the rewards are so worth it!! Thats right...those 29 pounds are so to be history baby!!
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**I LOST 3 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!** For a total of 14 pounds in 4 weeks.... only 26 more to go to reach FIRST goal by (10/15/04).
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others as well.
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You are doing a great job. Now it is my turn to go back and read your posts, I am sick of myself. I need to loose about 30lb. I don't know where to start, Iknow I should be counting calories, and I have the website for that in my fav's list. Ohhhhh, I am tired of this, gotta get up and do something even if I do it wrong! I will be reading your posts, here and on the Vegas board. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me !!!! gayla
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Shell You Little Sweetie, You're doing soooooooo good. I'm so proud of you and of course I know your husband is too!!
Now you go treat yourself to something new whether it's clothes, shoes, jewlery, etc. etc. etc. he he! and then put them away for your VEGAS trip!! Look at all the new things you'll have by the time you go! Every 5 or 10lbs. you lose buy something for the trip and it will make you feel soooooo good when you show off your rewards to everybody when they meet you in Vegas.
So happy for you hon,
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You are doing a great job. Now it is my turn to go back and read your posts, I am sick of myself. I need to loose about 30lb. I don't know where to start, Iknow I should be counting calories, and I have the website for that in my fav's list. Ohhhhh, I am tired of this, gotta get up and do something even if I do it wrong! I will be reading your posts, here and on the Vegas board. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me !!!! gayla
Thanks Gayla you are so sweet!! Now... please stop beating yourself up.... the last thing you need is to feel negative about yourself. You just start with little things.... even if your not counting calories... you NEED to exercise... not only will you lose weight but you will feel better about yourself and it will give you more energy to do more things.... THEN you can start counting calories. I know you can do it....anyone can if they set their mind to it..... good luck sweetie....and let me know if I can do anything for you. {{hugs}}
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
Edited by Shell Marr (06/26/04 10:48 AM)
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Shell You Little Sweetie, You're doing soooooooo good. I'm so proud of you and of course I know your husband is too!!
Now you go treat yourself to something new whether it's clothes, shoes, jewlery, etc. etc. etc. he he! and then put them away for your VEGAS trip!! Look at all the new things you'll have by the time you go! Every 5 or 10lbs. you lose buy something for the trip and it will make you feel soooooo good when you show off your rewards to everybody when they meet you in Vegas.
So happy for you hon,
Hehehe thanks Pat... I can see your happiness for me in your fonts!! LOL I've thought about the buying myself something and I've decided to stockpile my rewards together..... $1.00 per pound lost until I hit $65-70 to get an hour massage!!
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Shell, That is wonderful!! Congratulations!
-------------------- Janey
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Thanks Janey!!
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One more thing, I am getting back out and walking, the weather here is stormy and rainy. There are a few breaks though, if I can't get out to walk today or tomorrow. AS soon as the rain stops, I am outta here!! Stepped on the scales this morning, I haven't gained any weight (2-4lb,maybe) but I feeeeeeeeeeeelllll like I have gained at least 20. What is up with that??????? Please don't take it as being negative about myself, it may come across that way, but it really is just my silly sense of humor!!!
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Post deleted by Jeano
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Congratulations. You can do it. Now is when you start to notice the big difference in your clothes. Shelby
Thanks Shelby.... yes, I'm starting to notice...it is a great feeling!! Just as long has the pants don't fall down at the gym while on the treadmill hehehe
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**I LOST 3 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!** For a total of 17 pounds in 5 weeks.... only 23 more to go to reach FIRST goal by (10/15/04).
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others as well.
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Keep this up Shell you may be more than a 40lb loser by October 15th. You are doing a great job - keep up the great work!!!
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Thanks Barb...that is kinda what I'm hoping for
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Congrats Shell!!
Haven't been able to get on the internet much as I need my computer fixed. Once in awhile I can trick it by going into something else to let me in and this time it worked. I saw your post and had to let you know how proud I am of you sticking with the diet.
You inspire others on here and I'm sure more will be inspired by how well you've done!
If you don't hear from me you'll know I'm still having computer problems but wanted to give you a pat on the back and a hug!!
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My NEW measurements are in... come see my report in for today on the Vegas Board. web page
I will do my weigh in tomorrow too and will report back in
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Congrats Shell!!
Haven't been able to get on the internet much as I need my computer fixed. Once in awhile I can trick it by going into something else to let me in and this time it worked. I saw your post and had to let you know how proud I am of you sticking with the diet.
You inspire others on here and I'm sure more will be inspired by how well you've done!
If you don't hear from me you'll know I'm still having computer problems but wanted to give you a pat on the back and a hug!!
Oh, my goodness Pat... I JUST saw this post...so sorry I did not reply sooner.
