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My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254707 - 03/27/06 09:28 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Well, lets see, where to begin??! I got up Saturday morning and felt as ok as I ever do, did my stretches and cleaned up my house, took a shower and Will and I went to Costco. I was supposed to be hosting beading lessons at my house Saturday afternoon at 2. So, when we got back from Costco, I was setting things up and Will went to the grocery store for me. I started to feel very hot and dizzy and just not right. I thought I'd probably just over did it so I sat down in my recliner for a minute. Then, just all the sudden, my jeans and especially my bra felt SUPER tight, like I just couldn't breath at all and my chest starting hurting REALLY bad. I managed to make it into my dressing room and changed into some sweat pants and a t-shirt. It was about 1:45 and I was expecting 6 girls in 15 minutes but I thought I'd lay on the bed for a couple of minutes and be fine. My chest kept getting worse, I was crying by this time and couldn't breath. I fell off the bed and poor Harley was whining and freaking out. I was trying to make it into the front room to get my phone to call for help and collapsed in the dinning room from the pain. I finally crawled to my phone in the next room but Will wasn't answering, he shops with the IPod and earplugs!! So, I called my girlfriend, who was coming anyways and just lives around the corner and asked her to come right away. I guess after that I passed out on the floor because the next thing I know she and another girl are standing over me with a cold wash rag, screaming my name.

They kept asking me what was wrong and all I could say was my chest hurt and I was crying hysterically and couldn't breath. By now, all 6 girls are there and I was really embarrassed, luckily my best friend, the one I called, booted everyone out and loaded my into her car and took me to the ER room a couple of miles away. They did an EKG right away but said my heart was ok. My pulse and heart rate were up from the pain but I wasn't having a heart attack. A dr did come in pretty quickly though and ordered a chest x-ray and some blood work. He finally decided that the RA had attacked the cartilage in my chest. He said I may have either had a delayed panic attack (was at COstco earlier and it was super busy and nervous about 6 girls coming over) or I had an adrenaline surge, either one would cause the pain in my chest to be amplified, make me dizzy and hot and nausea and everything else.

My chest has been hurting for about a month now but that was also the same time as I was diagnosed with the c. pneumonia and I thought it was from that. I actually took the last of a 30 day supply of antibiotics this morning for that. The chest x-ray they took in the ER showed that my lungs were clear so that wasn't the cause of the pain.

The ER dr was very nice but said there wasn't anything he could do for me, he did give me some Darvocet for the pain and told me to call my dr today and I have an appt with my primary care physician tomorrow but I'm sure she is just going to refer me back to the RA dr. I need to get some more Xanax anyways so I'll go see her but I doubt she can do anything either.

Today, my chest still hurts and I'm breathing very shallow but I'm not having the drop me to the floor pain like I was. I've been on the placquenil, which is a DMARD (disease modifying antirheumatic drug) for just about 3 months and 1 week. These types of drugs can take 3-6 months to work. I'm also on a very high dose of naproxen to try and help with the inflammation. However, my hands and feet are still very swollen, my knees and hips are getting worse, my ankles are even swollen and stiff and now its attacking my chest. When I saw the RA dr just a few weeks ago, he said the only other thing he can do is to put me on a daily dose of steroids. I really don't want to do that because of all the side effects. Apparently, there is another DMARD that may be a little stronger than the placquenil however, it also takes 3-6 months to begin working AND you have to stop it at least 3 months before you try and get pregnant because it causes severe birth defects. I'm already doing physical therapy and everything else they have said so now what do I do???

Some of you may remember me saying that I had to go to Church Sunday for Wills brother confirmation or something for his missionary work. Well, obviously, I wasn't feeling well but I got up and went. It was a Presbyterian Church. Everyone seemed nice but a zillion people insisted on shaking my already swollen hand, so that made the swelling and pain even worse. The service was about an hour and I was very uncomfortable, not only from the pain I was in but I didn't agree with the sermon but I won't get into that now! I was holding my own until they had all the little kids get up and sing a song, seeing all the proud parents and happy little kids, I started crying because I will probably never know those feelings of love for a child of my own. We then went back to the bil's house and had brunch and a lot of people were there so I just melted into the couch and petted Harley, who was being very protective of me! He knew I wasn't feeling well yet and stayed by my side. Once we left, I slept for the 45 minute ride home, then slept all afternoon and night.

