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IBS-C and supplements survery
      #226022 - 11/18/05 11:23 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

I see scattered posts about what some IBS-C folks are taking to help them poop! Like magnesium, triphala, flax oil capsules, enzymes, SFS, probiotic, acidolpholous, fennel tea, peppermint tea, peppermint capsules, digestive advantage, etc.

I was wondering if we could get everyone to post what they take (brand name, how often, dose amount, etc) in one post so that people could bookmark it. This would really help me. Please try and participate if you can!

Thanks so much!

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Hey Cyndy! Hope this helps.... new
      #226032 - 11/18/05 11:47 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

Acacia: 18-20grams divided into three equal doses, one before each meal

Cal/Mag: Country Life 500/250mg per tablet. One with breakfast, one with lunch

Omega Complex: Now 1200mg capsules Omega 3-6-9 One with each meal

Multi-Vitamin: Now brand True Balance: one a day with breakfast

Probiotic: Jarrodophilus EPS once a day, in the morning an hour before I have eaten anything

Plenty of water and enough IF is matter what my supplements. Without enough of those, things still get wacky.

God is Faithful!

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #226094 - 11/18/05 02:43 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Garden of Life: Primal Defense and FYI
Renew Life: Oilsmart, Intestinew and Gas Stop
Enzymedica: Digest Gold, Acid Soothe
Fennel Tea
Citrucel "Clear"
That's about it!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Thank you Bamagrl! new
      #226314 - 11/20/05 08:25 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

This is exactly what I'm looking for! Hopefully more C folks will reply after the weekend.

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #226346 - 11/20/05 03:48 PM

Reged: 01/19/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Mississippi, USA

I am currently only taking my JuicePlus.


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Please, any other C's want to post? new
      #226473 - 11/21/05 10:09 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

I would love one post that I can bookmark from IBS-C supplement users! Pretty Please!

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Re: Please, any other C's want to post? new
      #226480 - 11/21/05 10:27 AM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

Hey Cyndy,

I am still trying to work out a routine that works for is what I have been doing for the past couple of months:

Morning: tsp. Triphala Internal Cleanse Powder

Evening: heaping tsp. Konsyll psyllium husk powder, with Digestive Advantage.

Before every meal: peppermint capsule and 2 digestive enzymes.

I feel like the pep caps may actually be hurting me more than they are helping, so I might try to limit them and see what happens. The Triphala is a godsend for me, though. I don't know about the's hard to tell, since I'm taking so much other stuff!

Hope that helps!


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Re: Thank you Bamagrl! new
      #226592 - 11/22/05 01:37 AM

Reged: 10/29/05
Posts: 75
Loc: Butte Montana

I'm still working this out, however: 2 level T of acacia in 24 oz. water (drink all day long) 1200 mg. Magnesium plus a CalMag. 2-4 1000 mg. triphalla (good stuff) 3 T ground flax seed. Just went on Donnatol. I don't care if it is constipating, tired of no sleep and spasms. I have Zelnorm pills to take if necessary. It works. Water, exercise, IF in the right amount. Hope this helps. xxoo Bette


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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #226596 - 11/22/05 04:23 AM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 431
Loc: Canada

I have been recently taking benefibre (up 1 TBSP in morning and another in the evening), going to increase a little but at the moment it is working great! No other supplements for me, just lots of liquids (water) and exercise 3 times a week for an hour or so.

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What type of excerise do you do?-nt new
      #226617 - 11/22/05 08:08 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

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Re: Exercise and Supplements new
      #226618 - 11/22/05 08:11 AM

Reged: 01/11/05
Posts: 85
Loc: Indiana, USA

I am jogging about 3 miles a day (and not fast. As soon as I say I'm jogging, people think I'm in an all out sprint. I'm doing 10 minute miles!!)

Supplements - I take a capful of Miralax mixed with a small dose of Acacia in the morning, and take about a tablespoon and a half of Acacia at night. It took a week or so for my body to get used to it, but I'm going every day, and sometimes twice a day! Woo hoo!!

