#74301 - 05/28/04 02:40 PM
Shell Marr
Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA
OK.... I'm asking for you all to help me.... push me...motivate me.... keep me going!! My goal is to loose 40 pounds by Oct 15th.... I KNOW I CAN DO IT.... I just need some support..... and I KNOW I CAN GET IT HERE!! 
I'm counting calories, going back to the gym.... if I can just loose 2 pounds a week MINIMUM... I'll meet my goal....
Then when I meet that goal... I'll go for another 40 pounds!! That's right ANOTHER 40!! And then another 40.... yes...that's right!! I have approx. 150 pounds to go bye bye.... and NOT come back this time!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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Shell, I have to be honest here. I have fallen off the wagon. After my 20 pound loss... my best friends visited, and it was the end of school, and there was food and alcohol everywhere. I have probably gained back at least 5 pounds. My belly was gone, and it has returned.
So, I shall redouble my efforts and we can badger each other into losing weight!!!
We should give ourselves some sort of reward for reaching our goals... what do you think?
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Hi Shell, I just wanted to say Good Luck and I am sure you can do it! It seems like you have a good plan, so I think you'll do awesome. Kick some @$$, girlfriend, we'll be here to support you! --Steph
-------------------- ~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20
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Good for you, Shell. Two pounds a week should be do-able. You have a palm pilot right? There's a great freeware or very low cost program that tracks both calories consumed and calories burned through exercise versus your goal. It helped me lose 15 pounds (from 140 to 125 so proportionately a lot!). It's called Diet and Exercise Assistant and it's made by Keyoe, Inc. Just google it.
-------------------- Laura
Keep it simple!
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Counting calories, eh? Well, how about cutting out all sugar? (That was Heather's suggestion to me since sugar is just empty calories. I couldn't do it. I'm a total failure.)
Try a mantra. I remember it worked for me 100 years ago when I wanted to get down to a size 6. When I was really hungry and reaching for the fridge door, I kept saying over and over again in my mind, "....for the joy of a slender figure..... for the joy of a slender figure ...... for the joy of a slender figure ......" I know, it sounds stupid -- but it worked for me -- back THEN.
How supportive is Shane? He works out regularly -- an hour at the gym is good stuff -- and you guys go together, right? What all can you do at the gym? What equipment do they have there? Can you run, Shell? When I used to run, I had no problem keeping the weight down. Do they have treadmills at your gym? What about Winsor pilates? Do you have the tape? You can get a helluva workout on the floor with pilates! Oh yeah.
Girlfriend, this is a very important event to you. You want to look back on it for a very long time afterward, and you want to do so with fond memories of feeling really great about yourself. If that includes losing weight -- and it apparently does -- then you'll do what it takes to get there. Your post about that horrible stabbing you went through and how you fought off your attacker showed me just what you're made of.
You can do this, oh yeah -- I have no doubt whatsoever!
You GO, Girl!
P.S.: Michael can help you out here as well. Here's what he told me:
When I see people in my practice who want to lose weight, the first thing they have to do is cut away the importance of the weight. The more important we make it the more difficult we make it to lose weight. The next thing is to decide how you gained the extra weight -- is it through lack of exercise, overeating, particular foods, out of boredom, loneliness, tiredness, whatever? Then to change our thoughts. If you have listened to "Reflections on Life," remember the equations of life, one of them being, "If you say yes to one thing, you say no to something else." If you say yes to unnecessary food or beverage, you are saying no to yourself, no to feeling fitter and happier, no to being more active and more confident. But when you say no to unnecessary, unneeded food, you say yes to yourself, yes to better health, yes to being more comfortable in both your body and in your clothes, yes to being more active too. But also remember, food is the life force; if you don't eat enough food, you will become ill. So keep this equation in your thoughts; it might help you more than you initially think.
Hope this helps, Sugar. (Oops, sorry; bad word, BAD!)
-------------------- <img src="http://home.comcast.net/~letsrow/smily3481.gif">Bevvy
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I have about 25 to loose. And I'll kick your A* if you kick mine, but ONLY if you take this thread to the Las Vegas Fall Sprawl board!!!!
Besides, you may loose a bunch of weight, but look at all the prizes you're gonna WIN by winning all the "what is its" on that board..........
Yes, folks, you heard right, come play our what is it and if you come to Vegas we have prizes for you!!!
Anyway, Shell, You can do it, I know you can........besides, when you're there, you're gonna take off another 5 just from all the walking!!!
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Shell, have you ever heard of Denise Austin? She is a fitness guru and has lots of tapes out. Her website is www.deniseaustin.com I think you'll find lots of encouragement and ideas there. There are women on there who have lost weight following her plans. It's obvious that the "before" and "after" models are truly the same person.
Another suggestion are "walk fit" tapes. I think Denise has an indoor walking tape, but you are more likely to find a few by Leslie Sandsone. She talks a lot but her tapes are very effective. Along with diet, you only need 30 minutes a day of exercise. Don't give yourself a heart or intestinal attack by working out to hard.
Best of luck, I know you can do it!! It's so worth it!! Don't look at it like punishment, but a road to the healthier life! Bless you.
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put you on antidepressants???
If so, don't MOST of them make you gain weight?
Someone else help me out here. I'm ignorant when it comes to the side affects of them.
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Wait a minute Shell, I just remembered, didn't you say your doc...put you on antidepressants???
If so, don't MOST of them make you gain weight?
Someone else help me out here. I'm ignorant when it comes to the side affects of them.
Yes, he did... and yes....he warned me about that.... that is just another reason I'm kickin my own AS*... and need the rest of ya to kick me too!! hehehe
Off to the gym.... I'll try for 30 mins cardio... but may only get up to 20... I would like to burn 300 calories! Wish me luck and I'll reply to everyone else later!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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I have about 25 to loose. And I'll kick your A* if you kick mine, but ONLY if you take this thread to the Las Vegas Fall Sprawl board!!!!
Besides, you may loose a bunch of weight, but look at all the prizes you're gonna WIN by winning all the "what is its" on that board..........
Yes, folks, you heard right, come play our what is it and if you come to Vegas we have prizes for you!!!
Anyway, Shell, You can do it, I know you can........besides, when you're there, you're gonna take off another 5 just from all the walking!!!
OK..... I'll start posting tomorrow with you and Tammy on the Las Vegas board.... the 1st 40 pounds are so I feel GREAT on that trip!!
-------------------- www.facebook.com/shell.marr
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