I did go to my physical therapy this morning but am not feeling well at all. I'm trying to stay positive but I just feel so beat down. I'm tired of being sick. I'm tired of being in pain and trying to smile. I'm sad that my babies are gone. I'm just very overwhelmed and not coping too well today. Sorry this turned out to be a novel but I had to get it all off my chest! Thanks for listening.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Michele... new
      #254717 - 03/27/06 09:55 AM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

BIG (yet gentle) HUGS!!!!

What a horrible and scary weekend you had! I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Thank goodness your friends were there to help you on Saturday. I had a similar attack years ago and ended up in the ER - very similar. I had the chest pains, the tightness, and then the inability to breathe. I know how scary that feeling is. I really thought I was going to die. The doctors also thought it was either a combination of taking a high dose of Imodium w/ Lomotil on a nearly empty stomach or a panic attack. Ugh. I'm so sorry you had to go through that!

And you still went to your BIL's confirmation on Sunday? Wow! I hope you're taking it easy today. Are you working today? Good thing you have Harley to keep you company and provide some comfort. I hope you keep us updated on how you're doing.

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Re: Michele... new
      #254719 - 03/27/06 09:59 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Maria. Yes, I am at work but luckily the doctor isn't in so it shouldn't be too busy. I'd much rather be home snuggled in bed. Poor Harley is having some D today, he got so upset when I got sick, he is very sensative but we are taking good care of eachother!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254723 - 03/27/06 10:05 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

Oh wow honey you had quite a scare this weekend!! I am so sorry that you are feeling so crummy. It sounds like you need a weekend away. Maybe you and Will should plan a spring weekend trip somewhere nice. That might help to lift your spirtis some. *hugs* I am thinking of you!!!

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oh honey - gosh, I am so sorry!! ((((Hugs))) very gently and NO hand shakes!!! more new
      #254726 - 03/27/06 10:08 AM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

I have nothing to offer but to say I'm sorry you had such a weekend and I'm so glad you had your friends, your hubby, and little Harley to help get you through it! I know it is not the same but I can relate to the whole "I'm tired of being sick" thing, all I can say is hang in there and don't give up hope.

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Re: Oh, Michelle!
      #254727 - 03/27/06 10:10 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

I'm so sorry to hear about all that! I sure hopre your doing better. You sure are a trooper. I'll be prayin for ya. Wish I could do more...


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Re: oh honey - gosh, I am so sorry!! ((((Hugs))) very gently and NO hand shakes!!! more new
      #254728 - 03/27/06 10:11 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Michelle, I know you understand the whole tired of being sick thing. Lets hope things get better for both of us!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Oh, Michelle! new
      #254730 - 03/27/06 10:11 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Kiwi, I appriciate the continued support!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254732 - 03/27/06 10:13 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Angela! As we were sitting in the ER Saturday waiting for the test results, Will asked if we could go back to Jamaica now?! If money wasn't an issue, we would be on a plane next week!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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OMW an IBS puppy!!!! how sweeeeeet...sympathy D! nt new
      #254738 - 03/27/06 10:17 AM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Michele....I'm sooo sorry! new
      #254771 - 03/27/06 12:24 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I too can realte to being sick and tired of being tired...and to the feelings of being around people with kids and knowing I will probably never have any of my own (I might not be able to adopt even...we will see!)....and it is just sooooo hard some days *hugs* I just don't have any words excpet I love you and I hoppe each day gets a little better thant the last one. And I look to you as my hero. Whenever I think I can't do something I think about you and all you do and I push myself a little harder. You're SO STRONG and SO UPBEAT and SO deserve true happiness and I believe it's coming your way. I love you Michele....we all do...always remember that...