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Re: Exercise and Supplements new
      #226619 - 11/22/05 08:12 AM

Reged: 01/11/05
Posts: 85
Loc: Indiana, USA

Oh yeah, I eat a Luna Bar daily for a snack! I SWEAR those help too!!

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A few questions Boo! new
      #226620 - 11/22/05 08:13 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

Do you take 1200mg of pure magnesium, plus a cal/mag combo in addition? How many mg of cal and mag is in that supplement? What forms of magnesium do you take? Chelated, Citrate, Oxide? Any bran names?

Also, do you take triphala in a capsule or the powder...did you mean you take 2 to 4 of the 1000mg pills? Wasn't sure if you were referring to the cal/mag or the triphala with this.

what brand flax meal do you take? Do you take it all at once?

Thanks so much for participating. Hopefully you will see this and respond!

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Hey, Julia! new
      #226621 - 11/22/05 08:16 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

Do you think the triphala powder is more effective than the capsules? I take them and don't notice a big difference. Same with Digestive Advantage...don't know if it does anything.

In what way do you think the peppermint is hurting you? Do you think it constipates you more?

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Re: Exercise and Supplements new
      #226622 - 11/22/05 08:17 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

About how much Acacia do you take in the morning?

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I'm surprised more people aren't taking probiotics or ... new
      #226624 - 11/22/05 08:20 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

...digestive enzymes. Or anti-depressants...or fish oil capsules. Hmmmm....I don't know what to take yet. It's so much money to "experiment"...end up with a bag full of useless supplements.

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Re: Exercise and Supplements new
      #226626 - 11/22/05 08:24 AM

Reged: 01/11/05
Posts: 85
Loc: Indiana, USA

Not too much....about a heaping teaspoon. Its mainly Miralax in the morning.

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Re: I'm surprised more people aren't taking probiotics or ... new
      #226629 - 11/22/05 08:34 AM

Reged: 01/11/05
Posts: 85
Loc: Indiana, USA

When I first was diagnosed with IBS, I WAS on anti-depressants. Once I learned to control it with my diet and soluble fiber supplements, I went off of them. Everyone is different. What I'm doing now is working great for me, so I haven't needed to try anything else. I did try peppermint caps, but then I read since I also have GERDS I shouldn't be taking peppermint!?!? It is very much trial and error, unfortunately. I finally found what works for me, but it took awhile. I hope you find what works for you!! This board helped me TREMENDOUSLY though!! I just kept getting more and more information and found what worked for me!

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Re: I'm surprised more people aren't taking probiotics or ... new
      #226630 - 11/22/05 08:37 AM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

Ok, I totally forgot to mention that I'm taking Prozac, but I've been on it for a very long time for unrelated reaons, and I haven't noticed an effect on my IBS symptoms.
I have heard that other people have had success with it, though...


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Do you think.. new
      #226631 - 11/22/05 08:41 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301 could go without the Miralax? Do you have one or 2 complete BMs?

In the past, when I tried Miralax, it just gave me skinny, incomplete "threads" of poop all day long. It was a pain. Nothing really "consistant" and complete or good size BMs.

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Re: Hey, Julia! new
      #226632 - 11/22/05 08:45 AM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

Hey Cyndy!

I have never tried the powder, so I can't really say, but I know that other fiber supplements have worked best for me in liquid form...the powder tastes pretty awful, but I can feel it working right away, so I'd say it's worth it.

I don't feel like the peppermint caps are constipating me more, but they seem to be causing more cramps and a strange unsettled feeling...a different set of problems than I've experienced in the past. I also suffer from a lot of upper stomach discomfort, and I suspect that may be why I'm reacting negatively to the capsules.
What are your primary symptoms, besides C?
Is there anything that's been working for you?


