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Anorexia and IBS
      #196419 - 07/16/05 01:45 PM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

Hi Everyone!

I have been in recovery from anorexia for the past year, and I am still struggling to regain the weight I lost when I was sick. As you can imagine, this is very difficult, as I suffer from pretty severe IBS symptoms daily, primarily bloating, constipation, and pain. Is there anyone else out there who is in a similar position?
Not only is the IBS diet low in fat and calories, thus contradicting the recommended diet I was given by my doctor and nutritionist, but it consists mainly of foods that, while "safe" for IBS, have always been my "unsafe" foods in terms of my eating disorder (bread, pasta, sweets, etc.)and I am battling a (somewhat irrational) fear of getting diabetes or another illness from eating so many refined carbohydrates.
Does anyone have any advice about how to go about taking care of my stomach and digestion, while also taking care to gain the weight I need in order to be healthy?
Thanks in advance for your advice and support!


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Re: Anorexia and IBS new
      #196422 - 07/16/05 02:13 PM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

You might want to take a look at all the "sticky" notes at the top of the board - Heather addresses a lot of your health concerns with this diet. Note that while we all talk a lot about brownies and cakes, it's mainly because most sweet treats are not IBS-safe and we're very grateful for recipes that won't make us sick. There are loads of recipes with safe fruits and veggies, and if you can tolerate whole grains you should eat those as well.

Since my husband was just diagnosed with diabetes, I can tell you with confidence that refined carbs do not cause diabetes. The not being able to eat refined carbs is a symptom, not a cause. As a matter of fact, he can even eat those if he gets enough exercise!

There are lots of safe foods out there that aren't breads and pastas. Applesauce, mangos, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes are all very healthy and very safe. Finely chopped or ground nuts and cooked fruits and veggies are also good choices.


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Coming from a former anorexic... new
      #196474 - 07/16/05 08:50 PM

Reged: 08/10/04
Posts: 294
Loc: Phoenix, AZ

There are a few of us on here as well. I have been in recovery so to speak for about 5 or 6 years now. My constipation has worsened as well. I cannot eat "normally" how I use to as far as portion sizes go, although I tend to over do it sometimes. Sometimes I still feel like I am catching up on all that food I missed out on. I do eat mostly healthy items, but do allow myself to indulge on the former forbidden foods in my life. I just no longer count or obsess about calories. I just tell myself that a piece of cake, etc. is okay to have once in awhile. Once you see that that type of food every now and then will not make you tip the scale, you become less afraid of it. I assume your nutritionist tells you to eat frequent smaller meals throughout the day? I'm trying to do that per my doctor, and it's tough, because of all the bloating. I guess I'm still recovering to some degree, I just don't starve myself. Just eat very small portions, but every couple hours or so. If you need some anorexia support, I'm totally here for you!


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Re: Anorexia and IBS new
      #196567 - 07/17/05 01:38 PM

Reged: 01/16/05
Posts: 520
Loc: Norman, Oklahoma

You'll find that there are a lot of recovering anorexics on this board. In fact, many of us wonder if anorexia caused our IBS.

My fiance absolutely believes that it caused mine to worsten. I had already had mild IBS for about 6 months when I developed an ED, but it is much worse now, a year and a half later.

Good luck to you!


all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
send me an email:

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I believe my IBS was caused by my anorexia.... new
      #196576 - 07/17/05 02:32 PM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 1614

I have not had a bout with anorexia for about six years but my stomach hasn't been right since.

I cannot achieve that "empty feeling" without my stomach going into knots. Praise God I am OK with that! I am eating and getting more stable day by day. My anorexia was about control...not about being fat.

Have a blessed day!...Rachel
stable and sooooooo thankful!
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Re: Anorexia and IBS new
      #196582 - 07/17/05 03:09 PM

Reged: 07/14/05
Posts: 54
Loc: TX and MA

although i was never diagnosed, i think i may be in the same boat. it makes it worse knowing that i may have done this to myself... one thing that's hardest for me as a result is portion size. sometimes i can't stop eating, usually it's still safe foods, but obviously still not good. posting this was rough cuz i've never really addressed this topic before; i think i'm okay now though, but i was wondering if there was anyone out there who was in a similar situation who has returned to normalcy...or at least close to it?


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Re: Anorexia and IBS new
      #196585 - 07/17/05 03:29 PM

Reged: 05/30/05
Posts: 62
Loc: maryland

It is a tough one, esp. since the IBS diet makes it so that you have to pay close attention to what you eat. This does not mean that becoming normal again isnt possible, just more difficult for us i think. For some, being put on restricted diets LEADS to eating disorders, so we gotta be very careful.
I myself have had stomach/GI problems since i was a kid. I was never clinically diagnosed with anorexia, but i definately had it as a teen, for about 3 years, or until 6 years ago--and I still find certain things a struggle, like noticing weight gain and panicking. It is possible to gain normalcy, but i think it takes the support of others and a lot of self-determination. Keeping a food and exercise journal helps me to keep things in check. I am also lactose and wheat intolerant, so i cant just not think about what i'm eating im afraid
Please feel free (any of you) to write me about it and I hope i can do the same.

IBS-A, mostly C-- many foods intolerant

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Re: Anorexia and IBS new
      #196594 - 07/17/05 04:28 PM

Reged: 05/04/05
Posts: 104
Loc: Massachusetts

Hi there-
Thanks for your posting. I want to say that I totally can relate-as so many can-to the feelings you expressed and what you write. Having battled anorexia for 7-8 years, the road to recovery most definitely brought me face-to-face with digestive/GI problems that 1) may have been caused or, more certainly, exacerbated by my anorexia, 2)were also undetected given my inability to feed my body and reconnect with it. So, be proud of yourself first and foremost for reconnecting with your body, enough to realize it is having troubles. I know, for me, what happened break that mindset was to work on feeding/nourishing my body with the vitamins/minerals it needed to function and feel energized! Weight gain is DEF important, but successful recovery cannot be achieved by a certain weight goal. As you know, bulimics typically maintain a relatively "normal/average" physique (generally speaking) but they are far from emotionally and physically healthy. So, just be patient and forgiving with yourself. I always tried to be proud of myself for actually eating, however small the meal/snack was, because it was something nourishing that I had never given my body before. Also, as you become more comfortable with the diet/with what works w/your body, you may find that you can experiment a lot more with different foods. Also, it is helpful for me to eat smaller amounts, more frequently throughout the day. That also helps to put you in touch with feelings of hunger and satiety, too.

Good luck and take care. Please feel free to send me a message anytime if you need some support. I am always happy to help in whatever way I can!

Take care!!!

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Thank you! new
      #197302 - 07/19/05 11:39 AM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

I am overwhelmed by your responses!
My IBS has, in many ways, been inextricably linked to both the emotional and physical conditions of my anorexia, and it sounds like many of you have had the same experience. Recovery from attacks is complicated by the fact that I still need to be eating enough to regain the weight, and replenish nutrients I've lost. However, I agree that recovery cannot be measured by weight gain, and I think I am doing pretty well, considering all the stomach problems I've been experiencing. I can't tell you how relieved I am that there are people who understand where I am right now. Thank you so much for offering your support and understanding!


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