You are such a sweetheart and I tell ya...I don't know that I could do this without the support and love that I've been getting from everyone here on the boards.... your my family and you all want what is best for me....THANK YOU!!
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**I LOST 5 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!** For a total of 22 pounds in 6 weeks.... only 18 more to go to reach FIRST goal by (10/15/04).
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others as well.
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Shell are doing wonderful! What an awesome thing you have going for you! Well.....its true......diet and excersise really do work!!! NO dumb pills or stupid carb diets! Just the good HARD work, like your doing!
You ROCK!!!!! 
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Shell are doing wonderful! What an awesome thing you have going for you! Well.....its true......diet and excersise really do work!!! NO dumb pills or stupid carb diets! Just the good HARD work, like your doing!
You ROCK!!!!! 
Thanks Steph! Your so right... I'm so happy that I'm not using any pills or "fad" diet.... I KNOW what I'm doing and can see this as a LIFETIME change....not a yo-yo-diet!!
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**I LOST 5 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!** For a total of 27 pounds in 7 weeks.... only 13 more to go to reach FIRST goal by (10/15/04).
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others as well.
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**I LOST 3 MORE POUNDS THIS WEEK!!** For a total of 30 pounds in 8 weeks.... only 10 more to go to reach FIRST goal by (10/15/04) which is the begining of IBS Fall Sprawl.
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others as well.
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I can't believe I just wrote that, but you deserve it!
Go Shelly; it's your birthday, it's your birthday... (Look out: someone's going to think it really IS your birthday!)
-------------------- Christine
Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.
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I can't believe I just wrote that, but you deserve it!
Go Shelly; it's your birthday, it's your birthday... (Look out: someone's going to think it really IS your birthday!)
THANKS!! LOL your so funny.... my bday is not until Nov.....but I feel like partying like it is!!
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Wow Shell that is great!! I'm really proud of you!!
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That is so awesome! Good for you. I think I'm going to move in with you and then you can control the amount of sugar I eat.
-------------------- ~Cara~
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Wow Shell that is great!! I'm really proud of you!!
Thanks Barb...that really means a lot!!
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That is so awesome! Good for you. I think I'm going to move in with you and then you can control the amount of sugar I eat.
Thanks Cara!! 
There is not much room....but sure you can move in. I'm going to have to start sectioning off the living room for all of you guys to stay....just think if all of you who said you should move in with me really did....we would have about 10 people in a 1 bedroom!!
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LOL. I didn't know anyone else said that!! I call the biggest section of the living room!
-------------------- ~Cara~
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LOL. I didn't know anyone else said that!! I call the biggest section of the living room!
yeah, for other reasons too.... i.e. I could cook for them. Ok, biggest section huh? would you like the couch area next to the deck w/view of the water?
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UMM......YES! A view of the water..that would be so nice! We have a view of a detension pond. LoL.
-------------------- ~Cara~
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-------------------- -Sheri
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It is for 2 weeks because I was so sick last friday I did not make it to the gym.
That makes a total of 39 pounds in 10 weeks.... only 1 more to go to reach FIRST goal by (10/15/04) which is the begining of IBS Fall Sprawl.
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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Awesome, Shell!
#96220 - 08/07/04 06:36 AM
Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State
39 pounds in 10 weeks! OMG!
Shell, you are truly an inspiration. I keep thinking about the time when you were attacked with a knife and how you fought him off. OMG -- you just blew me away then, and you've done it again. I'm in awe.
Congratulations, Shell! Enjoy your new slender figure.
-------------------- <img src="http://home.comcast.net/~letsrow/smily3481.gif">Bevvy
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Shell, WOW Girl!!! I am so proud of you, and look how much more you will have lost by your deadline !!!!
You really are an inspiration to me Shell, when I don't feel well, and am not exercising at all, you give me strength!! Even if I don't go out and walk, you help me mentally, Thank You !!
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39 pounds in 10 weeks! OMG! Yeppers...10 weeks... and I still have 10 more weeks until Ocy 15th...so who knows what I'll end up at by then!
Shell, you are truly an inspiration. I keep thinking about the time when you were attacked with a knife and how you fought him off. OMG -- you just blew me away then, and you've done it again. I'm in awe. Thanks Bevrs... you know sometimes I forget (or block out) what happened...and at times like this when you bring it up.... makes me feel so strong...THANK YOU for not letting me forget (in a good way)
Congratulations, Shell! Enjoy your new slender figure. Oh, I am....and so is Shane
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Shell, WOW Girl!!! I am so proud of you, and look how much more you will have lost by your deadline !!!! I know I was thinking...I'm gonna have to set goal #2 here soon.... I'm thinking total of 60??
