#155097 - 02/28/05 09:48 PM
Shell Marr
Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA
Everyone post their report for what you did on 3/1 here.... mine will follow later....
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My goal today is to drink 136oz of water!! That is only 24oz more then 2/28/05!!
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My goal today is to drink 136oz of water!! That is only 24oz more then 2/28/05!!
32 down....104 to go!! (it's only 10:50am here...plenty of time!)
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I dont count OZ, so its hard for me to know how much I am drinking.. but I do at least 2 32 oz bottles a day as well as mugs of tea and glasses of water..
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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breakfast- cereal with rice milk snack- luna bar lunch- leftover pulled chicken, 3 little rolls, and half a baked potato (ate too much) so far I've skipped my afternoon snack- still feel full from lunch
dinner tonight will be with my daughter, but i don't know what I'll be eating yet..
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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I dont count OZ, so its hard for me to know how much I am drinking.. but I do at least 2 32 oz bottles a day as well as mugs of tea and glasses of water..
I just know that my bottle is 16oz so today I know I need to drink 8.5 bottles... I can refill the same bottle all day long....
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My goal today is to drink 136oz of water!! That is only 24oz more then 2/28/05!!
32 down....104 to go!! (it's only 10:50am here...plenty of time!)
56 down....80 to go!! (12:36pm here....)
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breakfast- cereal with rice milk snack- luna bar lunch- leftover pulled chicken Can't wait to try.... , 3 little rolls, and half a baked potato (ate too much) so far I've skipped my afternoon snack- still feel full from lunch
dinner tonight will be with my daughter, but i don't know what I'll be eating yet..
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Pre-breakfast: slice of homemade bread
Breakfast: honeycomb & a banana
Lunch: impossibly easy spinach-parmesan pie
Snacks: luna bar, rice cake, gumdrops, carrot-ginger bread, hot rice w/ vanilla rice milk, banana bread
Dinner: turkey meatloaf, herbed baked potatoes
Drinks: 4 cups teeccino w/ stevia & rice milk, 3 glasses water = 70oz so far
Food & drinks total: 1808 without any more snacks
Fruits & veggies: banana, spinach, potatoes x 2 = 4
nothin'! yay for lousy weather! I couldn't even get out and shovel because after the snow stopped, it started sleeting. ptthhhhbt.
The awful part is that I still feel like I've hardly eaten today. I know I need to stop with the gumdrops and luna bars, because they're a lot of calories without a lot of substance. I find that I HAVE to eat something bready every 1 1/2 to 2 hours or I start feeling lousy. Maybe 1600 is unreasonable for me and I'm destined to become overweight again.
Ok, so... e_mcmaster was right, I ate some protein and now I'm quite full. I also didn't eat nearly as much potato with dinner as I thought I would. So even with another piece of carrot bread, I'm right about at 1800, and I have no reason to whine.
Edited by atomic rose (03/01/05 08:06 PM)
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My goal today is to drink 136oz of water!! That is only 24oz more then 2/28/05!!
32 down....104 to go!! (it's only 10:50am here...plenty of time!)
56 down....80 to go!! (12:36pm here....)
Be sure to let us know how many trips to the bathroom you made today!
-------------------- - Jennifer
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My goal today is to drink 136oz of water!! That is only 24oz more then 2/28/05!!
32 down....104 to go!! (it's only 10:50am here...plenty of time!)
56 down....80 to go!! (12:36pm here....)
Be sure to let us know how many trips to the bathroom you made today!
I've already lost count.... at least once for every 16oz so far!! LOL
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If you don't mind me asking, what made you choose 1600 as your calories per day? If you don't mind, how tall are you, how much do you weigh, what is your activity level and are you trying to lose or maintain?
(If this is too personal, ignore it, but I thought I might be able to help...)
