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Kandee, how'd the doc visit go?
      #71294 - 05/18/04 05:10 AM

Reged: 02/09/04
Posts: 279
Loc: Ithaca, NY

Just checkin' to see how it went, how you're feeling, etc. I was thinking about you yesterday! How did it go with the thyroiditis and the headaches? From your post to Jen, it sounded like it didn't bring any good news.

Anyway, you inspired me to go do something about my asthma finally! Well, that combined with a terrible asthma attack at the gym--sheesh it was scary. Haven't had one like that since I was 12 or 13. I don't see why I give advice and don't hold to it myself. So I'm all better and can breathe! Wahoo! We'll see how the gym goes today. (or maybe not...)


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Julie, Thank you for asking........... new
      #71431 - 05/18/04 01:00 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Hi Julie and All,

Thank you for asking. Well, I had good news and bad news. Based on my blood work, I'd gotten worse with the subacute thyroiditis. It's been upgraded to Acute! I knew that from how I felt. The antibodies levels were even higher, some of the highest he'd ever seen, and the goiter was bigger and more inflamed. The good news is that I've gone back to the "hypo" stage (again, I knew that from almost a pound weight gain per day despite no caloric increase) and so can start on meds again, but at a low dose, increased weekly. Ordered NOT to exercise, not even yoga, just do mild stretches, and stay down as much as I can. (Shoot, I only have a 2 hr. window of feeling good in the morning as it is. …and a thermostat? Forget it, I'm always to hot or to cold.) Today when I went to go get the new meds, I noticed the last season of Sex and the City was out so stopped by the video store to rent it……………that ought to keep me down for a good 6 hrs……….lol.

Anyway, we discussed the headaches---oh those D* headaches…………seems it's more the inflammation pressing on everything in the neck area, but YES like Jen said, they can be considered migraines since so constant. I discussed all the options of meds you told me about…the Imitrex (his fav) and the Feldene. I'd researched them the night before and to tell you the truth the Triptan drugs scared me since they were so hard on the heart as a side affect. Remember, I'd gone thru 3 weeks of arrhythmias and THOSE scared me so much I NEVER want to have that happen again. Also the Feldene does a number gastro wise, so was a little leery of that too. He too, hates the way the Feldene ripes your gut up. He'd written me a script for any or all of them if I'd wanted but we settled on codene for right now………Vicodine, and in a low dose so I could add as I needed. Also, the cold packs.

He reinforced all you had said about the cold on the place of pain and heat below it…… Darn, you're smart!!!
Here I'd been under the impression you needed to OPEN the blood vessels, not constrict them. Never having had to deal with constant headaches before, what did I know?

What was interesting is this doc knew very well, all about fibro, and how to test the pressure points. He takes fibro very seriously. He did a few of the upper body pressure point tests on me and boy did they hurt. Said when the thyroid settled down that he would test all of them plus he wants to test for Epstine Barr (sp?). I told him I had an appt. with the Endo in a few weeks and wanted to know what to reject or accept in the way of tests………….he confirmed some of my suspicions about ones that I would have thought twice about having anyway, like the RAI, Radioactive Iodine Uptake test….He is so good, could just feel the 2 sides of the goiter and tell how large they were IN numbers!…(double what they should be BTW)..ordered a scan (ultrasound) to be done at his office next week, then I'll see him again the following week, after being on new meds a while…..still another appt. with him before the initial Endo appt.

I wish you ALL could have this doc………he will spend 2 hrs. with you listening, if you need it…..and he's almost 80 years OLD. Has been a general surgeon at one time, and is now, besides practicing at the clinic I go to, twice a week, is Director at a Woman's clinic ( who's patients have recently been on Oprah. Has worked closely with Wilson, the guy that discovered Wilson's Syndrome, another thyroid disorder like Gaves, etc. Geez, wish I could tuck this doc in my purse and drag him out when I need help. He promised to get me to feeling better within a month………….but eventually wants my meds to be customized at a compounding pharmacy to tailor to my needs.

