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Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332183 - 07/09/08 01:33 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Well, I know a few of us have talked about let's DO IT!!!

I'm tired of being fat, bloated and gassy! Those are just disgusting combinations. So, let's give up sugar starting tomorrow (Thursday)!! If I wait any longer I will never do it!

So - everybody gorge yourselves on your favorite sugary treats tonight, so tomorrow we can start fresh, and by this time next week we will be thinking clearer, have much more energy, and our tummies will be looking flatter!!

WOOHOO!!! Who's in?!?!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332190 - 07/09/08 03:19 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 669
Loc: Columbus, Ohio

OK. I'm going to try to just start by reducing my sugar. I realized I eat it at EVERY We're gonna do baby steps, but I AM IN!!:)


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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332194 - 07/09/08 05:21 PM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

I already told you!NO you can't make me and I won't do it!!!lol
I actually don't have a problem with cutting out sugar.I don't eat much anyway because it does give me stomach cramps.I LOVE sweet deserts but they just about kill me!
I'm not sure where I can cut back but I will also try.
I don't have a problem with my weight right now(total denial)I actually think I'm still losing cause I hardly eat anything these days. My tummy has been acting up lately so forgoing food just seems easier.I know I know small meals, safe snacks.Right now even that is too much effort!
So no more sugar huh?
If anything I'll be your cheering section! GO GIRLS!!!!!

Tomorrow right?

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332212 - 07/10/08 09:49 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok, Chicken...sounds good

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332213 - 07/10/08 09:55 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok, so far, so good! No sugar today at all.

I have decided that if I start craving sugar (which actually I have not...YET), I will eat a piece of fruit. Peaches are in season. That should be good!

I'm actually already starting to feel better - believe it or not!! My mood has improved, and I have more energy. Also, my belly has not hurt today..and it's not as bloated.

I guess I'm alone in this, so wish me luck. I'll let you know how it's going over the next few weeks

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332221 - 07/10/08 10:51 AM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

I wish you lots of luck!! Sugar doesnt typically bother me and I crrrrrave it! Plus I feel like sugars the only thing that I can hang on to that I used to eat and can still eat. Thus you are a much braver person than I am!! Good luck and keep us updated!!


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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332222 - 07/10/08 10:53 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

Fancymom, are you able to tolerate a lot of fruits? Or do you peel/chop/deseed/cook them?

Just curious. Between my bladder problems and my bowel problems, I don't really tolerate many fruits, which is part of the reason I'm having such difficulty giving up sugar! When I'm craving sweet, all I can eat are canned pears or blueberries (mixed with cereal!)


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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332228 - 07/10/08 12:25 PM


I am just now reding this, and it is Thursday, but no problem with me. Absolutely, I will go sugar free. I am ready
I was not arond yesteday as my ssiter came and we went to the zoo. Had a wonderful time
Had a bad flareup befoe she came. don't have no idea why. I was so careful what I ate, but sometimes I think that is when it hits. Drives me crazy, and for a while wondered if we could even go. but i ened up taking three imodium,and it worked
I get so frustrated when this happens for no reason. Does anyone know if maybe sometimes this happens with no explanation?
Then it makes me real nervous again, and I don't want to leave the house
Anyay, count me in for no sugar I am ready
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332230 - 07/10/08 01:21 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok, Dee. Your in too!!

I am so excited I don't have to do this alone!! Your awesome!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332232 - 07/10/08 01:24 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Fen!
The only fruits I really have a problem with are apples, and oranges. Especially apples...they send me to the bathroom almost immediately!!!

My best tolerated ones are the more alkaline fruits, like bananas and plums. Also, I seem to tolerate peaches and pears pretty good too. I have several options for some good sweet fruits to curb my cravings!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332233 - 07/10/08 01:26 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Thanks Stef!

Me and Dee will keep ya posted on how things are going, right Dee?! You go GIRL!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332237 - 07/10/08 01:29 PM


Oh absolutely I am in
Last yar in June my brother in law got real sick, and was in intnsive care for 9 weeks. My sister stayed with us, as they lived out of town abut an hour away,and I went with her everyday to the hospital to see Dave. August 14 we lost Dave. He was 61 years old
I lost 32 pounds since une of last year, and seem to be at a stand still right now. Of course I don't want anyone to get sick again, like Dave did, but I do want to continue losing moe pounds
So yes i am in, and will give anyone who needs support the support I an
Good luck
How many are in this challenge of not eating sugar
good luck
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332239 - 07/10/08 02:02 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Wow. I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. That must have been very hard for your sister...and you!

Well, looks like it's just you and me...for now. I don't think anybody else wants to do it.
I know you want to do it to lose weight, and so do I. BUT, I also am doing it because sugar makes me feel SOOOO BAD! Just moody, and depressed, and fatigued, bloated and tired...and FAT, of course. Anyway, I'm doing it not only for me, but for my kids and my husband. I am a much nicer person when I am sugar free.

Anyway, take a look at this webpage. It's a very interesting and inspiring story. I think you will like it!

This is gonna be a fun journey for us, Dee!! I'm very excited!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332240 - 07/10/08 02:04 PM


I had a flareup yesterday and can not figure out why
the things I ate the day before I always eat with no problem. The only thing diferent I ate befoe I went to bed was canned peaches. Now I did not at soluble fiber with it, and wonder if that could be the reason or maybe sometimes it just hapens. It is frustrating
good luck to you
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332241 - 07/10/08 02:12 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Dee.
Maybe it could have been the canned peaches. Did they have any added sugar in them, or any wierd preservatives? Try cutting back a little on the soluble fiber. Sometimes if I have too much it makes me very gassy and crampy. Grab the heating pad, relax on the couch, and start drinking LOTS of good quality water.

2 Books you may want to get and read...they are awesome!!

"Get the Sugar Out" and "Lick the Sugar Habit"

I have both of them and they are great!!
Hope you get to feeling better soon!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332242 - 07/10/08 03:01 PM


I was thinking, too, it as probably the peaches,and wondered if maybe the sugar or the syrup or whatever the liquid was might be it.
I did not take the soluble fiber yeateray or the questan yesterday, but stated again today.
will too much of the soluble fibe give you problems I do not know anymore
I will check out the books,and also the website you sent for th3 link
Thanks so much
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332247 - 07/10/08 05:08 PM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

I'm so on the fence!!! I so want to just suck it up and do it but it's so hard because I can't seem to figure out my other intolerances! I really think I have a problem with wheat and/or gluten and it's so hard to give up wheat and sugar at the same time! It would be easy if I could eat big salads and all of the fruit I want, but sadly that's not the case...

I need some support and motivation here! Fancymom, tell me all about how great you feel after your first day!!


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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332249 - 07/10/08 05:48 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 669
Loc: Columbus, Ohio

LOl. I am a chicken! But I did awesome today. I ate NOTHING sweet until tonight when I had a little sweet after dinner. Huge improvement for me! yay!


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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332252 - 07/10/08 06:32 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Good Job, Aly! Keep it going, girlfriend!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332253 - 07/10/08 06:39 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok, Fen. I cannot lie. I do not feel terrific. I will say I have been very tired today. I think it's because my blood sugar is stabilizing, and I am coming off my sugar high. I used to eat a LOT of sugar. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner - and snacks in between!

I think you should go for it, but that has to be your decision, totally. Everyone tells us that sugar is bad for you, and it's true. It completely messes with your body's immune system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, AND endocrine system. It depletes your body of vital minerals(mainly calcium, magnesium, chromium and zinc), and makes you have insomnia. Not to mention makes you an emotional mess (at least I was!)

Anyway, I hope you make the decision that's right for you, and IF you decide to join me and Dee, we are THRILLED to have you!! Right Dee?!?!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332254 - 07/10/08 07:01 PM


Yes, Absoltely we would be thrilled if you joned us. and we will give you all the suppot you ned
This is so true about sugar.
I have almost cut out all sugar, and I feel much bette
I can so tell when I eat sugar, and for a few minutes I get a sugar high,and then such a downer. I don't like that feeling.
I have cut out pop, juices, cakes, cookies, all kinds of sweets and it makes me feel better. I do have a peppermint hard candy quite often becuase peppermint is god for your tmmy, and that is something I need towork on taking away, and substituting something else. Any ideas?
When Dave got real sick, and was in intensive care for 9 weeks, my sister sayd with us,a nd I supported her by going with her to the hospital from morning til night. It was the most horrible thing we ever had to go through, and still we lost Dave. they came from Anchorage, Alaska, and were back here maybe 9 months before he got so sick with a perferated colon, and died. He and my sister were so close to us. We went o vacations, etc. together. He had just retired and then what?
But I knew my place ws with my sister, and with my IBS, I knew I could not go to the hospital and have problems with D so I cut out so much bad food at that time, and lost so much. It was a bad way to lose, but it was not all bad, as I needed to lose
But what a bad year we had.
I have not gone back to eating sugar. Now, don't get me wrong. I will once in a while have angel food cake and that will be a problem for me, as that is my favorite, but I will do it
We all will, and we all can
This is a losing game, and if we try, we will win on this
so yes, come along and join us. We can all do it together.
I give you all the support I can
good luck to you all
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332255 - 07/11/08 07:00 AM


Good luck everyone today who has decided to go sugar free. i am here to give support.
I need it too.
I find lots of foods which have sugar in them which I am not aware of, like ketchup, etc.
Let us give each other support.
And drink that water.
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332256 - 07/11/08 07:34 AM


I am off for a bike ride with my little 9 ear old grandson. I watch him this summer, and it is supposd to get mid 90s today, so need to go early
will chck in when I get bck
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332257 - 07/11/08 07:56 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

You are so right, Dee. There are hidden sugars in everything!! Even bread! You just have to become an AVID label reader!! I have been scouring over labels in the grocery store for years. It is truly amazing that sugar seems to be in everything. I hate it when they use all those fancy words for sugar, hoping that you won't realize that it's actually the same, and sometime WORSE!
Like: "all natural cane sugar", or "sweetened with pure fruit juice". That really irritates me. It's ALL sugar!!

