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Following your Dreams...
      #91994 - 07/21/04 12:42 AM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Well, I had to stay home from work sick today (like most other days over the last few weeks) and I started really thinking about what I'm doing with my life and what I want to do and I wanted to pick some people's brains on a few things.

As a child, I always wanted to be a writer. I was a HUGE geek, while other kids were out playing, I would write plays and short stories. I won some writing contests in high school, and still get a lot of pleasure out of it. However, as I got slightly older I started thinking about $ and decided I should be a lawyer. So, I headed off to University to work on that.

I know I don't want to be a lawyer anymore, and I'm still pursuing my post-secondary degree, but to be perfectly honest, I've been thinking more and more about writing. It's something I always had a knack for and it just sorta got put on the back burner because I thought of it as a hobby instead of a potential career. I still think it's unlikely it could be a career, sorta like sports, you can be good at it but only a select few can make a living at it.

So, I got thinking, maybe all the problems I'm having are a weird blessing, trying to kick my butt into gear and get me to do what I want. Because if I can't get out to work because I'm so sick, I could certainly stay home and write.

Of course, then I get scared with the usual things like what if I can't do it, or what if I suck at it, and what would I write about? But still...maybe it's worth a try.

I'm really rambling here, it's late and it's just one of those days, just thought I'd see what people say. Anyone else out there have a dream job that they wanted to do as a child but for whatever reasons are doing something completely different? I mean, I'm in banking...not exactly the most creative field eh?

Whatever, maybe this will spark a discussion, I hope I'm making sense

Here's wishing everyone a good tummy day...I'm off to bed!

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Kelly new
      #91995 - 07/21/04 01:02 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi Hun,
I think you and I are seem really similar, as we sorta did the same thing. When I was younger, I used to write stories and stuff all the time and all through high school I got really good responses about it so I too thought that's what I wanted to do with my life.
So when I got to University, I took a bunch of Creative Writing courses but to me, a weird thing happened. My first 2 courses were brilliant, I loved the people, loved workshopping stories and loved, loved, loved writing. Then I took my third course, and I seriously felt like I had run out of things to write about. Now, I know that's ridiculous because it's so limitless but that's how I felt, so I tried to stick it out but felt like I was just embarassing myself, so I dropped it.
Then I too started taking more practical courses at Uni, deciding to (for some reason) get a degree in History... What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks I was gonna do with a history degree, I didn't know but there's that.
So now I have been in England for a year and a half, right? Have taken a break from school, thought I'd figure stuff out.. but I haven't. So I go back to Canada in December with half a History degree, part of a Creative Writing background and no idea what to do with my life!!
Which brings me (finally, sorry) to you!
I know the idea of being a writer as a career is a scary one because it's so dependent on you writing a book you can sell, in order to make money. And you could be the best writer in the world, and have problems getting published.. and then more trouble getting it sold to millions of people.
Still, I think if writing is something that you love to do then you'll do it. I still find myself really sort of yearning for it sometimes, which is why I have decided to go back to writing.. but only in my free time as I need steady income!
I would say you should start writing in all the free time you have now.. just write and write and write and see where it gets you. If you start coming out with things you want to get published, send 'em off. There are literary magazines that you can send off short stories and poems and stuff to that might publish them if they like it. If that goes well, work on bigger projects. I think just jumping into it, and leaving everything else you're doing will put too much pressure on you to write and take some of the joy out of it. I think that's one of the reasons I had so much difficulty when I was doing it for a course.
I agree with you that being able to stay at home and write whenever you wanted would be such an ideal career! Can you imagine how lovely it must be if you could make enough money that way to just live your life on your own time table? Brilliant!
I'm sure you are a lovely writer, so I say give it a shot. Once you start, you'll probably get a better idea of how much time you'll want to commit to it and ocne you start sending things out, you'll get used to responses from publishers and stuff.
Good luck, honey! I hope your dream comes true on this one.. and I'll buy all your books!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: Following your Dreams... new
      #91996 - 07/21/04 02:58 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey


