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IBS and white flour products new
      #332375 - 07/13/08 04:55 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok. Something really wierd happened to me today...

As you already know, I am doing the "no sugar" thing right now. Well, I read the book - "Never be Sick Again" and it made soooo much sense to me, that I decided to give up wheat flour as well. I went almost 2 days without wheat flour, and sugar and was feeling really good! No belly aches AT ALL! Well, this afternoon I gave in to the flour (complex carb) craving, and ate some plain baked pita chips. My belly started blowing up like a balloon and I started cramping like CRAZY from all the GAS in my belly!!

I REALLY believe that wheat flour is my problem!! It was truly amazing. I could almost look in the mirror and watch as my belly grew...then the old familiar gas cramping started. Now, while I was "wheat flour free" for 2 days, I had none of that! My belly felt GREAT!!

Interesting!! Ok. So now what? I don't know if I should try the sugar thing again(now that I have been off of it for 4 days), or if I should go sugar AND wheat flour free?? What would you do?

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332379 - 07/13/08 06:04 PM

Reged: 09/22/06
Posts: 1710
Loc: ILL

well you know its the wheat flour right? So I say give sugar a try again just a little and if it does the same thing than theres your answer. Good luck keep me updated!
ibs-c gas

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332383 - 07/13/08 06:43 PM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

If you give up wheat and sugar and dairy, what are you going to eat?

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332392 - 07/14/08 04:00 AM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

Frequently IBS and Yeast/Candidas go hand-in-hand. When I was diagnosed with CFIDS, I was told no flour/yeast/sugar/dairy... But, did/do I stick to it? Of course not - the minute I feel better - I'm eating sandwiches (which I love) and everything else. BUT - all the books - which if you can find it - read the Fungus Factor by Doug Kaufman - stress the importance of eating wheat/gluten/yeast/sugar free....Our bodies are so amazing -but, it seems it becomes a bagels and appleasauce for the IBS - good for awhile - then the yeast comes from all the wheat. I think rice is about the only thing that will not cause this type reaction. I swell when I eat wheat as well... And, another thought - since I just read the statistics about how many suffer from IBS - I truly believe it's got to be the way our food is processed or either get totally paranoid and think "it's in the air"!
LOL... Stay off the flour/wheat for awhile. Although there are alternatives if you are into baking...spelt, rice flour and how about Ezekiel Bread? Take care, I've learned from your posts you are a special, compassionate lady. Blessings! ~ Dorothy

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332393 - 07/14/08 04:05 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

Fancymom, does the sprouted wheat bread give you the same reaction? Or just the refined flour?


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Re: IBS and white flour products
      #332395 - 07/14/08 04:40 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Awww. Thanks, GaGa. Your awesome.

Yeah...I've been eating ezekiel bread and I LOVE it! Yesterday, I even found they came out with ezekiel cereal! I'm gonna try it this morning.

Thanks for the info, and I'm gonna look for that book. Your right, sounds like some candida might be having a party in my guts...not good

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332396 - 07/14/08 04:42 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Funny you should ask, 'cus ezekiel bread (sprouted wheat) doesn't give me gas AT ALL! In fact, I feel great after I eat it!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332397 - 07/14/08 04:43 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok. Gonna reluctantly give a little sugar a try today and see if I have the same reaction...

Will let you know how it goes...

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332398 - 07/14/08 04:45 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

HA! Ain't that the truth!

LOTS of fruit, veggies, and meat I guess!! Also, sprouted wheat bread, like ezekiel bread doesn't bother me at all, so I guess that could be my grain. Wow, that diet sounds a little TOO healthy, huh?!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332445 - 07/14/08 03:10 PM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

I just bought some ezekiel rolls - trying them for dinner with some turkey. Wish me luck!! I hope I can tolerate them as well as you can, Fancymom!


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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332459 - 07/14/08 04:54 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I bet you can! Let me know how it will probably love them as much as I do.

The only thing you will have to get used to is the texture. It's not the "Wonder bread" that is white and's the way REAL bread is supposed to be. When doctors and nutritionists talk about eating "whole grain" bread, ezekiel bread is exactly what they mean! The WHOLE GRAINS still intact. I love the bible verse on the package! Really makes you think!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332468 - 07/15/08 04:07 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

Ugh - I can't! I can't!

