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After two good isn't so great.....sorry, need some shoulders to lean on....
      #61517 - 04/15/04 12:46 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I had two pretty good days in a row. Was even able to go on my lunch break walks those two days (Tues. and Wed.). Today, however is a different story. Sorry if this gets too long.....

First off...I didn't sleep well....waking up at 3:30 to go pee and not being able to get back to sleep so I went to the couch and tossed and turned finally falling back to sleep just shortly before the alarm went off for us to get up and get ready for work (6:00). I had a couple minor "attacks" before going to work...not needing any Imodium or anything....went to work with a horrible feeling of nervousness, anxiety, etc., etc. Couldn't get calmed down and finally after barely an hour at work I came home for the day. I feel extremely tired....not so much nervousness after getting home. I am trying to act like nothing is wrong around those I love because I don't want them to worry. I even left the house for an hour in the car in case hubby came home on his lunch....I didn't want to be home "sick" and have him worry. I wasn't really having too much tummy trouble...just that shaky, nervous, tired and "worked-up" feeling. Ya know? Am I crazy? What's going on? I haven't felt this way since I before I was diagnosed with depression and went on Zoloft five years ago after my grandmother passed away. I was successful in getting off Zoloft and have been doing real good with my IBS-D and depression/anxiety for quite some time. Now it's all going down hill again. I worry constantly, am tired lately, and on edge all the time. Especially in the mornings when the day is starting. I can wake up in the middle of the night and be calm, but when I wake up and it's time to start the day....I'm a wreck inside. I try to hide my anxiety and act calm...but inside I'm wanting to just go hide somewhere by myself. That is just the past couple weeks. I just don't know what to do and I just want to be "normal" we all do. I was in hopes that the hypno tapes would arrive today, but they didn't. So am trying to calm myself in other ways. Because of how today went, now I am nervous about tomorrow because I have a meeting with a customer about a new project. I'm nervous because I don't want to be all "worked-up" during the meeting and have an IBS-D attack or something. Does it ever end?

Thanks for listening and being here. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

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Re: After two good isn't so great.....sorry, need some shoulders to lean on.... new
      #61553 - 04/15/04 02:13 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Oh Sweetie, hang in there. We must be on the same wave leagnth though! The last 2 days were ok for me and I'm having a really bad one today also! I do see my shrink tonight and hoping that will pick me up again. Is there a reason you don't want to go back on zoloft?? I can't, because I'm trying to get pregnant, otherwise I would be on something to help. If you don't want to do one of the SSRI drugs (like zoloft) maybe ask your dr about a script for Xanax. They are a mild traquilizer and when I get "worked up" I take one and it helps me relax and go on. If I'm REALLY worked up sometimes I will have to take them for a couple days. They can be addictive so you do have to be a little cautious, just take them when you need them.

I find if I stay "worked up" for very long at a time, I either go into a panick attack or a SEVERE IBS attack. The Xanax just helps me head that off. Once I get pregnant, I don't think I will be able to take them but for now they really are helping. I'm averaging about 2-3 a week, you can take them up to 3 times a day on the weakest streagnth like I'm on.

Try to hang on, we all care about you. Maybe its time you be honest about your feelings with your Hubby or someone in your family. Its not a good idea to keep "hiding" it from them. I'm sure if they knew what was going on they would be more than happy to help in anyway they can. You can't be so worried about worrying them, thats what families are for!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: After two good isn't so great.....sorry, need some shoulders to lean on.... new
      #61554 - 04/15/04 02:14 PM