Have you thought about trying to include more protein in your diet? These last few days, after a regrettable experience with a piece of key lime pie on Friday night, I've been eating nothing but safe foods, which means virtually no protein. As a result, I've been ravenous and have eaten more cals than I really should. I think my normal levels of protein keep me full.
-------------------- Elizabeth
all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
send me an email:
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had 2 bowls cornflakes, 2 bananas, luna bar, 2 pieces (small) leftover pizza, few pretzels and bought 25c worth of skittles from a candy machine! Also had coconut shrimp rice and broccoli for dinner with too many pistachios (was out of peanuts- d--- those pistachios are yummy!) Got kind of loogy after workout this morning. Was hungry and then felt dizzy. Then I got a little gassy and now I am a little bloated. Am going to have tea now. Also rehab workout went pretty good. Only biked 20 minutes because a smoker started biking next to me and it made my lungs hurt. Just saying. Sorry but it is true. No offense.
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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Ok, I need to lose about seven pounds. I kept putting it off, but I'm going to give it a go for real now. Yell at me if I disappear.
So far today:
frozen lunch: 6
snack pack o' cheese nips: 2
virgin bloody mary: 0
"chicken" fajita- 7
total: 15
I will edit to add dinner in. Yesterday I had about 13
points and for some reason was REALLY not hungry at dinner. I think I was too exhausted to be hungry.
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Nah... it's not too personal. I had someone on here, LauraSue, calculate my BMR for me, and it came out to roughly 1600. I'm not especially diligent about sticking to it, but I try not to go more than 200 calories over, *net*, on any given day. (If I exercise, I DO eat more.)
I am 30, 5'2" and 125lbs, and NOT looking to lose weight. The thing is that I'm basically sedentary, because ANY exercise, even nice gentle yoga, triggers a D attack. Because I don't reliably *do* anything on any given day (I'm housebound and unemployed), the calories are on the low side. Like I said, I do compensate and eat more on days that I do get up and move, even if it's just housework.
Hope that helps explain myself a little, heh.
You're right about the protein. Looking over what I've eaten the past few days, it's been mostly safe foods, because of a bad attack 2 days ago. Tonight will be the first night I've had any meat since Saturday, and I bet I will feel quite a bit better. Thanks for the reminder!
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Oh, and...
#155525 - 03/01/05 05:02 PM
atomic rose
Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)
Heck, why not keep getting personal? Heh.
The reason I'm paranoid about becoming overweight is because I've been clinically obese most of my life. I spent a good chunk of my 20's at 180lbs or more, and several years as high as 260lbs. Last year, a bad bout of IBS left me at about 105; I've gained back up to a healthy 125, and I want to stay there. But with my history of overeating and obesity, and the fact that I still can't seem to reliably exercise... well, you can probably see why I'm concerned.
Now that you know my life story... heh.
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breakfast- cereal with rice milk snack- luna bar lunch- leftover pulled chicken, 3 little rolls, and half a baked potato (ate too much) so far I've skipped my afternoon snack- still feel full from lunch
dinner tonight will be with my daughter, but i don't know what I'll be eating yet..
Well I did eat that luna bar- good thing because we didn't get to dinner right away.. DD's fiance's car got stuck in the driveway!
then I had a chicken on the barbie with plain baked potato at the outback steakhouse and ate it all.. but we were there for almost 3 hours!
I need to take my sfs- not sure in what, it might just be tea.
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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OK... here is my reporting in...... My BMR = 2408 + I burned 1015 calories 60 minute Power Sculpt Class & 20 minutes on Elliptical - 1246 less calories to get to my goal = 2177 calorie food budget .
POWER SCULPT Class designed to utilize Group X equipment for resistance training. Band, weights and tubing will be used to sculpt and define.
