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thanks, Kandee new
      #67339 - 05/04/04 10:46 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

you know, i agree with you about people having to live like this. it's ridiculous, ain't it!? i guess if what i have is fibro (and it just sounds "right"), then i've had it for years. of course, it's worse now than it ever was, but tell me why no doctor ever put 2 and 2 together before!? i've always had aches and pains that can't be explained and the migraines and the carpal tunnel and the TMJ and dizzy spells and GEEZ... it should have occurred to someone before! i'm really angry with my doctor i just left. he's actually a friend of mine and he's going to get an earful from me. this is absurd. i see his colleague ONCE and get a diagnosis. what's he been doing, sleeping!?

anyway, i'm not angry overall. i'm kinda relieved to know what's wrong.

glad i could help you out. hope you start feeling better ASAP!



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What?! new
      #67350 - 05/04/04 11:14 AM

Reged: 04/06/04
Posts: 442
Loc: Bay Area, California, USA


people with fibro develop sensitivities to all sorts of things, for example to various smells

What?! Oh my gosh, you're kidding me, right? (btw..I know I was going to do work but then I had to come get my book from by my computer)
Wait..I am so sensitive to smells you have no I thought it was my migraines but sometimes I can be sensitive to smells even when i'm not having a migraine and I just don't say anything cause I don't wanna seem dumb or bratty. You're kidding me, right. Oh my gosh..this is so weird. And..wait you said fibromyalgia and CFS are linked? Okay..sorry, I'm just like..whoa. Can people with CFS have smell-sensitivities? Okay..that's odd. Maybe it's just my migraines. Oh well. Thanks Jen.

If you live life to love, you'll love to live life.

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Doctors and Fibro new
      #67353 - 05/04/04 11:22 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Oh I so get this. I've had joint pain for 10 YEARS and the doctors couldn't tell me what it was. And migraines. And then I get IBS AND chronic fatigue. And STILL the doctors don't know what it is????!!!! Did they sleep through med school?!

Heather suggested it to me and I looked it up and I've got practically all the symptoms! How b***dy obvious!

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that's what i'm saying to you! new
      #67357 - 05/04/04 11:26 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i have the same thing! and they got me ALMOST there, what with the chronic fatigue syndrome. dag. the same day my doc told me i have the CFS, he checked my knee that always hurts and told me he "couldn't find anything wrong with it, clinically." HULLO!


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Re: Kandee... new
      #67358 - 05/04/04 11:31 AM

Reged: 04/06/04
Posts: 442
Loc: Bay Area, California, USA

haha..I have about 14 of these. Let's just pretend it's from a combo of other things

If you live life to love, you'll love to live life.

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CFS- fibro link new
      #67363 - 05/04/04 11:42 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

actually, TB, a lot of doctors and researchers think that CFS and FMS (fibro) are related disorders. in fact, a book i read just last night says that some people consider CFS just a sub-category of fibro. a different presentation of symptoms, really. much of the disorders are the same: pain, fatigue, disordered sleep, etc...

as for the smell sensitivities, i don't have that, but i see it on every list i read! i wonder if LS and Linzy have that?

you wanna here something really cool? (in a weird medical way) apparently some people with fibro who are beginning a flare of symptoms may actually notice a strange smell that's not apparent to anyone else. like, and i'm making this up, of course, you may be in a room of people and you smell something that smells like nail polish remover, but no one else does. and then your flare begins that day or the next. WEIRD, huh!? that tells me it's something in the central nervous system gone awry...

also, people develop sensitivities to chemicals and stuff, too. so maybe you never had a problem with cleaning products bothering you (either the smell or if some touches your skin) but all the sudden you have fibro and are reacting adversely to it. also, some fibromyalgics react weirdly to medications. FUN, ain't it!?

catch ya later.


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One more question please, JenX....... new
      #67373 - 05/04/04 11:57 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Before you (and your wonderful posts), and before having these symptoms that make me feel like just a lump.........I was, I suppose, like most people. They hear the words fibromyalgia and CFS and don't think much of them, that they must be in people's heads or they are minor complaints...........mountains out of mole hills you might say. If Fibro/CFS patients could give the rest of the population these for just one day they'd change their tune!!!

The headache/dizziness, like I said, is driving me nuts.....If I move to quickly the dizziness is much worse. The headache is just always there. It goes down into the jaw and feels like I've been clenching yet I haven't. No OTC will touch it. (Funny thing is, reg tea with caffeine is the only thing that helps, but that sparks IBS cramps.) I don't have carpal but do have TTS, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, and have had that a few years now, but it hasn't been kicking up until recently. Then you mentioned the restless legs...........OMG, RLS..........horizontal kickboxing at it's best. Funny thing is the common meds for IBS, Bentyl and Donatol make it worse for me. As one pharmascist may affect the smooth muscles but can either excite or calm the central nervous system.......with me, obviously it excites it. Sleep I'm ok with except up a million times a night, and never ready to automatically go back to sleep. Oh, I could go on and on, but won't take you from other patients, Dr. JenX. Since IBS goes along with this, it makes me think we need another board for just related conditions. After all this board is for fun...isn't it?

Oh yes, about my one last question. How, briefly does Fibro differ from CFS?

Thank you again.............what a wealth of information on the subject you know, you really should have been a doctor specializing in these areas.



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Re: I'm going to talk to my doc... new
      #67376 - 05/04/04 12:03 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

Oh Steph, If you're going to the "looney bin" reserve me a spot, ok?

No, seriously I hope you get some answers, and soon. You are to young, and have to many responsibilities with the children and a home and a hubby to have all these symptoms.



