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Another Saturday night and ..... new
      #74704 - 05/29/04 10:57 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

I'm back home from the bar, by myself, hanging out with my kitten.

I know I've complained here before about there not being any girls up here, and although I am still complaining, this post isn't really made out of self pity or anything like that. I find the dating scene in this small town very unnerving. I haven't been on a date here in over a year, yet when I was back in Toronto at Christmas time I went on a couple.

I was at the bar/club last weekend and was actually surprised at how many new girls were out. But did I actually go and talk to them? no! I've never been good at meeting girls at bars and honestly I have no idea what to say. I'm generally a friendly, fairly outgoing guy but not at a bar. Mind you most of the girls were probably still in highschool (the legal age up here is 18) or have a boyfriend/brother named Bubba.

Now I definitely know it sounds like I'm complaining that I don't have a girlfriend, but really, I do like being single. The thing that bothers me is that the only opportunity to meet new people (girls) is at the bar and I'm really awful at that. There aren't really an abundance of clubs or activities that I can go do. Of the 70 or so pilots at work, 4 are female and the majority of the other employees are male. I'm not really sure what other things I can do. I've always been able to meet people through friends or meet new people through work or school and I've not been able ot do that.

I'm also at a point in my life where even though I like being single, I am ready for a serious relationship, therefore, I'm fairly picky about who I would like to date and if I can't see it leading to something serious I'm not that interested. I do prefer getting to know a person a little first before getting really serious though.

I do know that eventually I'll move away from here and that I'll live in a place where it is easier for me to meet people and at some time, probably when I least expect I will meet someone really nice. But that being said, do any of you ladies on here have any suggestions? Either to meet new people or things to actually say at a bar so that they don't think I'm just trying to hook up?

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Re: Another Saturday night and ..... new
      #74707 - 05/29/04 11:12 PM

Reged: 02/11/04
Posts: 837

Well, I really can't help you with what to say at a bar; because I haven't had experience with that. But, I do know how and where I met my wonderful husband. I was living on my own and had to do my laundry at a laundromat. My husband was on his own, too and paid the attendant to do his laundry for him. We saw each other across the room and BOOM, that was it!

I was using a washing machine close to a pay phone, and he went over to the phone and pretended to call someone just so he could get closer to me. I knew he was doing a fake call. Turns out that he called his own answering machine at his home.

Well, then he casually walked over to me and said; "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room and I see you're not wearing a ring. Would you be interested in going out?" I was hesitant and told him he could call me.
He did and the rest is history. I insisted on driving for our first few dates, because I didn't trust him.

I guess that all this really says, is that you just can't plan these things. They just happen! I'm glad you're not desperate and you're being picky. Good for you!
My daughter met her husband in a library. They're both book worms! Maybe you could try some different places and hang out. Maybe you could ask the married ladies how they met their husbands and get some ideas that way.

I think you'll be a great catch for some lucky woman out there. You're good looking and smart; so you've already got a lot more going for you than average joe.

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I'm Just An Old Broad, BUT --
      #74721 - 05/30/04 05:37 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

-- I hated meeting men in bars, even when I was young and "cool." (Yeah, it happened.)

Jamie, have you given any thought to finding a good gym? I've belonged to quite a few in my hay-day, and that's where you'll find all the gals. I've never picked up a guy there -- hell, I've been married all my life! -- but whenever I went, the gym was swarming with women. And some of 'em not bad-lookin' either! Yeah, I noticed. I'm not blind.

Isn't there a health club near you? Don't you feel the need to pump a little iron? Maybe swim a few laps? Yeah, I think so. A good-looking young flyboy stud in a pair of Speedos? Oh no, you won't have any problems!



Oooh-Oooh! I just had another thought! CLASSES! Oh yeah. What are you interested in? Don'tcha wanna take some classes and learn something new? No, I'm not talking about quilting classes (although those were a lot of fun), I'm talking about something like maybe pottery! Hey, don't laugh -- gals LOVE pottery classes. And I made some pretty darn nice cups too. Oh, and stained glass. I LOVED my stained glass class. Lots of interesting people there. The good thing about classes is that you can mix really easily there and talk freely, you've already got a foot in the door 'cause you all share the same interest. Oh, how about drawing class? You don't mind looking at nudes do you? There you go!

