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Suriving and Thriving with a Public Transport Commute
      #354139 - 01/06/10 06:25 PM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi All

Someone recently told me I was brave for taking the bus with my IBS D. I actual fact I'm such a rotten driver that the brave thing would be to take a car to work. Hence the never learning to drive and being very happy on the bus. Though I have to admit that before I stabilized was difficult for a while. So here's how I coped with my commute.

First of all give yourslef plenty of time to get ready in the morning. This may mean going to bed earlier or laying out an outfit the night before. Whatever you do the aim is to avoid dashing around like a headless chicken at with 5 minutes before your bus is due which only encourages a early morning attack.

Don't do anything stressful like check your bank balance before heading out the door. The last time (several months ago now) I had to get off the bus to use the bathroom was after a conversation with student loans to arrange the final payment on my loan!

Distract yourself on the bus by reading a book or listening to some music. Something loud and rock like keeps me calm but you may be more comfortable with Enya. My reading habits tend to vary between trash (Jilly Cooper) and more weighty volumes. The Purple Plain was a recent favorite despite the some what depressing subject. Either way the aim is to be surprised when you arrive at your destination.

Eves dropping on conversations is also a good if impolite way to distract yourself. I've over heard several marvelous exchanges including how to sex a parrot. Apparently it's not easy.

Hope this helps!

Stable IBS D

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Re: Suriving and Thriving with a Public Transport Commute new
      #354296 - 01/08/10 03:23 PM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland

Thank you for posting your experience riding a bus. Being on the bus is one of my fears. I also suffer from motion sickness on buses so I tend to avoid them if I can. When I was in London and taking the Underground it helped me to know which stops had bathrooms. Once I figured out that I could get off at any stop if I had too I relaxed and had no problems.

Hearing that you are able to take the bus to work everyday successfully certainly gives hope to those of us that have D. For me it helps to have a plan when traveling and it sounds like that is what is working for you.

I am happy for you that you have figured out a way to ride the bus without stress. Thank you for sharing!


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