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AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems!
      #73019 - 05/24/04 05:53 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland


I read in another post that you had some of your own problems with your man this past week and I'm so sorry!!

But I've got some more of my own to dish on you!! Tonight was terrible. My boyfriend went today for his second interview at a town south of boston. (mind you we've been having this argument for weeks now). Basically the thing is is that I'm attending school north of boston in Medford Ma this fall. Which is great, beacuse we could stay in the same state, the plan was to attempt to find a medium so that we could continue living together. He applied to tons of schools that are all over the state. He had five schools seriously pursuing him.. four right near me, and then one south of boston. Well guess which one he falls in love with.. the one far away. And guess which on he will be accepting in a matter of days.. the far away one.

Obviously I've been lobbying for the one closer to me, so that we could still live together. So tonight when he told me I flipped out and started crying. Probably not the best idea, but I couldn't help it. I'm one of those DON'T think before you speak kinda girls unfortunately. So I started crying and did manage to squeak in that I was happy for him that he found somewhere he loves, but then also said I wish you loved me half as much as this new place, because they we could still live together. OH MAN. I'm so frustrated, but I couldn't hold back. I feel as though he knows he has a choice, and its either continue to live with me and have a job, or have this other job that he likes better and see me once or twice a week. I would hands down choose him, which makes me feel like [censored], because he can't fathom why I think its a big deal.

I am NOT someone that takes living together lightly. Up until a year ago I was adamently against living with boys, but then I fell head over heels, and my choice came down to living in DC with my parents 8 hrs away from vinnie, or living with him which he invited me to do. There was no choice, and I thought it was a huge BIG step. Its not something I take lightly. I told him, I don't understand why it is alright for us to be apart for THREE years!! I feel as though by moving in together we were taking a huge step, and now you are like its ok if we dont' live together. I said I WANT you to be the one I come home to, I want to make dinner with you and wake up with you, because we will both be so busy. He says I'm not scared to be alone and live alone. I'm NOT EITHER, BUT I'D RATHER be with him. he doesn't get that. We made a huge step moving in together, we bought a bed for each other for our anniversary. Which will soon be chainsawed down the middle. sarcasm. UGHHH i'm so frustrated. I then said, I didn't realize that you signed up for the i'll live with you till a better offer comes around deal, which probably just pissed him off, but I wasn't gonna sit there and be like ok honey, its alright if we aren't living together anymore. He's like we'll still be together, and I know we would, but its not the same. To me its downsizing the relationship. I'm already heading home for the summer, which means that we have approximately 5 nights living together for the next three years. gross.

The kicker is that these two towns.. my school and his new position are 17 miles away from each other. THATS ALL. THAT IS ALL. but he's adament that its waaaaaay too far to travel every morning through boston from where my school is to his new job. He thinks that driving through boston during rush hour won't be worth it. TO ME WAKING UP NEXT TO THIS KID EVERY MORNING WOULD BE WORTH THE COMMUTE. but thats just me, anyways, I've tried to find alternate routes and ways around it and tried to convince him that we could do something half way, but he says he can't afford to live in DOWNTOWN boston, and I probably can't either but still. I WANT TO TRY. Mostly because he's stubborn and said that he doesn't want to travel during rush hour every morning to his job. blaablaa cry me a river.

I'm probably painting a really bad picture. When I think about it people are probably like she's a fool why stay with this kid. but he is amazing and he is going far in life and when we have fun we have the greatest times in the world. ITS NOT ALL BAD, but you can't help but hide all the bad stuff when you encounter it. Anyways, I know you're thinking it because I'm think it too. In my head i'm like what the hell am I dealing with this [censored] for. Why is this such a big deal to me.. maybe if I had a ring on my finger, the downsizing of the relationship wouldn't be a huge stab in the heart ,but instead its like hmm put your life on hold.. and three years down the line you can come live with me and go back to how things have been for the past two years. I said I'd freakin move to where he is working, but he thinks that stupid, that I should be close to my school and classes, and that we'll still get to see each other.. just not live together.

Its important to me though. Anyways, he got pissed at me.. I probably would have been too, but right now he's one of my least favorite people in the world and I feel like a freakin job is being chosen over me.. but regardless, I realized I was being a biatch.. and I went to apologize. Not for how I'm feeling but because I'm sorry that I'm not more supportive and happy for him and being a really bad girlfriend and he wouldn't even listen. He said he had to finish writing his paper. Which made me even more angry cause I'm trying to suck it up and say sorry for not being more suppportive and he just walked out the front door and said he had to get his work done. So with 5 nights left together.. three of which he is working, he's left the house. GREAT. I feel terrible.


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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! new
      #73023 - 05/24/04 06:11 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Oh sweetie, what a mess!

