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      #30167 - 12/05/03 10:01 AM

Reged: 10/31/03
Posts: 98

So finally there is medical evidence to show i have a test results back today showing i am wheat not happy obviously because it means its gonna be a huge effort to change my diet...but i am happy at the same time cus after months and months of tests and getting no-where, i finally can look forward knowing that now i know what i need to do to help my problems!

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Re: Results!! new
      #30170 - 12/05/03 10:11 AM

Reged: 02/11/03
Posts: 483
Loc: Southern California

Wheat intolerant or Celiac? What test showed this, blood or biopsy?

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Re: Results!! new
      #30190 - 12/05/03 12:07 PM

Reged: 10/31/03
Posts: 98

Karin - did a blood test from - food intolerance.

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Great news Katgirl! Do you have C or D symptoms w/ your wheat intolerance?-nt new
      #30208 - 12/05/03 12:44 PM

Reged: 08/15/03
Posts: 339
Loc: Novato, CA

Many years of C-IBS and pain too for past 2 years-

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Re: Great news Katgirl! Do you have C or D symptoms w/ your wheat intolerance?-nt new
      #30284 - 12/06/03 02:05 AM

Reged: 10/31/03
Posts: 98

I have preodmintantly C tho i have noticed that over the last couple of months (i.e. since moving to Uni) I have have occasionally had D. by the way, if anyone is stuck over what to eat and like me has spent months trying to work out exactly which foods are 'bad' for them, then i do recommend food testing. ok, so i have only had the result yesterday and havent started the new elimination diet yet, but many people have been sceptical about doing food intolerance testing, especially off the internet. but i do recommend it if you're at your wits end and it feels like everything you eat is reacting badly with your body. I will keep you up to date and let you know if there's any significant improvements over the next few weeks or so.

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Re: Results!!...question for heather new
      #30285 - 12/06/03 02:10 AM

Reged: 10/31/03
Posts: 98

well actually two questions actually!
1) now that ive been told that im intolerant to wheat and gluten, does that mean that other trigger foods are safe i.e. dairy and red meat, or should i still avoid them for the reasons stated on here?
2) im getting through the acacia pretty fast and am thinking about ordering some more. Is is cheaper to order say 2 or 3 packs at a time than 1 (remember im in the UK) and does it ever go 'off' or can i order in bulk then keep it for months until i need it?
by the way, i dont think ive been one of the people to say this so far, but finding this site has been like a godsend. any times ive felt at my lowest, ive always been able to come on here and feel tons better afterwards. so thanks to everyone - heather for creating this and everyone else for all the support they give to one another, you're truly all angels!

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Hi Katgirl- plz DO keep us posted abt how eliminating all gluten helps your C to resolve! new
      #30304 - 12/06/03 10:35 AM

Reged: 08/15/03
Posts: 339
Loc: Novato, CA

I'm really interested in learning if the elimination diet helps you b/c I've always heard that the only reliable and scientifically valid way to document gluten sensitive enteropathy was w/ a biopsy and that the food testing was hocus pocus. SO, if you have success that will be cool.

BTW, I'm not Heather but I would suggest that for the first month or so of eliminating gluten you also stay on the exact same diet you've been eating up until now- minus the gluten- and NOT add any other high risk foods to your diet. Otherwise, if your constipation remains a problem, you won't be able to tell if eliminating the gluten has helped.

Hope this helps. Can't wait to hear how it goes for you....literally and figuratively! lol

Many years of C-IBS and pain too for past 2 years-

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Re: Results!! new
      #30306 - 12/06/03 10:45 AM

Reged: 02/11/03
Posts: 483
Loc: Southern California

One more question Katgirl: Did they specifically include Gluten when they said you had a wheat intolerance? Usually
a wheat intolerance doesn't necessarily mean a Gluten intolerance. Being gluten intolerant, I believe, means being Celiac. If you're gluten intolerant, it means much much more than just avoiding wheat products, it means avoiding over 50% of the food on the open market and that's very hard to do. Most foods contain some sort of gluten product, such as any soy item, salad dressings, rice milks, etc. etc.. This is an interesting subject for me, I'll be anxious to hear what they told you. Thanks.

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Re: Results!! new
      #30307 - 12/06/03 11:24 AM

Reged: 02/05/03
Posts: 836
Loc: canada

hI; Putting a name to a problem is always a big relief. GOOD FOR YOU!

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Re: Results!! new
      #30312 - 12/06/03 12:25 PM

Reged: 10/31/03
Posts: 98

No just wheat intolerance but the antibodies associated with gluten were high, but not high enough to be under the complete avoid column. Gluten is in my rotate column, which means that im meant to have a small amount every 3 or 4 days. Wheat is meant to be cut out entirely. you say you're interested in this...have you also got the same intolerance?

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