My rule of thumb is only shop on the outskirts of the grocery store. You will mostly find whole foods there. If you are craving something a piece of fruit. It's amazing how, when you are not eating sugar EVERYTHING tastes so sweet!! It's awesome. I never realized how SWEET a sweet potato is! It's wonderful with a little soy butter and a little sprinkle of cinnamon. Only 2 days off sugar, and things are already tasting sweeter to me.


IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332262 - 07/11/08 11:00 AM


What have you eaten today
I am almost out of groceries, so have to eat what I have on hand
For breakfast I had a bowl of oatmeal and for lnch i fixed me a baked potato and had some sugar free applesauce
I am trying to drink lots of water
I wish I had bananas as that kind of fruit does not bother me
just curious what you are eating

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Good Luck! new
      #332264 - 07/11/08 12:01 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

Godd luck to both of you! I am here for support! Just send all of the weight loss to me I'll even pay the posatage! Good luck!


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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332266 - 07/11/08 12:30 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey girlfriend!
Ok. For breakfast I had a banana and 2 pieces of ezekiel bread with soy cream cheese. 10am snack I had a peach. Lunch I had a taco salad with romaine lettuce, soy cheddar, soy sour cream, tomatoes, taco sauce and low fat corn chips. It was delicious!!
Now for my afternoon snack I think Im gonna have a pear.

So far so good. How are you feeling?

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332268 - 07/11/08 12:32 PM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

Fancymom, that's a lot of IF! I couldn't handle all of that! Are you stable? How long?


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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332269 - 07/11/08 12:32 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok, Shiela. You just keep on rubbing your skinniness on me, and maybe it will work
MAN! Am I jealous!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332270 - 07/11/08 12:33 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yup. Feelin' good!
I have been off and on stable for a few years.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332271 - 07/11/08 12:36 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Oh yeah.
Last night for dinner I made a homemade pizza crust with sliced fresh tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, peeled a red pepper and sliced it up, and turkey pepperoni. Then I topped it off with some soy mozarella and a spray of olive oil.

It was awesome!!! Best "diet" I've ever been on!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332274 - 07/11/08 12:58 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

DEAL! Maybe its beacuse I can't find engouh to eat. What does your dalily food list look like? by the way I just got done eating some soy yogurt again man was it good hope it agress with me!
emmasmom (Sheila)

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332277 - 07/11/08 01:10 PM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

Fancymom, do you take a SFS?


Edited by Fen (07/11/08 01:11 PM)

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332278 - 07/11/08 01:21 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yes, Maam. Acacia powder 2x per day. Usually I do ok without it, though.
Today has been an exception to my usual eating habits. Usually it's a lot more SF, about half SF and half IF. I do best with both. I do peel my pears and peaches before I eat them. Bananas are those! If I don't eat a good bit of fruit, and IF, I get constipated.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332279 - 07/11/08 01:23 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I know. I LOVE SOY YOGURT! I really love the plain vanilla, then I add a little of my favorite fruits to it. That's my favorite breakfast!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332281 - 07/11/08 01:41 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

Cross your fingers! I hope it works! Someone said it might have a bad side effect and make you more c I hope not its to good! It beats pretzels all the time!!
ibs-c gas

Edited by emmasmom (07/11/08 01:41 PM)

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332283 - 07/11/08 02:21 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Amen! I HATE pretzels!! They are flavorless crap. They turn into this horrible paste in my mouth - BARF!

Hey - have you tried the wheat free, dairy free waffles? I forget who their made by. Starts with an "I" I think. They are awesome! Especially the blueberry ones. Yummy! I'm craving some of those bad boys...

How much longer am I doing this sugar free thing??
HELP, Dee!! I don't want to fall off the wagon!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332285 - 07/11/08 02:53 PM


Hey, you can do this. Don't blow it now. You have gone this far. We can do it togeter. Just hang in there.
If you blow it now, you will be so upset. Stay strong. I am here to pat you on the back. OKay
I am doing okay, but hungry, but lots of my problems are no food here, as we need to buy groceries. I am so awful on frusits, as can not eat much without them making me sick. I need bananas
Hopefully tonight we can go get some food
Are the wheat free waffles Vans? I got some which are glutten free, wheat free,a nd they are good,espcially the bluebery, or are there some other kind
where did you find the soy yoart. I want to get some, but I am not sure walmart will have them
I need to go drink more water
I am here for you if you need more support. Hang in there. We can do this
You know we can
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332288 - 07/11/08 06:59 PM

Reged: 03/31/08
Posts: 181
Loc: MA

I'm interested to know what made you guys want to give up sugar. I keep reading that it has no effect on our digestion and it's perfectly safe for IBS. However, each day that goes by I become more and more convinced that this is not the case for me. Whenever I so much as have 1 piece of candy, it messes me up for a least a day (longer if I have more). I can have soy yogurt, but things like angel food cake that are supposed to be 100 percent safe do not seem to be safe for me. Anyways, I was just wondering if you were finding that sugar was a problem for you as well.

Also would love some ideas of what you are eating. I don't think I could give up sugar entirely because my diet is so limited as it is, but I definitely try to keep it very low. Would love some more food ideas What kind of soy yogurt do you eat that is low in sugar? I eat Whole Soy which only has 12g instead of 24...



I am training for a Sprint Triathlon- Check out my Blog!

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332290 - 07/11/08 07:53 PM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Ok when you mean sugar do you mean anything with sugar or the very obvious like ding dongs and chocolate covered brownies?
I can do the obvious stuff but I can't go all the way.
I'm having a party tomorrow and it's gonna be loaded with sugar based stuff!I'm only going to eat the stuff I know is safe and lots of bananas and pretzels to help along the way but I think I'll stay away from all the fatty foods.Besides I don't have a gallbladder anymore so that stuff will make me sick anyway so.....good luck to all of you who go all the way!!!!

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332300 - 07/12/08 05:05 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Dragonfly!
Good for you for even giving up the "obvious" stuff! That's hard enough!!

Yep. I'm giving it ALL up. Even the breads that have 4grams of sugar in ONE slice! Can you believe that?!?! It's crazy what you start finding when you read labels.

My goal is to keep my sugar grams under 40 per day. I will be happy with that! That way if I do eat a few things that have 5 grams of sugar in them, I won't feel like a failure. I think it is virtually impossible to have 0gms of sugar in this society. Sad, but true. We are all about sugar in the good ole U S of A. EVERYTHING they make here has SOME sugar in it. They even inject meats with sugar. Gross, huh.

Good Luck to you giving up desserts!! Go Girl!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332301 - 07/12/08 05:24 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

HI Kelly!
Well, the reason you probably feel like CRAP after eating angel food cake is 'cuz it's LOADED with sugar!! I know EXACTLY how you feel. I feel HORRIBLE after eating angel food cake. But, I can eat plain, Sonyfield vanilla flavored yogurt and I feel fine afterwards.

I probably shouldn't say this on this particular webpage, BUT, you should read this book called "Never be Sick Again."
It is an incredible book. It talks about the "Big 4's."
These are the 4 things everyone should give up in their diets, and they will not feel SICK anymore...
They are:
1. Sugar
2. Flour
3. Hydrogenated Oils
4. Dairy

She says that babies should be breast-fed until they are the age of 2, then NEVER fed milk again. Cow's milk is for CALVES, not humans. Asians drink less milk than anyone else on this planet, and they have the LOWEST incidence of osteoporosis. Coincidence?? NOT!
Anyway, it's a great book, if you get a chance to read it, it's worth the $15 to buy it.

So, I am following her book, and not JUST giving up sugar, but also flour(wheat), and dairy(which shouldn't be hard since I gave that up years ago!).
Also, see if you can find "Eat right 4 your type" book too. That's a great one as well. And...since they BOTH say for me to give up flour(wheat) and dairy, I think it's pretty obvious I need to do that. I read the Eat Right 4 Your Type Book years ago and it just made sense. Everybody's blood type is different. Everybody can eat different things. Not all diets are make for every body. That's why Suzie next door lost 20lbs. on Weight Watchers and I gained 20lbs. HA! What works for one, will not work for another. My Mom is blood Type B, and she feels GREAT when she eats regular yogurt, or drinks a glass of 2% milk...I go RUNNING for the bathroom! I am Type 0, and I'm not supposed to eat dairy. My body cannot digest it properly(which most people can't). BTW - Kelly...are you Blood Type 0? 'Cuz if you are, that may be why angel food cake makes us BOTH feel sick! Wheat flour!

There are plenty of alternatives! For instance...I eat an egg white omelet for breakfast most days, with sauteed veggies in it. I eat wheat free spelt bread, or ezekiel bread. Both are delicious. Some mornings I do oatmeal with a little unsweetened almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon and stevia. I eat lots of fruit. Usually a banana with breakfast. I tolerate those very well.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332302 - 07/12/08 05:28 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Thanks, Dee. I'm alright. Didn't blow it...not gonna. I'm feeling better today. Thanks for the encouragement. WHEW!