He said, and this I find interesting, is that I could have had this thryoiditis for a long, long time………….and it just never flared up. This stuff is sorta acts like the virus that creates shingles when one gets older., except it's more rare. What is it (?), chicken pox, measles or something like that, that you have as a kid, the virus lays dormant and then can flare up again in the form of shingles later in life. Anyway, he said, this, the THYROIDITIS could have brought on the IBS. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???
He also know all about the fibro/thyroid connection and feels one should be tested for all the ones that are related.

So, although I feel (and look) like crap, my mind was relieved that we can get to the bottom of this, and get a positive diagnosis of all I have…………….and go from there.

Hmmm, you weren't asking for a novel………………..sorry I went on and on………….

Now, What about YOU Julie? What is this asthma control you talk about? What do you mean you needed to do something about it, and take your own advise? Oh my, I wish I could remember something I just read about asthma and a food relationship…………IS there foods, besides the IBS triggers that you are supposed to avoid? How about exercise……………you said you were at the gym……… you NEED to exercise more or less, or what?



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Re: Julie, Thank you for asking........... new
      #71451 - 05/18/04 02:14 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Kandee, I'm SO glad you have such a good doctor. Sounds like your in GREAT hands. Hope his promise to have you feeling better in a month comes true!! We need ya healthy and sassy, girlfriend. But most of all we just need you and your wonderful contribution to this board.

Huggles and smoochies, babe!

Keep it simple!

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Re: Julie, Thank you for asking........... new
      #71463 - 05/18/04 03:20 PM

Reged: 02/09/04
Posts: 279
Loc: Ithaca, NY

Wow Kandee! You had quite a doctor's visit! 2hrs--that is so amazing...I really wish all doctors were that attentive. But you know what? You DESERVE that kind of treatment.

I hadn't realized that Feldene was bad for the tummy--I took it before I had IBS. So it's good your doc knew that and gave you the codeine instead (I can't take the codeine, makes me throw up). I hope you get some relief!

What will the Endocrinologist do for you? Have you seen one before for your thyroid problems? Still, it sounds like your doctor knows what you need, if he's recommending tailored prescriptions! That's so cool!

The asthma--I've had it since I was 9, but it kind of went into remission and I had no problems for the last 6 years AT ALL. Now that I'm living in a moist, pollen filled climate, it's gotten stirred up again. So I have two new inhalers and could exercise like I normally do today. I do about 30-40mins of cardio, but I've been having a tough time with it for the last few weeks. Also I've been getting out of breath walking from the bus stop to the library (not very far!) Mostly, I need to exercise to control my stress. It's the end of the semester so I'm exhausted, achy tired, and still writing papers, AND moving on Sat. I just wanna watch TV and be a bum. But NOOOOO. I've got to write 25 pages on secondary trauma in children of Holocaust survivors. I think it's just the case, like you said, of everything flaring at once. Asthma, IBS (I've had quite a few days of toast and applesauce lately), headaches. The only new thing is this fatigue. It's not nearly as bad as what you and Jen and LS have, though. Just kind of like, I want to lay down halfway through my walk home because I'm dragging my body or I can't walk up the stairs to my study carrel and must take the elevator. Everything hurts, but I'm attributing it to stress --writing and packing, and somehow sleep doesn't happen like it should. It's not such a big deal, I mean I could be really ill. I've just got manageable illnesses. But I've been teary lately since I'm taking so much Bentyl and not sleeping well. This leads to me whining, when I have no right to.

I'm so glad everything went well! Keep us posted on how the new meds are working. And let me know if you remember the connection between asthma and food


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Re: Julie, Thank you for asking........... new
      #71466 - 05/18/04 03:29 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Julie, that is one heavy topic for your paper. No wonder you're stressed, just thinking about it! I hope that your fatigue lately was due to the asthma and clears up now that you're getting it properly taken care of. Because I'll tell ya, you're describing me on a bad day. As SOON as you can you need to sleep for about three days. If you still have that kind of fatigue and aching, you should get a check up just to make sure it's from normal grad student stress. (Thank God I became a CPA and didn't need to go to grad school!) You have EVERY right to whine -- what a schedule! I'm just glad for your sake the semester's almost over. Hang in there and GET SOME SLEEP!!!!

Keep it simple!

