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Re: Newbi new
      #335660 - 09/04/08 07:54 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi all,

I am new to this forum, but needed to find some folks who know what this is all about. This may be a rather long story, but I feel like if I tell you the whole tale, maybe someone out there can relate, and offer some advice.

I have been a constipated person ever since I was a little girl. I can remember being forced to eats prunes at summer camp because I hadn't gone for days. As an adult, I can remember times having to actually dig the stool out, I was so miserable. Now, I know that is very gross, but I want to be as honest as possible. I have always been bloated after maybe a few bites of bad that I would usually have to unsnap my pants. I am now 54 and everything stayed the same until last year. I fell July of last year and fractured by back. Besides the pain, I was dealing with money issues, an uncompassionate work environment, stress from lack of sleep and having to get to work, etc. It was an extremely stressful time for me. I only took a week off from work, and then would try to go in on several hours sleep.

Let me go back a little in time here. I have a pre-existing anxiety disorder. Not panic attacks, but just a generalized anxiety disorder, so this situation did not help at all. Most anxious people run from doc to doc, but I am the exact opposite. I avoid them like the plague. So, during and after the accident, it meant the ER, and numerous doc appointments, so needless to say, I was a nervous wreck. I have never felt to this day, that I have recovered from the trauma of the fall, and I did not give myself the correct time/way to heal. Now, I am paying the price.

After the accident I did not take one pain killer. I survived on 600 mg of Motrin, whenever I couldn't take the pain anymore. I slept in a back brace for 4 month or longer and worked during all of this.

After I got back on my feet, I started to notice I would go to the bathroom very easily. I would have quite a few stools in the AM only, passed very easily without any strain. I thought that was weird, but put it down to maybe a slight case of gastritis from being on the Motrin for so long. Well, one morning I was driving my grandson to school, and I swear I did not think I was going to make it to the school and back. All morning I had this watery diarrhea. At that time, I just thought I had a bug, and kind of forgot about it. Then I continued to have all kinds of strange stools, from constipation, to mud/pudding consistencies, to ribbons, to pieces, to total explosive water, etc. You get the point. Well, then I started to really freak out, because I had just read about Farrah Fawcett and her colon issues.

So, I continue with this crap for awhile. Some days I would be fine and then BAM, out of the blue I would have this urgent need to get to the bathroom. Sometimes, it felt just like gas, but I was afraid to expel it for fear it was stool and I would mess my pants. Sometimes, I would get to the bathroom in a rush and nothing would come out. False alarm! But, the strange thing is, it is only in the morning. I would hear these strange rumblings from my stomach, and I kind of knew I was in trouble. After I got through about mid-morning I was fine the rest of the day.

Well, I broke down and found a doc I thought I could tolerate. Of course, he had no understanding of anxiety disorder. I won't even bother telling you the stupid question he asked me. By that time, I had lost 15 pounds. So, he gives me a script for all of this blood work, hormone testing, thyroid testing, adrenal, diabetes, etc. You name, he had it listed. Well, the strange thing is after I got the script, I started to feel fine, and started to eat again and pick my weight back up, and just went back to the normal constipation. Oh my God, I welcomed it. At least with the constipation, there was not this fear, urgency, and anxiety. And this is not to say that those out there with this condition are not in pain, however, for me personally it was easier to handle. It did not effect my lifestyle. I did not fear leaving the house with the constipation.

So, I forgot all about my previous problems and went for months not even thinking about it. I never did get the blood work done.

Now, to early spring of this year. I started to have some nasuea, bloating, and again, the morning soft stool, runny stool, or whatever it would decide to do for that day. Now, this would be once a month then it would be gone. It was aggravating, but I could deal with a day or two a month.

Skip forward to summer. Well, now it is coming weekly or bi-weekly. This week it has been every other day. I am freaked out driving to work, because it never fails, as soon as I get on the road, I have to find a bathroom. I have a 30 minute drive to work, so this is the most stressful situation I have ever dealt with. Every darn morning, I am scared I won't make it. Today, I heard the rumblings, so I thought let me try this Immodium stuff, so I took two. I then sat on the toilet for as long as I could, and had a few normal stools. I thought OK, I should be good to go. I get to work, and barely make it into the bathroom (only one bathroom at work-so embarrassing), and have what I call a total blow-out. It is over by about 9:00 or 10:00, but I am exhausted from the stress of it. And of couse, everyone in the office hears it.