Hopefully you will get to the grocery store today. Must be miserable not to have anything to eat in the house! I'm a munchaholic, so I HAVE to have food in the house.
Good luck today!! Make us proud! WOOHOO!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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blew it last night new
      #332309 - 07/12/08 06:35 AM


I have to be honest. I blew it last night, and went off the wagon. Frustrates me but back on again today
Yesterday was not a good day
we had a bad storm two or three weeks ago. nothing much from our insurance co,and still waiting. Lots of water damage inside
Our son came over late aftenoon to help me look at things. He is an archetectual draftsman,and so great on helping us
In one room he found mold growing under the baseboads, so we need to get that out of there immediately, sotoday we take the baseboards out, and cut the dry wall out so themold does not grow up the all. It is the outside all only
then the other two rooms, we will have to take the carpet out, in the bathroom take the tile out, and liteally stat over. this upsets us a lot, but at least we know what w are dealing with
It frustrats me with the inurance co. they wee supposed to send us a worksheet on what they decided as someone came out about two weeks ago for hail damge, and gave us an estimate on our siding,but would not do anything i the house, as he said he was only there for siding. He taped me,and said he would contact the insurance co. and anothe adjuster would come.
This is so stessful for me. We have aldy had our house destroyd twenty yars ago with a torndo. so here we go again.
I don't handle stress well
Abd then we did not have much food int he house, so we went tothe stoe and bought food,and when we got home I was hungry, as hd not eaten much, so this is wht I do when I am hungry, and not eaten enough.
I can not eat much of the stuff you do as I get sosick, so hve to be real selective on my food.
angel fod cake doesnot bothe me one bit. I know it hs lots of sugr in it, but i ust ead your post about angel food ake.
Now fresh fruit are not good for me, but I did buy a couple peches and pears,a nd will try and peel them fist.
wish me luck, as I sure did go off the wagon,and will get right back on today. I am sosorry
upset with myself now
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332312 - 07/12/08 07:14 AM

Reged: 03/31/08
Posts: 181
Loc: MA

I will definitely look into these books. The more I get into learning about my diet and how different things make me feel the more interesting (but also frustrating) it becomes. I have already given up dairy on Heather's diet. I don't really miss it at all except in ice cream I am actually A positive, so hopefully that means I don't have to give up wheat- I honestly do not think I could do it at this point, already having so many dietary restrictions. I have a lot of trouble with fruits and veggies because of the insoluble fiber (I can do soluble fiber ones and I do, often). I think without wheat I may literally run out of foods to eat entirely. I also do not eat hydrogenated oils either, so I have two on that list already covered- yay.

As for sugar, I have always had problems with too much sugar even long before IBS. As a kid I could not drink soda without feeling SO sick. I used to think it was the carbonation, but I had no problem with diet soda (don't drink it anymore though because of the IBS). Before I got IBS I really didn't have sugar that much and only recently have had more because my diet has become so limited. Now I'm trying to go back to limiting the sugar again. I'm assuming you are not getting rid of the sugar in fruits right? I have an apple every morning with my oatmeal, and apples I have a lot of sugar but it's fruit sugar so I figure its okay. The only other sugar I really have is in my soy yogurt, which I don't even have every day, oh and I believe there are 2 grams of sugar in my rice chex. However, like I said when I have angel food cake, or candy for some reason- it definitely affects my stomach. It would be so much simpler if food affected everyone the same huh! You are right too, it is so hard to find food without sugar. I find the same thing with fats, particularly at restaurants. They look at me like I'm crazy when I say I REALLY don't want oil on my pasta. They give me lectures about it sticking together. Who cares, its all going to be together in my stomach! I will ask for a sandwich with turkey and nothing else- PLAIN and it will come back with butter or mayo because they just can't believe that turkey on bread would be tasty enough to eat alone. Honestly, thats how my mom made my sandwiches as a kid so I never knew otherwise!

Well good luck with the limited sugar diet. If you get any great snack or meal ideas let me know


PS. Thanks for the advice on the books. I am going to Barnes and Noble today so I will check them out.

I am training for a Sprint Triathlon- Check out my Blog!

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332313 - 07/12/08 07:30 AM


I was checked for celatic disease when i had my coonostopy two weeks ago, and it came back negetive. I was so thrilled. I am lactose intolerace, and I have IBS D and was diagnoised with diverticulous, so take questran twie a day, along with heather's fiber, and the reg. perscription drugs I take, along with lactate when I drink dairy. I too can not tolerate much fruits, and the veggies drive me crazy
I am doing the best I can with sugar.
I have cut out so much, po, and soft drinks, most other liquies, including coffee,a nd drink mainly water. Sweets ae pretty much alredy gone from my diet, but of course there are so many hidden sugas in foods, I am trying to do careful
I went brazerk yesterday with sugar last evening and starting over today
I don't handle stress wll
good luck to you also,and we ae all here for support
I know sugar does not do good for me, as it gives me a high for a few minutes,and then such a downer.
I have not eaten sweets for a time, except of couse last night, which drives me cazy, but i guess I am human
Good luck and I am here for you also
Hugs, DeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332323 - 07/12/08 10:33 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Giving up wheat is not as hard as it seems. There are soooo many good alternatives. Wheat free pastas, bread, cookies, brownies...the list goes on. I think it's MUCh harder giving up sugar than wheat!!

I just try to take it one day at a time. But for now, I have not had wheat or sugar, or dairy(of course) in 3 days, and I'm really starting to feel better. My tummy is a LOT flatter - that part doesn't suck

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332372 - 07/13/08 02:31 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Day four and today has been hard! I mean, I FEEL much better, but for some reason I have been CRAVING sugar like CRAZY today!! So, I broke down and had some flour instead. I was DYING for some baked pita chips!!
I had given up all white flour, wheat, dairy(a long time ago) AND sugar. I have discovered that I just can't go without ALL three!! It's too hard!

So, no sugar and no dairy, and that's is enough to keep me busy!! Dee - you just HAVE to go get this book!! It's called "Get the Sugar Out" and it's by Ann Louise Gittleman, PH.D, C.N.S. She is awesome!! This book is really GREAT! It will help you soooo much on your journey. It will also remind you when you need a boost, of WHY you gave up sugar in the first place. Because it makes us SICK!! I am a HUGE believer that sugar is exacerbating my IBS symptoms. A LOT of my symptoms have improved over the past 4 days, that's why I have not given up. On page 26-27 of her book she lists all the sugar-related ailments. There are a LOT of them, but constipation, indigestion, mood swings, fatigue, impaired digestion of all foods, muscle pain, obesity, and ulcers are just a few. And I have all of those!! (with the exception of obesity - I am only 10lbs overweight...but this is the heaviest I have ever been, aside from pregnancy).

Anyway, it is worth the $13.95. Every penny!! So, go to Barnes & Noble, or whatever book store is near you and pick it up!

Also, Dee...check out this website!! It's GREAT!

Hope your having a great Sunday!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332386 - 07/13/08 09:11 PM


Hi Fancymom
Bad day bad weekend forme
I have not done too bad with my eating, just everyonce in a while ate a bit of stuff with sugar, which was not acceptble, how I se it.
I guess I had a craving for sweets, and why? I don't know
We had a bad storm as you kiow a couple three weeks ago, and water int he basement, etc. Our insuance is soslow in reacting, andnot givng us much at all
We found mold in one room, and had to remove a lot of drywall, and carpet.
things were not good with that ysterday
and toay ws not a good day. We went to Lows or whatever you spell it in OMaha,and my huabnd left his keys int he car, locked. He thought I had a set of keys with me, whch I did not. Things got out of hand, as when he gets mad at himself, he hs a tendancy to blame someone else. I think all men do that. without going into detail, about the whole mess, our son went to our house, found the keys and brought them over.
but inthe mantime, My tummy acted up and ended up having to take immodium, which I did not want to do as it hs a tendency to make me constipated
anyway, bad day, bad diet, the whole thing
tomorrow is another day nd i will start over
I love my husband, we ae bst friends, but he is working 12-13 hour days, and with the stress of the stomr and damage, I guess I was just in the wrong place at the time, and he took it out on me
I will look for tht book. Looks and souhds great
believe me I can tell such a big difference when I eat sugar.
I did not et much, just had a boston creme roll, and five minutes afte I had it, I could alredy feel the effect of sugar.
I looked for the website ont he recipe but it is down for maintencance, or whateve so will chekck tomorrow
must get to bed
Have my litttle grandson to atch tomorrow
Love you and take care
we are doing a good job of this, and there will be days when we goof up, but we just don't beat ourselves up and start over. We are human
I am here for you, my friend
Love DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332413 - 07/14/08 07:50 AM


Hi Everyone
How ae you all doing toay
I am doing fairly well so far
Had a banana and a bowl of eatmeal for breakfast. Trying to drink water. That is alays a biggie for me
ust checking in to say hi and ope everyone is have a good stat to a new week
Here for ya
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332425 - 07/14/08 11:14 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hi Dee! Nice picture, girlfriend!!
Good to see your smiling face!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332427 - 07/14/08 11:31 AM


Thanks so much
It took me a while to figure out how to get it on the website. but finally did it
How are you doing toda
for me, great
Hugs, DeeDee

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Now that you mention sugar..... new
      #332472 - 07/15/08 06:43 AM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

That you mention sugar angel food cake doesn't always set well with me and I was thinking neither does rice krispies either. Both of these I do in small quanities. I always like reading your post fancy mom there intersting. just wanted to share.
emmasmom (sheila)

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332478 - 07/15/08 08:59 AM

Reged: 07/16/05
Posts: 218
Loc: Santa Cruz, California

Hey! I have type 1 diabetes in addition to IBS, and I can't do much sugar either. When I eat soy yogurt, I go for the Wildwood unsweetened organic is not made with sugar, and it tastes pretty close to regular plain yogurt.