You really are an inspiration to me Shell, when I don't feel well, and am not exercising at all, you give me strength!! Even if I don't go out and walk, you help me mentally, Thank You !! No, thank you...for all YOUR support...it is everyone on these boards and Shane that is keeping me going. {{hugs}}
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Shell you sweetie, you are such a strong person to be doing this. I want you to know how proud I am of both you and Shane.
I wish you would win the big jackpot in Vegas but you know something? I think you're already winning a big jackport!!
I just posted you but it didn't take so am trying again. I try to get on here to see how you're doing because I am so proud of you, and YES you are an inspiration to others.
Hugs and Congats!
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Awesome, Shell! You continue to inspire with your strong will and great results!
Attacked with a knife, though? Yikes! Now I think you're even more strong!
-------------------- Christine
Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.
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Shell you sweetie, you are such a strong person to be doing this. I want you to know how proud I am of both you and Shane. Thank you so much Pat... I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this.
I wish you would win the big jackpot in Vegas but you know something? I think you're already winning a big jackport!! You are just so sweet!! That was such a nice comment.
I just posted you but it didn't take so am trying again. I try to get on here to see how you're doing because I am so proud of you, and YES you are an inspiration to others. You have no idea how good this feels to read things like this.... it is what keeps me going. {{big hugs}}
Hugs and Congats!
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Awesome, Shell! You continue to inspire with your strong will and great results! Thank you Christine....this really means a lot!!
Attacked with a knife, though? Yikes! Now I think you're even more strong! It took me a long time to realize that too...... if I could over come THAT.... I could do anything if I put my mind to it.
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That makes a total of 44 pounds in 11 weeks.... I have now reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the begining of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck!!
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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My goodness Shell the weight is really coming off fast. That averages out to 4lbs. a week!!! Usually after the first couple of weeks it comes off at the rate of about 2lbs. a week. You must have a GREAT metabolism.
Wish you could share some of your metabolism with me! I know you would if you could. As long as you don't send those lost pounds in my direction I'll settle for that.
You have done so great all these weeks, it's really unbelievable it keeps coming off so fast. I always said it took time to put on so will take time to come off but boy, you're proving me wrong.
You Go Shell!!
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WoW Shell! Way to go, that is great news! I would not have the patience to keep track of all my calories.....Good luck on your next goal (though you probably don't need it )
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My goodness Shell the weight is really coming off fast. That averages out to 4lbs. a week!!! Usually after the first couple of weeks it comes off at the rate of about 2lbs. a week. You must have a GREAT metabolism.
Wish you could share some of your metabolism with me! I know you would if you could. As long as you don't send those lost pounds in my direction I'll settle for that.
Yeah, I guess I do have good metabolism.... Kandee is already trying to take some of it Like I told her...I'd share it if I could! hehehe I will not send the pounds your way.... I already have an agreement what I send them all to Casey 
You have done so great all these weeks, it's really unbelievable it keeps coming off so fast. I always said it took time to put on so will take time to come off but boy, you're proving me wrong.
You Go Shell!!
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WoW Shell! Way to go, that is great news! Thanks! I would not have the patience to keep track of all my calories.. Awh, it's not all that hard once you get a hang of it. Plus I have a program in my PDA, so it makes it easy to plug it in where ever I am. ...Good luck on your next goal (though you probably don't need it ) Oh, thank you!! As Steph made me realize....I only have 16 more to go!!
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BUT....I did not gain any either, I think I've gained muscle which weighs more...I've taken 3 weight classes since my last weigh in...so, I'm not discouraged at ALL by this!
That still makes a total of 44 pounds in 12 weeks.... I have already reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the begining of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck....I only have 16 more to go!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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Hi Shell,
I won't say don't be discouraged because you didn't lose weight this week, as I can tell you're right on the ball here and know there is a reason for it.
Yes, one can be that you are putting on more muscle mass which is great as you won't have excess skin when the weight keeps dropping.
Another thing is that you can be at a plateau. Although it may not show any or not much of a weight loss for a week or two it will show up after, believe me. That's what I was trying to tell you in the beginning when I said to take your measurements (which of course you did anyway) so you would know the inches are coming off even if the scale doesn't show the pounds sometimes. Sometimes you may just be holding more fluids the day you get weighed in.
All I can say is you're doing great and just keep doing what you're doing. You have a great outlook so I sure don't need to give you a pep talk. Just know I'm right here rooting for you. Know how much determination it takes and am really proud of you. Would think the world of you no matter what as I can see what a big help you are on the Las Vegas board also. You Go Shell!!!