Reged: 04/05/04
Posts: 172
Loc: east coast, usa

Hi Nugget,
Sorry to hear you had a tough day:( I have good days and bad days too. When I have a tough day, I get frustrated. Did you try drinking tea when you became nervous? Sometimes when I get nervous, it takes me 30-60 minutes to calm down in that situation but once I do I am okae. During that 1st hour, I eat peppermint candy and drink water and that calms me down a bit. Try to get some rest this afternoon and tonight. Exercise a little bit if you can, and watch a calming, relaxful television show tonight or read a book before bed. Those help me to sleep. You are strong, and you can get through this. Oh the term "normal." I kept saying that to my Mom when I was having a rough time. Its a tough word to hold on to and adapt to. We are normal, we just have sensitive stomachs. No one should make us feel bad about that. Everyone is unique in their own way. And no one is perfect, we all have struggles. I don't even think celebrities lives are perfect. If you need to take a break, take a break. Relax, take a nap, take a breather. Recollect your thoughts, and you shall get through this. There's always tomorrow to try again. Think that you will have a positive meeting tomorrow. I am sure you know your job well and will be able to communicate your ideas for this project. Try to imagine the situation before hand while taking deep breathes. Think positive thoughts and scenarios. If you have an 'attack', excuse yourself. You can leave to use the bathroom. Everyone uses it. Prepare yourself also ahead of time. I'm not sure if it "will ever end." But first lets help you get through today and tomorrow. Let's not worry about the future, but work on what we can do right now. Let us know how tomorrow goes, and best of wishes! Hugs!

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Re: After two good isn't so great.....sorry, need some shoulders to lean on.... new
      #61556 - 04/15/04 02:18 PM

Reged: 04/06/04
Posts: 442
Loc: Bay Area, California, USA

I'm sorry you've had such a rough time I feel for you. I don't think I've ever been depressed (well maybe a long time ago, but it went away w/o meds, so maybe it wasn't) and I don't think I have anxiety. But it sounds not fun. I do know about that weird trainwreck-like feeling, though...I don't know how to describe it. I think that hiding that you're sick from your family is not such a good idea - I tried that for a while and it just made things more confusing and worse. Maybe tell them how you're feeling. I think that they'll worry, but not as much as if they can sense something is wrong and you're not telling them - THAT would add more stress to the situation (I've had experience with this, sadly ). Maybe you should see your doctor about your anxiety and maybe you are depressed again (I don't want you to get mad at me for saying this b/c I don't know you very well...I'm just trying to give all sorts of suggestions and you may not be depressed at all). You probably don't want to have to go on an anti-anxiety/depression drug again b/c you successfully were off of one for a while....but on the other hand, you might want to catch things before they get out of hand like a runaway train. I mean, it's better to be on a medicine and not feel so awful inside (even if you have a couple good days...and I'm glad you have ) most days. At least that's what I think. I don't know. Because if you had anxiety and stuff before and the med. helped that it's probably some chemical/biological thing that causes this in you, so a medicine would probably help...and then the hypno tapes would probably be more succesful. Or you could talk to a counselor/therapist or something (ok, don't hate me again for saying this, but I've gone to one before ) because they are just there to let you spill and they help calm you down and stuff. But you might need the meds too. Or just a hot bath and some tea? About tomorrow, I'm sorry you're worried. I know it's WAY easier said than done but think about what's the worst that can happen? The customer laughs at you or doesn't want to hire you? Well, in that case, it's probably better off you don't do business with them b/c they'd be a pain in the rear end! And if they were rude, would you have to see them again? Most probably not! And you'd have to worry about dealing with one less ignorant person! Just remember not to let the ignorance of others let you ignore the beauty of life..corny, but I created that quote one time when I was frustrated w/insensitive people. Well, I hope I'm not being insensitive and if you need to talk about anything else, just feel free I hope you feel better!!!
P.S. If it makes you feel any better, I was doing much better and then backtracked and am now "breaking the cycle" again. You can pretend we're working together to feeling better! Feel better!!!!

If you live life to love, you'll love to live life.

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Medications.... new
      #61568 - 04/15/04 02:32 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thank you Michele. Sorry to hear you are having a bad day, too.
The reason I don't want to go on medication again mainly is because of the sexual side effects and I don't want to have to be on medication. I guess I don't want to admit that I need it. I am hoping that the hypno will help with the relaxation and more exercise will help with the serotonin levels.

I feel that in my family I've always been the one who everyone thought had/has it all together. I don't want them to think that I'm some "basket case" (which I really am inside). My husband never has anything wrong...I feel I'm always the one who is "sick" and crying, and etc., etc. He doesn't make me feel that way, but I feel that way. Does that make sense? If he does feel bad or have some aches and pains...he very rarely tells me...but I feel I am constantly having rough days and I just don't want to burden anyone...especially him....with that.

