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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332300 - 07/12/08 05:05 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Hey Dragonfly!
Good for you for even giving up the "obvious" stuff! That's hard enough!!

Yep. I'm giving it ALL up. Even the breads that have 4grams of sugar in ONE slice! Can you believe that?!?! It's crazy what you start finding when you read labels.

My goal is to keep my sugar grams under 40 per day. I will be happy with that! That way if I do eat a few things that have 5 grams of sugar in them, I won't feel like a failure. I think it is virtually impossible to have 0gms of sugar in this society. Sad, but true. We are all about sugar in the good ole U S of A. EVERYTHING they make here has SOME sugar in it. They even inject meats with sugar. Gross, huh.

Good Luck to you giving up desserts!! Go Girl!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332301 - 07/12/08 05:24 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

HI Kelly!
Well, the reason you probably feel like CRAP after eating angel food cake is 'cuz it's LOADED with sugar!! I know EXACTLY how you feel. I feel HORRIBLE after eating angel food cake. But, I can eat plain, Sonyfield vanilla flavored yogurt and I feel fine afterwards.

I probably shouldn't say this on this particular webpage, BUT, you should read this book called "Never be Sick Again."
It is an incredible book. It talks about the "Big 4's."
These are the 4 things everyone should give up in their diets, and they will not feel SICK anymore...
They are:
1. Sugar
2. Flour
3. Hydrogenated Oils
4. Dairy

She says that babies should be breast-fed until they are the age of 2, then NEVER fed milk again. Cow's milk is for CALVES, not humans. Asians drink less milk than anyone else on this planet, and they have the LOWEST incidence of osteoporosis. Coincidence?? NOT!
Anyway, it's a great book, if you get a chance to read it, it's worth the $15 to buy it.

So, I am following her book, and not JUST giving up sugar, but also flour(wheat), and dairy(which shouldn't be hard since I gave that up years ago!).
Also, see if you can find "Eat right 4 your type" book too. That's a great one as well. And...since they BOTH say for me to give up flour(wheat) and dairy, I think it's pretty obvious I need to do that. I read the Eat Right 4 Your Type Book years ago and it just made sense. Everybody's blood type is different. Everybody can eat different things. Not all diets are make for every body. That's why Suzie next door lost 20lbs. on Weight Watchers and I gained 20lbs. HA! What works for one, will not work for another. My Mom is blood Type B, and she feels GREAT when she eats regular yogurt, or drinks a glass of 2% milk...I go RUNNING for the bathroom! I am Type 0, and I'm not supposed to eat dairy. My body cannot digest it properly(which most people can't). BTW - Kelly...are you Blood Type 0? 'Cuz if you are, that may be why angel food cake makes us BOTH feel sick! Wheat flour!

There are plenty of alternatives! For instance...I eat an egg white omelet for breakfast most days, with sauteed veggies in it. I eat wheat free spelt bread, or ezekiel bread. Both are delicious. Some mornings I do oatmeal with a little unsweetened almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon and stevia. I eat lots of fruit. Usually a banana with breakfast. I tolerate those very well.

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Good Luck! new
      #332302 - 07/12/08 05:28 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Thanks, Dee. I'm alright. Didn't blow it...not gonna. I'm feeling better today. Thanks for the encouragement. WHEW!

Hopefully you will get to the grocery store today. Must be miserable not to have anything to eat in the house! I'm a munchaholic, so I HAVE to have food in the house.
Good luck today!! Make us proud! WOOHOO!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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blew it last night new
      #332309 - 07/12/08 06:35 AM