I did go and have a colonoscopy and that was fine. So, I have spent so much money already on whatever this is, I just don't know what to do. These docs really don't listen to you and I find them to be pretty stupid most of the time. The doctor that did the colonoscopy said it was my gallbladder. Funny thing is, I had just finished filling out six pages of pre-surgical documents, and had he read any of them, he would have known...I don't have a gallbladder.

I thought well maybe it is the removal of my gallbladder that is causing this. But, I don't think so, beacause I had that removed in 2001, so I don't think problems would start 7 years later. And it is too coincidental that it started right after a very stressful period in my life.

So, I found this website. I have tried the calcium with each meal, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know my trigger foods/drinks, because I can go days and eat anything I want with no problems, then I will have a blow-out. So, I don't know which food/drink is causing this. It seems the more backed up I get, the worse it is when it does come. This condition follows no rhyme nor reason with me.

The one saving grace for me, and believe me I am so grateful and thankful is that I do not have cramps, and it is only in the AM. I am thinking I need to find an evening job, or I am going to have to start getting up an 4:00 to get this crap out of me, so I can drive to work. At this point, I just want to work from home. This is so distressing to me.

I bought the Acacia fiber and started that last weekend. Yesterday, I had some formed stool, but still not normal, and today was a blow-out. I am not sure if the fiber caused that, or if it was just my normal thing. I have been taking 1/2 teaspoon in the morning and at night. I also take a couple of the Digestive Advantage each day, along with the calcium and Immodium. I don't take all of this every day, but when you are at work with this condition, you will do almost anything.

It is so hard to explain to your family why you really can't do anything in the AM. Or maybe you can, but you don't want to risk it. It is hard enough getting to work. Now, I am trying to find excuses to come in late. I just can't keep going on like this.

I think maybe I will continue with the Acacia fiber, and give it a fair chance. But, if it continues to seem to exacerbate this condition, then maybe it is not for me. I don't want to live on drugs. At 54, I take no meds at all, so I hate being tied to pills. I think I may explore alternative therapies, since I am very open to that. I just don't think Wester medicine can handle this. I am sorry, but I find the docs unreasonable, they will not listen to you, and when you try to explain to them someone like Heather, who has first hand experience, they laugh at you. After all, she is not a doctor. I just don't have much respect for most of the docs I have been too.

Well, I could go on and on about what I have started to experience on an almost daily basis, but again, I think averyone on this board already knows.

Please offer me help and advice if you can. Sometimes, I jsut cry. It has messed with my life so much, and my family's life, and I just want to be constipated again. I am an active, fun-loving, outgoing person, but now I almost feel like just staying home. I just can't take the stress anymore.

Thanks to all of you for listening. And I am sorry I went on and on, but I don't know where else to turn.

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Re: Newbi new
      #335662 - 09/04/08 11:27 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

Welcome to a warm, accepting and helpful place - or it has been for me...
I can identify with your situation because I have dealt with generalized anxiety for years. My "gut" issues are the reversal of yours. I began having a "spastic colon" (back in those days - I'm 59 today! :-) when I was a young girl and had diarrhea sometimes 15+ times a day. This pattern continued for years, then it seemed for a period of years after my daughter was born everything, including the anxiety, got better. Then there was the trauma of witnessing a murder plus multiple prolonged illnesses and family deaths in a short period of time and it all began again. Could it be that the trauma of your accident might have triggered the IBS - causing the diarrhea??? When I'm anxious that's what happens to me - only I've had times when it has been 24/7 and a flare up for maybe 2 - 3 weeks of it! Now, I battle constipation most of the time - go figure! :-) But, as I said, anxiety switches it back to diarrhea - sometimes explosive - and cramping... shaking...
etc. I have to take something for the anxiety because it will sometimes trigger a PA. I hate taking drugs, but my dr. says it's a "band aid" for now, because I have to work. Like you - I've been the whole route with drs. and also get anxious at the thought of even going to one. I told my current dr. that it's odd how most drs. understand depression, but when you mention anxiety they treat you like you are a hypochondriac! It's amazing what our bodies do in response to stress and anxiety, but, to me, it sounds like your trauma may have brought this on and the stress of knowing you have to keep working, no matter what - I know........ I bet as soon as your back is better and if you can stop worrying about making it to work without having to stop somewhere, you'll start getting better bit by bit. And, I know it's the pits when you can't plan outings - been there too - still am at times. Try to follow Heather's safe foods when you're experiencing the diarrhea, also tell yourself, you've been here before and you survived and will this time, and maybe just keep the Immodium or Pepto on hand.
I doubt this answered your questions, but maybe it helps to know someone certainly understands....