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you may be on to something.... new
      #67403 - 05/04/04 12:46 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i wonder if Heather would put up another board so people can talk about related syndromes and diseases?

ok, let me hit the high notes on your post...


Before you (and your wonderful posts), and before having these symptoms that make me feel like just a lump.........I was, I suppose, like most people. They hear the words fibromyalgia and CFS and don't think much of them, that they must be in people's heads or they are minor complaints...........mountains out of mole hills you might say. If Fibro/CFS patients could give the rest of the population these for just one day they'd change their tune!!!

you know, i wasn't sure if this was in people's heads or not, either. that's why i wasn't too to happy with the CFS diagnosis, though it was obvious something was wrong! but they say they can actually test some of these pain responses and see that not only are they real, they are more intense than other people's pain. it's all quite fascinating, actually! (to me) anyway, finding out you have a chronic illness is like death, you do the stages: denial, depression, anger, bargaining, acceptance. i think i skipped some! when i was in the CFS diagnosis i think that was my denial. now i can't deny anymore! guess i skipped right to acceptance with the occasional anger tossed in for good measure.


The headache/dizziness, like I said, is driving me nuts.....If I move to quickly the dizziness is much worse.

i go through periods like that, too. it's maddening! i also get the dizzies when i stand up, even if it's not too fast! i was just telling TaraBara the other day that i have to "move like a cat...." slow and graceful, just to prevent the dizzies! i even get dizzy after a big meal (well, relatively big), the medical theory being blood has been diverted to the stomach to digest, and then you get light headed. i'm babbling, tho...


The headache is just always there. It goes down into the jaw and feels like I've been clenching yet I haven't. No OTC will touch it. (Funny thing is, reg tea with caffeine is the only thing that helps, but that sparks IBS cramps.)

a) one of the things about fibro according to this book i am reading is that fibro pain is often non-responsive to regular pain meds. if i sprain my ankle, Advil may help tremedously, but for the pain in my left pinky that comes and goes and is fibro-related, no amount of Advil in the world can touch it. INTERESTING, NO!?

b) here's something i read and i haven't had a headache to test it yet: try putting ice on your throat and/or on the back of your neck! seriously. and let me know how that turns out, please! (there's a trigger point in the throat that can cause headaches - don't even get me started on TrPs! that's another subject all together!)

c) are you sure you're not clenching or grinding at night!? i used to do both but stopped the grinding when i got a roommate in college! the grinding i stopped eventually. guess my body decided to switch up to other kinds of stress relief like IBS. (yay) that jaw thing = TMJ. and headaches and achy jaws were my symtoms.


I don't have carpal but do have TTS, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, and have had that a few years now, but it hasn't been kicking up until recently. Then you mentioned the restless legs...........OMG, RLS..........horizontal kickboxing at it's best. Funny thing is the common meds for IBS, Bentyl and Donatol make it worse for me. As one pharmascist may affect the smooth muscles but can either excite or calm the central nervous system.......with me, obviously it excites it.

fibro can cause weird reactions to medications. interesting! and i didn't realize i had those RLS things 'til just a few days ago. it's like now my subconscious is looking for this stuff and when it happens it wakes me up! i kicked so hard last night i scared myself! LOL.


Sleep I'm ok with except up a million times a night, and never ready to automatically go back to sleep.

YES! see, that's me, too. i don't have trouble falling to sleep most of the time (unless i'm anxious about something, but that's NORMAL). but i wake up a quadrillion times to pee! and that apparently is a sign i'm not getting DEEP, Level 4 sleep (the kind that most fibromyalgics are desperately in need of, the kind in which cellular repair takes place!) (SEE HOW INTERESTING THIS ALL IS!? ) so, actually, that's considered a type of insomnia- not getting enough deep sleep. do you ache in the mornings? do you wake up feeling "unrefreshed?" even if you slept for 10 hours!? do you have what one of my books called "truck sign?" (waking up feeling like you were run over by a truck!?)


Oh, I could go on and on, but won't take you from other patients, Dr. JenX. Since IBS goes along with this, it makes me think we need another board for just related conditions. After all this board is for fun...isn't it?



Oh yes, about my one last question. How, briefly does Fibro differ from CFS?

really, it's in the prevailing complaint from what i read. at least a lot of researchers/doctors think that. CFS is mainly about not feeling rested/being fatigued and FMS is about pain. BUT... while i have fibro, my main complaint was fatigue! the pain... well, crud, i was just used to it. it's been going on so long i hardly give it a thought even though it hurts everywhere all the time. well, i give it thoughts, but never mention it. you know what i mean...

Oh! and i believe if you have the tender points i talked about before in the original post, then that distinguishes it as fibro. i guess some CFSers may not have those, or as many. i tried for years to test my own tender points and it never worked, but boy did the doctor hit 'em right away!


Thank you again.............what a wealth of information on the subject you know, you really should have been a doctor specializing in these areas.

thanks. i'm blessed because a) i remember what i read easily if it's something i'm interested in and b) i like to talk a lot! but if i were a doctor, i would have the same training as the rest of 'em and be just as schmucky! LOL


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Re: CFS- fibro link new
      #67422 - 05/04/04 01:48 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City


as for the smell sensitivities, i don't have that, but i see it on every list i read! i wonder if LS and Linzy have that?

YES, big time! both as a migraine trigger and other times when it just makes me feel unwell, cruddy, icky, hard to describe.

Okay, me back to bed now. And Dr.Jenx you get nobel prize for fibro education and advocacy. awesome, sweetie.

Keep it simple!

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