<img src="">Bevvy

Edited by Bevrs (05/30/04 06:08 AM)

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Re: Another Saturday night and ..... new
      #74729 - 05/30/04 07:01 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 213
Loc: Wisconsin, USA

Have you thought about online dating services? I know, some might roll their eyes at that suggestion,but there is a website called that is supposed to be for people looking for serious relationships and values.It might be somewhat Christian based(not sure how you feel about that) but atleast you aren't likely to get paired up with some "shady" people with no goals or values.It is surprising though how many people have found a wonderful mate thru online dating.Grocery stores are another good place to meet women,the malls,bookstores,coffee shops,music concerts.Good Luck, sometimes you meet the person of your dreams when you least expect it!!!

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On-line dating...... new
      #74731 - 05/30/04 07:15 AM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas

My son met his wife on-line .....I think it was a basketball related site board.... and she is the most wonderful person. They have been married 6 yrs and expecting a baby in November.
Although, I do think if you try that you need to be extra careful. Maybe you could meet someone on this board!!! ha ha

My other son who is 29, is prefectly happy....after 2 bad be single. He keeps busy with work & hobbies. His attitude is, "I'm not looking for a relationship but if it happens to come along that would be great."

Good luck


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Bev, pretty good ideas for "An Old Broad"!! -nt- new
      #74732 - 05/30/04 07:17 AM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas


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bevrs is a smart cookie! (and i write a long post! WHEW!) new
      #74737 - 05/30/04 08:01 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

but we knew that, didn't we!?

though i will say looking for chicas at the gym is a bit scary. lots of women just want to be left alone at the gym
'cause they're concentrating on working out. there's nothing worse than feeling that your haven has been turned into a "meet"-market. (<---- "meet" market. clever, huh? i put it in quotes so you didn't think it was a fribro frog typo. no! i actually meant to be clever! )

of course, that said- a guy i see off-and-on runs the gym where i used to work out. (i'm such a hypocrite, no!? 'course---- i hit on him! )

here's the key if you're going to do the gym thing: smile, be nice, be solicitous, even go out of your way a bit to time your workouts where "hers" is (and when)if you've spotted a particular girl, but don't go be cheesy (which i doubt is anywhere in your nature anyway, Jamie! seriously! but there may be other dudes looking at this!). just be really nice and open. girls like that. girls do not want some flexing annoying guy hanging over the handles of their stairmaster while they use it (YES, i have seen this happen toooooo many times!).

as for the pottery etc., those are GREAT ideas Bev had! in fact, there are a few guys who show up for my yarn shop's Stitch and Bitches 'cause they know there will be girls there. we're unique, though, 'cause there's lotsa drinking at our S&B and also it's downstairs from a bar. but they show up "to learn how to make sweaters." and the owner of the shop has been known to fix people up, too. (DAG, i've GOT to get better and get to one of those S&Bes.... i have never been but they sound so fun!)

i digress...

so pottery places and anything like that are good. you can always start a conversation by being sheepish and "admitting" that you're there to make something for your mom/sister/cousin/best friend, and ask her opinion on the color/size/suitibility. (yes, it's a white lie, but girls think it's cute if you confess that sort of thing years later after you've fallen madly in love! -confess too early and it's a bit cheesy, though, so be forewarned. if you don't fall in love, no harm, no foul, you never have to tell the story and she's never the wiser.)

bookstores- good, cafe- good, coffee shops- good. music stores- good. just about anywhere. here's the trick: you actually have to talk to someone while you're at these places! and what do you say!? well, i think it's hard to do it but there's always something you can say, and women like it! (as long as you're not pushy--- notice the trend!? ) here, watch and learn....

