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Exercise and IBS
      #249310 - 02/28/06 07:19 PM
Laura Smith

Reged: 02/10/06
Posts: 3

I have just begun doing yoga and taking soluable fiber everyday, only 1 tsp daily,however, when my left side flares up , I can't do yoga. I suffer mainly from constipation, have for 20plus years, and have had 3 colonoscopies. Dr. says there is nothing "wrong" with my colon. But I still have left side pain/bloating and it radiates to my back--the only thing that relieves it is putting a heating pad on the left side/back and lying down. Does anyone else out there have this kind of symptoms? It is very disturbing. Please reply. Thanks.Laura

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #249346 - 03/01/06 07:28 AM
Johnny T. Reb

Reged: 07/09/05
Posts: 987
Loc: Lake Linden, Mich in the U.P. IBS-C

Hi Laura, Practically all C's have that. The pain and discom-
fort is just stool and gas piling up in the sigmoid colon.You
should notice pain or discomfort particularly when you stand
up from a sitting position. -Bob

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #250226 - 03/06/06 09:11 AM

Reged: 12/27/05
Posts: 32
Loc: Orlando, Florida

Laura, To piggy back on what Johnny is saying, I have IBS-C, but not sure if it's due to the librax I take (which has that as a side effect). To counteract I take fibre supplements in AM and PM (Heather's in the AM, capsule in the PM). Also, I take black soybeans (soak them for 24 hours, drain and chew very well before swallowing)at night before bed and usually have a consistent BM in the AM before leaving for work. I am up to about 20 beans now (they are small). And, yes, I know it sounds weird. But, it works for me. I still have attacks and "C" when I try to expand my diet, but for the most part the beans work. They clean out your system. And, no, I have not had gas from these - other beans, yes, but from the black beans, no. And, I suppose you could find them in a health food store. I got mine from my Accupuncturist (Nationally certified) (who was also a degreed RN for 20 years).

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #251842 - 03/12/06 05:10 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

I've got that pain right now! I'm IBS D, I guess it could be gas, I always imagine that I'm feeling actual spasms. After my latest "normal" colonoscopy result, the doc told me that he could see my gut spasming through the scope. That image stuck with me. - Dan
Since this is the exercise board, I'll just throw in also that I'm TRYING really hard to find time to exercise but with a 1 year old at home, its really harder than ever to find time.

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #254315 - 03/24/06 08:13 PM

Reged: 03/24/06
Posts: 4
Loc: Massachusetts, USA

Hey Laura,

Gary in Boston here. Yes, I get those symptoms frequently, too. Have had IBS-C for 20 years. Plus, I just had surgery this January for a total intestinal obstruction that uncovered 15 scar-tissue adhesions inside of me. This past week, my IBS-like symptoms returned. Now I don't know when it's an IBS attack, a possible return of the adhesions, or both! X-rays at the doctor's last week showed no obstruction, so maybe it's a flare-up of the IBS. which condition the adhesions surgery wouldn't have likewise eliminated, unfortunately.

Then suddenly, out of the, I'll return to normal like nothing happened. Just try to remember, "less is more"; try not to "over-" anything: attempt to avoid overeating, over-worrying, over-stressing, etc. Well, with one exception...give yourself lots of well-deserved loved and TLC!

Gary in Boston

Gary in Boston

"Dreams don't die,
people just sometimes stop dreaming." ;-)

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #255176 - 03/29/06 11:50 AM

Reged: 03/12/06
Posts: 65


did u try eat for your blood type it helped me


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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #257885 - 04/12/06 01:53 PM

Reged: 03/18/06
Posts: 6
Loc: Millersville, MD

I have IBS and was also separately diagnosed with spinal arthritis... to help the arthritis I went to physical therapy three times a week and started an intense exercise plan to strengthen my back and abdominal muscles. I now do ~200 chrunches of various types each evening... it has greatly reduced my back pain but the awesome dividend is that it also helps with my IBS. Some of the exercises include using a large blown-up ball about 2 1/2 feet in diameter... on nights that my abdomen is really bloated and sore I lie over the ball and roll around and it really helps.

I also found that after my back exercises I would put ice on my back and a heating pad on my abdomen and the heat really soothed any stomach cramps and pain also.