I have to be honest. I blew it last night, and went off the wagon. Frustrates me but back on again today
Yesterday was not a good day
we had a bad storm two or three weeks ago. nothing much from our insurance co,and still waiting. Lots of water damage inside
Our son came over late aftenoon to help me look at things. He is an archetectual draftsman,and so great on helping us
In one room he found mold growing under the baseboads, so we need to get that out of there immediately, sotoday we take the baseboards out, and cut the dry wall out so themold does not grow up the all. It is the outside all only
then the other two rooms, we will have to take the carpet out, in the bathroom take the tile out, and liteally stat over. this upsets us a lot, but at least we know what w are dealing with
It frustrats me with the inurance co. they wee supposed to send us a worksheet on what they decided as someone came out about two weeks ago for hail damge, and gave us an estimate on our siding,but would not do anything i the house, as he said he was only there for siding. He taped me,and said he would contact the insurance co. and anothe adjuster would come.
This is so stessful for me. We have aldy had our house destroyd twenty yars ago with a torndo. so here we go again.
I don't handle stress well
Abd then we did not have much food int he house, so we went tothe stoe and bought food,and when we got home I was hungry, as hd not eaten much, so this is wht I do when I am hungry, and not eaten enough.
I can not eat much of the stuff you do as I get sosick, so hve to be real selective on my food.
angel fod cake doesnot bothe me one bit. I know it hs lots of sugr in it, but i ust ead your post about angel food ake.
Now fresh fruit are not good for me, but I did buy a couple peches and pears,a nd will try and peel them fist.
wish me luck, as I sure did go off the wagon,and will get right back on today. I am sosorry
upset with myself now
Hugs, DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332312 - 07/12/08 07:14 AM

Reged: 03/31/08
Posts: 181
Loc: MA

I will definitely look into these books. The more I get into learning about my diet and how different things make me feel the more interesting (but also frustrating) it becomes. I have already given up dairy on Heather's diet. I don't really miss it at all except in ice cream I am actually A positive, so hopefully that means I don't have to give up wheat- I honestly do not think I could do it at this point, already having so many dietary restrictions. I have a lot of trouble with fruits and veggies because of the insoluble fiber (I can do soluble fiber ones and I do, often). I think without wheat I may literally run out of foods to eat entirely. I also do not eat hydrogenated oils either, so I have two on that list already covered- yay.

As for sugar, I have always had problems with too much sugar even long before IBS. As a kid I could not drink soda without feeling SO sick. I used to think it was the carbonation, but I had no problem with diet soda (don't drink it anymore though because of the IBS). Before I got IBS I really didn't have sugar that much and only recently have had more because my diet has become so limited. Now I'm trying to go back to limiting the sugar again. I'm assuming you are not getting rid of the sugar in fruits right? I have an apple every morning with my oatmeal, and apples I have a lot of sugar but it's fruit sugar so I figure its okay. The only other sugar I really have is in my soy yogurt, which I don't even have every day, oh and I believe there are 2 grams of sugar in my rice chex. However, like I said when I have angel food cake, or candy for some reason- it definitely affects my stomach. It would be so much simpler if food affected everyone the same huh! You are right too, it is so hard to find food without sugar. I find the same thing with fats, particularly at restaurants. They look at me like I'm crazy when I say I REALLY don't want oil on my pasta. They give me lectures about it sticking together. Who cares, its all going to be together in my stomach! I will ask for a sandwich with turkey and nothing else- PLAIN and it will come back with butter or mayo because they just can't believe that turkey on bread would be tasty enough to eat alone. Honestly, thats how my mom made my sandwiches as a kid so I never knew otherwise!

Well good luck with the limited sugar diet. If you get any great snack or meal ideas let me know


PS. Thanks for the advice on the books. I am going to Barnes and Noble today so I will check them out.

I am training for a Sprint Triathlon- Check out my Blog!

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332313 - 07/12/08 07:30 AM


I was checked for celatic disease when i had my coonostopy two weeks ago, and it came back negetive. I was so thrilled. I am lactose intolerace, and I have IBS D and was diagnoised with diverticulous, so take questran twie a day, along with heather's fiber, and the reg. perscription drugs I take, along with lactate when I drink dairy. I too can not tolerate much fruits, and the veggies drive me crazy
I am doing the best I can with sugar.
I have cut out so much, po, and soft drinks, most other liquies, including coffee,a nd drink mainly water. Sweets ae pretty much alredy gone from my diet, but of course there are so many hidden sugas in foods, I am trying to do careful
I went brazerk yesterday with sugar last evening and starting over today
I don't handle stress wll
good luck to you also,and we ae all here for support
I know sugar does not do good for me, as it gives me a high for a few minutes,and then such a downer.
I have not eaten sweets for a time, except of couse last night, which drives me cazy, but i guess I am human
Good luck and I am here for you also
Hugs, DeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! new
      #332323 - 07/12/08 10:33 AM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Giving up wheat is not as hard as it seems. There are soooo many good alternatives. Wheat free pastas, bread, cookies, brownies...the list goes on. I think it's MUCh harder giving up sugar than wheat!!