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Re: I'm surprised more people aren't taking probiotics or ... new
      #226735 - 11/22/05 02:40 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I tried probiotics and got no beneficial effects. Same for digestive enzymes on a daily basis. And I do take anti-depressants, but that's for my Fibro - although they did help me cope better with the IBS they didn't affect my symptoms much. And I don't see how fish oil capsules could help me - plus I'm taking enough pills (for the Fibro) as it is!

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Re: What type of excerise do you do? new
      #226762 - 11/22/05 05:02 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 431
Loc: Canada

I do cardio for 30 minutes (either elliptical or rower, but rower is exhausting so only about 10 mins then 20 on elliptical), then I do about 30 mins or so of weights. Usually about 3 days a week (unless I have to study or something). I used to do yoga (which was amazing for relaxing/stress!!!) but don't have the time to do much now with both working and school...

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Re: Hey, Julia! new
      #226861 - 11/23/05 10:40 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301


I have never tried the powder

Did you mean you've never tried the tablets?

I am C, bloat, gas gas gas, cramps, spasms. So far, nothing has worked that I can pinpoint.

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Re: Hey, Julia! new
      #226866 - 11/23/05 11:12 AM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

Oops! I meant I've never tried the tablets...
Your symptoms are very similar to mine. Have you tried powder SFs? They seem to produce less gas, pain, and bloating with me than the pills...I sincerely hope you do find something soon that provides relief for you. I know how frustrating this process can be!


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Re: I'm surprised more people aren't taking probiotics or ... new
      #226917 - 11/23/05 02:51 PM

Reged: 07/13/03
Posts: 25
Loc: South Carolina, US

Probiotics actually stop me up more!!

I've had a hard time finding supplements to really help with bowel movements. I drink a lot of water everyday and usually exercise (although I've slacked off on that now that I work and go to school full time. Ugh.) I also drink my fiber or take tablets when I can't drink it. I would like to take a multivitamin, but most of those stop me up too. I've found whole foods vitamins are ok, but they are super expensive and usually a dose is 3-6 capsules. I drink fennel, peppermint, or ginger tea, depending on what I need it for.
Strangely though, I don't have a problem with dairy. The only time I really need to be careful is with yogurt. If I don't eat some sort of soluble fiber with it, I will get cramps. Now if I try to drink more than a serving of milk or eat a bunch of cheese without any fiber, I will pay for it, but usually I know how much is ok. Having the soluble fiber buffer really helps for me. Dairy does make it harder for me to "go" though, so I do try to make sure I take lots of fiber during the day.
This is probably moreinfo than was needed to respond, but I thought I'd share :-)

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Edited by nicolebee (11/25/05 02:54 PM)

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what kind and how much fiber do you take? new
      #226948 - 11/23/05 07:19 PM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

And why do you think the digestive enzymes were making the C worse. I wouldn't think there would be any connection since the enzymes are just helping to break down food.

Is the fiber the only thing you take, then?


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Re: what kind and how much fiber do you take? new
      #227018 - 11/24/05 10:26 AM

Reged: 07/13/03
Posts: 25
Loc: South Carolina, US

I take benefiber. When I'm stable I am often able to take metamucil, and that's if I make sure I have lots of other soluble fiber during the day. Strange isn't it. I take about 4 to 6 gms per day.
I'm not sure why the probiotics increased C. I just know it did and it wasn't pleasant. I guess it could have been the brand. Do you know of a good brand I could try? One thing I've learned though, is that there isn't one solution for everyone. I wish there was. There's always someone who something doesn't work for.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

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Are you looking for a digestive enzyme or a probiotic? new
      #227036 - 11/24/05 11:32 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

In your original post, you said digestive enzymes caused C. But in the second post you referred to a probiotic. So, I'm not sure which one cause you C or what you would like a recommendation for.

do you take 4-6 grams of Benefiber or 4-6 grams of fiber worth of Benefiber? Is this working for you? I take 15 grams of fiber from my SFS/

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Does the Gas Stop help you? new
      #227050 - 11/24/05 12:09 PM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

I don't seem to notice them helping me at all with gas.