Breakfast: 170 calories Toasted Nuts N' Cranberry (1/2 older & 1/2 new kind....I just did a visual and taste test on the old vs new.... the older one looks dryer and the texture is not as light feeling (NOT like a RKT anymore)...and not as sweet...but that is not a bad thing either.... I like them both. Would prefer the old but will still eat this one for sure)& Water
Lunch : 297 calories Subway Sandwich (6" White bread w/Tuna, Easy Lettuce, & Pickle) & Water
Snacks during the day: 320 calories 5 Gummy Heart, 1/2 oz pretzles, 1oz Rice Sembei Snacks - Tamari (soy sauce) (YUMMERS!! I got them at PCC) & Water
Before Working Out: 190 calories Amazake Rice Shake - Chocolate Chimp
Dinner: 297 calories 1 Plain Pita , 1/2 portion Turkey Kelbasa and Rice & Water
Fiber Pills: 2.25 calories total
Without any more snacks at all....(subject to change) = 1276.25 calories
Total Water intake = 130oz SO FAR 
I WILL have UFO w/more water. That added 250 calories for a total of 1526.25. Still in my food budget!!
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Hello! Exercise: None! 
So my food budget for today is: 1225 calories.
Breakfast: LemonZest Luna Bar = 180 calories
Lunch: Two slices fresh french bread with ICBINB, 30 g baked lays, 2 arrowroot cookies = 476 calories
Dinner: Apricot glazed turkey breast with sweet potato (slow cooker recipe, my Dad made it for dinner.. I should post the recipe, it's really good) = 257 calories (I only ate a very small bit, and it said one whole serving is 357 so I am sorta guessing).
4 UFO, some jellybeans = 450 calories 
For a total of... 1363 calories! 136 calories too many.
I forgot to report in yesterday, I didn't count calories but this is what I ate basically.. 2 slices white toast w/peanut butter, chicken fajita deli meat sandwich, sushi (rolls) for dinner (I had kappa rolls, avocado rolls, and a chicken teriaky roll) - it was SO GOOD.
Must get back on track tomorrow - must get over personal crises long enough to do some actual exercise and pay better attention to calories and stuff!
Cheers! --Steph
-------------------- ~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20
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Foodies: *bowl of porridge with half peach, cinnamon, half banana & soy milk *crumpet *baguette with basil tofu & roasted veg chutney *banana *crumpet *muffin with black current conserve *potato with bean burger *smoothie of yoghurt, 4 pear quarters and 1tsp peanut butter *2 squares Maya Gold chocolate
Exercise: *ran about 6 miles (perhaps 8, I'm not sure) of fartlek, in the pouring rain. *cooldown stretches
-------------------- "This is truly the age of bacteria: as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be."
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I'm sure now you have got into a pattern of eating healthy safe food you will be fine - its not like we can go out and have a huige greasy burger anyway is it!
Maybe I should listen to myself as I am paranoid about putting too much weight back on. This was not helped by my stupid family who said I looked so much better when I had lost a stone. This was when I was really ill and looked too thin and gaunt. They then kept saying "now you are better don't put any weight back on, it doesn't suit you".
Great, does that mean I should eat nothing but rice and fish, what a miserable life!
Anyway, I have decided to ignore them and have put that stone back on and have thouroughly enjoyed doing it! I have started doing yoga and pilates, which has meant I am more toned.
Rant over ... grrr families!!
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Eating wise I was fairly good today. Crumpet for breakfast, salad with ryebread and egg for lunch and fresh pasta with tuna and olives for tea.
A few snacks, mainly sweets (my downfall - and they always make me feel ill) and a reduced fat UFO.
Went to Yoga class, which was a really intense session - so I should have burned a few calories there.
I haven't lost any more weight this week, but I am a lot more toned from the Yoga and Pilates.
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25 points (budge 22). I got into the chocolate at bedtime. Otherwise I would have been on target. My next weigh in is tomorrow.
-------------------- Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.
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Well, Tuesday was a better day by far than Monday - no cake mishaps Didn't feel as stuffed and bloated either.
