PMS help!
#283899 - 09/25/06 05:34 PM
i hope this is an ok place to put this post..for a few months now ive been noticing horrible mood swings w/my pms. each month they seem to get worse and worse. but it's only the week or 2 before i get it (typical) except mine have gotten bad. i can feel how bad they make me and my head feel. and my bf constantly comments that my mood swings are "pms" so im wondering for some solutions? it's just, one minute i can feel one way, and the next minute, a total 180! i end up always feeling the same feelings each month, sort of returning to the same concerns or worries, and they bring me down. waaay down. sometimes i can even feel depressed the way i used to feel about 3 years ago. what should i do? im working 2 jobs and fitting in school and am pretty busy. i keep wanting to start again with my yoga class, and saturday is perfect for me, but im always so tired and thats usually a late work day for me. fridays im usually working late too so i need all the sleep i can get. i found some chinese herbs that are supposed to help, but i never have time to buy them. anyone know any herbalists in chicago? or places that may carry some chinese herbs? or even good supplements (natural preferred) most of the additives in jewel's meds aggrivate my tum. thanks guys for anything anyone can offer. even if it's just a story about how you get thru the cycle, id love to hear it--before my own cycle starts to take it's effect. thanks guys~
-------------------- VEGAN ASHLEY~IBS/C
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Re: PMS help!
#283914 - 09/25/06 06:45 PM
Reged: 01/29/06
Posts: 1191
Loc: Canada
Just wondering are you on the birth control pill? Some pills have changing hormones which can aggravate mood swings. A monophasic pill should help get rid of that if that's the problem. Also some pills can help with PMS symptoms if you're not on one and you could consider it.
I don't have much else to offer though, hope you feel better.
-------------------- Kat
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no i dont take BC. most girls my age do but i dont. i had a bad reaction with it before and stopped. didnt want to go thru a few kinds to see which worked for me. ill keep searching thanks again hun!
-------------------- VEGAN ASHLEY~IBS/C
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I've read and been told by doctors that taking calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin E supplements can help. There are some herbs that are said to help, but studies show that they're no better than the placebo.
Here's a link to an article about PMS treatment without using anti-depressants or BC. Hope it helps!
Relief for PMS
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My question for you is do you experience pain? Painful cramps before and during menstruation? IF YOU DO, you could have endometriosis. You would need to see the doctor and have them do an evaluation or perform exploratory surgery (laproscopy) to determine for sure. IF YOU DO, there are other forms of birth control besides the pill that will help and offer the same thing.
NOW, if you do NOT have pain, good for you. It's good not to have pain. As far as the PMS. Yes, doctors can prescribe anti-depressants, but I don't recommend them. From my experience they cause more problems that helping with the current problems that I am experiencing. Through my research, I have discovered that eating habits/exercise habits and PMS/IBS are all connected. I am not saying for sure that you have a yeast problem, BUT if you take a look at a book called THE YEAST CONNECTION, there is a quiz that will help you determine if you might have a yeast problem. If you do, follow the instructions inside, and I will guarantee that your problems will start to subside, PMS and everything else.
Now, I cannot guarantee this next advice, but I have heard that if you consume chocolate it helps to curve some of those PMS symptoms.
But, again, if you have pain, it's probably something gynocological and I recommend seeing your OB/GYN to investigate possible diagonsis/prescription.
I hope that you are already feeling better. But, if not, I hope that you find this beneficial. I hope you feel better if you already are not feeling better.
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