It was so nice to eat "real" bread again - I feel soooo guilty every time I eat white bread, because my head knows better! My head knows whole grain bread is better for so many reasons!

Too bad I can't get my gut on board. I freaked my husband out with my 5 months pregnant belly last night! It was huger than it's ever been!!

I do feel like I'm gearing up for a good BM this morning, though. It's a shame my body can't recognize a good thing!


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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332469 - 07/15/08 04:08 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

Fancymom, if you don't mind, I 'm curious how long it took you to become stable. Did you follow a high SF diet while you stabilized?

Help! Us C'ers are definitely in the minority here!


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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332494 - 07/15/08 11:40 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Wow. It was such a long journey. And so long ago, it's hard to say. I think it was through persistant self searching. After I went to my 12th or 13th visit to my Gastro Doc, and he just kept giving me the run-around about how "they" don't really know what causes IBS, and writing more prescriptions for pills I didn't need, I became my own detective. I really believe that ultimately, we are responsible for our own well-being. A lot of people(me included) abuse our bodies for years on end with poor diet, and no exercise, then we wonder why our bodies are finally exhausted and breaking down. The we expect doctors to fix us - I know I did!! I just wanted to eat whatever I wanted, drink whatever I wanted(soda, wine, beer), and never have any health problems. I guess it took me a LOOOONG time to realize how crazy that is! Everything we put in our mouths makes us healthier, or sicker.

So, I figured out what made me stable(food-wise), and what pissed off my tummy. I found out which vitamins I can tolerate(there's really only one), and which supplements I needed to take to make me feel "normal" again. I found out I was SEVERLY mineral depleted, and also slightly vitamin depleted. It was my own fault. That's what was so depressing. I KNEW my lifestyle(taking birth control pills for 12 years, drinking every weekend with my girlfriends when I was single, eating fried fast foods every day)had finally caught up with me...and I was SICK.
So, I decided(based on my symptoms)to become my own advocate. Do my own research. Take my health into my own hands...and FIX MYSELF!

Now I can say I feel about 90% better than I did 7 years ago, and it is so empowering! Granted, I occasionally have my moments(usually after I give in to a pizza craving ), but it's just that...occasional. And that feels GOOOOD!!

How are you doing?? What are your symptoms like?? Sounds like they may be a lot like mine were.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332495 - 07/15/08 11:44 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Fen, Fen, Fen. What am I gonna do with you, girl!!

You know what? You gotta do what you gotta do. You just need to keep on truckin', take one day at a time, and don't do anything that your not READY to do. It all comes down to's YOUR body. Nobody elses. Do what feels right for you.

Hopefully you'll have a nice, big blowout today, and feel much better...and lighter!! HA!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332537 - 07/16/08 04:09 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

I really think my problem is that I can't eat wheat/gluten at all.

I did a gluten free diet a few years ago (for almost a year) and initially felt a lot better and lost some weight. Actually, I was almost scarily thin - I think I was down to about 106. Anyway, I started feeling crappy on the diet and just went back to eating wheat. And I've been steadily feeling worse and worse and worse (and more and more bloated) ever since.

In retrospect, I think the reason I began to feel crappy on the GF diet is because I reintroduced dairy, as well as I was eating a lot of GF junk food, like special cookies. These are really starchy and sugary and sometimes fatty and certainly by no means "real food."

So my new plan of attack as of today is to eat GF, and to eat as much real food as possible. (And as low sugar as possible!)

So breakfast was gorilla munch (which does have a few grams of sugar, but hey) with blueberries and unsweetened almond milk.

Lunch is a nice salad with turkey and a pear. I also have a lara bar in case I run some errands after work and need a snack.

I haven't figured dinner out yet, we'll see how I feel after my salad! Maybe some rice or buckwheat pasta with veggies.

Anyway, thanks for listening. I guess as you continue on your sugar free journey, I'll begin (again) a gluten free journey.