Breakfast - half white grapefruit, vanilla soy milk w/fiber Snack - 16 oz coffee w/cream and sugar and the rest of my turkey sanwich from Monday's lunch. Lunch - Grilled chicken breast with white rice and mango salsa Snack - apple Dinner - egg white omlet w/red pepper, spinach and mozz. topped w/salsa. 2 slices sourdough with raspberry jam. A few tortilla chips for leftover salsa. (Ate slightly too much - small improvement over eating WAY too much)
Excercise - 1 hr pilates class
Water - Better today ~ probably closer to 70 oz.
-------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~
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my report -
#155690 - 03/02/05 07:25 AM
Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 2350
Loc: Minnesota
Breakfast - oatmeal w/ sugar & pumpkin pie spice, rice milk
Lunch - sun dried tomato turkey sandwich w/ light mayo on homemade wheat bread, chips, 1/2 a grapefruit
Dinner - a large portion of spaghetti (actually it was spaghetti sauce over linguini)... I was so hungry after working out!
Water - 64oz
Excercise - I started the 2nd week of my program... my reps increased which caused my legs to be jello-like again , but I still enjoyed it... nothing a nice soothing HOT bath won't take care of, which is exactly what I did once I got home !
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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I just know that my bottle is 16oz so today I know I need to drink 8.5 bottles... I can refill the same bottle all day long....
Shell... That's exactly how I count mine too ... We have to buy drinking water where I live (tap is disgusting) so we buy these cases of 16oz bottles, and that's what I drink all day. If I drink 4, then I know I've gotten 64oz in for the day.
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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Pre-breakfast: slice of homemade bread Breakfast: honeycomb & a banana Lunch: impossibly easy spinach-parmesan pie Snacks: luna bar, rice cake, gumdrops, carrot-ginger bread that looked so good...I saw it on the recipe board , hot rice w/ vanilla rice milk, banana bread Dinner: turkey meatloaf, the one from the newsletter? herbed baked potatoes Drinks: 4 cups teeccino w/ stevia & rice milk, 3 glasses water = 70oz so far YEAH!!
Food & drinks total: 1808 without any more snacks Fruits & veggies: banana, spinach, potatoes x 2 = 4
Activity: nothin'! yay for lousy weather! I couldn't even get out and shovel because after the snow stopped, it started sleeting. ptthhhhbt.
The awful part is that I still feel like I've hardly eaten today. I know I need to stop with the gumdrops maybe dry mango? can you do dry fruit? and luna bars how about a protien shake instead? See my report for today, I tried a rice shake that was very good and filling...maybe you could alter? , because they're a lot of calories without a lot of substance. oh, that I read this the shake may not work for ya...english miffin with RF peanut butter? can you do peanut butter or another sub (soynut, almond, etc) I find that I HAVE to eat something bready every 1 1/2 to 2 hours or I start feeling lousy. Maybe 1600 is unreasonable for me and I'm destined to become overweight again. NO, you body is just adjusting.... give yourself some time.... do you think it could be a blood sugar thing that makes you feel that way?
Ok, so... e_mcmaster was right, I ate some protein and now I'm quite full. I also didn't eat nearly as much potato with dinner as I thought I would. So even with another piece of carrot bread, I'm right about at 1800, and I have no reason to whine. YEAH!!
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had 2 bowls cornflakes, 2 bananas, luna bar, 2 pieces (small) leftover pizza, few pretzels and bought 25c worth of skittles from a candy machine! Also had coconut shrimp rice and broccoli for dinner with too many pistachios (was out of peanuts- d--- those pistachios are yummy!) Yes, they are.... I can't buy them for that very reason!! Got kind of loogy after workout this morning. Was hungry and then felt dizzy. Try some more protien about an hour before you work out. Then I got a little gassy and now I am a little bloated. Am going to have tea now. Did that help? Also rehab workout went pretty good. Only biked 20 minutes because a smoker started biking next to me and it made my lungs hurt. Oh my goodness... they were able to smoke inside?? Just saying. Sorry but it is true. No offense.