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relaxation.... new
      #61573 - 04/15/04 02:37 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thank you Lilybear....I was able to take a nap this afternoon and that helped. I plan on watching Survivor tonight. I will drink some tea, too. I'll be glad when tomorrow is over. I don't know why I'm nervous about this meeting tomorrow...I have met with this customer before....I guess I'm nervous because of all the tummy troubles I've been having this week and last.

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understanding family.... new
      #61577 - 04/15/04 02:45 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

thanks tara.....and no...I'm not mad at you for anything you said. It's all very much appreciated. My family does know that I have "tummy trouble" and can't eat certain things...but they don't know about the anxiety. They know about the depression....but they all figure I'm better because I got off the meds. I don't want to disappoint anyone by having to go back on them. I know they would understand, but I would feel like a failure. I'm very hard on myself. I've been to a therapist...but the one I saw is no longer in town. I didn't really like pouring my guts out to someone in person that I didn't know. She did help me figure out a few things....but being timid...I didn't let her help me fully I don't think. Anyway....thank you for understanding and for your suggestions and insight. {{{hugs}}}

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Re: Medications.... new
      #61582 - 04/15/04 02:49 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I understand, the SSRI can really put a damper on your sex life!

Your family won't think any less of you for having these problems. I totaly understand about not wanting to complian, I also feel guilty about that. But you can't continue like this or I'm afraid you will explode!! Even the strongest of people need a little help now and then! I'm sorry, but I've got to run for now, off to see the shrink

Hugs sweeite! Hang in there, its gotta get better! Remember, you have to power to FLUSH and CHOOSE! I know its tough but you can get through this!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: understanding family.... new
      #61612 - 04/15/04 03:27 PM

Reged: 04/06/04
Posts: 442
Loc: Bay Area, California, USA

I'm pretty hard on myself too and I tend to not want people to see my weaknesses ..I've always tried really hard not to complain and be tough..but that just makes it worse, I've realized. Now that everyone has a better understanding of EVERYTHING I'm going through, it's not so hard to be open/complain b/c they know it's natural. I wouldn't worry about letting them down..I think it would upset them more if you didn't let them know everything that's going on with you - b/c if they know about your anxiety, they can help..yyou won't have to hide your anxiety (and trying to hide something adds to anxiety). Well, I hope you feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted and maybe you can find a medicine that helps your anxiety and depression but doesn't have icky side time i was on a medicine for my migraines and the only thing i could do okay was write with my left hand and i'm right-handed Good luck!!!

If you live life to love, you'll love to live life.

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nugget... new
      #61616 - 04/15/04 03:33 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

i'm sorry you're feeling that way... i'm a little worried, sweets, especially because hiding how you feel and what you're doing during the day can't be helping those feelings of anxiety you're describing.

can you "come clean" to hubby? let him in on a little of this anxiety you've been feeling? should you talk to your doc about going back on the meds? i know sometimes people are off of those types of meds and do fine for a little while then end up back on..... do you think they'd help you?

i'm confident that the hypno will help you with the IBS stuff, but it sounds like you've got more anxiety going on there, not just the IBS stuff...

anyway, keep talking when you need us. we're here! hope it all gets better soon.

smooches, nugget.


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Re: Medications.... new
      #61623 - 04/15/04 04:06 PM

Reged: 04/03/04
Posts: 43

Oh gosh, I am going through so much of this stuff right now too! I'm sorry because I know how much it sucks and is scary. I wish I had an answer for you as what would make it better but I think it's different for everyone and I haven't found what even does it for me.

I relate to being the one in the family who everyone thought had/has it all together but you have to let that go. I had go get honest with the people in my life because it just made it so much worse trying to keep up a pretense that I was fine when I absolutely wasn't and needed their help to make it through. I am just learning how to do this by the way. I've found that keeping it a secret actually makes it worse for me because I have to worry more. It is ok not to be ok is what I guess I'm saying.