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Re: Now that you mention sugar..... new
      #332491 - 07/15/08 11:25 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Awww...thanks Sheila.

I have been doing research, and I believe the reason these high sugar, high carb foods are bothering us is because they are sending our blood sugar through the roof! I know it makes me tired, irritable, and my belly aches. Also, most of the time, they constipate me too.

Anyway, the medical reason is called insulin resistance. It basically means that whenever you eat high sugar, and/or high carb foods, your body has to secrete an abnormally large amount of insulin to bring your blood sugar back to normal range. THEN, it overshoots and secretes so much that when you come back down from your adrenalin/insulin surge, you are left tired, irritable, and craving sweets like crazy because you have lots of insulin still running through you and your blood sugar has rebounded and dropped below normal you need something sweet to counteract that. THAT'S why you crave sugar so much about an hour or two after lunch(at least I do!). Then, you do it all over again, and it's a viscious cycle!

I tell ya, I feel MUCH better since I gave up sugar and flour! I also gave up white potatoes. I eat them VERY rarely, and in VERY small quantities AFTER a low carb meal. I feel better than I have in a LONG time!! I will NEVER go back to eating a high carb/high sugar diet again!! I didn't even realize the harm I was doing to my body. I felt AWEFUL!! Crampy, gassy, exhausted, irritable, fat, bloated, constipated. What a miserable existance.

That may be WAY too much info, but I really find the human body extremely fascinating!! Must be the nurse in me.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Now that you mention sugar..... new
      #332635 - 07/17/08 09:33 AM


I have a question
How do you ever handle the taste of soy yogart. I bought some strawberry and peach, and just had the peach. Two tastes and yuk, I will dump it allout It tastes awful to me
just wodering ow you can handle that taste
maybe my taste buds are out of wack
How are you doing
i am doing better today with my eating
I have to admit I am using the questan my GI perscribed me,a nd I take it twice a day along with the powder fibe,and I feel I am doing so much better
Hope you ae all well
It is hot hee, really hot
take care
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Now that you mention sugar..... new
      #332638 - 07/17/08 09:49 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hahaaaa. Guess your not a big soy yogurt fan.

I LOVE it! Eat it every morning. I buy the plain vanilla, and put whatever fruit is in season on top. Sometimes fresh blueberries, sometimes I cut up a peach or a pear. Anyway, I just love the taste, but maybe its MY taste buds that are wierd! HA!

Glad you are doing better on the questran and fiber! Sounds like that is working good for you.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Soy yogurt new
      #332641 - 07/17/08 09:52 AM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

Don't think its going to like me. Gave me bad gas and I even took 2 bean-o I really like it though...........
ibs-c gas

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332646 - 07/17/08 09:57 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Uh Oh. Bummer!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332649 - 07/17/08 10:15 AM


I think it must be my taste buds. did notlike it at all
Questran tastes kind of bad,but I can tolerate that more so than soy yogart. LOL
ust me
es, the questran is doing great, along with Heathers fiber. so glad something is finally working
usually before I would be in the bathroom all morning, andnow i am not
In fact, I am able to go bike riding with my gandson and be fine as early as 8:30
We went bike riding this morning. I love to ride bike, but it is more fun with someone else to ride with. Seth is 9, so a good companion
when we got bck, it was so hot
we stayed in a bit and then walked down to Subway about fourblocks away and got a sandwich, and brught it bck to eat it here
We ae in the rest of the day
Too hot
I do not drive, as I have a disability with my eyes, which permits me from driving, so if we go anywhere we have to alk or ride bikes Kind of a bummer, but i have had this for years. One would think I would be used to it, but it still bothers me to alk about it sometimes
I got teasd so much in sschool, etc. it made me feel like it is my fault. I am just now able to talk about it and know for sure it is not my fault. In fact most everyone has a disability of some kind and some you cannot tell
It makes me more sympathic and understanding
I have starguards have you eer hert of tht
It is where the cone cell of the retina deteate and there is nothing they can do
I have little straight vision but the perpheal visionis perfect
hve a good day
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332656 - 07/17/08 10:48 AM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

We all have our health "issues",even besides IBS, don't we? I'm sorry about your eyesight, but you seem very positive and self-motivated, which is worth a pat on the back! I have to remind myself frequently, I can dress myself, I can eat today, I can work today..... As my best friend says - if no one (family/friends) is in the hospital or dying - it is a GOOD DAY!

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332679 - 07/17/08 01:06 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Awww, Dee. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Kids can be so brutal sometimes. Heck, even adults can be brutal. Sounds like you have overcome some big hurdles...and look where you are now. Having fun with your grandkids! That's Awesome, Dee!!

Glad the questran is giving you your life back! Keep it up!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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What kind of soy yogurt do you eat? new
      #332717 - 07/17/08 05:51 PM

Reged: 11/26/07
Posts: 247
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

I'm with you! I really like soy yogurt. But I like almost all soy products a lot more than I thought I would. I looove soy icecream: So Delicious brand. If I didnt see that it said "totally vegan and soy" I wouldnt think it wasnt real icecream! I am wondering what kind of soy yogurt you eat? I found "Silk Live" yogurt with 6 live and active cultures but so far I have only found it at one grocery store (I havent been to Whole Foods yet). And Silk Live is completely lactose/dairy free. While I tried "O'Soy organic" yogurt and it is almost dairy free. The actual yogurt is but the "live and active cultures" are made in dairy. So I was really bummed and thought that that was so stupid to make a soy yogurt and then have the live cultures have dairy in them! But so far the trivial amount of dairy didnt bother me. I like the peach kind!


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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332719 - 07/17/08 05:54 PM


Thanks for the support, girls
It has not been an easy journey by no means
People are so rude, and can be so hurtful
I have dealt with a lot of teasing, and amking fun of all my life
to se me you wuld never know therre is nothing wrong, as no one can tell I have a disability in my eyes. It is ust that is so frustrating to me is how cruel people are
I guess everyone has crosses to bear, and tis is mine
I ust keep thinking when I get to heaven I will have pefect vison, and be able to eat whateve food god serves and not have to worry about my weight or IBs. How awesome is that LOL
Ijust have so much sympathy for people and am real caring
because of all this
thanks a million

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332721 - 07/17/08 07:21 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

It doesn't make it any easier, but as I was once reminded... you would not have the kind, compassionate, caring heart you do - had you not gone through all you have. There's a saying "If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it." I'm with you - I'm looking forward to that new body - preferably a size 8 when we get to heaven!

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: What kind of soy yogurt do you eat? new
      #332732 - 07/18/08 06:02 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Stef!
Yep. I eat the Silk Live soy yogurt too. I buy the extra large container of vanilla flavored...LOVE IT!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #332733 - 07/18/08 06:05 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I'm hoping for a size 6!! HEheee...

I'm with Dee - I'm looking forward to being able to eat whatever I want and not worry about a belly ache!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332974 - 07/22/08 07:15 AM


Well, I must confess I have been dong absolutely horible with going sugar free, and I am going back on the bandwagon starting right now
Help me. wy do I do this
I know sugar makes me feel so bad
Think I will ust eally be caeful today, and watch wht i eat. So far I ave had applesauce, and my questran with some sunny D as it tastes too bad to drink with wate.
Help me with what I am supposd to eat. there are so many foods which ae so good for you,and with my IBs I can't at them. Like lettuce, veggies fresh fruits, I can tolerae bananas, apple sauce and that is about it when it comes to fruit, nd I cannot live on that
I seem to be gaining weight insted of losing,and woner if he meds ae putting weight on me
I am discouaged for sure
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332991 - 07/22/08 10:24 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Sorry you are having such a hard time, Dee!

I'll tell you what I eat - in the mornings, I usually eat 2 slices ezekiel bread with either scrambled eggs, turkey bacon(sometimes both). OR A peice of fruit or two. Soy yogurt. OR Oatmeal with cinnamon, stevia, and a little almond milk.

Snacks - fruit or steamed veggies(yellow & zucchini squash, mushrooms, sweet or white potatoes, green beans, etc.) Also, sometimes snack on baked ruffles with home-made artichoke dip or hummus.

Lunch - deli meat Turkey sandwich on ezekiel bread, and some kind of broth based soup. OR home-made BBQ Chicken and steamed veggies. OR chicken or turkey dog with a little ketchup or mustard and some baked chips.

Dinner - Home-made spaghetti with turkey breast or shrimp and some sauteed veggies in it. I use the brown rice pasta noodles.

Ok. There are some ideas. Hope that helps!! Please try not to stress, I am here whenever you need me!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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OK.....count me in! new
      #332998 - 07/22/08 10:56 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

It's going to be hard, but I'm willing to give it a try for a week and see if I have more energy, etc. It will be a good test since I am a bachelorette right now with my husband working away from home for the time being. He will be doing that off and on for the next couple weeks.

It's going to be so hard to give up ALL sugar. It's in EVERYTHING! But I do need to join your crusade. My parents are both diabetic and it is Adult Onset. I'm not over weight and I get lots of exercise....mainly in the summer with yard work, etc.

So starting tomorrow....I'll do my best to cut some sugar out of my diet.

Wish me luck! And I'm proud of all of you who are doing this. You go girlfriends!!!