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Hey, where you been? Ok, I need to lose about seven pounds. I kept putting it off, but I'm going to give it a go for real now. Yell at me if I disappear. OK, you asked for it...
So far today:
frozen lunch: 6 snack pack o' cheese nips: 2 virgin bloody mary: 0 "chicken" fajita- 7 total: 15
Is your goal 21-22? I keep forgetting.... I don't understand the weight watchers (I need to though as my Sister just joined on Sunday)
I will edit to add dinner in. Yesterday I had about 13 points and for some reason was REALLY not hungry at dinner. I think I was too exhausted to be hungry.
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breakfast- cereal with rice milk snack- luna bar lunch- leftover pulled chicken, 3 little rolls, and half a baked potato (ate too much) so far I've skipped my afternoon snack- still feel full from lunch
dinner tonight will be with my daughter, but i don't know what I'll be eating yet..
Well I did eat that luna bar- good thing because we didn't get to dinner right away.. DD's fiance's car got stuck in the driveway! Oh no.....
then I had a chicken on the barbie with plain baked potato at the outback steakhouse and ate it all.. but we were there for almost 3 hours! That was a safe choice..... were you able to pass up the bloomin onion? I always have to have a little taste....
I need to take my sfs- not sure in what, it might just be tea.
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Hello! Exercise: None! 
So my food budget for today is: 1225 calories.
Breakfast: LemonZest Luna Bar = 180 calories
Lunch: Two slices fresh french bread with ICBINB, 30 g baked lays, 2 arrowroot cookies = 476 calories
Dinner: Apricot glazed turkey breast with sweet potato (slow cooker recipe, my Dad made it for dinner.. I should post the recipe, it's really good) Yes, you should....sounds yummy! = 257 calories (I only ate a very small bit, and it said one whole serving is 357 so I am sorta guessing).
4 UFO, some jellybeans = 450 calories 
For a total of... 1363 calories! 136 calories too many. That is ok....make up for it today!!
I forgot to report in yesterday, I didn't count calories but this is what I ate basically.. 2 slices white toast w/peanut butter, chicken fajita deli meat sandwich, sushi (rolls) for dinner (I had kappa rolls, avocado rolls, and a chicken teriaky roll) - it was SO GOOD.
Must get back on track tomorrow - must get over personal crises long enough to do some actual exercise and pay better attention to calories and stuff! Take care of YOU!! {{hugs}}
Cheers! --Steph
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Foodies: *bowl of porridge with half peach, cinnamon, half banana & soy milk *crumpet *baguette with basil tofu & roasted veg chutney yum! *banana *crumpet *muffin with black current conserve *potato with bean burger *smoothie of yoghurt, 4 pear quarters and 1tsp peanut butter *2 squares Maya Gold chocolate
Exercise: *ran about 6 miles (perhaps 8, I'm not sure) of fartlek, in the pouring rain. GREAT job!! *cooldown stretches
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Eating wise I was fairly good today. Crumpet for breakfast, salad with ryebread and egg for lunch and fresh pasta with tuna and olives for tea. Your food sounds yummy!!
A few snacks, mainly sweets (my downfall - and they always make me feel ill) and a reduced fat UFO.
Went to Yoga class, which was a really intense session - so I should have burned a few calories there. depending on our weight.... I think I burn about 350+/- in 60 mins.
I haven't lost any more weight this week, but I am a lot more toned from the Yoga and Pilates. That is a good thing still....
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25 points (budget 22). I got into the chocolate at bedtime. Otherwise I would have been on target. oops... My next weigh in is tomorrow. good luck sweetie.....let us know how it goes...
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Well, Tuesday was a better day by far than Monday - no cake mishaps Didn't feel as stuffed and bloated either.