How much and how often do you take them? Thanks Michelle.

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Re: Does the Gas Stop help you? new
      #227052 - 11/24/05 12:37 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Hey Cyndy!
No, the gas stop isn't helping me, either. I was taking 1 with every meal. I have noticed that activated charcoal caps work better for my gas. I'm taking 1 with every meal. It helps more than the gas stop, I think. Actually, I haven't even been taking the gas stop since I started doing the charcoal. It absorbs everything you put into your system, so I'm trying not to waste money (taking a bunch of other supplements) while I'm taking the charcoal. Know what I mean???
I don't take it everyday, though. Only when I know I'm going to have a pretty bad gas day. Which is about every OTHER day right now.....hehehehehe.....
So, it's not helping you either??

Beth is taking it too, and I don't think it's helping her, either! What's the deal with this stuff??? I wonder why it's not helping anybody.

Take Care!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Are you looking for a digestive enzyme or a probiotic? new
      #227279 - 11/25/05 03:07 PM

Reged: 07/13/03
Posts: 25
Loc: South Carolina, US

Thanks for noticing my mix up...I edited my post.

Probiotics are what increased C. I think I've tried digestive enzymes, but that was way back when I was first diagnosed. I don't remember what their effect was. If you know of a good brand of either probiotics or digestive enzymes please let me know. Ok, now to clarify the fiber question. I went back and looked and it's more like 9 grams of fiber that I take per day. (I was thinking 2 grams/tbs, but it's 3.) This is usually enough to keep me going at least every 2 or 3 days. It just depends on how I'm doing. If I'm having a hard time, then I have to increase. I just ordered Heather's Acacia, and I'll probably end up taking 2 tbs/day of that, which will be 15 grams (right?). I'm hoping that will help keep me "regular."

I'm sorry about the confusion

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #227324 - 11/25/05 08:29 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

The probiotics I take is Garden of Life's Primal Defense. It is worth its weight in gold. I've tried various other probiotic brands but I find the Primal Defense best for me.

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Re: I'm surprised more people aren't taking probiotics or ... new
      #227325 - 11/25/05 08:32 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967


...digestive enzymes. Or anti-depressants...or fish oil capsules. Hmmmm....I don't know what to take yet. It's so much money to "experiment"...end up with a bag full of useless supplements.

Although people say anti depressants may work, personally I'd rather stick to something natural.

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Is this all you take for you constipation? new
      #227352 - 11/26/05 07:44 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

No SFS or anything else? No magnesium or anything?

How many do you take a day and how long have you been taking Primal Defense? I tried them a while ago and they didn't seem to do anything but drain my wallet. Maybe I should try them again.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Is this all you take for you constipation? new
      #227412 - 11/26/05 10:48 AM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Primal Defense keeps me regular but once in a while I'll need to take a fibre supplement. Right now I'm taking 4-6 a day, but when I started, I worked my way up to 12 tablets a day and kept that dosage constant for about a month, then I decreased it to 8, then to 6. I've only been taking it for about 4 months. Eventually I will try to get down to only 3 a day, and I'll see what my symptoms are. If they start to get worse, I'll increase the dosage.

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #227506 - 11/26/05 05:29 PM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 92
Loc: Arroyo City Texas USA

I Take 4-6 Tablespoons of Citrucel a day along with 2 doeses of Miralax and probiotics. It sounds like allot but if I leave anything out I DON'T go. I get sick of it but...that and the diet are the only thing that works for me.

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I took the 9 caplets for 3 months new
      #227521 - 11/26/05 06:51 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

...and it didn't help me. It is extremely expensive too. I wish it had worked.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Which probiotic do you take and how much?-nt new
      #227522 - 11/26/05 06:52 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Which probiotic do you take and how much?-nt new
      #227607 - 11/27/05 12:49 PM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 92
Loc: Arroyo City Texas USA

I take Multidophilus. It is dairy free since that's a nessessity for me. It's by solaray. I take it 3 times a day. It contains L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus and B. Bifidum. Hope this helps.



