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JOB INTERVIEW TOMORROW. looking for funny/good interview stories! new
      #79840 - 06/16/04 06:51 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i have a job interview tomorrow. i don't mind job interviews too much nowadays, 'cause i'm "old," but when i was younger boy did they make me nervous! i'm not too worried about tomorrow, but it would take off the edge if i got to read some good interview stories. anyone have any funny job interview stories!?


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Well, it's not funny, but... new
      #79853 - 06/16/04 07:22 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

My best job-getting experience was when I was absolutely desperate for work, right before I moved out of the DC area. I used to do tech support and software testing, and I couldn't get an interview ANYWHERE, even for bottom-rung entry-level crap. Out of desperation, I walked into a retail store to grab an application - and I looked like hell, too - messy hair, nose ring, tattoos showing (if I know I'm interviewing, I try to hide that stuff!). I walked out 10 minutes later with a job. I never even got interviewed!

My best actual interview was for the job that got me moved down to the DC area in the first place. 3 weeks after I sent my resume, the guy called me out of the blue and interviewed me by phone. The "interview" consisted mostly of him yammering about the history of his business. I guess me just sitting there and listening patiently was exactly what he was looking for, and he hired me sight unseen.

It doesn't matter how many interviews I do or how mundane the job is, I still get nervous every time. Good luck tomorrow!

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actually, new
      #79858 - 06/16/04 07:41 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i think being hired sight-unseen is kinda funny. or, at least, daring!

and i also think it's funny that you got a job all scrubby and pierced. you know, we usually jump thru hoops to get ready for interviews and such, and you just walked into that job. fantastic!


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Re: JOB INTERVIEW TOMORROW. looking for funny/good interview stories! new
      #79865 - 06/16/04 08:14 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

I don't have any good stories, but you are not old. I think you are my age.

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Here's One For Ya, Jen! new
      #79886 - 06/16/04 08:52 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

It was in Washington, D.C. I was SOOOO young -- and stupid. I had always wanted to be Perry Mason's secretary; that was my dream. In high school, I took a typing course and discovered I was a very fast typist. I got myself a job as a Clerk Typist for the F.C.C. and then as a Receptionist for a Commercial Art Agency on Wisconsin Avenue, then as a Secretary for American University, all the while taking a shorthand class at night. When I "graduated" from the shorthand class, I figured I knew it all. I was gonna go out there and find me that job as Della Street!

Like I said, it was in D.C. The attorney had his own practice. It was a beautiful office, with mahogany walls and beautiful, rich mahogany desks and lush red velvet chairs, with magnificent law books lining all the walls -- oh, I had ARRIVED!

Well, I got the job; the attorney hired me on the spot. In fact, he asked me if I would come into his office that weekend because he had a brief to get out which had to be filed with the court that following Monday.

I showed up at the scheduled time, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, dressed, of course, in my finest suit, with my matching purse and shoes, hat, and of course white gloves. Back in the early '60's in D.C. that's what decent ladies wore.

He gave me a pad and pen and escorted me into the conference room, where he had piles of files all around him, and we spent the entire morning in dictation. I was so good, oh yeah, I kept up with his every word, taking it all down in shorthand -- it filled my entire pad. I was so pleased with myself, boy I was on FIRE! When he was finished, he said, "Okay, I want this typed on legal-size pleading paper with three carbon copies, no errors."

"Yes, SIR!" And I marched out, over to the magnificent secretarial desk in the outer office, to "MY" old Royal manual typerwriter (remember, this was WAAAAY before electric typewriters!), and began fumbling through the desk looking for pleading paper.

What the hell was "pleading" paper, anyway? I had no idea. And "court and cause"? What was that? Three carbon copies, no errors? Okay, I think I can do that....

I sat at the typewriter, all poised and ready to go, pad open, with all my crazy little squiggles on the pages, and I just sat there, looking at that pad forever.

I could not read one single word.

The sweat began to drip down my face. OMG, come on Bev, you can DO this. What the hell did he SAY here? What ARE these squiggles? Court and cause? OMG!