Breakfast - half white grapefruit, vanilla soy milk w/fiber Snack - 16 oz coffee w/cream and sugar and the rest of my turkey sanwich from Monday's lunch. Lunch - Grilled chicken breast with white rice and mango salsa Snack - apple Dinner - egg white omlet w/red pepper, spinach and mozz. topped w/salsa. yum! 2 slices sourdough with raspberry jam. A few tortilla chips for leftover salsa. (Ate slightly too much - small improvement over eating WAY too much)
Excercise - 1 hr pilates class GREAT!!
Water - Better today ~ probably closer to 70 oz. yAH!!
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Breakfast - oatmeal w/ sugar & pumpkin pie spice, rice milk Lunch - sun dried tomato turkey sandwich w/ light mayo on homemade wheat bread You gotta tell me more about this one.... , chips, 1/2 a grapefruit Dinner - a large portion of spaghetti (actually it was spaghetti sauce over linguini)... I was so hungry after working out!  Water - 64oz good! Excercise - I started the 2nd week of my program... my reps increased which caused my legs to be jello-like again , I feel your pain (no, really I my butt kicked yesturday too!!) but I still enjoyed it... nothing a nice soothing HOT bath won't take care of, which is exactly what I did once I got home !
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Hey Shell- I've just been really busy with school/work. I'm still teaching my class o' 200, the new works festival I'm running is coming up (70 shows in 8 days), and I'm directing something and taking classes!! So, very busy. 
I'm supposed to eat 20 points a day. I think the whole Weight Watchers thing changed since I last went, but when I was there I was doing the flex point thing where I have 20 points a day and 35 extra to eat whenever. I'm not really supposed to go under 20 (too few and your metabolism decides you're starving) but for some reason I wasn't very hungry the last couple of days. 
I've been keeping up with everyone else's loss/gain/water consumption though!
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Hey Shell- I've just been really busy with school/work. I'm still teaching my class o' 200, the new works festival I'm running is coming up (70 shows in 8 days), and I'm directing something and taking classes!! So, very busy. WOW.... you are a busy of luck with it all... but, it great to have you back...
I'm supposed to eat 20 points a day. I think the whole Weight Watchers thing changed since I last went, but when I was there I was doing the flex point thing where I have 20 points a day and 35 extra to eat whenever. I'm not really supposed to go under 20 (too few and your metabolism decides you're starving) makes sense.. but for some reason I wasn't very hungry the last couple of days. 
I've been keeping up with everyone else's loss/gain/water consumption though! amazing huh!!
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except DH- so we didnt' get one! he had onion soup instead.
-------------------- Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant
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UUmm.. I hear that is yummy too...(droolin here) hehehe
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Something about the bread?? Or the meat??
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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the tomato part...
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Actually... the meat was made with the sun dried tomato in it... It's one of those more expensive brands that are made without anything artificial... no preservatives... and they sell it at our deli. That turkey was THE BEST sandwich meat I have ever tasted. YUMMY!
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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Actually... the meat was made with the sun dried tomato in it... It's one of those more expensive brands that are made without anything artificial... no preservatives... and they sell it at our deli. That turkey was THE BEST sandwich meat I have ever tasted. YUMMY!
Next time you go there...see if it is " DiLusso Deli Sun Dried Tomato Turkey"
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Have you tried it??? It's so good!
-------------------- ~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!
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No, I just did a search for sundried tomato turkey lunchmeat on yahoo... and it came up.... it is even sold on Amazon LOL for like $6.99 + shipping... (but then I would have to slice it myself... and I just can't give it that thin...) I'm gonna check local stores to see if I can find any.... better yet, I might just call around.