I just try to take it one day at a time. But for now, I have not had wheat or sugar, or dairy(of course) in 3 days, and I'm really starting to feel better. My tummy is a LOT flatter - that part doesn't suck

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332372 - 07/13/08 02:31 PM

Reged: 09/17/07
Posts: 506
Loc: SC

Day four and today has been hard! I mean, I FEEL much better, but for some reason I have been CRAVING sugar like CRAZY today!! So, I broke down and had some flour instead. I was DYING for some baked pita chips!!
I had given up all white flour, wheat, dairy(a long time ago) AND sugar. I have discovered that I just can't go without ALL three!! It's too hard!

So, no sugar and no dairy, and that's is enough to keep me busy!! Dee - you just HAVE to go get this book!! It's called "Get the Sugar Out" and it's by Ann Louise Gittleman, PH.D, C.N.S. She is awesome!! This book is really GREAT! It will help you soooo much on your journey. It will also remind you when you need a boost, of WHY you gave up sugar in the first place. Because it makes us SICK!! I am a HUGE believer that sugar is exacerbating my IBS symptoms. A LOT of my symptoms have improved over the past 4 days, that's why I have not given up. On page 26-27 of her book she lists all the sugar-related ailments. There are a LOT of them, but constipation, indigestion, mood swings, fatigue, impaired digestion of all foods, muscle pain, obesity, and ulcers are just a few. And I have all of those!! (with the exception of obesity - I am only 10lbs overweight...but this is the heaviest I have ever been, aside from pregnancy).

Anyway, it is worth the $13.95. Every penny!! So, go to Barnes & Noble, or whatever book store is near you and pick it up!

Also, Dee...check out this website!! It's GREAT!

Hope your having a great Sunday!!

IBS-A,Constipation predominant, GERD

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332386 - 07/13/08 09:11 PM


Hi Fancymom
Bad day bad weekend forme
I have not done too bad with my eating, just everyonce in a while ate a bit of stuff with sugar, which was not acceptble, how I se it.
I guess I had a craving for sweets, and why? I don't know
We had a bad storm as you kiow a couple three weeks ago, and water int he basement, etc. Our insuance is soslow in reacting, andnot givng us much at all
We found mold in one room, and had to remove a lot of drywall, and carpet.
things were not good with that ysterday
and toay ws not a good day. We went to Lows or whatever you spell it in OMaha,and my huabnd left his keys int he car, locked. He thought I had a set of keys with me, whch I did not. Things got out of hand, as when he gets mad at himself, he hs a tendancy to blame someone else. I think all men do that. without going into detail, about the whole mess, our son went to our house, found the keys and brought them over.
but inthe mantime, My tummy acted up and ended up having to take immodium, which I did not want to do as it hs a tendency to make me constipated
anyway, bad day, bad diet, the whole thing
tomorrow is another day nd i will start over
I love my husband, we ae bst friends, but he is working 12-13 hour days, and with the stress of the stomr and damage, I guess I was just in the wrong place at the time, and he took it out on me
I will look for tht book. Looks and souhds great
believe me I can tell such a big difference when I eat sugar.
I did not et much, just had a boston creme roll, and five minutes afte I had it, I could alredy feel the effect of sugar.
I looked for the website ont he recipe but it is down for maintencance, or whateve so will chekck tomorrow
must get to bed
Have my litttle grandson to atch tomorrow
Love you and take care
we are doing a good job of this, and there will be days when we goof up, but we just don't beat ourselves up and start over. We are human
I am here for you, my friend
Love DeeDee

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Re: Ok, Girls...ready to go sugar free?!?! Day 4 on the no sugar diet new
      #332413 - 07/14/08 07:50 AM


Hi Everyone
How ae you all doing toay
I am doing fairly well so far
Had a banana and a bowl of eatmeal for breakfast. Trying to drink water. That is alays a biggie for me
ust checking in to say hi and ope everyone is have a good stat to a new week
Here for ya
Hugs, DeeDee

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