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: Newbi
      #335667 - 09/05/08 03:36 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

Have you tried the IBS diet? I would give it a shot. Start with the break the cycle diet to calm your system. Then slowly add safe foods back in. It's worth a shot.

And if you don't like one doc find another. I know there are some bad ones (been there, done that), but there are also some really good ones.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: Newbi new
      #335672 - 09/05/08 05:31 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi Mary,

Thank you for that info. I think I will purchase her book to see what the break the cycle diet is? Is that where I would find it?

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Re: Newbi new
      #335679 - 09/05/08 05:56 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi GaGa,

You are a blessing! You have made me feel so much better. I have no doubt that accident triggered this malfunction of my gut. But, when you go from chronic, constant constipation all of your life, to diarhhea in mid-life, it kind of shakes you up. As I stated, I could live with the constipation, but this loose stool stuff is really playing with my mind.

You know to be honest with you, it is not the going that bothers me as much as the frantic urgency and anxiety that occurs when I am on the road or somewhere where I feel at risk. And half of the time when I do rush to the bathroom, it's nothing or gas. But, then there are those times when it is a big fat mess. So, the not knowing is what is killing me.

I am so sorry for your tragedies and losses. I am glad to know that you are feeling better. I know that the more I focus on it the worse it gets. But, it is very difficult for it not to get your attention when you think you might mess yourself. There was a period of time right after the accident where I just kind of ignored it, and it was not an issue, but something must have triggered it again in the early spring. I think maybe it has alot to do with the job, also. As I said on the weekends, no problem, or if any, it is rare. And I always pray, please God let me get this out of me now. But, here comes Monday and there I am on the road and urgent again. It's so frustrating.

Would you suggest I buy her books? And what about the hypnosis tapes. I really need feedback, because I have spent so much money so far on this condition. I did decrease the Acacia fiber. I am only taking 1/2 teaspoon in the evening and maybe a 600 mg of calcium and I am going to stick with that for awhile. If I change too much at once, I won't know what is working and what is not. I am also thinking of keeping a food diary.

I still have not been officially diagnosed with IBS. I did have the colonoscopy, to rule out cancer, but the docs just don't seem to get it. I think I have the classic symptoms of IBS. What do you think?

I did read a book by a gal that was not diagnosed with a gluten sensitivity until she was almost 40. She was sick all her life and then a trauma and surgery in in late 30's caused her celiac to really flare. What she says in her book is that docs thing celiac occurs only in childhood, but what she has come to know is that a trauma or medical procedure can trigger it, as it may have been dormant within your body for a long time. I would recommend it fro all out there. It is an excellent book. She had to overcome alot, including the medical profession. The name of the book is, "Gluten-Free Girl", but her name escapes me at the moment. It is a very good read. I have thought that maybe all my life I have had some kind of food sensitivity, hence the constipation, and now diarrhea. That is why I think I might try pulling wheat and dairy out of my diet, and see what happens.

On well, I do tend to go on and on. It was so nice to chat with you and take care.