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Re: Please, any other C's want to post? Sure... new
      #227624 - 11/27/05 04:01 PM
Johnny T. Reb

Reged: 07/09/05
Posts: 987
Loc: Lake Linden, Mich in the U.P. IBS-C

Hi Cyndy,I hope you are doing better!Right now, I'm doing
one dose of miralax a day, and eating what the hospital
calls power pudding, a mixture of pureed prunes, flax seed,
and bran. It actually tastes pretty good. I also get a small
bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I eat the hospital's high
fiber diet, not high by our standards, maybe 20 grams a day.
Additionaly, I've been drinking decaf coffee(and loving it
) , along with some regular cappaccinos at times,
which I've found delicious. Like I said in my latest post,
it's got me going regularly, but I'm still having to strain
a fair amount which my rehab doc says I can't afford to do
anymore. My BP readings have been over 150/90 after BM's.
This is all due to my perineal descent problem, which when
I told my GI doc's associate made his eyes bug out and say
WHAT?! He immediately said to take down my fiber intake
significantly and just use Miralax and more of it as needed.
He was quite surprised that the problem had not been adress-
ed considering my GI doc here and in Chicago have known
about it since the end of last May. It is the reason why
I've had to dance around to generate BM's and squat in order
to poop them out. Right now, my rehab doc is upping my Paxil
dose by 50%, and has me taking 2 Zanax a day, in order to
stop the straining. -Bob

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Re: Do you think.. new
      #227704 - 11/28/05 07:34 AM

Reged: 01/11/05
Posts: 85
Loc: Indiana, USA

I could probably go without the Miralax...I've actually considered that just recently too!! I don't know why I haven't increased my Acacia and decreased my Miralax, I guess probably just b/c it has been working!! I have to get a prescription from my doctor for that, and I don't really need any other refills, so I've considered just not using it.

Its hard to say what type of BM's I have....but, at this point, I am happy when I get anything out - a little or a lot! (Sorry, I know thats probably gross. )

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It was something with protease new
      #227738 - 11/28/05 09:52 AM

Reged: 07/13/03
Posts: 25
Loc: South Carolina, US

I just remembered it was something that protease and anelase (sp?) in it that increased C.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #227776 - 11/28/05 12:08 PM

Reged: 09/28/05
Posts: 5

I have IBS-C. I began treating with the diet, zelnorm, and acacia (2 tbls twice a day, decrease to 1 tbs twice after stable). I quit Zelnorm after one month of feeling stable. Don't like taking drugs indefinitely. Went without, than tried Digestive Advantage, not helping with stomach pain, but constipation is gone for the most part. Just starting acidolpholous actually for a yeast infection, but read about it working well for IBS, hopefully. The fiber has really seemed to help the constipation, although the stomach pain has not subsided for the past week and a half. That is the worst part. I don't think the Digestive advantage is a keeper. I have been taking Magnesium and Flax oil but sometimes I wonder if that makes my stomach worse. I forgot to take for a few days and my stomach pain subsided. UGhhh!

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Are you taking the flax oil or capsules? new
      #227783 - 11/28/05 12:34 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

The straight oil could be too much fat. So you think the magnesium is also hurting you? How much and what kind are you taking? Perhaps you are taking too much? What do you mean by them maybe "hurting you"...which symptoms are worse?

I agree...the jury is still out on Digestive Advantage, but I don't think it will be a keeper with me.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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So Bob... new
      #227805 - 11/28/05 03:01 PM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

Is the SFS not good to take with Miralax? Are you going to stay off the Acacia forever now? Should I stop my 15 mg of fiber SFS?

How would I know if I had a perineal descent problem?

Hope you are all areas of rehab and potty!