Hours later -- HOURS later -- he came out of the conference room and said, "what is taking you so long?" I was still sitting there, in total horror, with a sheet of paper full of blank lines. By that time I had managed to figure out perhaps one word in each sentence.

The man was furious. He yanked the pleading paper out of my typewriter, copies and all, and told me to get out of his office. I was in tears all the way home on the bus, completely oblivious to anyone around me.

I went back to my old job in Reston, with my tail between my legs, and thankfully was given my old job back. My boss, the Director of Townhouse Sales, told me I was going to learn how to read that shorthand, and called me into the next sales meeting in the conference room. I begged and pleaded with him, telling him I couldn't do it, but he wouldn't listen to me. He said, "take the minutes, BM!" As the sales meeting went on, I rapidly took down everything in shorthand. Then he said, "read it back." I couldn't read it. All the salesmen sat there, waiting, while the tears ran down my face. My boss said, "READ IT!" I was mortified.

We repeated this horrible process for months -- MONTHS -- until one day, he said, "read it," and I DID! I DID! The salesmen clapped (obviously relieved to no longer have to go through that torture).

My boss hired me to help him with his book that he was writing on our off hours. I went to his apartment every night and he dictated chapter after chapter. On the weekends I was to use my own time away from office time to type it all up -- and I DID, not missing one single word.

He published that book and made a million off it. His name was Andrew Barr and the book was, "How To Make a Million in Real Estate."

So that's my interview story for you. Anyone reading this will no doubt say to themselves, "Self, what the hell is 'shorthand'?"


<img src="">Bevvy

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The funniest thing... new
      #79896 - 06/16/04 09:06 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi Jen!
First of all, good luck in your interview. I know you said you don't really get nervous anymore, but I'll still try and send good luck vibes your way.. even though I'll probably do it at the wrong time.. *grumble* Stupid time difference..
Anyway, when I went to interview for my job in the restaurant I worked in in Canada, the manager asked me questions straight off this sheet of paper. In the beginning, it was the basic stuff.. (Why would you be good for this job? What do you know about waitressing? blah, blah, blah). Then he looked up from the paper, and said, "What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?" I was so stunned by the question, that I think I just stared at him for about a minute. I was so desperate to say SOMETHING that I started telling this story about a girlfriend of mine. See, the real story is that when we were about 15 (I was 16 when I was interviewed) one of my friends was having a birthday and she was a real prude so we thought it would be funny to get her embarassing presents (as you do when you're in high school and think boobs are the most hilarious things in the world). Anyway, the story goes that we went into a drug store and my friend was going to buy condoms and stick them to her present, but when we went to leave the store with them, we set the alarm off. So the security guard caming running over, went through all our stuff, made a big production about the condoms and we were all giggling and red faced and horribly embarassed. Then it happened twice more, and they kept marching us through the store, with our condoms, to get them re-swiped or whatever..
OKAY SO, as I begin telling this story, I realise it's not really that appropriate, so I sort of hurry through it and tell it totally wrong so in the end it just looks like I thought it was really funny that my friend got caught shoplifting condoms.
Good job, Steph.
Okay, so I didn't get the job after that. I had to go back, a few months later, and basically beg for a job and they finally gave it to me.. it was not on my first impression that they were inclined to hire me. Wonder why..

At another interview for a pub job, I got asked, "Why do you want to work in a pub?" and I was a bit grumpy that day, bad tummy day and wasn't particularly interested in the job so I said, "Well, I don't really _want_ to work in a pub, but you are close to my house and I don't have a car so I can walk here pretty fast. Plus, I have been off work sick for a while and just really need the money so I have to take _a_ job, and I already know how to waitress so this was the easiest option." I said it in a nice voice and everything, but he looked really surprised (What should I have said? "I just love to come to a workplace that stinks like smoke 24/7, get abused by customers, make crappy money, and work $h!t hours") Anyway, he said, "Well, at least you're honest.." and gave me the job. Weird how the world works sometimes.
Good luck, Jen!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Except me... new
      #79902 - 06/16/04 09:18 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Believe it or not, I know what shorthand is! Heh. I used to know it, even, thanks to my mother, but that little bit of knowledge is long gone, heh.