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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332540 - 07/16/08 07:21 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Here's something,i found a site by another woman who states that it's not what you eat it's all about food combination.
The first thing she said was to eat fruit on an empty stomach and nothing else for three hours.Needless to say I haven't tried this.The thought sends me into a panic!I haven't decided if I am going to try this approach as it sounds like alot of meal planning and her recipes are whacked but it left me wondering.
I bought her books and have read some of it but I find that Heathers diet works for me.I think I'm even losing weight too.YAY!!
Anyway I know a few people aren't finding relief in this approach and wonder what else you have tried?

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332542 - 07/16/08 07:24 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Well, we ARE a lot alike. I cannot tolerate wheat/gluten either. I DEFINITELY think the reason you were feeling crappy after starting your GF diet was because of dairy!! I cannot tolerate dairy AT ALL!! I also cannot tolerate much soy. Only soy cheese and soy yogurt, but not soy milk or soy ice cream...wierd.

Anyway, good luck on your GF diet. I'm doing that too. Also, no dairy and very little sugar. I eat vanilla flavored soy yogurt in the mornings, and that has a little sugar in it, but it doesn't bother my tummy at all. Like you, I think wheat/gluten and dairy bothers me the MOST - so I'm sticking to eliminating those 2.

Let me know how it goes!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332543 - 07/16/08 07:27 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Interesting. I have a book called "Food Combining and Digestion." It says to eat fruit alone(haven't heard about the wait 3 hours thing, though). Also says to combine veggies and starch, and meat and veggies, but NEVER meat and starch. I've tried it, and it actually does make sense!

I ate a big plate of sauteed veggies once, over pasta and my tummy felt great after. Not sure if it was the food combining or not

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332602 - 07/16/08 04:08 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

I'm like so many of you guys - I guess we all are or we wouldn't be here! I've tried so hard to do gluten free, and definitely cannot do whole wheat, whole grains...even oats, but - oddly, I do pretty good on plain white bread and even bagels. And, same is true of dairy - a little yogurt (haven't tried soy yet - only supposed to have a limited amount due to allergy). But, my dr. also said it frequently comes down to a combination of those things - one may be OK, but not any together.
As for the fruit, I've read to eat it first because it starts to ferment in your digestive tract and if you eat it last, it's sitting there fermenting on top of all you have eaten. Like you, I've read the same thing about food combining and even Dr. Jordan Rubin (Maker's Diet, et al) said eat protein first, then veggies and fiber and carbs last...I'm sure you are like me and have read so many books in an attempt to get well, your mind starts reeling!

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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WOW! Plenty to eat, don't worry...... new
      #332616 - 07/16/08 08:29 PM

Reged: 05/15/08
Posts: 164
Loc: Seattle

I am totally excited for you! Once I gave up wheat flour and gluten, I felt so much better! It was totally by accident too! My son needed a GF diet and so I just started eating what he was eating and low and behold we BOTH felt better!!!! I have WAY less bloating now that I do not eat wheat or products w/gluten..
AND DON'T WORRY!!! THere is plenty to eat - you'll figure it out.....and let me know if you want some ideas or come over to the food board and see our daily food logs that we're doing for more ideas.... What a great discovery! You're awesome!

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Re: WOW! Plenty to eat, don't worry...... new
      #332619 - 07/17/08 04:11 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

I am excited too!! Thanks for offering your help! I may actually need a little help in the beginning of this thing. I have already started feeling better, and I think I will REALLY feel better after I have been on it longer.

Can you give me any examples of what you ate? Right now I am eating soy yogurt w/ blueberries for breakfast, usually a salad or sandwich on ezekiel bread for lunch, then meat and grilled veggies for dinner. For my afternoon snack, I usually eat a few pieces of fruit. I am having a hard time with my sugar fix. I have cut WAY back on sugar, but still crave a little something sweet...especially after dinner. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Hapamama!! I really needed your encouragement!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: WOW! Plenty to eat, don't worry...... new
      #332629 - 07/17/08 08:07 AM

Reged: 10/29/07
Posts: 200

Hi Fancymom:

The Ezekiel Bread contains organic sprouted whole wheat which from what I understand is wheat in it's most nutritious form. Does wheat in this form not bother you??? I have found that in eating a really high fiber diet (like 50-60 grams a day) with lots of water does give me good, hefty BMs. Even though I have always eaten wheat I think I may be getting too much now and too many carbs. I know Ezekial bread is high fiber/low carb so was thinking about trying it. Do you take the acacia powder at all? I eat oatmeal w/fruit every morning, also eat a lot of beans which I love and fruits and veggies, and put ground flax in stuff. When you say you eat fruit as your afternoon snack, do you follow the EFI guidelines and eat SF before your fruit? I really am doing much better by going the high fiber route. It seems I need a lot of IF to keep things moving, but once again...all those carbs!!! Can you give me any other suggestions as far as high fiber and not so high carbs??