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #227841 - 11/28/05 06:19 PM

Reged: 01/19/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Mississippi, USA

Your symptoms sound awfully similiar to mine. Stomach cramps would keep me in the bathroom most of the morning. I tried Benefiber for a while but it did not work for me.


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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #227844 - 11/28/05 06:47 PM

Reged: 12/28/04
Posts: 184
Loc: chicago, il

I think over the past almost 10 years I have purchased every supplement listed on this board, used them in every combination and tried every script. I was a severe C with debilitating bloat and fatigue. Nothing got me going. Sadly (and hopefully this will change) I've found the only thing that really helps me is eating a VERY soft SFS diet. I eat almost NO IF. I know IF is supposed to help you go, but even small amounts stop me up. I can't even tolerate acacia, benefiber or most of the other sfs. I eat a lot of bread and butter (dairy doesn't bother me) and a lot of pasta and chocolate. Not very healthy, but at the moment it has taken care of most of my symptoms. I also take peppermint caps to break up the minor gas bubbles, but I think it makes me fart like mad!!! Just a thought, if nothing is working, try eliminating all fruits, veggies for a stint and see if that helps.

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Re: So Bob... new
      #228366 - 11/30/05 04:06 PM
Johnny T. Reb

Reged: 07/09/05
Posts: 987
Loc: Lake Linden, Mich in the U.P. IBS-C

Hi Cyndy,no, it's fine, but you have to drink a ton of water
which I find too impractical.If you've had children, it's
very possible and not at all uncommon. It is easily detect-
able by a simple DRE.(THE Perineal descent that is). rehab
is going better than the potty, but the potty problems are
not too bad. Thanks for the well wishes! -Bob

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Re: A few questions Boo! new
      #228412 - 12/01/05 02:46 AM

Reged: 10/29/05
Posts: 75
Loc: Butte Montana

Cyndy, I finally saw this. We were snowed in at our sons's house in Lewistown, MT. I take: 3- 4oo mg Magnesium oxide ( pure, I guess so):>) plus 2 Cal Mag with 333 mg. Ca and 133 mg. Magnesium oxide. Currently Spring Valley, cheap at Walmart. 2 to 4 1000 mg. Triphalla pills Planetary Formula or NOW 500 mg./about 6 of these. For the 500 mg. directions: take 3 tablets one to three times daily between meals. Bob's Red Mill organic ground flaxseed, 3 T all at once in rice milk. This can be very flexible, whatever you want to do. I'm not sure about this, but it works for me. It all seems harmless, except for maybe too much calcium, which is constipating. Donnatol is working very well, only wake up once or twice a night with cramps. I still had to take 4 T Milk of Mag this week to get things moving. Hope this helps. Bette.


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No IF helped C?...anyone else found this? new
      #295741 - 01/09/07 10:54 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095


I was a severe C with debilitating bloat and fatigue. Nothing got me going. Sadly (and hopefully this will change) I've found the only thing that really helps me is eating a VERY soft SFS diet. I eat almost NO IF. I know IF is supposed to help you go, but even small amounts stop me up.

Has anyone else experienced that a totally SF diet helps constipation? I've been trying to up the IF...but maybe I'm one who would do better with only SF

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Gracie....are you a C? I always thought you were D!-nt new
      #296666 - 01/15/07 12:35 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Gracie....are you a C? I always thought you were D!-nt new
      #296692 - 01/15/07 02:29 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

I'm an A so I suffer with both D and C. Sometimes I am C for weeks at a time.

Edited by Gracie (01/15/07 02:29 PM)

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Re: No IF helped C?...anyone else found this? new
      #296884 - 01/16/07 04:38 PM

Reged: 12/11/06
Posts: 34
Loc: Tampa, Florida

I was just trying to determine just this very thing. I am IBS-c also but only go one day without a bm ever. Usually every day, just too hard when i do go and straining. I had felt I was stable but when i started to up my IF I also had much more gas and bloating. So I went back to using bentyl after not using for a week, then stuck to pure SF for a day or two. my stools are softer. It may also depend on what IF you add. I had two unpeeled pieces of fruit and that was too much for me. I am trying to stick to cooked veggies and pureed fruit in smoothies for IF. also a little ground nuts in Heathers breads. Anybody know how much IF is enough.I personally would eat none if that would help constipation.