I choose not to take medication because I am sober and feel like I shouldn't but I think it's getting close to the point where I don't have a choice. It's either medication or a life that revolves around panic and not leaving my house(no fun at all). If you don't want to talk to your family maybe a therapist? With a therapist there is no judgement or perceived judgement and they have experience in how to help. Hope things go better for you and you are in my thoughts and prayers.


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Here Are Two Shoulders, Girlfriend new
      #61629 - 04/15/04 04:20 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Hey there, Pretty Lady,

I agree with Jen about the anxiety thing. I also think there's more going on there than the IBS stuff. And her comment, "hiding how you feel and what you're doing during the day can't be helping those feelings of anxiety you're describing," is right on. You need to "let [hubby] in on a little of this anxiety you've been feeling" and let him remove some of the burden off your shoulders, Girlfriend.

I don't agree about the meds, however. I was on an antidepressant, and I didn't like it because it caused terrible cramps, so I got off it. It's not an easy thing to do, as you know, so no, I wouldn't go back on them.

You need the tapes, and they're on their way; you're gonna have to be just a little more patient. But I think you could work out some of this through some strenuous exercise. I did some very physical hard labor this morning for over 2 hours, and it totally exhausted me, such that I couldn't have cared less about anything except taking a nap. I barely got home and showered before I totally crashed on the recliner with the afternoon sun streaming through the window on my face. I woke up, just in time for Dr. Phil, feeling FABULOUS! And, Girlfriend, I gotta tell ya, nothing bothers me right now -- NOTHING!

Do you have a pilates tape? No? Okay, what about a quick jog around the ocean? Seriously -- get out there and go for a run. Work it off, baby! It'll do wonders for you. Remember how terrific you felt after your noon walks earlier in the week. Trust me. Work it out.

Hang in there -- Michael's on his way.


P.S.: About the impending meeting tomorrow? Do you have any Equalactin? Works every time.

<img src="">Bevvy

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it's scary.... new
      #61650 - 04/15/04 05:22 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

thanks's scary, but thanks to these message boards things are a little more bearable. Thank you for your supportive thoughts.

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"coming clean"..... new
      #61651 - 04/15/04 05:27 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Jen....I have discussed this to a point with my husband. And for the most part he is very understanding. But, his answer still is "you worry too much....just don't worry about things." And my reply is "how?! If I knew how not to worry...I wouldn't be in this mess!" I think he thinks it's all about a choice to worry or not worry...and it isn't. So I'm a little leary of telling him any more...because I know what the answer will be. Not that he doesn't care...he cares deeply....he just doesn't "get it". Ya know? As some others just don't get it.


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side effects of medication.... new
      #61655 - 04/15/04 05:39 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

{{{{hugs}}}} Bev....thank you once again for being here. I'm with you...I didn't like the side effects of the meds....not just the sexual side effects, but other things, too.....especially getting off them. I was so proud of myself when I got off of them.

I do know that exercise helps....but right now it's so hard to push myself to do it. But, I need to. If I had an ocean here in Wyoming to run around, I would...but it's pretty dry here.

I don't have any equalactin....I took some Citricel for the first time in a long time last evening and had terrible gassy feeling all night. This morning my (sorry for the details) BMs were pretty normal...but lots of cramping and frequency. So didn't take any Citricel tonight. I also bought some FiberCon as per Heather's book, but don't have the nerve to try it yet. maybe this weekend.

Can't wait for the hypno program to arrive. Thanks Bev for offering your shoulders.

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oh, i see.... new
      #61663 - 04/15/04 06:23 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

that makes sense.

i'm not so sure how one is supposed to worry less. i agree, that is a toughie!

i used to stress a lot and have no idea how i could have done it less.... that's a little mind boggling. 'cause it's a catch 22... you start worrying about how much you worry and really, you're not better of then!

nugget, i hope things start to settle down for you. i really wish you weren't so chock full o' anxiety.

if there's anything i can do, please let me know!