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had 2 bowls cornflakes, 2 bananas, luna bar, 2 pieces (small) leftover pizza, few pretzels and bought 25c worth of skittles from a candy machine! Also had coconut shrimp rice and broccoli for dinner with too many pistachios (was out of peanuts- d--- those pistachios are yummy!) Yes, they are.... I can't buy them for that very reason!! Got kind of loogy after workout this morning. Was hungry and then felt dizzy. Try some more protien about an hour before you work out. Then I got a little gassy and now I am a little bloated. Am going to have tea now. Did that help? Also rehab workout went pretty good. Only biked 20 minutes because a smoker started biking next to me and it made my lungs hurt. Oh my goodness... they were able to smoke inside?? no but the smell of smoke on her made me feel like my lungs were closing up. That is why I am anti-smoking (and I think it is a sound reason) Just saying. Sorry but it is true. No offense.
I will try more protein. Thanks! It was right after breakfast but I'll see what I can do. Last year I used to eat snickers bars when I bonked.
-------------------- IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!
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#156009 - 03/02/05 04:43 PM
atomic rose
Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)
DEFINITELY the meatloaf from the newsletter! It's our favorite! 
As for the snacking... I may actually try a protein shake. I know I get enough protein in the course of a day, but I do find I'm more filled-up and satisfied if I eat protein-rich foods. So I need to think of snacks I can have that have some protein to them. Luna bars do, of course, but obviously not enough - or maybe not enough compared to their sugar content, I don't know.
Side note, I wish I could find dairy-free english muffins! I'd be eating them all the time!
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Side note, I wish I could find dairy-free english muffins! I'd be eating them all the time!
Casey, I don't think the new Weight Watchers English Muffins contain any dairy. They look pretty safe to me and they are only ONE pt. Cindy
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I live in the middle of nowhere... I'm lucky I can even find rice milk! Heh. I'll be on the lookout for them, though - thanks for the heads-up! I never would have thought to look at the WW stuff.
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WW breads
#156039 - 03/02/05 05:55 PM
Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA
We've had the new WW breads (english muffins, bread and bagels) in our stores here in Ohio for about a month or so. Very low in fat and calories. They do contain high fructose if you are sensitive to that though. Check them out if they are available in your area. Cindy
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It's going to sound awful, but most of the people up here in northern Maine are quite overweight. I'm a good weight for my height, but I look anorexic compared to most people here in my town.
Some low-fat and healthy foods are pretty easy to find, while others aren't. They've stopped carrying the Ragu Light sauces, for example, and all of the Hellmann's/Kraft Just2Good products. Thankfully, I can still get soy milk and rice milk, and I can still find tofu up here. But Rice Dream or Tofutti "ice cream"? I have to drive an hour south to find that, and it's not worth it to me.
I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for the WW breads... but I won't hold my breath. Something tells me it won't ever make it up here in the land of fatty pot roasts and Ho Ho's.
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Casey, I know over here you can mail-order WW products. Now that might not work for the bread, but it's a thought.
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Aren't the White English Muffins from Tesco dairy/egg free? If they are I would be more than happy to send some over to you Casey? Maybe in exchange for some Luna Bars (cheeky or what!!)
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Think so...
#156174 - 03/03/05 02:26 AM
Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England
...I'll check next time I go. And see what the expiry times are like.
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....I'm trying to save money, so haven't been for a while - will do on the w/end tho. If they are ok, whatcha say?? Ok for a bit of food swapping?
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they are indeed. As, incidentally, are crumpets. For those of you in the US, you have to try crumpets as a safe snack (I eat them plain).
-------------------- "This is truly the age of bacteria: as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be."
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Excellent - more bargaining tools!! x
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So are...
#156291 - 03/03/05 07:48 AM
Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England
...the Healthy Eating Hot Cross Buns. Yum. Tescos' is great.
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Excellent - I LOVE hot cross buns - I'm going on a bread hunt on the w/end!
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Yep they are!
#156562 - 03/03/05 01:45 PM
Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England
In fact I got some...haven't had English muffins in ages.
The best before dates are only a few days ahead tho so I don't know if they'd make the States. Maybe if any of the US lot come to Dublin (or us to Vegas) they could do deliveries?
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