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #333016 - 07/22/08 02:33 PM


thanks Fancymom, for the email and for the suggestions. This gives me some good ideas.
I am doing good so far, and really watching the sugar. It is a struggle as there is suga in eveything for sure
I have a slight headache, and wonder if that could be from cutting out suar. Whatcha think
thanks so much
You are truly a Godsend
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333017 - 07/22/08 02:37 PM


Nugget, Hi
we are here for you to help you and give you the support.
Yes, this is tough for sure. There is so much sugar in eveything, and one has to be so careful
I have slipped up for a few days but trying to get back on track
It is a sturggle each day but we can do it
It is a losing game but we can win
Good luck and we are here for you
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333018 - 07/22/08 02:39 PM


I have a question
where do you find ezekiel bread and what is it
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333024 - 07/22/08 04:30 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

You GO GIRL!! I am very proud of you, Nugget!!
Dee and I are here to cheer you on...although, I think Dee has fallen off the wagon more than she has been on it!! HAHAAAAA!! Love ya, Dee!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333025 - 07/22/08 04:32 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

It's a whole grain sprouted bread. In the freezer section of your grocery store or health food store. It's in an orange bag.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #333026 - 07/22/08 04:33 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Headache? Definitely sounds like a withdrawal symptom. Keep on pushin' through, girl. You can do it!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333031 - 07/22/08 04:57 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Fancy.....I'm going to give it my best shot. It's going to be extremely tough. I have a candy jar at work next to my desk that myself and my co-workers dip into every day. I keep it filled with Dove Dark Chocolate and allow myself one per day. Me and my co-workers like to read the sayings on the inside of the Dove wrappers aloud and add "in bed" at the end of the sayings. Good for some cheap entertainment and an afternoon break.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333032 - 07/22/08 04:58 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks for the support and encouragement, Dee.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333033 - 07/22/08 04:59 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I tried that bread once, Fancy....I didn't care for it too much. Reminded me of cardboard. 'Course, stuff that's good for you is usually not that tasty. Ha!

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333036 - 07/22/08 06:31 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ha! I used to do the same thing in college!! Funny isn't it?!

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I cheated today in a big way. Ate about 7 hershey kisses. They were SOOOOO GOOD!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333037 - 07/22/08 06:33 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Very true!! I like to add a little soy cream cheese on top to counteract the cardboard texture.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333047 - 07/22/08 08:21 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Hey Fancy....congrats on your cheat today! Gotta love those hershey's kisses! Everyone's gotta have a cheat once in a while.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333048 - 07/22/08 08:23 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I don't think the soy cream cheese would help all that much for me. I don't eat that much bread anyway. I am hooked on putting everything for a sandwich in a tortilla. Today I got some turkey at the deli and ingredients to make wraps for my lunch.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333059 - 07/23/08 03:42 AM


I will look for it at the grocey store when I go. I hope it tastes good,and is not like soy yougart. LOL
I have a funny taste for foods, I guess
If I foad it with turkey or something it shuld be fine
thanks so much
did good yesterdy. think I might be back on tack
it is esy to get off
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333060 - 07/23/08 03:46 AM


Hershey kisses sound wonderful, but they do not come withut sugar.LOL darn anyway
did you hve the regualr ones, or the cherry kind or the mint, there are somany
I love them too, but I try to avolid chocloate, as chocolate does a big nume on me
My sister eats hershey kisses with hot cholcoate and she saidit is wnderful
back on the band wagon.
Good going down though

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333083 - 07/23/08 10:54 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

AMEN!! I LOVE cheating, but MAN do I pay!! Whew!

Anyway, I know why I have been having so many attacks lately. I stopped taking my fiber supplements the last 2 weeks now. I ran out, and stupid me, thought I could just go without them. I have really been suffering! I didn't realize how much I needed them!! So, I started taking them again today. Hopefully I will get back on track in the next few days...I'm tired of dry little rabbit terds!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333084 - 07/23/08 10:56 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Dee -
I just eat the regular hershey kisses. I have a whole bag of them in my pantry. I only eat them about once a month, 'cuz I feel so bad when I do, but I keep them around so I can cheat. Chocolate is my WEAKNESS!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333085 - 07/23/08 10:57 AM


I feel really good today
Just finished painting outside my trim and the door to the deck, the big two doors. I had them sanded earlier and yesteday went out and resandd them, and wiped them down and then taped it all up that is a wose job than painting
I also sanded down some nasty worrds someone wrote on the railing of our deck. anyway, this morning I got all the apinting done,a nd it looks so nice. It does not match the trim around the windows exactly. We thought when we got the paint it was the same color, but at this point I don't cae
It just gives me such a lift with all the work we need to do downstais
but one thing I forgot, we have a front door also which needs done, and i as going to do it today, but changed my mind
I also have been doing great with not eating sugar, and today lost one pound, so that gives me a lift
I am drinking water, drinking wter, drinking water
How are you doing
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333086 - 07/23/08 10:57 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Great idea! What kind of tortilla wraps do you use? Are they fat free, or low fat?

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333087 - 07/23/08 10:59 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Dee!
Did great this morning, then cheated again this afternoon. Just a little cheat, though. Half a cookie after lunch. It's hard!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333088 - 07/23/08 11:01 AM


What kind of fibe supplements do you use
do you use Heathers fiver, as that is what I use, but thought perhaps I might change to fibercon ar benefiber and see what happens I just know we need fiber
and espcially me s questran which I take, the side effect is constipation, and i don't want that
good luck to you
Nothing more miserable than what you are going through the past few weeks. I know. I have been there
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333091 - 07/23/08 11:04 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I take 2 fibercon caplets with 8-10oz of water before lunch and dinner. Seems to work great for me!

I can REALLY tell a difference if I forget!! I get terribly constipated and bloated!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333093 - 07/23/08 11:16 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Chocolate is my weakness, too.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333095 - 07/23/08 11:22 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Should we re-name you "Thumper"....for the little rabbit turds?

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333096 - 07/23/08 11:24 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

they are just the standard Mission brand flour tortillas. Sometimes I get the spinach wraps...I think they are Mission brand, too.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333097 - 07/23/08 11:26 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I just cheated, too. Had to have my one piece of daily Dove Dark Chocolate after lunch. Ok...I confess...I had two pieces.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333104 - 07/23/08 12:49 PM


I cheated too
Had a DQ dilly bar. Now I know better but it was so good,and it is so hard for sure for sure
shame on me
will just drink more wter

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333191 - 07/24/08 09:02 PM


Fancy, Nugget, and anyone else ding no sugar
How are you all doing today
I think I will start over. I am having such a horrible time of cutting sugar out. what is wrong with me anyway I eat it and then get upset with myself
today I have the constpation thing, so am so miserable. what an ordeal this is
i hate it
Hope to be beter tomorrow
thnking of you all
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333200 - 07/25/08 08:13 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I'm doing good with cutting out "sweets", but avoiding sugar all together is too tough, so I am cutting back. Thanks for asking. I still can't give up my afternoon Dove Dark Chocolate break.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333209 - 07/25/08 10:11 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Dove Dark Chocolate??? You SINNER!

I am GREEN with envy that you can eat that stuff!! NOT FAIR!

Yeah. I'm like you, Nugget. Can't give up sugar COMPLETELY, but most definitely cutting back. Started back with my fiber. Feeling better

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333213 - 07/25/08 10:28 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167 name is Nugget...and I'm addicted to Dove Dark Chocolate. But I only allow myself 1 or 2 pieces a day.

Keep up the good work Fancy. Glad you are feeling better doing this. I'm trying.

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I've decided to go salt free, too.... new
      #333238 - 07/25/08 05:30 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I've decided I eat too much salt and am going to cut it out. I eat way less than my mom....she salts EVERYTHING before tasting. I don't use a whole lot of salt, but there are certain things that I use too much on. For instance, potatoes, eggs, etc. So I'm going to give it a try. Tonight I didn't add any salt at all. I had a homemade "safe (for me)" burrito with a little sour cream and avocado. I usually have to add a little salt to the sour cream and avocado, but tonight I didn't and it tasted just fine.

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Re: I've decided to go salt free, too.... new
      #333261 - 07/26/08 11:22 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Good girl!! You go. I am a complete salt addict! I seriously need to give it up, but I just can't

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333262 - 07/26/08 11:24 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok, Nugget. Now I look 6 months pregnant. TOO MUCH SF!!

This is rediculous! I look like the goodyear blimp!! I am gonna have to put some IF back into my diet. Gotta have my ezekiel bread back!! Any other suggestions of some good IF??

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I've decided to go salt free, too....
      #333265 - 07/26/08 12:27 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I used soooo much salt as I was growing up. And as I look back on it, I only did it because my mom did it. She put salt on her watermelon and cantalope, so I did, too. She put salt on everything before tasting it, so I did, too. But when I grew up, went away to college and lived on my own, I found out that watermelon and cantalope tasted sooooo much better without salt...and so did other things. But there are certain things I still put too much salt on even now. So I'm just going to stop and enjoy the taste of the food with as little or no salt added. I wish my mom would do the same. She's always complaining about her feet swelling, etc. Welllllll, duh...most of the reason is all that salt she eats. And she has high blood would be helped by cutting out the salt, too. She won't listen very well, though.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333266 - 07/26/08 12:32 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Sorry Fancy....
How about oatmeal cereal? Can you have lettuce? I had a small salad for tasted so good. I get hungry for them once in a while. So I usually wait until a weekend when I know I will be home in case the salad doesn't agree with my IBS-D. But, so far, so good. I've been taking probiotics for over a month now....and I really think they have made a tremendous difference in my IBS-D.