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Re: Newbi new
      #335722 - 09/06/08 10:21 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

The book does have all the info. But you can also find everything you need right on this site! You'll learn all about the different kinds of fiber. You'll learn how and what to eat. And there is even a cheat sheet for quick reference on what's safe and what's not. To break the cycle you have to only eat soluble fiber foods for a few days (white bread, pasta, rice, sweet potatoes, pretzels, canned peaches or pears...that kind of stuff). I did the hypno CDs. I think they helped. If nothing else they helped with my anxiety and taught me how to calm myself a bit and control my breathing when I would panic. I have also been seeing a psychologist for over 2 years now. That has been one of the biggest helps for me. Anxiety is a huge trigger. So if you are prone to anxiety/worry I would consider some type of counseling. It really helps. And keeping a journal. Sometimes just getting your thoughts out is enough to calm your anxiety. Anyway, just a few ideas. And be sure to get an actual diagnosis. Don't accept an "I think it's IBS". Find a doctor that will listen. I had the IBS excuse for a long time and finally diagnosed myself...I had rectal prolapse. After surgery my life has changed so much. So don't accept IBS without a true diagnosis. Good luck.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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Re: Newbi new
      #335725 - 09/06/08 10:50 AM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

I'm sorry I missed this... It's been a rough week at school! I can't diagnose you, but I'm surprised your GI didn't do so if he ruled out everything else, that seems to be their general procedure. Might check with him for his advice??? When I'm on the "C" side, it's food and probably because I don't stick to a regular eating pattern and then overeat when I do eat. I eat lots of fiber and drink over 90 ozs. of water a day. But, I guess stress can cause it too.
However, I've found in my most anxious, stressful times - since I was 12 - I always flared with continuous diarrhea. Back in the "old" days they could give you strong drugs like Donnatal and Lomotil (a wonderful drug because it stopped the diarrhea, cramping and calmed you!!) - but, I think it's a narcotic, so not very popular now. I saw a Clinical Psychologist for a while and he helped some - primarily by telling me it wasn't all in my head and validating me! He also used a procedure called EFT - it sounds crazy - but go on line and look up Gary Craig and EFT, it involves "tapping" places on your body and the documentation is unreal. My psychologist also used this in his practice - think I'm going to try it on my own. Many on these message boards have very positive things to say about the hypnosis tapes. I'm just anti-hypnosis.
And, this is just basic information your "mama" would give you, but it may help calm the commute anxiety. This is probably TMI but, here goes: I also have urethral stenosis that causes some leakage so I wear pads 24/7 - there are larger/longer ones that would cover your front and back area. Also, drastic times call for drastic measures and I once was in the middle of a horrible flare up and a friend needed me to take her to the ER. I said "Dear God! How can I drive and do this?" So, I wore Depends under some loose jeans or sweat pants. They make them so form fitting they are kind of like "big girl panties" now. But, if it would ease your mind about an accident on the way to work - then, girlfriend, do it! And, maybe talk to your dr. about your stress and anxiety to see if there is something mild they can give you until this crisis passes. I don't like drugs at all, but if I have to have them to function and work - which I have to do - then, as my doctor said - it's just a band aid "for now". My former pastor's wife used to say "it came to pass...not to stay"! Thank God!
Food wise - as long as you are dealing with "D" - read Heather's Cheat Sheet on this website - stick with the first column - potatoes, rice, sourdough/french bread, bagels, applesauce, bananas - and oatmeal if you can tolerate it. All but the oatmeal are my staple foods. Even pretzels and things like Rice Chex for snacks...
I feel when you can stop worrying - stupid saying, isn't it??? I've been told that all my life! Rephrase that: whatever you can do to reduce your stres, do it, and you will see a major change. When my job has me stressed to the max, I tell myself, "I'll just quit" - which I can't, but it helps! Keep me posted and feel free to e-mail me since you can see I'm quite "verbose"!

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: Newbi new
      #335767 - 09/07/08 02:01 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497


Unfortunately, when I went to the GI guy that did the colonscopy, he neglected to tell me at the time, that there is such a thing as a specialty within a specialty. Go figure. After the test, I asked for another appointment so that we could further evaluate my problem, and he said he would have to refer me to another GI doc. He only does colonscopies. Now, that is absolutely ridiculous. Now, I have to find another doc. I am just sick of it. That is the reason I have not been definitively diagnosed. From my own investigation there are so many conditions that would require different tests from a prolapsed rectum to gluten sensitivity. etc. That is alot of money for me, since I pay my own health insurance. But, from reading the symptoms of IBS and how it can be triggered, it fits me to a T!