I think that having firmer and flatter abs has helped to hold my whole bowel-area better and allows me to control the gas and spasms... I also have better posture and that helps with pain too.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #266229 - 05/29/06 05:11 PM

Reged: 05/29/06
Posts: 5
Loc: Wisconsin

Hi Laura, I too have the constipation with "nothing" wrong, i also have the bloat/pain, but mine is the whole tummy. What type of yoga do you try? The soluble fiber drinks only aggrevate my bloat/pain, what kind do you use? Any weight gain? Let me know. Thanks, Beth

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #266230 - 05/29/06 05:13 PM

Reged: 05/29/06
Posts: 5
Loc: Wisconsin

I don't want to sound dumb, but how do you eat for your blood type? Where do you get information on this? How long have you been eating for your blood type? When did you start seeing results?

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #266519 - 05/30/06 06:49 PM

Reged: 05/30/06
Posts: 301


I have just begun doing yoga and taking soluable fiber everyday, only 1 tsp daily,however, when my left side flares up , I can't do yoga. I suffer mainly from constipation, have for 20plus years, and have had 3 colonoscopies. Dr. says there is nothing "wrong" with my colon. But I still have left side pain/bloating and it radiates to my back--the only thing that relieves it is putting a heating pad on the left side/back and lying down. Does anyone else out there have this kind of symptoms? It is very disturbing. Please reply. Thanks.Laura

Hi. I'm new here, but I wanted to mention I get that left side pain too. I found that I can do the a.m. part of the A.M. P.M. yoga dvd with Rodney Yee. It's just 15 minutes and very gentle. It really helped me feel better this weekend when I had a flare up. It's by the Living Arts. I think I got mine at Target. I only do it to the extent I can for the pain. But I have to say, it's a really nice little routine on those icky days.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #268376 - 06/08/06 05:45 PM
Donna Smith

Reged: 06/08/06
Posts: 1

I have the same problem, as someone else said it is pain in the sigmoid colon when most spasms occur in IBS-C. Heating pads and lying on your left side can be helpful. My doctor prescribed NuLev as needed for pain which really helps!

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #269190 - 06/13/06 02:04 PM
mish wu

Reged: 06/13/06
Posts: 4

Well this is my first time on here, I have to say I really found people just like myself. It feels good to know I am not the only one.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #269759 - 06/15/06 09:18 PM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hello there,
I never heard of NuLev. Is that better that zelnorm? I need something for the pain, I seem to have pain 24/7. I been doing kind of better with my C, but the pain won't stop. HELP PLEASE !!! Thank you.

The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #271371 - 06/28/06 09:31 AM

Reged: 06/28/06
Posts: 1

I just wanted to let you know that I totally understand how frustrating it is to have "nothing" wrong with you, but be in so much pain, and back pain at that. It took me doing my own research to come to the conclusion that this is what's wrong with me, I too have been tested for many years with no luck in getting any better.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #282044 - 09/13/06 01:26 PM

Reged: 09/13/06
Posts: 1

I have the constipation with all over stomach pain and bloating. Every pill I've tried only aggravates my condition. The only relief is to exercise-mostly walking. My discomfort is worse in the am when I wake up. Anyone else familiar with that symptom? Am trying the soluable diet but after one week-no significant changes. Need advice. Also would like to know if taking cod liver oil each day is any help.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #282241 - 09/14/06 11:03 AM
Smiling Strange

Reged: 07/13/06
Posts: 21
Loc: Florida, USA


Hello there,
I never heard of NuLev. Is that better that zelnorm? I need something for the pain, I seem to have pain 24/7. I been doing kind of better with my C, but the pain won't stop. HELP PLEASE !!! Thank you.

I just wanted to say that I've been taking NuLev every now and then since I was diagnosed with IBS (D) four years ago. It does seem to help the pain, sometimes, anyway. But the side effects can be really annoying. It gives me awful dry mouth, to the point where I can't speak without coughing and get a sore throat from it being so dry. Also, whatever the active ingredient is, it sort of keeps you from sweating. I live in Central Florida, where we have a lot of 95-degree days, no breeze, and a very high amount of humidity. I've had a few episodes of heat exhaustion from having to walk around in these conditions while taking the NuLev. Also, I took it once and then went for a workout -- BAD IDEA. I had to go to the bathroom and pour water over my head to keep from passing out from being so overheated. But, if you're having bad pain and you can stay in cool conditions and have lots of water or tea or something to keep your mouth moist, it's worth it.