Hey, I know what will be good IF....Oatmeal cookies with Dove Dark Chocolate!! Ohhhh I'm bad....Sorry! I appologize.

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I've also been trying this! new
      #333267 - 07/26/08 01:00 PM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Hey girls, I really have to read this section as well, usually I just go to the Eating for IBS board!
I wanted to let you know that I've also been trying to reduce my sugar intake (not very successfully though). I stopped buying sweets for myself; however, I went to a wedding and a wedding celebration yesterday and today so I did have some sweets there. But at least I didn't go nuts over the cake like I usually do, lol! Starting tomorrow I don't have any more events to attend so I will definitely try to stick to the diet!

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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fancymom... new
      #333268 - 07/26/08 01:20 PM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Fancymom, what is the type of fiber in Fibercon, is it psyllium husk? And, is it SF or IF?
That is so interesting that you actually get better on a diet that contains more IF than SF (unless I'm reading your posts wrong). I've done a lot of thinking lately, trying to reconsider my diet. I've been reading the posts of kim123 (mainly yeast free, sugar free diet), and also Tatyana's and yours. It actually seems like both of you need a lot more IF than SF. I wish what works for one IBS-C would work for another and I could just copy their meal plan and be fine! So anyway, I think I'm going to combine a few things from each approach (some EFI principles, no sugar, low wheat, higher IF) and hopefully a miracle will happen !

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: I've also been trying this! new
      #333278 - 07/26/08 02:58 PM


I need someone to give me a quick kick in the butt. I am trying so hard to not eat sugar. I guess my problem is I buy some things like oreo vanilla cookies and boston ceme rolls for my little grandson whome I watch, and i have been sneaking them
How bad of me
I am so disgusted with myself
I need to eat healthier, and so much want a salad but it does big numbers on my systom. I can hardly eat beggies, and fresh fruit except for bananas
I know the dr. put me on high fiber diet, and there are so many things i can not have, like cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, fresh, that is, brocoli, and then of course we are talking fruits
what am i to do
I need help and I am sorry I sound like a broken record, but this is fustrating
I will try my best not to eat those snacks also. After i eat them i get real upset
I am here to give support but believe me, I amnot one to talk about cutting out sugar when I don't even do it
sorry about that

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Re: I've decided to go salt free, too.... new
      #333279 - 07/26/08 03:01 PM


I probbly could very easily go salt free before I can go sugar free.
salt is not much of a problem to me
Lets make a pack and all of us go salt free nd sugar free. LOL
who is talking here?
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: I've decided to go salt free, too.... new
      #333281 - 07/26/08 03:08 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

OK...I'll join the pact.....but, I have to confess....I've already cheated today on the sugar portion of this pact.

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Re: fancymom... new
      #333283 - 07/26/08 03:12 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

I think I need more IF too.

I wish what works for one IBS-C would work for another and I could just copy their meal plan and be fine!

Me too!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: I've decided to go salt free, too.... new
      #333296 - 07/27/08 05:19 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Nugget, you suck

Hey - I've already cheated TWICE on the sugar free pact. And MAN have I suffered!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333297 - 07/27/08 05:21 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

NOOOWWAAAY!! Cannot do oatmeal!! Makes me crampy, gassy and miserable!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: fancymom... new
      #333300 - 07/27/08 05:26 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Zara!
Yep. I do seem to do better with as much, or more IF than SF. BUT...I do best when I START with a little SF on an empty stomach, then eat IF after. Like, fruit with skins after a SF meal...stuff like that.
I don't know, seems like just when I "think" I have my diet figured out, I have an attack. It's an ongoing struggle!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333309 - 07/27/08 07:11 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

sorry about that....I don't know what else to suggest.

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Re: fancymom... new
      #333333 - 07/27/08 02:01 PM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883


I don't know, seems like just when I "think" I have my diet figured out, I have an attack.

Yeah, I think that's the true joy of IBS, lol! I had my diet "figured out" so many times in the past, and I always felt so disappointed when another attack struck!

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Soy yogurt new
      #333357 - 07/27/08 07:00 PM

Reged: 09/03/04
Posts: 22
Loc: California

i don't like the soy yogurt either ...only use it to put in a smoothie
with banana and strawberry tastes better ... add some acacia fiber and juice then the yogurt is tolerable
good luck

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333368 - 07/28/08 06:50 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Oh No. I was not looking for you to solve my diet problems

Man, would that be a full time job, or what?! Just when I think...HEY! That's it...if I just give up carbs, or sugar, or fruit, or ____ (fill in the blank) then I'll be normal again!! HA! Wish it was that easy, right??

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333374 - 07/28/08 07:03 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Yup! I wish we had a magic wand!

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333630 - 07/30/08 07:58 PM


Okay girls
Here I go again
I am kind of frustrated also
I need to get busy and buckle down bcuase I do not want to gain this weight back, and I am so afraid I am gong to
It makes me reflect bck to how I lost the weight, a little ove a year ago when I spent so much time at the hospital with my sister when her husband was so bad and how stss had a lot to do withit, but also I knew I had to be careful with my illnss, and not get sick when I was with her and my dear brother in law
I guess I better buckle down and get to work again
I too wish there were an easy fix. I wish it would be so easy to use a magic wand.
It is so frustrating to me
Help, I need help
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333632 - 07/30/08 08:04 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

We're here for ya, Dee!!! You can do it! {{{hugs}}}

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I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333635 - 07/30/08 08:22 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Well......I was at Sam's Club today to by some healthy stuff. I went to the produce section. I picked out a nice bag of oranges. I wanted plums, but they didn't have any. I haven't even eaten oranges for a long time. I don't even know if they will agree with my IBS, but they smelled so good and a good sweet orange sounded good to me. I also put a bag of avocados in my basket. I've been eating them lately and loving them. I only eat a little bit at a time...and they agree with me and are good for me. But then as I was headed to the checkout line, I passed that damn bakery section. There they were....those deliciously soft, large, fresh cookies. 24 to a package...8 oatmeal raison, 8 mini M&M chips, 8 chocolate chunk. Then right next to them were the "Brookies"....half chocolate chip cookie, half brownie bites. I looked at the price...the mini brownie bite/cookies were over $6 and those cookies were only a little over $4 for 24 cookies! My husband is still out of town for a couple days.... "I can put most of them in the freezer for when he gets home", I said to myself . So I picked up the package of cookies and put them in my basket along with my oranges and avocados. "I'll only have one." I told myself. I put my items in my car, opened that package of cookies and had one before leaving the Sam's parking lot! It tasted sooooo good! I didn't even care what the consiquences might be on my IBS later. It was soooo soft, the chocolate chunks melted in my mouth! I immediately felt guilty. Like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar! I told myself that as soon as I got home, I would put them all in the freezer. But, I had the rest of my day to finish at work....I was on my lunch hour. Later, while I was at work, my husband called. He was heading into town for supplies for his project he's been working on at our mountain property. "Would you like to go to dinner when I get to town?" he asked. "That sounds great!" I replied. Little did he know that I had planned on eating safe for supper since I just "sinned" and had a delicious chocolate chunk cookie! We went with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law to Applebee's. I wasn't very I just ordered the small portion chicken finger basket. I didn't eat hardly any of the fries and the chicken fingers were small. Everything agreed with me. My tummy surprizingly wasn't rumbling!! My husband left the restaurant to go back up to our mountain property with my sister-in-law and I took my mother-in-law home. When I got home, I had two more of those delicious cookies....this time I had one chocolate chunk and one of the mini M&M chip cookies....along with a small glass of ice cold skim milk!!! Lord it tasted soooo good! I had died and gone to heaven....and if I pay for it tomorrow, it will be OK....because it was sooooo tasty!!! Lord I appologize...but you shouldn't have tempted me with those cookies!!

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333638 - 07/30/08 11:45 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

You did better than me - I would have eaten them all at one time! Who knows - this may be one time they don't bother you - you've already repented anyway! LOL Hope you don't feel any after affects at all.... Dorothy

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333646 - 07/31/08 06:13 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Well, I'm paying the price today. Real tired, and in the bathroom a lot this morning. Decided to stay home from work. I shouldn't have eaten those cookies and milk.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333651 - 07/31/08 07:21 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I don't blame you, Nuggett...if I was with you, I probably would have helped you polish off the whole container!!

How's your tummy today?? Feelin' alright?

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333652 - 07/31/08 07:22 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

UH OH. I was afraid of that. BAD GIRL!! ((hand slap))

Well, ya better get back on the wagon - and FAST!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333653 - 07/31/08 07:23 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

It's ok, Dee ((hugs))

You can do this!! Just take it one day at a time.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333655 - 07/31/08 07:30 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Your story sounds so .....sinful! you naughty girl!

I hate days like that when you feel good and then begin to indulge.You eat everything in sight and know you're going to pay for it but somehow just can't stop!!!!!

Oh I hope you feel better today and when you want to indulge,do it on a Friday!I reckon it's the same as a hangover.Others can get plastered and recover on can I!!!!!

Ps....Now I want a cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

Edited by dragonfly (07/31/08 07:31 AM)

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333661 - 07/31/08 08:19 AM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

You are so much braver than me! I am to scared to try that stuff. My mom and dh loves blackbery tea and I am dying to try some just to chicken. I miss cookies so bad! I was in the checkoout line at wal-mart yesterday hungry and wanted a 3 muskateers bar so bad! I know how it is to want something. Take care and feel better soon! (((hugs))
Emmasmom (Sheila)

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333663 - 07/31/08 08:51 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Sheila! {{{hugs}}} I called in sick to work and when I hung up, I cried a little bit. I guess I'm mad at myself for eating somthing I shouldn't have, and mad at the fact that I CAN'T do it. Ya know?