Honestly, at this point, I would love the "C" side all of the time. At least I know what to expect. It is what I have dealt with for 54 years.

I do have the EFT tapes, along with the Linden method. I ordered both for dealing with the anxiety, long before I started dealing with what I think is the IBS. The Linden method is fantastic. I can't stress how good he is. Now, the EFT tapes have not worked for me, no matter how much I tap. That is not to say they don't work...just not for me at this point. I have read alot on energy work and actually see an energy worker once a month, so I know there is much value in it. I did call Gary Craig, from the number on his website, and believe or not, I reached him. He could not have been kinder or more willing to talk, and he wasn't getting paid for it, mind you. He said, and I agree with him, that either I haven't reached my core issues with anxiety, or I really need someone to tap for me instead of tapping myself. I checked with a therapist that was local and she wanted an outrageous amount of money to work with me, and she didn't accept insurance. I truly want to heal, but I can't go broke doing it.

I have thought about the pads, but I don't know how much they would help considering the volumne of stool that comes out of me at times. I think I may try it just kind of as a bandaid for now.

As far as drugs, I have dealth with this anxiety for most of my life with good results, from not using drugs, so I would prefer to keep it that way. I truly believe for some reason, that the accident last July triggered this mess, and it may take some time to heal. I will continue to try it without drugs for anxiety, but of course I do not condemn anyone who uses them.

It is also strange that I have no problems on the weekend when I sleep in. It seems to be work days only, at least so far. There is much stress at work right now, plus other stress in my personal life, but I thought I was dealing pretty well. I guess not. Maybe there is more underneath than I am aware of.

Well, GaGa, thanks for listening. I will try the diet to calm down the gut, and see how it works. I guess like all on this site, I must find my own way.

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Re: Newbi new
      #335768 - 09/07/08 02:11 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi Mary,

I think I will order the book. All the info I can get will help, I think. You can read some of my posts to GaGa, also, which explains where I am at up to this point.

I am seriously considering the CDs, only because the Linden method CDs have helped me so much. They helped me pull out of the first funk I was in after the accident, when IBS was far from my mind.

I have had counseling in the past. I found a therapist who used a from of cognitvie therapy called RET. That is Rational Emotive Therapy. It worked great for me, and I fall back on that quite often. Now, probably would not be a good time financially to start therapy again, but if worse comes to worse, I will find a way.

If you read my post to GaGa, you will see that I was trying to get a definitve IBS diagnosis. Unfortunely, that hasn't happended yet. But, my sympotms are so spot on, I would be surprised if it wasn't.

So, with the rectal prolapse you don't have IBS or you do? I wasn't quite sure if you meant you were totally healed after the surgery, or you still have or never had the IBS?

Well, thank you so much. A friendly ear is always welcomed. The people at this site are just great!


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Re: Newbi new
      #335780 - 09/08/08 03:38 AM

Reged: 05/09/06
Posts: 544
Loc: Grandville, MI

I still have to be conscious of what I eat. My system is by no means perfect. But I don't consider myself to have IBS...not sure I ever did! I don't follow the IBS diet (anymore...did when I thought I had IBS), but I know so much about it since I did follow it. And I still use some of the general guidelines to keep my system working well. I stick around this site to try to help others in any way I can even though I don't really have IBS. I just love the people on this board and I know how you all feel and how you struggle. I do still consider myself to have an abnormal digestive system (partially from having part of my colon removed). But I don't have any food limiations or anything. I just have to be sure I eat very high fiber foods (I can eat as much IF as I like), drink tons of water, get exercise every day and keep my anxiety under control. Hope that clarifies things a bit.

Had surgery for rectal prolapse in Sept. '06 and feeling good now! Loving life with our IVF miracle #1.

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