First thing, please remember that men ARE different to us. I get so pissed off with Simon because he just doesn't think about how things affect me or "us" sometimes. Men! But I don't think they mean to be cruel and it seems they can't help "not thinking". And they really don't seem to have such a big thing about having your own place together as we do. Bl**dy annoying, whatever.

Could you move to be with him? As you want to make the effort, could you not be the one to do the commute?

Good luck. Go find him or call him and say sorry for getting stressed. Then make up. You'll work this out.

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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! new
      #73028 - 05/24/04 06:19 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

thank you so much for the reply linz.. I need it right about now.

well I tried to talk to him about me moving down there, and he thinks its stupid because if I have classes at different points all over the day he thinks I'll end up regreting the 20 min to and from commute multiple times a day. However, to me its like I'm in love with you.. I will make that sacrifice.. but he wont' hear it. He says that he's so mad at me for freaking out, he can't even imagine trying to work anything out right now. He said after he'd been yelled and cried at he doens't even want to try right now. which totally sucks.

plus at the same time I want to be careful about making too many sacrifices for someone that obviously won't make the same for me. I'm trying to meet halfway.. and thats not even working.


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[[[[Hugs]]]] new
      #73030 - 05/24/04 06:23 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I feel for you sweetie. Men can be such total bastards, but we love them so!

20min ain't much. If you have classes quite close together, you could always go and have a drink or do some work in between classes.

Why don't you go have a bath and some herbal tea. Give him time to calm down and keep yourself and your tummy calm too.

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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! new
      #73078 - 05/24/04 07:30 PM

Reged: 01/25/04
Posts: 579
Loc: BC, Canada

Hi Ashley,

I hope you don't mind some help from someone on the other team. But a guy's perspective may help out a bit.

First off, I can totally see how you would get upset. You even said it yourself that you've fallen head over heels for this guy and have given him your heart. It's a scary experience, and you feel that with him willing to 'downsize' the relationship maybe he doesn't feel the same way, or maybe 'uh oh' you're putting more into this than he is and you really don't want to get hurt. Your 'ring on the finger' reference leads me to believe that with the guy willing to move away your 'safety net' that this is THE relationship may have disappeared, but if you guys were engaged, you'd still have it and not feel at all uneasy about him moving out (although you probably wouldn't like it). Is that at least kinda close?

You totally have a right to be upset. You guys have been together for a while and as a couple, you guys have to approach big decisions like this with input from the other.

However, getting really upset at him is the absolute last thing you want to be doing. A little upset yes, but freaking out yelling, swearing and crying at him = not good.

I can't speak for him, but there's a few things that need to be looked at.

First off, looking at things in a logical perspective (which doesn't always work in relationships 17 miles is really short. I'm willing to bet that after a month of him living on his own and only seeing you a couple times a week, he'd realize, ok, this is dumb.

That being said, guys can be quite dumb when it comes to relationships. I'm willing to bet that he doesn't see how you feel him moving away would hurt you. He probably just thinks of it as a bit of a challenge that you guys will over come. He's probably looking at it in that saving you the commute is doing you a favour and him not doing the commute means he'll be better able to suceed in school and therefore be better able to provide for you in the future and be in better moods when you do see each other.

There's the saying that you catch more flies with honey (or something like that). And that sort holds true here. Freaking out at him will only drive him away further. Guys want to be your protector, your knighht in shinning armour, the one you turn to when in distress or if there's a bug in the kitchen. They don't want to be your whipping post. Getting really really upset at him is not the answer. (easier said than done I know)

Seriously, take some time, but talk to him calmly without freaking out about it outlining your concerns an dthat you feel that the benefits of living together and having each other as support far out weighs the cons of one or both of you having to commute. Again, I don't know him, but a little trick that would work on most guys. Tell him how you've really grown to rely on him and how just seeing him after you've had a long crappy day or a day with your stomach bothering you, can really brighten your day. Or something along those lines, it'll make him feel more important. Guys are weird that way.

OK well I've rambled on long enough, I hope some of this happens to help.

Good Luck and keep us posted.


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Jamie you are so sweet! - nt new
      #73081 - 05/24/04 07:34 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

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Re: AmandaPanda.. and any others that want to help with boy problems! new
      #73087 - 05/24/04 07:50 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

yeah jamie.. that was an amazing post!! Thank you so much for your help.

As for the part about being engaged, its not necessary in any way, but I feel like we would be moving backwards in our relationship, and there is no signs pointing to moving forward. Its really bothering me alot. we have lived together for a year already. I feel like he's saying. ok maybe in three years our relationship can go back to how it was right now and for the past year.

