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Need help- please help brainstorm
      #128466 - 12/07/04 02:49 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

My bad phase is still going strong! and I was wondering if you guys could help figure out what I should do. Maybe brainstorm, shoot things out and maybe I am screwing up on something without knowing it.
I will receive my acacia in a few days BTW. But right now I am in major pain and have major bloat, but the pain is in addition to bloating pain if you know what I mean. Nothing is helping and I am having trouble living a normal life now- can't go places, come home sick from work and can't even make dinner. I was wondering about fasting but I never am able to go without food and I am active so it would be very difficult.
This bad streak I think is now 6 weeks old and seems to be getting worse and not better. Going to the doctor never seems to do any good at all, but if there is a prescription I should try I will certainly go ask for it. My doc is willing to give me what I think might work. Suggestions? I am really hurting.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Need help- please help brainstorm new
      #128467 - 12/07/04 02:58 PM

Reged: 10/29/04
Posts: 36

Poor thing...I'm no doctor...but I'm not sure about the fasting thing...can't be very healthy...need to eat!....Me too....I love food...hard to stop..especially going on this diet...I hope that everything clears up soon!! Maybe your doctor will have some good suguestions??? And I'm sure the other members on here will...

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Re: Need help- please help brainstorm new
      #128468 - 12/07/04 03:02 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

What are your main symptoms? Are you under stress? Did you have a stomach flu recently? Have you changed what you eat or drink? Are you taking any OTC meds? Sleeping well? Cheating with no-nos?

There, those are all my questions.

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Re: Need help- please help brainstorm new
      #128475 - 12/07/04 03:14 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Hmmm...haven't changed what I eat except I did go out to eat Saturday but since this has been going on for weeks I can't blame that. Also my whole prednisone, antibiotics, and antiviral thing started after the bad streak started and I have been done with the drugs for a few weeks. So...don't know. Thanks and keep thinking!

Oh my symptoms are bloat after about 11:00 or so and more pain than ever. Also generally BMs more than once a day but I just feel like the bowels as a whole are being difficult and are not happy. So no real C or D.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Need help- please help brainstorm new
      #128479 - 12/07/04 03:41 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

WEll, dear Lil Min, it sounds like a nasty bad streak that's for sure. I'm assuming you're doing everything right. Fennel tea? I hate the taste but it works. For the pain, try peppermint tea. I'm guessing you're probably beyond those, but they really can help.
WHat about trying the "What to eat when you can't eat anything" diet for a couple of days to see if you can stabilize? Then reintroduce veggies and fruits and protein in slowly afterward.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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HanSolo new
      #128558 - 12/07/04 07:12 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I do drink vast quantities of tea, which I mix the peppermint and fennel. But I had wondered about going with the break the cycle diet. I guess I am afraid to cut out things that might keep me regular. Although I have stopped eating normal meals now and eat oatmeal or rice and cooked veggies. I find my stomach doesn't want regular dinners anymore. And I am going to stay away from spicy food too for awhile. But do you think I should restrict myself some more and do the BRAT sort of thing?

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Need help- please help brainstorm new
      #128564 - 12/07/04 07:56 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

So sorry to hear you're still feeling yuck I can sympathise 100 % with the bloating. I wake up bloated and go to sleep 10 times more bloated. Its horrible and I haven't been able to find ANYTHING to help with it. But I decided last night that enough was enough and devised a plan of attack. I've been taking acacia for a couple of weeks and think perhaps that may be the culprit. So I'm stopping SFS to see if bloating subsides. You mentioned your acacia is on its way, are you taking any other SFS at the moment? Could it be causing you troubles?

I also overeat, theres nothing better then a big yummy bowl of rice and veges, and nightime is the worst time of bloat for me. Soooo am going to really cut down the amount I eat in one sitting. Brekkie will be its usual size but lunch will be small (its usually after lunch that the bloat starts to get worse) and dinner will be even smaller. Am going to fill the gaps in between with bananas, mangoes or rice crackers. Would smaller meals help for you?

Can you think back to what triggered your bad streak? Mine was the SFS so I'm hoping that stopping/ recucing will improve the bloat. Other then that have you tried aloe vera juice? Or prune juice? Works a treat for my BMs. Am still waiting to see whether the aloe vera does anything.

Fingers crossed you find something that works. I tried the 'what to eat when you can't eat anything diet' and it clogged me up for weeks. Fruit and veges are really important for my BMs.

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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I am sorry that your having pain. I am thinking of you ...n.t. new
      #128578 - 12/07/04 08:57 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 157

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Ok I am starting to figure things out new
      #128629 - 12/08/04 07:14 AM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I don't want to sound like an idiot , but this whole time I was thinking that the fateful China Buffet lunch was when this started and that it was BEFORE having poison ivy and going on the drugs. HOWEVER in looking into my checkbook and prescription receipts and calendar I now know I went to China Buffet AFTER starting the drugs and so that means it was probably the drugs that kicked off the bad streak- well possibly. Then again I am still doing bad 6 weeks later so I can't quite figure out what to do. It is possible that last year I had a bad streak after the prednisone too. I do remember gaining weight but I don't remember the tummy situation. Well it is probably just that I am extremely touchy about things and need everything to be perfect for my tummy to do good. So I am eating right, exercising, taking pep caps and pep and fennel tea and taking lots of fiber so should I just pray that this all ends soon or what?

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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me too new
      #128630 - 12/08/04 07:16 AM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I eat a lot -especially lately. I had a huge plate of rice and veggies last night, got full before I was done and still ate the rest! But I also eat often and try to never get too hungry. Can you tell I have gained a couple pounds lately?

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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