  • bookstores: -"do you know which way the cooking section is?" then, if she seems interested and chatty, mention that you've been meaning to teach yourself to cook Greek/Chinese/Indonesion/Mexican/whatever! (just don't offer to make her dinner! that's cheesy when you first meet a girl!) everybody can talk about food, so if she is interested the conversation should be fairly easy thereafter. hmmmm... or there's "do you know where the photography books are?" and if you think she's interested in talking you can mention flipping though books to get ideas on "what makes a good shot" for your next trip, at which you can mention the pilot thing (CASUALLY!*). as you know, girls swoon for the pilot thing! -do you know where the books on pets are? i have a kitten and he's so much fun i want to learn a little more about cats. i've never had one before/i've never had a kitten before/it's been years since i had a kitten.
  • cafe: meander close or lean over to another table and say "i have never been here before/eaten this kind of food before.... do you have a suggestion?" again- food. who can't talk about food!? now, just don't launch into a litany of why you can't eat what she suggests! just thank her! if you order something different and she catches you, just wink and tell her you'd already set your heart on whatever it is you'd ordered/or spotted it after you two talked and "it's your favorite- you can't pass it up!", but you're going to order her recommendation next time! -i'm thinking of picking something up for my best friend. she's been a little down lately and i though surprising her with lunch on Monday would be nice. what's a good suggestion that wouldn't be too messy at work?
  • coffee shops- "do you drink tea? is the orange spice any good here?" or "i don't drink coffee but was thinking of shipping some to my mom/sister/cousin/best friend--- what's good?"
  • music stores - "have you heard X's new CD?" -"do you know if this store starts lists for advanced sales?" -"(point at CD she is looking at) have you seen them live?" -"i want a change! any recommendations for a CD that will blow me away?" (and if you can, slide in the "i play bass" thing. girls like musicians, ya know!)

or there's always the crazy suggestion. you could always just smile and say "hi." (that's a portable, non-situation-specific one!) really.... guys don't try that enough! follow up question: "how are you today?" (see!? CRAZY!!!!)

please don't forget step two, though! you have to follow up! ask her if she wants a cup of that orange spice tea to try it. ask her if she'll walk you over to that CD she just recommended. ask her to dinner/coffee/walk around the park/for her email address "to send her a link about X-Y-Z...." (oohh, that's a good "safe" one! it really works well. "if you give me your email address, i'll send you a link about Egypt i found when i was researching my next trip," "i'll send you such-and-such band's link." WHATEVER!) but you have to make the next step if you're interested and she's interested, or else this will all just have been a pleasant conversation between two people who wished they could see one another again but never will!

so there you go. there's always something to say! just pick up the vibes she's sending out. if she looks away and never looks back after you talk to her, she's not interested. if she turns her body away, she's not interested. if she has glanced up at you several times and smiled, she's thinking about it! if she turns towards you, she's interested. if she keeps the conversation rolling, she's interested. if she doesn't, she could just be shy, so don't count on that exclusively! try a second "conversational lob" and if it doesn't work smile, say "nice talking with you" and saunter away. ps: if she "shows up" in the same aisle or area as you again within a few minutes, she's interested!

all that said---- make sure you're practicing this all the time! it gets easier! as long as you're not lecherous or annoying or following a girl around, you're not going to irk her.

believe me, all of this will seem charming to most girls, and swoon-worthy when you bump into the "right" girl. as for transparancy--- sorry, we always know when guys are making conversation because they think we're pretty and/or are interested! always. but we like it, anyway. we think it's "cute" when guys talk to us, even if it's kind of awkward, especially if we think you're interesting and cute before you come over to talk to us! (remember "cute" is GOOD in girl talk! awkward can be cute- it's like "proof" that a guy doesn't hit on girls all the time. makes a girl feel special!) if it's all done right, even if she's not interested, you'll at least give her self-esteem a little boost and if she's not a witch she'll be cordial, which should boost your self-esteem a bit. a win-win situation!