Great story!

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oh god, steph, that's a riot! new
      #79920 - 06/16/04 09:52 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i have a vague recollection of doing something similar to your first story once.... i hate those open-ended "thought-provoking" interview questions. "List one thing you've done that you wish you hadn't." "Describe a situation in which you had no control over something." Blah, blah, blah. i can't remember which one i goofed on, but i distinctly remember thinking "uh oh... this story is not going where i need it to go. REPAIR! REPAIR!!"

as for the other- i think that's a great tale! i can't believe they gave you the job though (no offense!)- they must have been desperate!


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YAY! new
      #79924 - 06/16/04 09:57 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

that's just great! it fascinates me, though, that the mind would allow you to learn how to take shorthand but not interpret it! that's the coolest thing ever....

and yes, i know what shorthand is. my grandmother was a secretary and always took notes to herself in shorthand. i always yearned to be able to do that... your story is great and entertaining and also brings up great memories of my beloved grandmother's long skinny notepads with their "hieroglyphics." THANKS!


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although.... new
      #79925 - 06/16/04 09:58 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

of course, i know they don't look like hieroglyphics. i was using the word loosely. they always looked like little tiny worm squiggles to me!


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yikes! new
      #79927 - 06/16/04 10:01 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i don't mean that i think i'm "old." i always joke like that. i just mean that when i was younger i was much more nervous about things like that. after i turned 30 i became so much more secure about myself and confident of my abilities-- now i know that i can conduct myself well at an interview and if i'm skilled enough then i'm skilled enough and if i'm not, i'm not. that's what i mean. now that i'm not a kid anymore, now that i know who i am!


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Re: JOB INTERVIEW TOMORROW. looking for funny/good interview stories! new
      #79978 - 06/16/04 11:40 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Hey, sweets, just wanted to say good luck on the interview!

My funniest interview story is when I interviewed for a job in the stock market area of the bank -- on Black Monday in 1987 when the stock market crashed 500 points! So much for that job. The interview was with a friend and when he saw that on his computer during our meeting, we both agreed to just pretend the interview never happened!!

Keep it simple!

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Sorry, Jen, I only have bad ones!! But good luck tomorrow! I know you're gonna do great! new
      #79990 - 06/16/04 12:22 PM

Reged: 09/28/03
Posts: 1183
Loc: Fort Wayne, Indiana

It comes down to the art of living on [color/red]

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Shorthand, bevrs new
      #80000 - 06/16/04 12:58 PM
heather robin

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 279
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania

Bevrs, you are so lucky to know shorthand! I wish I would have know it for college! But let me tell you a story. I worked at the Virginia Historical Society and a co-worker of mine was cataloging a collection which included shorthand notes. No one in the entire building(everyone has at least their Masters or PH.D.) could read it except for our WONDERFULsecretary Carol! Shorthand is a dying art and if you ever volunteer or work for a museum don't be surprised if you are asked to interpret!


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Re: JOB INTERVIEW TOMORROW. looking for funny/good interview stories! new
      #80001 - 06/16/04 12:59 PM
heather robin

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 279
Loc: S.E. Pennsylvania

I really don't have any good stories, I just wanted to wish you well, I know you need to find a new job! Good Luck


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Oh Yeah, Bev. I know what shorthand is!!!! -nt-
      #80014 - 06/16/04 01:39 PM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas


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Useless Knowledge, Heather! new
      #80085 - 06/16/04 03:18 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

You know what's really creepy, Heather? I still take dictation all the time -- with my toes. When people are talking, I transcribe it by taking it down with my toes. Pretty silly, ain't it? I used to do it in class, and just never stopped.

And do you know, I still have my stupid coursebook?!

By the way, have you ever noticed the little scribbles that Snoopy's little bird secretary writes above Snoopy's dog house when he's dictating to the bird? I CAN READ THOSE SCRIBBLES!

Ah, what can I say, it's a dying art.....

<img src="">Bevvy

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