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Re: Medications.... new
      #61664 - 04/15/04 06:36 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

wow, sweets, you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself! but i totally get that. i also see myself as "the one who is always sick." that's probably because i am!

i don't know if this helps any, but at some point your hubby will need to lean on you. i'm not wishing illness or injury on him, don't get me wrong! i'm just saying that you sound like you believe you're doing all the taking... it's been my experience that situations like that always balance out in the end.

i didn't realize the anxiety meds had side effects like that--- that's like the antidepressants. i had no idea. i can understand not wanting to go through that again, then, if you know the side effects are not to your liking. there are a few meds i stay away from for those reasons!

hopefully you'll get the hypno soon and it will help. try to relax into the tapes as much as you can... try not to feel too guilty for taking the time to do it. it's easier if you just sink into them- your subconscious mind isn't being overprotected by the conscious! but even if you can't seem to let it all go while you listen to the tapes, the good news is that Michaels says they'll work anyway!

hang in there, girl!


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Nugget new
      #61670 - 04/15/04 07:05 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

Hey girl, I'm sorry your having a ruff time of it! I think you need to let everyone know how your feeling. I think maybe its adding stress on you keeping it inside. Do you have anyone...doesn't have to be your hubby...just anyone that you can talk to? I have my mom. I can tell her anything and not worry about it. Its harder for me to tell my hubby things that are going on. I feel like I'm always telling him I'm sick and so I get tired of talking to him about it!!! So I understand how you feel.

I hope some how...some way you can get this off your chest. Maybe you need a break from that possiable??? How about a vacation?? Is there anywhere localy you can go. I sometimes have a hard time going far I try going somewhere with in 50 miles.

You need to do something for yourself...the tapes will get there soon and that will help. I really want you to feel better!

Please talk to someone about this. I know holding things in only makes it worse. It sure does for me. If I'm having anxiety over helps me to tell someone I'm feeling sick or nervious. It takes the pressure off me.

Ok...I think I'm repeating myself. Sorry!

Feel better! {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}


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Re: "coming clean"..... new
      #61679 - 04/15/04 07:49 PM

Reged: 01/31/03
Posts: 1968
Loc: Saskatchewan. Canada


Thanks Jen....I have discussed this to a point with my husband. And for the most part he is very understanding. But, his answer still is "you worry too much....just don't worry about things." And my reply is "how?! If I knew how not to worry...I wouldn't be in this mess!" I think he thinks it's all about a choice to worry or not worry...and it isn't. So I'm a little leary of telling him any more...because I know what the answer will be. Not that he doesn't care...he cares deeply....he just doesn't "get it". Ya know? As some others just don't get it.


Hey Nugget,

Sorry you are having such a tough's so frustrating to have a set back. I completely understand what you are saying above about your DH saying "Just don't worry" That is so much easier said than done. Some of us have those "Hafta worry" outlooks on life...I am one of them and I am sure there is alot of woman with us LOL

I feel for ya. I usually just go to some friends for certain things and then the other things I tell DH just because my girlfriends seem to understand my "senseless" worrying more than my husband does.

Hope you feel better soon, hon!

Proud Mommy to Bentley Taylor
Born May 12, 2004 9lbs, 3oz

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Re: "coming clean"..... new
      #61703 - 04/15/04 10:44 PM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland


I am sorry that you are having such a bad time of it and that you are feeling so anxious. I am sending you lots of hugs and hope you are feeling better.

As far as your husband goes, that's a man thing. I have found that the majority of men (including my husband) feel like he does, something bothering you just get over it and don't think about it anymore. They see everything can be resolved by just dealing with it and moving on. For women that is not so easy. We tend to worry and think about things alot.

You have a lot going on and not being able to talk about it doesn't help you. Talk with your Dr. about how you are feeling and what is going on with you lately. Hopefully he will have some helpful answers for you.

Give yourself some TLC and know that we are sending good thoughts your way.



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Came home on my lunch to check the mail...... new
      #61866 - 04/16/04 10:46 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167 hypno program still has not arrived. Hopefully tomorrow so I can get started this weekend. Today is a little better. Am able to push through being at work by taking a couple Imodium. My meeting with the customer is in about an I guess I'd better get busy and head back to the office. I'm so glad it is Friday!