I totally realize that I shouldn't freak out on him and I'm just keeping quiet for now until I can compose myself. I have however made it quite known that I want to be able to go to sleep with him every night and that I want him to be there for me. He is fully aware of these factors, he is just an incredibly stubborn guy. I don't want him there because i'm scared to be alone, I want him there because I know we are going to be insanely busy and that any chance I get with him with be very minimal. knowing that I can come home after a long day and have him there is what I want.

he seriously thinks i'm out of line though. he feels as though there is no reason why we can't just be with each other on the weekends, which is like a stab in the heart. I feel like if he loved me as much as he says he does there would be no question about it. we'd try to make it work. He isnt' even attempting to make things work as of yet.. although perhaps because I went nuts on him earlier. I couldnt' help it though because I felt so attacked and hurt. But I will definitly think better of it next time.

I'm not scared of falling in love and giving my all. I've been hurt before and never learned my lesson. But I usually end up getting burned because of it. I am finally becoming worried about giving to much to someone who won't give much in return. No matter how much I love him, if I spend my life giving in, I'll eventually end up resenting him and I don't want that to ever be the case.

thanks so much for your help jamie. I will definitly utilize your ideas!


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I'm going to be Negative Nelly new
      #73098 - 05/24/04 09:10 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Since I'm only getting one side of this, I could be totally wrong, but it sounds like he's not as committed as you are. 20 minutes is nothing. I drive 45 minutes in rush hour to school (and then don't leave, cause I'll never get a parking spot again). I just do exactly what was suggested between classes, some reading, go to the gym, get a drink.

It seems like he might want some space for some other reasons and he's trying to be gentle about it. Why is it so important to him that you live apart? Maybe he's viewing this as an opportunity to get some space.

And if he's looking for excuses, freaking out is the worst thing you can do. It's just another excuse.

I'd wait a little bit until you're both calm and try and have a discussion about what the real issues at stake are here.

I hope I'm wrong.

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Does This Ever Sound Familiar, Ashley! new
      #73107 - 05/25/04 01:21 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Hi Ashley,

Girlfriend, I'm afraid I agree with China Gal. Your gentleman friend wants time apart. He's upset with you now because you hit him where it hurts; that is, you nailed him.

I'm sure he's the greatest guy EVER, I have no doubt about it. And yeah, I'm also sure you guys have the best time together. But that doesn't mean he wants to be with you 24/7 -- at least right now he does THINK he does.

Back in 1960, when my first fiance went away to college, it was far from my college. That was what we both wanted (well, it's what HE wanted) -- not to be away from me so much, but just to be on his own, to do his own thing. I had to let him have his space; I had no choice. So, okay, I went to Richmond, and he went to Blacksburg. Believe me, pretty lady, absence most DEFINITELY makes the heart grow fonder! Oh yeah! By Christmas, he had a ring on my finger, and we had plans to marry that following summer when school was out.

It turned out my beautiful fiance was killed shortly after our engagement, just before we were to get married. But that's another story.

I know you feel terrible, I understand how you feel, but you're not going to win him over by arguing with him and trying to convince him to want to be with you. You're going to have to let him learn ON HIS OWN how truly great you are to be with and how much he misses you. Put this behind you for now -- FOR NOW -- and enjoy him for the remaining time you have together. Do your own thing without him, and let him do his. I'll bet you anything that, just like my Gary, he'll end up putting a ring on your cute finger by next Christmas.....

..... Of course, who knows what might happen by then? A gal as cute as you isn't gonna be around forever; some guy is gonna come along and grab you right up -- and that's just something your CURRENT gentleman friend has to risk.

I'm sorry that this isn't what you want to hear, but Cutie-Pie, I've been there. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.


P.S.: One more thing. You said, "I am finally becoming worried about giving to much to someone who won't give much in return." Can you imagine how awful I would feel right now if I had worried about giving too much to my Gary? I have spent my life with no regrets about him, knowing I gave him everything I had to give -- just before he died.

<img src="">Bevvy

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RE: Needing help with boyfriend problems: JAMIE, I HAVE TO COMMEND YOU new
      #73119 - 05/25/04 04:05 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 346


I have to commend you for giving the man's perspective on this issue!!

You did such a good job with the advise you gave.

I'm a mother and a grandmother and was ready to put my two cents worth into it having been married for over 40 years and figuring I would know a little about how men react to different issues.

Since you are a man you gave her almost the same advise I would except you did a better job than I could!

Of course women are much more emotional than most men and I know from experience with my husband, son, grandson, etc. that men cannot deal very well if we get too emotional. They have their own way of rationalizing which of course you know being a man.

Just wanted to let you know you did a GREAT job and sometimes we need to hear from the other side in order to get a better perception of how to go about dealing with these types of issues.

The best to you,

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