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Stress and Asthma............ new
      #71488 - 05/18/04 05:49 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Julie, I don't have to tell you how stress affects asthma....I'm sure you already know that!!! You have way to much on your plate that is unavoidable. LS is right, that is one heavy duty subject you are writing about!!! Just thinking about the subject would make me stressed out. Your own adrenals must be stressed to the max.........and the only thing I know that helps for that is "calm" and well, a lot of vitamins/minerals, which BTW, can you take? If so load up on all the "B's" and as much vit "C" as you can handle. I know it's hard with an IBS flare up but can be done if you take some with every "bland" meal. Ewww, the the stuff but oh do we pay for it in weird ways........the mental side affects they don't mention yet I know they are there..........added emotionality for one, and for me it was also increased urination and on top of that less bladder Also made my restless leg syndrome worse. Are you taking anything for sleep? I don't usually recommend it because in a way (long story) I think it set me up for IBS (well, let's say going off of it after 20 some years of use did).....but Benedryl does work good for sleep if you can take antihistimines. Just use it for a short time, a few months here and there when needed, like NOW.

A move??? OMG, you know, they rank a move right up there in the stress department with deaths and divorces. You picked a grand time to move...........NOT. Hope it will all be worth it!!!

I can soooo empathize with you on the sacrifices you have to make for your education. I haven't had to do that for many, many years, but so remember working full time (like LS, for $1.10 an hr) and driving to classes each night (full load) and then driving home late and being so tired I didn't know how I even got home. Then one day of the weekend I worked another job and Sunday was reserved for study and papers........I don't know, if I'd had IBS back then how I would have done it.........I take my hat off to you, believe me!!!

Yep, exercise is soooo good. Of all the things I miss the most it is my aerobics class (and the good friends that go with it)...........but hoping once I get better I can resume that. I hope you can feel good enough to get into a routine with that, eventually.

Hang in there..............and if I run across the asthma/food connection I will surely let you know what it was.

Thanks for your concern,



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LS's "Reverse Richter Scale"............ new
      #71489 - 05/18/04 06:05 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

You know, since I'm on the "left" coast, "shake and bake" country, I have to get Earthquakes in there somehow, so I'm calling your scale the LSRR scale!!! Today, I'm about a 3.
Thanks for your well wishes......yes, I'm very blessed to have a good doc........but not without a price. You see, he is my second doc...a private, out of pocket pay one. He doesn't help my credit card bill one bit, but since I know how to eat cheap---potatoes, rice and beans real well ALREADY the eating "down" to pay for it all, I figure is a small price to pay.

The doc couldn't figure out why I wasn't running a high fever since that is the norm for this.......but I already went thru a period of the "sweats" so maybe that was all I had to endure.

You know, the ONE thing I'm sorry I didn't ask this doc, and this was more for you and Jen, since he is the expert and has worked with fibro patients, was WHAT he perscribes. More specifically does he put them on T-3, and how/why does it help so much. I'll ask next time.....if I make sure it is on my list of questions, ok?

Thanks for your well wishes.........hard to be sassy right now being a lump ..........but this too will pass!!!

Huggies (isn't that a diaper?) and smoochies to you too!!



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Way off the subject....................has anyone ever seen Modal new
      #71490 - 05/18/04 06:09 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

sheets? They are made of Modal fiber, from the beech tree. The fiber content was 70% Modal and 30% Cotton. They looked like a knit type fabric but I couldn't open the pkg so don't know for sure. I saw them today while waiting on my prescription.............
Sheesh, our evolution.........from HANGING from trees to sleeping IN them, to sleeping ON them. What's next?



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Forgot to add, LS....thanks for all the links.. new
      #71491 - 05/18/04 06:12 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

to the headband site, and the sleep masks.........I have the standard sleep mask but going to get one too like your new one...Wish I could afford a bed made out of that stuff.... Haven't had the energy to go get the headband but may tomorrow.



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Kandee! new
      #71515 - 05/18/04 08:17 PM

Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY

Kandee, I had no idea you were going through so much! Where have I been?? You should kick me for being a terrible friend.

I'm so glad you found such a fantastic doc and that he gave you a little piece of mind... even if the news wasn't all good. But now at least you have an idea of what's going on and hopefully can start doing something about it. I'm so glad your doc is going to look into fibro too. I really hope the meds work for you and start relieving some of your headaches. Please keep us posted... and take care of yourself!

"Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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Kree!!! new
      #71518 - 05/18/04 08:33 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Aren't you just the fellow Rochester born friend!!! Kick you???? Never in a million years!! For one, I need your good recipes........
Besides, just to pamper myself, despite the weight gain, I'm thinking about making Kree's gingerbread muffins......but you know me, it will be Kree's-dump-it-all-in-a-large-cake-pan muffins. That's assuming I'll have the energy to make 'em. Another order I was given was NO caffeine........I told him that wasn't a player since with IBS I can't.......but totally forgot about the caffeine in cocoa!!! I have been having my one cup of hot cocoa every darnit, have to give that up a while.........isn't it the pits what we have to go without with IBS? Then on top of that, if we have anything else going on we have to give something else up!!! Anyway, you know me........substitution not deprivation, as you put the gingerbread is the next best thing as far as I'm concerned!!!!

Anywho....thanks a million for your well wishes.......I'll stay in to take another pain pill, toss some frozen gel-pacs on the top of my head, and watch some more of the last season of Sex and the City on DVD!!! Woopee.........



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Re: Stress and Asthma............ new
      #71585 - 05/19/04 08:20 AM

Reged: 02/09/04
Posts: 279
Loc: Ithaca, NY

Thanks LS and Kandee! I don't know how you guys worked full time and went to school. I sure couldn't do that!

Well, the semester COULD be over if I wasn't having such a hard time writing. And the move...I can thank graduate housing for that one. They kick everybody out on May 22, so I've just got to move to my friend's place for the summer.
Thanks for reminding me to take my vitamins! I always forget esp. when I'm stressed (a bit counterproductive...). I have an anti-depressant to help me sleep, but at this point I'm so tired all the time, it doesn't seem to matter if I've slept 8hrs or 5hrs. It's a shame that one's brain can wear out the body. I really wish I could handle some caffeine!

Hope you guys had some good rest last night!


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Re: Kree!!! new
      #71634 - 05/19/04 10:42 AM

Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY

Kandee, I'm so glad you're pampering yourself, and I'm honored that you're using my muffins/dump-in-a-pan bars to do it! Don't feel too bad, at least they're low fat! Anyway, it sounds like you need some pampering. I have an idea... even if you can't EAT your chocolate right now because of the caffeine, how about using it as a form of relaxation??

Cocoa Bath

I've tried this and the knowledge that you're bathing in chocolate makes it close to a religious experience. Lol.

I hope your meds start kicking in and you enjoy your season of Sex and the City. Good show! And by the way, thanks for not kicking me. I bruise easily.

"Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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Kandee.... new
      #71635 - 05/19/04 10:42 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

sorry i missed your post yesterday. i got shoo'd off the computer a few times and between that and the tired, i didn't get to all the posts.

anyway, sounds like you have a real bang-up doctor. that's GREAT! i'm so impressed he knew about the tender points. you know, sometimes i think it's better to get the real old-school docs like yours or the really young ones. the older ones can often have a great old-fashioned work ethic and passion for their craft! and medicine truely is a craft! they keep up on their reserach because they love what they do. and the newer doctors are still passionate, too. i think it's the ones in the middle there who are soured. but that's enough rambling!

it sounds like you're on the right track. hope all of these meds and therapies help you ASAP! boy is the thyroid a pain in the a**, huh!? who knew a little thing like that could cause such havoc!?

enjoy Sex in the City. boy i love that show.

can't talk much more.... getting wiped out. take care!

and when you get a chance, can you tell me about the heat under, cold on pain thing? i must have missed that..... but i'd really like to hear it, now that pain is my middle name.


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Re: Kandee.... new
      #71665 - 05/19/04 12:25 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

That's for migraines, JenX. Cold on the top of your head, heating pad on your neck and shoulders.

Keep it simple!

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Re: Kandee.... new
      #71677 - 05/19/04 12:48 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

awesome. i would never have thought about trying that! i hope i never have a migraine again so i don't have to try it, but on the off chance that doesnt't happen (HA!), i'll have to remember this!


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