Thank you all for all the support you have given me. I really do appreciate it. {{{{{hugs to all of you}}}}}]

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Husbands new
      #61871 - 04/16/04 11:10 AM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 514

My husband is very supportive too but also I know in his mind he probably thinks if he had this he'd overcome it (doesn't really get it) and at time I know he's tired of dealing with it, but he is so helpful to me when I am sick and puts up with the crummy quickie meals I fix him becaue I can't eat the same thing. He's not really one to cook dinner for himself but will if he has to, I knew that when I married him (and we were both healthy and I liked to cook) and I accept it. He does cook breakfast and we fend for ourselves for lunch. We can't all have saints for husbands. We have what we have and if they are there for us and understand "most of the time" then I think we should consider ourselves lucky. What would the option be, if they aren't perfect to leave them and deal with this alone (and probably have no medical insurance to boot & have to try to hold down a full time job, when some of us can't). All you can do is be sure you tell them EVERYTHING that is going on with you so they have the full pictures as best as they "get it". My 2 cents worth.

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I'll Send You Mine new
      #61872 - 04/16/04 11:10 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Nugget, give me your address, and I'll send you mine by UPS. You'll have it overnight. If you'd prefer sending me your address by e-mail, here I am:

When you get yours, you can send mine back by snail mail.


<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: Husbands new
      #61873 - 04/16/04 11:18 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Well, hubby wants me to share everything with him. It doesn't matter what it is, he wants part of it. If I'm eating a whole wheat bagel and he's eating a toaster waffle, he'll want part of my bagel. That's just the way he is, and I've come to accept it.

Part of sharing everything with him is sharing these boards. He always asks me, "what's the latest?" "Anything new?" "What happened with the Canadian pilot?" "How about the complainer -- is she still around?"

And if I'm reading a post, and I happen to say, "Uh-Oh!" he'll want to know what it is, who it is, etc., so I just read him the post.

This has a very positive side to it. Hearing others' stories not only re-confirms what I'm going through with my IBS, but it helps hubby understand more about the problem, and truly makes him even MORE supportive.

Try reading a few posts to your hubby. He'll "tune in" more than you think.


<img src="">Bevvy

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Uh oh... new
      #61879 - 04/16/04 11:25 AM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439


"How about the complainer -- is she still around?"

Which one of us is the "complainer?"

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Awww that's sweet of you Bev.... new
      #61888 - 04/16/04 11:42 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

thank you so much for the offer...but I'm sure mine will be here tomorrow or Monday...I can wait. I do appreciate it though. I remembered that there were some CDs in with some yoga tapes that I bought a while back so yesterday I used one of them. It has some relaxing breathing techniques on there. So I put my headphones on and layed on the bed and listened. They are by Rodney Yee. Helped a little to calm me.

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I count my blessings.... new
      #61891 - 04/16/04 11:45 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

....I'm so thankful to be lucky enough to have the kind of husband that I have. He's wonderful.....just a little hard to convince of things sometimes is all.

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I Knew It ! new
      #61916 - 04/16/04 12:56 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

I just knew someone was gonna ask. I thought twice about putting that in my post -- but that's how Don refers to the person, and it's an apt description.

Yes, "the complainer" is still around, albeit only occasionally (thank God). As to whom it is -- I'll NEVER tell.

<img src="">Bevvy

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Meeting with customer went well.... new
      #61922 - 04/16/04 01:09 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

...she wants me to design a label for her products to be sold in Nordstrom's! (lotions and such). I did the original design for her local market.

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      #61932 - 04/16/04 01:30 PM

Reged: 09/11/03
Posts: 2123

Ok...I just knew I was complaining too much!!! LOL
HEEHEE.....No...I think I know who your talking about....but I'll never say either!!!!


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wah. new
      #61940 - 04/16/04 01:58 PM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

ok, ok, i won't complain no mo'!!!!

NUGGET: did they come, yet???


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WOW! new
      #61952 - 04/16/04 02:15 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Nugget, you did GOOOOOD! I'm really impressed! You must be quite an artist.

And see, you did it without drugs, without OTC stuff, without anything but your talent!

Now, tell me, how are you feeling? How's the anxiety? The stress? Panic attacks?

Congratulations, Girlfriend, I'm really proud of you. You proved to us -- and yourself -- that you can do it.