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333664 - 07/31/08 08:56 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Dragonfly! I'm supposed to go to a small town event with Hubby and MIL this Saturday. It's about an hour away...and an all day event. I don't really want to go because it's going to be soooo hot. But I don't want to be the one to say I don't want to go. Ya know? I'm hoping I feel better by I know I WON'T be indulging in anything this Friday. Ha! I was surprised my MIL wanted to go with it being so hot. It's supposed to be 100° and we will be outside all day!

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333665 - 07/31/08 08:57 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Fancy! Maybe we can enjoy a whole package of those cookies together sometime! Tummy isn't so good today

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333666 - 07/31/08 08:58 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks for the slap on the hand, Fancy. I've been sleeping alot this morning and crying a bit, too.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333667 - 07/31/08 08:59 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I agree! All we can do is take it one day at a time.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333671 - 07/31/08 10:13 AM


Gosh, Nugget. I am so sorry you are not doing so well today. I know how frustrted you must be knowing you can not eat these things, as i go through the same thing. I am so sorry. It just is not fair, is it
I am not sure I would go Saturday if I were you. I am not sure I culd handle the hat and then being outside all day and with my stomach the way it is.
I have decided any more if i feel I can not do things I ust do not go.
Next Friday my little grandson Seth, is in the spelling Bee contest at the state fair in des Moines. It is like 2 1/2 hours from here. My husband can not get off. they will not let him, which frustrates me even more
but my sister said she would take me, but she is a bit nervous abut the parking and alking all that distance at the fair, as she has had surgery on her knees twices. I amnot sure i want to be out in that hot hat
but still I want to se Seth, so have a lot of thinking to do
anyway feel bette,and rooting for you here
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333673 - 07/31/08 10:21 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

You guys sure are busy!You seem to be going somewhere every weekend!I'd just say no, I don't want to go.

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333674 - 07/31/08 10:24 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Hey Grandma dee.It doesn't sound like you guys would have much fun going on that trip.I know i'd be rethinking it.I'm sure your grandson would understand if you didn't make it.
I hope you feel well if you do go. Eat safe and try to stay calm.Good luck.

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333677 - 07/31/08 10:43 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Yes...we have been doing something practically every weekend. I prefer to stay home, but I don't want to be the "Party-pooper" so to speak.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333678 - 07/31/08 10:44 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Dee. I'm rooting for you, too! Hope you can go see your grandson this weekend, but I know how it is with not wanting to go because of the heat, etc. It's not fair.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333679 - 07/31/08 10:50 AM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

Nugget I say cry if you need to cry you have every right. I still cry one time I saw a commerical for a kit-kat blizzard and cried silly I know but man it looked good! I miss going to the dq on hot days like this and getting anything I want. Me and my daughter went to lunch yesterday with my mom and i had dry noodles with grilled chicken aand tomatoes no sauce my mom had ravoli(one of my favorites) covered in cheese and a salad and my daughter had cottage cheese I wanted it all. A few weeks ago I fixed my neice and mom and daughter grilled cheese and watch them eat it while I had the same old turkey sandwitch!Dh is always smotthering everyhthing in ranch dressing(boy do I miss ranch dressing) I know what you mean it sucks!!! These days I am getting mad at myself for not being normal I just want to be normal and take vitimins and not worry about anything ya know. Your only human! I know what you mean baout the heat its suppose to be above 100 here for the next few days and I don't do heat very well at all if you don't feel like going don't if you do go drink lots of water and were something cool.I know what you mean about not wanting to be the one that can't go!! Lots of (((((HUGS)))))! ps feel free to e-mail me anytime I love e-mails I can send you some good one
emmasmom (Sheila)

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333680 - 07/31/08 11:44 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Sheila! It helps soooo much to be able to come here and talk with people who really understand...who really "get it". Ya know? I'm not going to be the one to say no to the event Saturday unless I can't get away from the bathroom. I have those "neck cooler" things that you soak in water and they stay cool all I plan on taking for me and one for my MIL. She doesn't do heat very well either...that's why I'm surprized she agreed to go! I bought my husband a "neck cooler" but he doesn't use it. Heat doesn't bother him. We are taking lots of water and gatorade (gatorade doesn't bother actually makes me feel better). I know all will go well...but I probably won't feel well Sunday. {{{hugs to you}}}

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333681 - 07/31/08 12:28 PM


Oh absolutely, cry is you must. It helps to cry,a nd get that frustration out. I know. I have cried so many times, and someitmes almost uncontrollable. It just is not fair
You take care and know we are hee for you
big hugs to you, and bunches of love
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333690 - 07/31/08 01:35 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hmmm...wonder why?

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333691 - 07/31/08 01:38 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Oh my. Do I know how you girls feel! DH and I take the kids to Carvel for Ice Cream almost every weekend, and it's pure torture! Watching them eat their delicious looking ice creams while I sit with my glass of water. It makes me cry sometimes too. I just want to be "normal" again!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333692 - 07/31/08 01:40 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hopefully your neck cooler will help you beat the heat, Nugget. What a trooper you are for going in the first place. I know severe heat and cold I have a hard time tolerating. Just drink lots of watered down gatorade!!


IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333693 - 07/31/08 01:44 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Awww...(((hugs))) for you, girlfriend. But ya know what?? You got that darn craving out of the way. Just get back on track now, and you will be alright! Be a couch potato and rent a movie tonight!! (but no popcorn )

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333694 - 07/31/08 02:29 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167 problem is, I join in with everyone else instead of just sitting there with my glass of water...then I pay for it today. I'm so mad at myself. Why can't I just accept this IBS and do things right like I'm supposed to ...then maybe I wouldn't have days like today. Instead, I try to be normal like everyone else and I end up sick as a dog.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333695 - 07/31/08 02:30 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Dee....I've cried a lot today. Then to top it off, I watched a tear jerker of a movie. I just got done watching it and I'm crying again. "Message in a Bottle" with Kevin Costner. Ever seen it?

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333696 - 07/31/08 02:32 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Fancy....wish you all could go with me for support. Ya know? Those neck coolers really help take the heat off. Have you ever tried them? I do the cold much better than the heat. I just don't want to be the one who says "I can't go". Ya know?

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333697 - 07/31/08 02:33 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

yeah...I's my own fault. I put the rest of those damn cookies in the freezer. Probably take them to work and let my co-workers have them Monday.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333698 - 07/31/08 02:34 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

Nugget your only human! I still haven't accepted that I have ibs and can't eat.But as always the PAIN reminds me. I don't want to think that I 'll never have the same old food again so I try not to. I just pray for the best. Your in my thoughts and prayers. (((hug)))))
emmasmom (ibs)
ibs-c gas

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333699 - 07/31/08 02:36 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Actually....I don't have to rent a movie....I bought some Kevin Costner movies the other day on Amazon to add to my collection. I just got done watching "Message in a Bottle". Wonderful movie...a tear jerker. I had never seen it before. Ever watched it? Check it out if you haven't. I'm a huge Kevin fan!

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333700 - 07/31/08 02:39 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Sheila....{{{hugs}}}} Usually when I have a craving, I don't go overboard, I just have a little bit. But being in the house by myself last night with those cookies made it so much easier to go overboard. Nobody here to say, "Are you sure you should have that?" Guess I have no will power. But the cookies are in the freezer now. It will be a long time before I have another one. Have to be good to my tummy or I'll pay for it later.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333701 - 07/31/08 02:41 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Emmasmom....did you get my e-mail?

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333703 - 07/31/08 02:43 PM


I don[t think I have ever seen tht movie but I have heard about it and how a tear jerker it is
I wish I were there to give you a big hug
wish we all could go with you. We know what it is like,a nd we would all be a support
I know I get frustrated as everyone eats and I do not,and then people make comments to me
I know nxt Friday when I am supposed to go to Des Moines to see my grandson in the spelling Bee contest, my daughter in law asked me to go along. I don't mind but her paents ae going,a nd then of course, here comes the fear what if I get sick
Plus I know they will go and eat,a nd then the ida of getting back in the car,and driving, scares the living ? out of me
I wish so much my husband wold go, but he says he can not get off. they let everyone else off to do other things, but when it comes ot him, oh no. He will put them in a bind
I am alredy stressed out about it
I could cry too
I sometimes cry lots, and then I remembe all it does is give me red eyes.
I get so frustrated with not eating
I know my sister and seveal othersdo not undestand. My sister will say jut one bite
and they do not understand
Great big hugs to you, my dear
Hang in there
Hey, where do you get those neck cools
they sond like osmething i need
let me know
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333704 - 07/31/08 03:08 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks Dee. I know what you mean about the fear of going with others and possibly getting sick. It's constantly on my mind. People who don't go through this don't understand. My thoughts are with you, too! {{{hugs}}}

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333709 - 07/31/08 04:38 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

Sorry you've had such a bad day, sweetie. It's such a crazy battle, isn't it? I'm a pushover on days when I feel good - like I could eat anything! Then, as you said, pay for it later... But, you're a real trooper. And, crying is really a blessing - I have dry eyes and sometimes I want to cry so bad - it hurts and I can't... But, I think crying - even at that WONDERFUL movie, releases endorphins and we end up feeling better - forget about the puffy eyes and red nose I get when I do cry! ;-) Not a pretty sight!
So, here's {{hugs}} and prayers for a good night's sleep and a good day tomorrow.... Dorothy

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333713 - 07/31/08 05:46 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thank you sooo much Dorothy! Hugs to you, too!