I know what you mean, my first dream job as a child was being a veterinarian (not even sure if I spelled that right). I loved animals so much and wanted to help them. Aww, isn't that cute . Then, in junior high school, my interest in science faded, so I abandoned all hope in ever becoming one. Actually, looking back, the first year that science class became in depth is when I lost interest, but I was also being severely bullied in that class. So I may be good at it, who knows. I also had a phase of wanting to be a paramedic, but my nerves couldn't even handle being an EMT (emergency medical technician) once I got my certification. I have also wanted to be a counselor or pyschologist and wanted to help troubled children/teens.
Know what I am in school for now? Accounting (part-time). Big difference, huh? And I also realize that can change tomorrow, and am perfectly okay with that.
I also realize that anyone with a trade or talent or learned skill can help others, even accountants. I could work for a non profit organization or even help out people who can't afford accounting services normally, if I get a degree. it's not where the money is at, but if I feel that is what I need to do for myself when I graduate, it is an option.
Everyday we grow, so goals change. it is only important to be going in A direction, even if you have to veer off into a different path every once in awhile.
No education is wasted! Now you have more knowledge and experiences to help you in your writing. And a career incase it takes awhile for you to get your writing off the ground. I do not know much about the writing field, but is there a job you could get that would put you in the field without having to have your stories published right away? It is never a bad idea to get your foot in the door somewhere or start making the right connections.
if you have the confidence that you are that good at it, that should tell you something and you DEFINATELY should pursue it. Life is too short to hold yourself back.
Good luck!


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Re: Following your Dreams... new
      #91999 - 07/21/04 04:17 AM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland


I think you should definitely start writing again and see what happens. It is something that you love to do and like you said, you can do it from home. There are more important things in life than making a huge salary. That is what I tell my 24 year old daughter. Go with your heart not your head when trying to decide what you want to do.

I also would love nothing better than to be a writer. I love writing and it has been a dream of mine for many years. I even have the room I would write in all set up in my head. I think I would be very happy if I could fullfill that dream. You are young, give it a try and see what happens.

Good luck!


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Re: Steph new
      #92000 - 07/21/04 04:25 AM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland

Interesting that you say you are a history major. I am also a history major with a minor in english. I didn't start going to college until I was 40 and it has been a long haul for me. I still am not half through and don't know if I will ever finish. I always said that my kids come first and that I don't want to take anything away from them because I am going to college. This is why it has taken me so long. I really feel it is important for them to be able to do what they are interested in. I always have time after they leave home and they will only experience high school once.

I'm getting a little off track, sorry. The whole point is that we don't always know right away what we want to do and even if you do it can change as you grow and mature. If you have a love of writing then you should try again and see where it takes you. You could use your history knowledge in your writing. That is what I thought I could do. I love history but love writing more. Knowledge is power and you can never have too much.


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Re: Following your Dreams... new
      #92026 - 07/21/04 06:26 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

My first true dream job was a 2-way tie. I wanted to be a fashion designer. I started designing my own lines of clothes when I was 9. I still do it - I carry a little notepad and sketch whenever I find myself sitting around for more than a few minutes. I also wanted to write. In school, English was my best subject - I blew through it. I started writing a book in my free time when I was 26, and I'd been writing short stories and things like that since the beginning of time.

I can't really tell you what to do, of course, and I know you have to make a living, but if you know you don't want to be a lawyer, get out now. After all that dreaming about a creative job, what did I go to school for? ACCOUNTING. Honestly, I saw $ signs and I don't know what the hell I was thinking beyond that. I dropped out after a couple years, and I haven't gone back.

My ex was a big jerk, but he was surprisingly wise about the whole college thing. He couldn't even believe that I'd wasted any time as a business major, because it was so contrary to my personality and dreams. He advised me to NEVER pick a college major based on practicality or salary alone, because it's just not going to be something you're happy with. (And I think he was the voice of experience; he was much older than me, and after getting a master's, wasn't working in that field anyway.)