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #307359 - 05/15/07 05:04 PM

Reged: 11/03/05
Posts: 8
Loc: Alexandria, VA

I was curious, what do you mean by left side? I notice I get a huge bump in my left side with IBS. Is that what you experience too? If so,I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Conspiation Dominated.
"To thine own self be true." -William Shakespeare

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #307587 - 05/19/07 09:33 AM

Reged: 07/14/04
Posts: 108

I get the same thing with the bloating on the left side although nothing goes into my back. I am IBS-C and I also get alot of my pain in the left side. I'm not quite sure why that happens but as I roam through the message boards I see there are people just like me. I just use a heating pad alot and drink peppermint and fennel tea. I'm also using the Acacia fiber and that helps alot!!

Someday I hope to find out why the pain persists more on the left side than anywhere else. There must be a reason if alot of IBSers have the same issue.


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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #308378 - 06/02/07 05:16 AM

Reged: 05/30/07
Posts: 20

Hey im sorry youre having difficulties. I cant really answer your question based on the information youve givewn though. Whats your diet like? How do you eat your food, do you gorge or graze? How do you manage stress?
Let me know and I'll let you know what I think.
Good luck

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #308446 - 06/03/07 08:34 AM
Chuck Solomon

Reged: 12/14/06
Posts: 4

For you guys with pain of spasms in colon and back pain with IBS-c, here is what I do.
I've had IBS for 25 years - mostly bad.
However, I am always trying some natural treatments - some that I invent - and I recently toured Europe for 2 months - a lot of walking and carrying the baggage to the plane / train, and eating a lot of good food that was served - and I was surprised to find that I was surviving quite OK.

So I have decided to write a book: Life after IBS.
I'm working on it.

Now for your pains, try this.
For back pain: Eat Prunes - try cooked (or raw).
When you are going to bed at night, take
CMA, Calcium-Magnesium-Ascorbate, by Alacer.
I only need to take 1/2 tablet.
I use the one with Melatonin. It minimizes gas and aids sleep. Also You may want to take their EmergenC, vit C drink, during the day. Works like nothing else to relieve dense gas trapped by spasms in the colon that causes PAIN.
Take homeopathic Bryonia Alba, 30x potency at night. Put one tablet or (2 pellets) in a clean, small jar with 1/2 cup of water and cover. Shake and sip about 1 teaspoon. Can repeat every 15 minutes for a few doses, and as needed. Good news - NO SIDE-EFFECTS.
The indications for Bryonia are: Constipation with usually low back pain - WORSE MOTION, BETTER REST, feeling too warm, thirst for cold drinks - mucous membranes are all dry; also may have vertigo, pressive headache, eyes sore to touch and moving them, painful stiffness in nape of neck, bitter or lost taste, pit of stomach sensitive to touch, and maybe even nausea, vomiting and also irritability.
May also have stools that are hard, seem too large, dark urine, fever, cough, tiredness, aching, rheumatic pains - stiching, tearing - worse motion, better rest, liver region feels full, sore, tensive, hot, with pains - worse pressure,
coughing, breathing - also may have tenderness of abdominal walls.
Does this fit any of you? I'll bet it does fit some of you - maybe at various times.
I'd like to hear how it works for you. Maybe I'll put your case in my book, changing the name to protect the guilty, of course.
Good luck

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Re: Exercise and IBS new
      #308599 - 06/05/07 12:38 PM

Reged: 04/08/07
Posts: 106
Loc: Kentucky, USA

I get pain in the left side up by the ribs. I've found out that gas gets stuck there as that is where the colon does it's bend from the transverse colon to the desending colon. The acacia has helped with this a lot even when I still get C after eating something that seemed safe but wasn't. Gas passes better now too and is less painful as it moves through the gut. So, for me Acacia has been a big help. Using digestive enzymes at dinner, when I eat the most but have the slowest digestion of the day, helps this issue as well.

Catnut IBS-C for many years, finally diagnosed in 2005. Wheat and dairy sensative.

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