Thanks for your help.

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Re: WOW! Plenty to eat, don't worry...... new
      #332644 - 07/17/08 09:56 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Sharon!
I really love ezekiel bread. Eat it every day now. I am like you, I need LOTS of IF with my SF to keep things moving. I started to eat fruit every afternoon a few weeks ago, and when I FIRST started it, I would drink a glass of acacia fiber, THEN eat the fruit. But now, I don't have to drink the fiber first and I tolerate it just fine. I now eat sooooo many fruits and veggies and ezekiel bread every day, I do not need a fiber supplement. I usually have 1 BM every day with no problem. I feel pretty darn good so far...maybe I'm still waiting for the ball to drop. Hope not!

I tell ya, though. When I was eating NO sugar, I was having BMs left and right. Like 2-3 a day. Not diarrhea, just normal, slightly soft stools. It was AWESOME...BUT, then I started eating a little sugar again, and things are slowing down a bit. Sometimes, if I feel I need it, I will take 2 fibercons in the afternoon. That little "push" really makes a difference. Keeps things going.

BTW - I don't eat oatmeal, 'cuz I don't really tolerate it very well. Makes my tummy ache a little...Wierd.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: WOW! Plenty to eat, don't worry...... new
      #332657 - 07/17/08 10:48 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

HI Fancymom,
So, the only gluten you eat is the Ezekiel products? And no Acacia anymore?

What types of fruits and veggies do you eat? And how many a day, estimate! Do you peel your fruit? I'm still really C.

Thanks for any feedback! Glad you are feeling so good!
Oh, do you take any supplements, like fish oil or probiotics or peppermint or digestive enzymes? Sorry, so many questions!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332663 - 07/17/08 11:46 AM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

You can actually read more on Doug Kaufmann on His diet is listed under the FAQ section, as well as other articles/links you can read on fungus. I have recovered from UC as well as IBS symptoms from following his antifungal diet. It's the yeast added "in" the bread that causes me grief, not the wheat itself. Yeast doesn't come from the wheat.I can eat "yeast-free" wheat or white tortilla bread with no problems. If you think about it, what causes bread to rise,.... and what happens in our gut if we have a fungus/yeast condition and continually feed it sugar from our diet? Of course, I limit my intake of grains anyway. Wheat and corn are commonly contaminated with mycotoxins (fungal poisons).

GaGa- do you feel better when you follow the "diet"? Do you watch Doug Kaufmann's daily health shows on TV or on his website at all?

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Re: WOW! Plenty to eat, don't worry...... new
      #332669 - 07/17/08 12:43 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Jordy!!

Yes. I do take a GREAT multivitamin. Kind-of expensive, but worth every penny! It's made by Megafood. It's their One Daily for Women. It's really awesome. No chemicals, just Whole foods. Great for the tummy. This multi also helps regulate my BMs. Wierd, I know, but it really does seem to. Also, I take CalMag every night before bed(2 of them)..which is also made by Megafood. It's calcium + magnesium. It also has a little apple pectin in it, which helps my BMs. The calcium/magnesium combo also helps my tummy to relax while I sleep, and the magnesium helps me to absorb the calcium. It's also amazing. Helpful tip: A lot of people give up on supplements too soon! I really did not notice a HUGE improvement with my supplements until I had been faithfully taking them for about 6 be patient & it WILL work!!