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333715 - 07/31/08 06:32 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

yes I did! Check your e-mail!
ibs-c gas

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333720 - 07/31/08 09:11 PM


Hey Nugget, thanks so much
I sometimes think I just can't do this any more
I did great today until tonight and then I blew it again. What is wrong with me
I am rdy to cry.
I ust can not seem to get with it to lose weight
I know lots of it is bcuase I am not able to eat the foods normal people do, salads, vegies, frest fruits, and what is left but fattening high carb foods
and with me I have this idea in y bain all those kinds of food puts weight on you, and it seems to for me
I just get so upset with myself
thanks for the support
I ust wish thee wa an easy way
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333731 - 08/01/08 07:53 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

{{{hugs}}}}} Here's a magic wand *<--------! Use it today and then pass it on to someone else. ")

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I'm back to work today....but..... new
      #333747 - 08/01/08 09:26 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I'm back to work today, but....I am terribly "windy" ! Could it be the probiotics working to get my system back in order after those darn antibiotics? I took two probiotic (PB-8) a day for a couple I'm only taking one. Am also really tired. Do Probiotics make a person tired?

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333759 - 08/01/08 10:18 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I feel your pain, girlfriend. But we are all human, so try not to be too hard on yourself.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I'm back to work today....but..... new
      #333760 - 08/01/08 10:20 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I don't THINK probiotics would make you tired

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333762 - 08/01/08 10:24 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Man, what a GREAT movie! During the whole thing, I kept saying..."move on, girlfriend. He's NEVER gonna get over his dead wife!!!" Then, just as he did, he died. SOOOO UNFAIR! But I LOVE Kevin Costner! In fact, I just met him in person about a month ago...he's nice. He also has a band. They played here in town the very next night. Pretty cool.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333763 - 08/01/08 10:26 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yes. I used to be the same way. Now it seems like I'm always saying no. Especially to my in-laws!! It's a hate-hate relationship. LONG story!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333764 - 08/01/08 10:27 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Good Idea!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333765 - 08/01/08 10:28 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yep. I'm a huge Kevin fan too!! Ever seen him in person?? He is smokin' HOT!!!!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333767 - 08/01/08 10:31 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I know how you feel, Dee. I was craving a salad sooooo bad for lunch today...then I had to remind myself what happened the last time I had a salad. It was not pretty.

Just one day at a time, day at a time.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333768 - 08/01/08 10:32 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

SWEET! Thanks, nugget!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333775 - 08/01/08 11:00 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

thanks Fancy....I try not to be hard on myself, but sometimes it's easier said than done.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333776 - 08/01/08 11:02 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

YOU GOT TO MEET KEVIN COSTNER!!! Wow! How exciting! He seems so nice. Glad to hear he actually is. What did you say to him? What did he say to you? Did you tell him "Hi" for me?

Message in a Bottle was wonderful! It will be on my favorites list that's for sure. I want to see his new one Swing Vote.

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Re: I'm back to work today....but..... new
      #333777 - 08/01/08 11:06 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Thanks was just a thought about the tiredness. I go in for my regular check-up this month, so if I'm still going through tired days, I'll ask what he thinks it could be.

But the "windyness" is probably caused by the Probiotics, right? I just think that it's probably due to the Probiotics building the good bacteria back up after being on those antibiotics. I feel like I could fly around the room most of the day!

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Re: I'm back to work today....but..... new
      #333778 - 08/01/08 11:10 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ha!! Know how you feel on the hot air balloon rides. I could host a few of those myself these days.

Yes, probiotics could definitely be the cause of the farts. Just keep taking them. It's usually a short term side effect that will pass.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333779 - 08/01/08 11:11 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

It's just so hard to say no because I'm usually the one who is sick. I'd like for once to be the one who ISN'T sick. To have the shoe on the other foot.

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Re: I'm back to work today....but..... new
      #333780 - 08/01/08 11:13 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I was pretty windy when I first started taking them and then it went away for the most part until I had to go on antibiotics!

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333781 - 08/01/08 11:14 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I forgot to bring them today....but they are still in the freezer. Won't catch me touching them anytime soon!

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333782 - 08/01/08 11:14 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yeah. He was at this restaurant down on the water getting some take out. He was sitting at the bar with a friend (guy) and I just walked up to him and said, excuse me but my friends really wanted to haved their picture taken with you, do you mind? He said "No" and smiled that unbelievably HOT smile that he has and I almost fell on the floor. He's MUCH cuter in person than on screen...hard to believe, but it's true! He was here in Charleston filming a movie (not Swing Vote). I think it's gonna be his next one.

I want to see Swing Vote too. ANY Kevin Costner movie is on my list!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333783 - 08/01/08 11:17 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I'm just sitting here smiling, are soooo lucky to see that HOT smile of his in person! I'd LOVE to meet him some day. I have almost all of his movies on DVD now. I recently bought Fandango, too, but haven't watched it yet. Wish I could see the picture you got.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333784 - 08/01/08 11:18 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Nope, I've never been lucky enough to see him in person. But would love to some day!

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333785 - 08/01/08 11:23 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Fancy...I crave salads, too! Once in a while I can tolerate them, but most of the time, I can't. I even grew a salad mix this summer in my tiny garden, but didn't get to eat most of it. I ended up feeding most of it to our chickens since hubby wasn't home to help eat it.

I agree with Fancy, Dee, just take it one day at a time.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333786 - 08/01/08 11:25 AM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

did it work?

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333790 - 08/01/08 12:19 PM


When we went to South dakota two years ago, on our way home, we went by a place where Kevin Costner had filmed Dances with Wolves. They hd made it into a museum so we stopped and it was wonderful. I could ust see him i dances with Wolves after seeing where they had filmed it. It was wonderful

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333791 - 08/01/08 12:24 PM


Boy, you are so right. ust one day at a time, one day at a time, but it is so hard sometimes. There e two things i am craving, but i know I can not have it so wish the craving would go away.
One is taco salad, and the other is sesame chicken
I know they both will disagree with me
I am using Nugget's magic wand and so far it is working
Just wish we could all eat what we want and not get sick
somemtimes it is not fair, but I have been sick so much from eating something I should not I am kind of learning my lesson, thinking sick is not worth it

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333795 - 08/01/08 12:42 PM


I have heard if you eat salad, eat it at the last of the meal, and it might not upset you so much. I have not ben brave enough to try that. have any of you

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333801 - 08/01/08 01:15 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Dee....that sounds wonderful!

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333802 - 08/01/08 01:16 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Dee...I'm glad you are getting some good out of that magic wand.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333803 - 08/01/08 01:18 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

No....I've not tried that. Usually when I have the craving, I just go ahead and eat the salad and see what happens. Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesn't.

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333818 - 08/01/08 04:17 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Dances with Wolves is one of my FAVORITE Kevin movies!!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333819 - 08/01/08 04:19 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yeah. I think about that smile sometimes too...whew! He is so rediculous!
I haven't seen Fandango. You'll have to let me know if it's worthy of a rental.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333820 - 08/01/08 04:22 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Yep. I'm sure it would probably be less dangerous at the end of the meal. My problem is I want to eat it as my entire meal!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333821 - 08/01/08 04:24 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

No. Not really...sorry.

I drank some "Natural Calm" this afternoon. I have been farting like a madwoman ever sense. What is up with that?? Does it affect anyone else like that? This is rediculous!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333897 - 08/03/08 06:01 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167


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Re: I fell off the wagon.....and I fell HARD! new
      #333899 - 08/03/08 06:02 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

OK...I'll let you know. If hubby goes back to our mountain property to work next weekend, I'll watch it then.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333900 - 08/03/08 06:03 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

I have that problem, too, Fancy!

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333902 - 08/03/08 06:05 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

Sorry the magic wand didn't work, Fancy. What is Natural Calm?

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333905 - 08/03/08 06:19 PM


Oops, I forgot. I am so sorry. I was supposed to pass that magic wannd on to someone else.
Fancy, this is for you
Use it wisely and pass it on, but don't be like me and forget. I am sorry
(Not a very good magic wand, but it will work LOL

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333908 - 08/03/08 06:28 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167 need to appologize.... the magic wand is for you to keep as long as you need it.

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333912 - 08/03/08 07:41 PM


Well Nugget, I ust forgot and knew i was to pass it on. but thanks anyway. I need the magic wand really bad anyway. LOL
I am really stating again tomorrow on my plan which I did almost a year ago, as i do not want to gain this weight back.. My hubby said he would help me and remind me if he sees I am going to eat something which he knows nd i kow i should not

It is so hot here and today ws horrible, like 104 heat index. i washoping to walk, but with this temp you can not beoutside to walk or anything
How did your day go yesterday and did you do okay
did you stay cool? I was oging to look for a neck cooler but forgot when I was a walmart where did you get yours from
Have a good evening
Hope you are doing okay
Hugs and here for ya

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Re: OK.....count me in! new
      #333914 - 08/03/08 08:13 PM

Reged: 02/10/03
Posts: 2167

That's sure nice of your hubby, Dee, to help you out like that! What a sweety.

I got my neck cooler at Walmart in the Sporting Goods Department. Sure helps. My day went well yesterday. It was really hot, but we stayed relatively cool....drank lots of cold water, etc. I did fine all day. But today I paid for it a little bit, not bad, though. Thankfully.

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