Hugs, Pat
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Hi Shell,
I won't say don't be discouraged because you didn't lose weight this week, as I can tell you're right on the ball here and know there is a reason for it. Yeah....I'm kicking my own butt in weight class...LOL
Yes, one can be that you are putting on more muscle mass which is great as you won't have excess skin when the weight keeps dropping. I have noticed the skin is toning up
Another thing is that you can be at a plateau. NO, say it's not so!! LOL Although it may not show any or not much of a weight loss for a week or two it will show up after, believe me. That's what I was trying to tell you in the beginning when I said to take your measurements (which of course you did anyway) so you would know the inches are coming off even if the scale doesn't show the pounds sometimes. Sometimes you may just be holding more fluids the day you get weighed in. I'm hoping so, we will see tonight (8/27) when I do my weigh in.
All I can say is you're doing great and just keep doing what you're doing. You have a great outlook so I sure don't need to give you a pep talk. Just know I'm right here rooting for you. Know how much determination it takes and am really proud of you. Would think the world of you no matter what as I can see what a big help you are on the Las Vegas board also. You Go Shell!!! Thanks Pat... you are always so good to me!!
Hugs, {{hugs right back at ya}} Pat
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That makes a total of 48 pounds in 13 weeks.... I have now reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the begining of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck.....I only have 12 more to go!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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Girl, you are so awesome, I am soooooo proud of you. I wish I could come to LV just to meet you and Shane. (not leaving out everyone else of course ).
Look at the new clothes you are going to need and need right now!! Keep on going GIRL !! loveya
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Girl, you are so awesome, I am soooooo proud of you. I wish I could come to LV just to meet you and Shane. (not leaving out everyone else of course ).
Look at the new clothes you are going to need and need right now!! Keep on going GIRL !! loveya
Thanks sweetie! Oh, I wish EVERYONE could make it to Vegas.... hopefully next year now that people are aware of it...more will be able to make it.
New clothes.... but I love wearing all my shirts as dresses!! LOL Funny (not really...cuz $$ is tight) the other day I was trying on clothes in my closet that just 6 months ago I was going to donate cuz there were too small..... are NOW really baggy and Shane says it look like I have lots of PJ's cuz I'm NOT wearing them in public with him!!! LOL
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Shell, that sounds like something my David would say.
We are so blessed to have such great guys for husbands.
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Yes, yes,...yes...we are!!
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You are doing an amazing with your weight loss. Hubby must be really proud of You!! Keep up the good work!
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You are doing an amazing with your weight loss. Hubby must be really proud of You!! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Barb.... yes, he is proud... I'm proud of him too... he has taken off 42 pounds himself!!
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That makes a total of 49 pounds in 14 weeks.... I have now reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the begining of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck.....I only have 11 more to go!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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Well the good news is.... when I got back from our Anniversary trip (were I ate all those UFO's, and A LOT more calories then normal) I did weigh myself and I had gained 4 pounds....and I've taken two more weight resistance training classes (building muscles)..so I was able to lose 2 of those by this weigh in so, I'm not discouraged at ALL by this!
That still makes a total of 46 pounds in 14 weeks.... I have already reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the beginning of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck....I STILL have 14 more to go and only 34 days to get there!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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#105167 - 09/11/04 01:09 PM
Reged: 09/03/04
Posts: 22
Loc: California
what a gal !! it's OK to "pig out" now and then especially for an anniversary keep up the good work neet :cool:
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what a gal !! it's OK to "pig out" now and then especially for an anniversary keep up the good work neet
Thanks Neet!!
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NEW MEASUREMENTS 9/14/04 (last ones were taken 8/9/04) Neck : lost 1/4 inch = total of 1 inch Chest : lost 3/4 inch = total of 2.75 inches Biceps : lost 1/4 inch = total of 2.50 inches Triceps : lost 0 = total of .75 inches Waist : lost 0 inches = total of 3.75 inches Hip: lost 2 inch = total of 4 inches Upper Thigh : lost 3/4 inch = total of 4.75 inches Calf: lost 1/2 inch = total of 1.50 inches
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So, I guess I was able to burn off all the pounds I gained from our Anniversary trip and then some!
That makes a total of 50 pounds in 15 weeks.... I have already reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the beginning of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck....I just have 10 more to go but only 28 days to get there!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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That makes a total of 52 pounds in 16 weeks.... I have already reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the beginning of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). Wish me luck....I just have 8 more to go but only 21 days to get there!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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That makes a total of 57 pounds in 17 weeks.... I have already reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the beginning of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). I ONLY have 3 more to go and still 14 days to get there!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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That makes a total of 58 pounds in 18 weeks.... I have already reached my FIRST goal which was to lose 40 pounds by (10/15/04) which is the beginning of IBS Fall Sprawl. My SECOND goal now is to lose an additional 20 pounds for a total of 60 still by (10/15/04). I ONLY have 2 more to go and less then a week to get there!! 
You can see my daily report in on the " Vegas " board.....along with many others who post about what they are doing as well. It's NOT just for weight loss.
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See my last reporting in before vegas.... web page
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