Also, you asked if I take digestive enzymes, and the answer is YES!!! I have taken "Absorb Aid" for about 3 years. It is truly incredible. I could not eat HALF of the things I eat if it weren't for my "miracle pills" - that's what I call them, because they truly gave me my life back!! I take 2 with every meal, and 1 with each snack. They help with all my bloating, gas, indigestion, cramping, and constipation. Seriously, I cannot stress enough how much they have helped me!!! I was absolutely MISERABLE until I found them. Now I order them online regularly and make sure I NEVER run out. I actually went on vacation once, and forgot them. After 2 days I was so miserable, I just stayed in my room, curled up in a ball under the covers until I told my husband the ingredients that were in them and he went out and found some digestive enzymes at a local health food store. I took two and...BAM!! New person!! I SWEAR BY THEM!!!

And, YES - I do peel my fruit. All of it. I cannot tolerate the peeling. As long as I peel it, I tolerate it just fine.
I seem to do alright in the fiber department. Can't do anything harsh, like All Bran. Tried Citrucel too, and thought I was giving BIRTH I cramped so hard!!! Then, I tried Metamucel...I just LOOKED pregnant then. I had more gas than the goodyear blimp!! Anyway, I still take fiberCon a lot of days, and acacia too. I just find that my busy schedule with kids and work, fiberCon is just easier to take with me on the go -

Hope all this info helps you!!! Keep me posted, k? And ask as many questions as you want! If ANY information I have from my experiences with IBS can help anyone, I am GLAD to offer them!!!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332671 - 07/17/08 12:46 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Wow, Kim. That is VERY interesting info! I guess I never really thought about the YEAST in the bread being the problem. I always just thought it was the gluten. Maybe it IS the yeast?!?!

Thanks for the link!! I'm gonna check out his website. I am very excited!! Thanks, girlfriend!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Thanks for the reply new
      #332680 - 07/17/08 01:11 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095


So, the only gluten you eat is the Ezekiel products? And no Acacia anymore?

What types of fruits and veggies do you eat? And how many a day, estimate

Would you mind telling these things? And what website do you get your digestive enzymes from? You really see an improvement with them, huh?

Thanks again.

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Support and encouragment in abundance! new
      #332685 - 07/17/08 01:29 PM

Reged: 05/15/08
Posts: 164
Loc: Seattle

I'm happy to share whatever I can that can be helpful to you! I will admit that I am a sugar freak, so I still consume sugar. What I found for myself is that processed, refined sugars, especially when coupled w/processed refined sugars, were huge triggers for bloating and pain. Almost as bad as dairy for me. I eat things like raw organic honey, or organic sugar in very small quantities, I also am a chocolateslut (yes you read that right!) so I found dark chocolate, vegan, organic bars at Trader Joes. Eaten in small quantities and not on an empty stomach, they do not cause me problems. I think I read that Heather also eats dark chocolate from time to time.

Here is the link for the food log we're doing every day on this board, come join us!
IBS Food and Diet Board

Also check out the blog for Gluten Free Girl - she's giving birth next week so her blogging will probably slow down, but her site is an amazing resource for all things GF. She does eat lots of things that we can't eat, but she writes about them so beautifully I still like to read it! She's a local gal too, I keep hoping I'll get to meet her some day.

HTH, PM anytime, we can swap e-mail!

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Re: Thanks for the reply new
      #332686 - 07/17/08 01:33 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Actually, the ezekiel bread is gluten free. And I do still take the acacia occasionally(maybe once or twice a week). Most days I take fibercon.

Fruits I eat: Peaches, Pears, bananas, plums. All peeled. NO APPLES...they tear me up!
Veggies I eat: Yellow and zucchini squash, white and sometimes sweet potatoes, mushrooms, yellow/red peppers(I peel those), and small amounts of romaine lettuce. I cook ALL my veggies(except the lettuce) until very soft. Steam them until soft & tender, that way they won't loose their nutrients. Sometimes I even mash them and put a little soy cheese on top. They taste awesome that way! NO CORN, and NO ONIONS.

I probably eat 2-3 sevings of fruits and 2 servings of veggies per day. Some days I eat a little less. I can pretty much tell how well I am tolerating them by about mid-day.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Support and encouragment in abundance! new
      #332688 - 07/17/08 01:34 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Thank you so much, Hapamama!! Your awesome!!