IBS-C bloating and gas predominant.

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Definitely depends on the kind of IF new
      #296890 - 01/16/07 05:19 PM

Reged: 09/28/06
Posts: 482

For example, I cannot tollerate corn bran. Don't know why, but small quantities of corn (I love corn ) destabilize me, although I tollerate other IF pretty well. I eat apples with their skins on for example.

I think it is normal to get more gas initially when you increase the IF. Especially if it was too sudden (e.g. a large increase rather than a SLOW gradual increase). You body just needs time to adjust to the new food. In particular, your bacteria need time to adjust to the new stuff you are feeding them. My husband used to have a lot of gas (he does not have IBS although I am beginning to doubt that, I think he just never complains) when he started eating much more IF because we wanted him to lose weight and lower his cholesterol level. Now that his body is used to the IF, he has much less gas.

I can't testify on my own, because I had to REDUCE the amount of IF I was eating rather than increase it when I first got IBS. When I switched to the BTC diet, there was almost no IF (but that in brown rice). Then I added some IF super slowly (only recently did I start to eat apples with the peel on) starting with oat bran. I didn't sense a notable increase of my gas.

I suggest you try to add less IF. And wait until your body adjusts to the new amount, then add a little bit more

While you are waiting and not getting enough IF to get on a regular BM schedule (I mean a normal BM, not one with super hard stools), use a gentle laxative such as Natural Calm/Magnesium Citrate. I wouldn't be able to survive and have such great progress had I not used that.

For the record, I am IBS-C, stable, thanks to Heather's diet

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Re: Definitely depends on the kind of IF new
      #298939 - 02/05/07 08:53 AM

Reged: 12/11/06
Posts: 34
Loc: Tampa, Florida

I know you posted along time ago but I just read your post and have still not added alot of IF because i am afraid of all the gas. not even painful, just embarrassing. What do you consider stable? I have no pain or bloating, just gas. I also can even cheat a little with no problems. Should I just keep adding IF slowly and keep popping semithicone all day? I dont even want my husband to come to bed with me!

IBS-C bloating and gas predominant.

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #300021 - 02/17/07 07:23 AM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA

Been following Heather's guidelines for the past few years, and am now pretty stable(been way more C cause of an antidepressant I've been taking but going off it now, will be back to "normal" soon hopefully!). The things I take are 2 Colace a day, and 2-3 Beano tablets with foods that bother me(usually once a day or more). Aside from this, I eat good balance of SF + IF, and stay away from whole wheat(as well as what Heather says to avoid, though soda is fine with me).


Edited by fishnets (02/17/07 07:25 AM)

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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #300033 - 02/17/07 10:47 AM

Reged: 02/11/07
Posts: 6
Loc: IA, USA

The only thing that gets things moving for me is Zelnorm. Fleets, of course, but way too harsh. Herbaltone, but way too slow with too much pain.

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Re: Definitely depends on the kind of IF new
      #300128 - 02/19/07 03:33 AM

Reged: 05/10/06
Posts: 46


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Re: IBS-C and supplements survery new
      #300157 - 02/19/07 09:27 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

What a great post!
Well, I started on Zelnorm, but got off that in 2 weeks. I was on this super Colon Cleanse, but heard it isn't good for us, so, got off that. Tried Stool softner, wich helpd, but I don't want to be on that indefinatly.
Started Citricell 2x day. I am staying on that, think I need to increase.
I've also tried A glass of prune juice a day, which worked great, but man, gave me serious smelly gas.
Right now I'm in between deciding on Mirilax or going back to a Colon cleanse temporarily. Maybe I need to increase my SFS. What to do.....?


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