Honestly, I still can't see myself suddenly dropping everything and running off to FIT in Manhattan to kickstart my fashion career. But I can see myself going back to UMaine in a couple years and starting over as an English major. Because I love to read, I love to write, and I love dissecting literature. I still don't exactly know what I'm going to DO with an English degree, but like Janey said, knowledge is never a waste of time, and I've learned that in the current job market, WHAT your degree is is less important than the fact that you have one, so I'm sure I'll figure something out.

I'm just kind of rambling, and I don't know if any of this was even remotely helpful, but I guess what I'm getting at is that if you're not happy with the idea of being a lawyer, that's a really big clue that it's time for a switch. It's never too late.

Whoever suggested writing in your spare time, I like that idea. If writing is your love, definitely make it a priority. I agree that it wouldn't be practical to quit your job and write, but scheduling yourself a night a week and planning to write on days you're too sick to go to work doesn't sound like a bad plan. Don't worry about the what-ifs... for now, just write. It's definitely worth a try!

Hope you had good sleep, and have a good tummy day today!

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Re: Following your Dreams... new
      #92038 - 07/21/04 07:23 AM
Michelle Leigh

Reged: 07/20/04
Posts: 2

I just went thru the same thing literally last week. As I had my revolution with IBS...anyway. I needed to make a decision on my new career path within a week. I'm currently working in Information Technology, and am in route for my degree with it. But knowing I don't like my current job, I took it farther to ask myself if I really like the IT field. Well I don't, my passion is for Psychology. But with that I had a counsler at my college say to stick with IT cause that's where the $ is and I'm good at that too, even though it's not my passion. Well with setting up loans for school and etc, I didn't want to pursue a path that later I'd hate and have to continue to pay for... And I support myself so switching to follow my interest and passion was a huge decision...but I realized that it's not how much $ I have at the end of the day, but how content I am at the end of the day. This decision took allot of deep searching, which must admitt, very SCARED to change paths. But if I don't try, I'll never know...

Good luck to you!

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Re: Following your Dreams... new
      #92043 - 07/21/04 07:37 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

I wish I would have listened to my heart a little more before college!
I got a civil engineering degree from a big 10 school - I worked my butt off, seriously - I got one B, and all the rest A's throughout college - and that B was in an elective - Child Development. Which was my favorite class, but I couldn't spend the time on it.

Anyways, I hate engineering. I have worked inside designing, I have worked with consultants, and I tried working outside with contractors for too long. I was stressed out ALL the time, and I just don't like it. I'm very good at math/science (I would be an awful writer! ) But I just don't have a passion for it.

I think most of you know - I quit my job a couple months ago, and it was a huge ordeal. My parents were VERY upset, and still kinda are.

But now I'm struggling with - what am I supposed to be? Why am I here? What do I really WANT to do?

My passions are kids, and sports. I would love to own a daycare, or to be a swimming coach. But like everyone says, $ was on my mind when I went to college.

Feel like I've wasted too many years of my life, and now I'm confused!

It sounds like a lot of people go through this though



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A few thoughts and a special quote....... new
      #92047 - 07/21/04 08:18 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Here is a quote I found and thought it was perfect for this situation...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

It's much easier said than done....but everything happens for a reason. You'll be more disappointed if you don't at least give it a try in the writing field. Sure it's scary...but if it's something you love to do and have a talent for it's worth trying. If all else fails you at least have other career options you can fall back, banking, etc. But it's worth the try. Go for it!!!! Having won some contests already shows that you have a talent for it and others like what you do. Right?

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Re: Following your Dreams... new
      #92054 - 07/21/04 09:35 AM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

Hi, Kelly:

I do have an English degree, but I'm better at the reading and analyzing part of it than the creative writing part. I just wanted to share my thoughts.

If you pursue creative writing, you could always get a Master's of Fine Arts and then possibly teach part-time at a community college. This would give you some income and still allow you to pursue your dream. Another option would be to also get a certificate in technical writing, which is boring, but it would allow you to work from home on copy editing, creating manuals, etc.

The most important thing, I believe, it that your work has to bring you some joy. I am so grateful that I have a job that I enjoy and believe has great value (not to mention nice loooong summers). Your work takes so much of your time that it defines a lot of who you are, so you had better do something you can embrace.


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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