Look for me on your Blog - I would LOVE to join in!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: IBS and white flour products new
      #332694 - 07/17/08 01:52 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

Since I don't sleep well, I probably know every info-mercial in the world and that's how I discovered Doug's show - it used to come on TV about 3:00 AM once or twice a week, but it's not on here anymore. I did buy his book "The Fungus Factor" and I've been to his website many times. I was told years ago to go on a yeast-free diet due to the CFIDS. And, yes, when I eat that way, I have far fewer symptoms - It's just hard to determine which is IBS and which is candidias/yeast related. And, so limiting. But, I agree with and believe every word he says. I've also tried to go gluten free and was tested for celiac disease, but like others - no celiac, just an intolerance. Gluten free is hard because even oats have gluten in them.

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: WOW! For Fancymom.. new
      #332698 - 07/17/08 02:05 PM

Reged: 10/29/07
Posts: 200

Hi Again Fancymom...boy are the boards busy today or what!!! Just went out and got some Ezekiel bread. Anyway, if you don't mind I would like to run my situation by you and maybe you can give me some advice (being a nurse, mom and also very kind to read everyone's post asking for your advice). A time back I had sent a post to you, but things have somewhat changed in the last couple of months. All of my issues started out with plain old constipation about three years ago. (Lots happened in between but I will fast forward to the last few months). Went back to GI doc couple of months ago due to having several BM (7) every AM....not constipated, not diahrea (SP?)...I was also waking up sometimes in middle of night and starting in with the BMs. They were just small and loose. Had lots of blood tests and colonoscopy....of course nothing wrong. At this time no cramping just lots of BM. I also have never had a bloating issue. I was (and still am) seeing a pelvic floor specialist due to rectal pain/discomfort I had been having (this has diminished considerably going thru therapy).

Back to the doc.....of course he said more fiber as I suspected and I thought what the heck....I'll get myself up to 60 grams as he suggested. (I had been on the EFI diet for months and just could not get a decent BM). Low and behold...I'm up to between 50-60 grams and I have three very hefty well formed BMs every morning!!!. HOWEVER, most days by around mid morning I start getting abdominal cramping and/or stomach aches which I never experienced before. I also feel some discomfort in my rectum and feel like "If only I could have a BM". But since I had three large ones already, really, how could there be anything in me??? Is this the brain/gut malfunction of IBS or food related??? I do eat oatmeal every morning as I have done for YEARS?? If this is due to the high fiber I feel like I'm in a dilema....I now realize I need the high fiber for a good BM, but what about the cramping??? In bulking up the fiber, I have added a lot of wheat stuff....could it be that???? I eat no dairy and very little sugar, no meat. I do take an excellent multi vitamin and Jarrow Bone-Up which has cal/mag combo. The only thing that I continue against the EFI diet is that I have 1/2 cup of coffee in the AM. Cut this out for a while and didn't make a difference. By the way, I also ordered the Absorb Aid and took a couple of times and didn't make a difference....(I believe they're suppose to work right away)???

Sorry this got to be so long......but I really appreciate your advice...I'm just rather stumped on this abdominal stuff, especially since I'm hopefully past that old constipation issue. With IBS it just seems like it is always something!!!!

Again Fancymom, thanks so much for any insight you might have.


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Re: WOW! For Fancymom.. new
      #332711 - 07/17/08 04:14 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Oh, Sharon. You poor dear. You have a really hard time with that tempermental little belly of yours!

I remember when you first told me that your Doc wanted you to get your fiber intake up to 50-60gms per day I almost fell out of my chair. I still do a "deer in the headlights" when I read that! That STILL does not sound right to me! What kind of fiber supplements are you taking? You just HAVE to be taking some kind of supplements, right? Not sure how in the world you could get that much fiber from food alone. You would be eating ALL day!
Maybe it's the fiber supplements?? If you are having 7 BMs before lunch, no wonder your belly aches!! Your poor intestines are working soooo hard! After they are finally empty, they are still stimulated with all that fiber, and they have nothing to push against, so they just spasm...empty. Whew!

Are you vegetarian? Just wondering since you said you don't eat meat. Meat would probably slow you down a bit. That MAY help. How much water are you drinking?