*mention something casually: this does not mean " i am taking a trip 'cause i'm a pilot don't you think i'm sexy now?" or "i'm looking for a photography book 'cause they have good picures. i'm a pilot." No, no no..... it means something like..... hmm... ok... "well, i travel a lot for the airline and sometimes there's downtime between flights. i thought it would be fun to take up photography to fill that time and have a nice way to remember where i've been." see....? suave!


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Great advice Jen!! - nt - new
      #74743 - 05/30/04 08:24 AM

Reged: 04/18/04
Posts: 1060
Loc: Canada

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Thanks for all the tips new
      #74749 - 05/30/04 08:42 AM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

See, you ladies are awesome, lots of friendly advice.

TeeCee - That's a great story. It's good to hear other people met their Significant Other. There's a show on TLC called the wedding story and I'm always like watching the first part and finding out how the couple met. If anybody else wants to share how they met their SO I'd certainly be interested in hearing it.

Bev and Jen, those suggestions are awesome. Unfortunately my town doesn't have either a book store or a coffee shop. They don't read up here and they drink beer instead of coffee I'm not sure about the classes, I think the only thing they would have would be classes on how to properly gut a fish or skin a rabbit.

There are two small gyms, one of which I did go to occasionally before I got sick, and I guess I should start going again now that I've gradually been better. That however, is one area where I am quite self conscious (guys get that way too sometimes) I was skinny before the IBS got bad in the fall and have lost almost 20 lbs since. Although there are many situations where I've got lots of confidence to go up and talk to people, at the gym right after I've struggled to lift just the weight bar is not one of them

With regards to letting it slip that I'm a pilot, I do try and do that and I am quite tactful about it. There are lots of pilots in this town and they've actually got a pretty bad name, so it doesn't get me brownie points here.

A stitch and bitch sounds like a fun idea though

countrygirl - I haven't tried e-harmony, that may be something I should look into. I did try out Lavalife a bit, but because I live so far away from any big city, (the nearest city over 100,000 is 500 miles away) it wasn't very effective. That site at least was more for people who wanted to meet up on dates. The replies I would get would be polite, but that they were interested in someone who lived near by.

Thanks again for all your suggestions, keep em coming and I'd love to hear how people met their significant others.


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Re: Thanks for all the tips new
      #74758 - 05/30/04 10:25 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 213
Loc: Wisconsin, USA

I was 16yrs old and just broken up with an emotionally(sometimes Physically)abusive boyfriend.I was working part time on weekends at a Steak House,the head cook,a very sweet lady befriended me and knew i was going thru alot with my ex boyfriend calling me and harrassing me.One night he called me at work,i almost got fired for it! I griped about "stupid boys" and she said she had 4 boys at home if i ever needed a date,she would set something up.Prom was coming up,so my girlfriend and i went dress shopping.We planned to go as one big group of girls without dates. We just happened to stop at the head cook's house to say hello. There my husband was,the "baby" of the family,just 2 years older than me.I thought he was the most gorgeous guy on earth!! Things didnt go too smooth at first though,he hit his head on the light fixture when he walked in the house and i laughed outloud, he shot me a dirty look,and i figured i blew any chance with him at that moment.He later told me he thought i was too "snobby" for him.LOL, i am just a little shy at first,he may have taken that as being "snobby"?,,,anyway,somehow before the day was over we got to talking,his best friend Nathan was putting the moves on me very bluntly and i think my husband got jealous, we ended up talking for hours,Nathan ended up focusing on my girlfriend knowing i was more interested in my "future husband" than i was with him. When he found out i was going to the prom with a group of girls he offered to take me to my prom,even though we did not attend the same high school. We have been together ever since,dated for 4 years before we married and have been married going on 14 years now. At first my parents thought i could do better,but now they love him. Ever hear that song by Trisha Yearwood "She's in love with the boy"?,,,,that song always reminds me of my husband and I. So i guess you could say we are high school sweethearts,even if we didnt attend the same high school. Hey, now that's a thought,maybe you could hook up with someone at your next high school reunion?...just a thought.

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