Your friend,

<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: WOW! new
      #61956 - 04/16/04 02:23 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thank you Bev....I'm doing better this afternoon. I always do better in the afternoon and evening.

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You Missed My Point, Nugget new
      #61965 - 04/16/04 02:44 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Honey, what I meant was: how are you feeling now that you've succeeded so well, now that you've proven yourself, shown that you can do the meeting without any help from drugs, etc. I would think the stress and anxiety, after such a successful meeting, would be non-existent. No? Did I miss something?

If not, then there's something else going on here, Nugget...

<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: it me!!LOL new
      #62003 - 04/16/04 04:19 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hmm... considering this is a board for complaining you'd have to be REALLY spectacular to earn that title. So I don't think it's either of you (and hopefully not me).

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Complaining? Or Pitiful? new
      #62036 - 04/16/04 05:59 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

You guys are so silly. You mean to tell me you really don't know who it is? I would have thought it's obvious.

That's right; we all complain. That's what we do here. We also offer help and constructive advice. Then there are some people who don't want the help or constructive advice, all they want to do is suffer and complain and wallow in self-pity. No matter how encouraging you are to them, it's not what they want to hear. You can offer them support until you're blue in the face, and it's not enough.

In the short time I've been on the boards, with all your help and Heather's, and Michael's, I've gotten 95% better. This person -- who was here before me -- has gotten absolutely nowhere; if anything, the person has gotten even worse.

I'm sorry for the person, I truly am, because the person will never get better. It's more important to the person to wallow in self pity than to TRY to get better.

But it just proves that Heather was right all along -- because that's exactly what she told me when I first joined.


<img src="">Bevvy

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Sorry Bev....I had to cut my post short because.... new
      #62049 - 04/16/04 06:23 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

....I was at work and someone came in the I had to enter my post as it was before they saw my computer screen....but I'm home now...and yes, I do feel good that I got through the meeting without any drugs other than 2 Imodium. Thanks for the boost of confidence. Yes, I'm proud of myself. Thanks to all the support I receive in this board. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

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Bev...I know where you are coming from... new
      #62052 - 04/16/04 06:28 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I think I know exactly who you are talking about....because I've felt the same way about that person. They aren't here very often, but when they are it isn't good.

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Re: Bev...I know where you are coming from... new
      #62055 - 04/16/04 06:54 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Oh I know Bev... I just think that every once and awhile we all worry because in our society it's such a bad thing to complain and be honest about your feelings. It's hard to accept that there's a place where it's ok as long as you don't dwell in your misery. After all, I know that at least for me it took a long time to find a place where people even understood my medical stuff, let along were sympathetic, you know?

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Positive complaining vs negative complaining new
      #62065 - 04/16/04 07:28 PM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 514

Yes, it's nice to finally have a place where people understand and can offer constructive suggestions. I know I was reluctant to join an IBS board as I thought everyone would be down and out all the time and it would only make me feel worse. Everyone here I've seen really wants to get better and even if they do complain they are also looking for help. As soon as I read a few posts I thought, gee these people are nice, friendly, positive, intelligent people and they are all working on getting better!

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Re: Meeting with customer went well.... new
      #62091 - 04/16/04 11:45 PM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland


That is really exciting, Congratulations!!!!! I am very impressed.


I am still waiting for my tapes too.


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Re: Meeting with customer went well.... new
      #62168 - 04/17/04 12:52 PM

Reged: 04/05/04
Posts: 172
Loc: east coast, usa

Yay Nugget:) I'm glad the meeting went well and you got through it a-okay:) Congratulations on them wanting you to design for Nordstroms!! Have a good weekend:)

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Re: Complaining? Or Pitiful? new
      #62181 - 04/17/04 02:12 PM

Reged: 11/05/03
Posts: 460
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

Bev your emails are absolutely hilarious! "the complainer" -sounds like a move I would see on cable.

Coming up next "The Complainer" starring Meredith Baxter Birney.

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I know I'm really, really late, but here's my shoulder!! -nt- new
      #62251 - 04/17/04 08:15 PM

Reged: 09/28/03
Posts: 1183
Loc: Fort Wayne, Indiana

It comes down to the art of living on [color/red]

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