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: WOW! For Fancymom.. new
      #332716 - 07/17/08 05:46 PM

Reged: 10/29/07
Posts: 200

Hi Fancymom,

Believe me I did my research on that much fiber. In many countries it is the norm....for instance in some parts of China the average is 77 grams per day. Even Heather makes the comment about fiber that scientists even recommend up to 60 gms a day. In my research I also found out that in countries where they eat very high fiber people have less intestinal problems than we do. Anyway, when I was at 35-40 grams of fiber is when I was having 7 bm in the am and they were very loose and small...but no cramping. Now at 60 grams I am down to 3 really hefty BM in the AM but start to cramp later. Go figure. I do get most of it from food source...I eat lots of fruit and veggies (steamed). Kashi cereal (8 grams per cup a mix of sF and IF). Ground flax and beans....high fiber bread and tortillas. Anyway, it actually is pretty easy I eat a small amount of high fiber every couple of hours. I drink about 100 oz of water per day. Don't eat meat, but do chicken and fish. I really like having those nice big BM, but would love to get rid of the cramping. Now I'm afradi if I reduce the fiber, I will go back to small, incomplete BM. I'm stumped.

Thanks again Fancymom.

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Re: Thanks for the reply new
      #332725 - 07/18/08 04:33 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY


Actually, the ezekiel bread is gluten free.

Not trying to start a fight here or anything, but ezekiel bread actually does contain gluten because it contains both wheat and barley. These grains contain gluten whether they're sprouted or made into flour.

If you're eating this and it's not bothering you but regular bread made from flour is bothering you, it's entirely possible you have a sensitivity to yeast.

This crap is so hard to figure out, isn't it?!?


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Re: WOW! For Fancymom.. new
      #332728 - 07/18/08 05:53 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Ok. Now I'm stumped too. Have you tried a calcium/magnesium supplement? They both have relaxing effects on your intestines. That may help. Sounds like you are eating great! You are a very dedicated woman...good job! I don't know if I could do it.

Anyway, look into the calmag thing. See if that helps. It REALLY helped to calm my tummy down! I take it at night, so while I'm sleeping, my intestines are relaxed and calm for in the AM. It usually helps me have a BM too.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Thanks for the reply new
      #332729 - 07/18/08 05:57 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Aha!! Great point!!

Are you kidding?? No fighting here, girlfriend. I honestly didn't realize that. That is such a great point!! I am so glad you told me. It makes a lot of things make more sense to me now. Yeah...yeast problems...hmmmm.

In that case - I think I may have a candida problem, because sugar bothers me too. Wow. Thanks, Fen!! Your the BOMB!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: WOW! For Fancymom.. new
      #332736 - 07/18/08 07:11 AM

Reged: 10/29/07
Posts: 200

Hi Fancymom...

looks like you are an early bird as well...I love early morning before everything is stirring (including my bowels of course...they start stirring aroud 5:00-5:30). Yes, I do take a cal/mag called Jarrow Bone-UP. I'm a research fanatic so after a lot of research, believe that this is one of the best. 6 per day and I break it down by taking 2 three times daily. There's 1000 cal, 500 mag...1000 vit D and a bunch of other stuff. Funny thing....usually no cramping after I lay down and sleep. It is now 9:00AM and gotten all my popping (I hope) out of the way and I have no cramping as I write this. I have no idea what will happen as the day goes on. I think I am going to try a different approach for a while. I'm going to replace the "double fiber whole wheat bread" I have as a mid morning snack and replace with Ezekiel and remove skins from fruits, which I had not done before because I wanted the IF. Maybe those 60 grams I was eating too much IF in order to get these hefty BMs. I guess it's all trial and error. To me it only makes sense that if I'm having good BMs, but am still cramping, it has to be not necesarily a trigger food but somehow my diet is involved here. But, as we all know, IBS makes no sense. As you said in a previous day at a time....and when I have a good day,,,,,boy do I appreciate it. Thanks so much fancymom. I can only imagine how busy you are running a household with husband and children and still taking the time to answer all these posts.

Hope this day is good for you.


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Re: WOW! For Fancymom.. new
      #332750 - 07/18/08 11:18 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Aww. Your sweet, Sharon.
Glad you are feeling good today. Sounds like you have a pretty good plan of attack in place for today.

Good Luck!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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