Love you! *hugs*


P.S. PLEASE update us on how you're doing...we're all very concerned for you *gentle hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Just Saw the Rheumy Dr new
      #254813 - 03/27/06 01:33 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

And he agreed that the cartilage in my chest is inflamed and swollen and thats why my chest hurts so bad and I feel like I can't breath. Between your ribs and all around your sternum is all cartilage and because mine is swelling up, my lungs can't inflate all the way. The RA dr gave me another methyl dose pack of steroids. Its a mega dose of steroids you take for a week. Hopefully, it'll be enough to knock the inflammation in my chest out and maybe help my hands as well. I just can't wait to be able to leave work and take my bra off! The extra pressure is killing me.

And yes, Harley does have sympathy IBS!!! His tummy is VERY sensative! He got so upset this weekend when I was so sick and even today he knows I'm not feeling well. He had D this morning and you can hear his little tummy gurgling and rumbling. Poor little guy!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254814 - 03/27/06 01:36 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

oh my goodness! that is very very scary!

I'm so glad that it wasn't anything more serious, but I'm sure it scared the crap outof you nevertheless. Rest up and feel better soon! Sounds like you've had a rough weekend.


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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254817 - 03/27/06 01:55 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Poor Michele, that sounds so scary, hope you are feeling much much better today.


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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254818 - 03/27/06 01:55 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Oh so sorry to hear that. Do you think it was a panic attack?

Please update us once the doctor figures it our. Could it be the medication? Three years ago I had a rapid heartbeat and dizziness from a med called Trazadone I was taking for insomnia. The side effects were SO BAD that I took myself off it and my doc agreed with that decison.

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254822 - 03/27/06 02:32 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks Sara. Its actually the cartilage in my chest swelling and preventing my lungs from inflating. Saw the rheumy today and he put me on a weeks worth of mega steroids.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254836 - 03/27/06 06:08 PM


Geez what a crazy weekend! I would have been scared out of mind with all that going on too - I'm just glad it didn't turn out to be anything serious, but I still would not have known what the heck to do. Good thing your friends were right there for you.

And I can't believe you found the strength to go to you bil's thing after all that - you are amazing.

Well I always keep you in my thoughts and I hope that things settle down for you - you don't need any more craziness in your life. Just take care of yourself!!

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Re: Just Saw the Rheumy Dr new
      #254841 - 03/27/06 06:27 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I'm glad they found the reason for your chest hurting. I'm sorry you have to take steroids but hopefully it'll help all this stuff get better *huge gentle hugs*

And I think it's adorable that Harley has Sympathy IBS. Poor guy though! *hugs Harley*

I hope you continue to find strength and courage through all this...I know you've given me much strength and courage in the past. If there's anything any of us can do for you now let us know *hugs*

I love you!!!!!!!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Oy, what a scare... new
      #254843 - 03/27/06 06:35 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

So glad you are okay. What can you do to prevent this from happening again?

Take care. Why does life have to keep giving us these not so welcomed surprises and problems. A nice boring weekend would have been preferred, wouldn't you agree!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254851 - 03/27/06 07:10 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe

One thing after another, huh? That sounds so scary. I'm glad you saw your doctor today and I hope the steroid pack you got helps. What kind of side effects do the daily steroids have? Would it be worth a shot to try if you don't start feeling better?

I can't believe you made it to the BIL's service. Is Presbyterian where everyone shakes hands afterwards and says, "Peace be with you"? I went to a friend's church once where they did that and it caught me totally by surprise. I should've been thinking holy thoughts but all I could think was, "I saw you sneeze into that hand and now you're shaking mine!!"

Take care of yourself!


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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I'm so sorry... new
      #254854 - 03/27/06 07:29 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

I wish I could give you a hug and wave a magic wand and make it all better for you. All I can say is that it all happens for a reason and that it won't last forever. I wish I could carry some of the hurt for you so it wouldn't be so bad. It will be okay somehow. Just hang in there.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Oh Michele!! new
      #254860 - 03/27/06 08:21 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

You poor poor thing, that is just awful!!! That sounds like a terrifying experience, I can't believe that happened to you - I was shocked reading your post, I thought you were going to say you'd had a heart attack!
I don't understand how you could have been in that much pain, and the doctor couldn't do anything for you. How frustrating, I am so sorry.
Thank gosh your friends got there to help you, and that the doctors seemed nice.

I hope you are starting to feel at least a little bit better... You are very brave for getting up and going out after all of that. I probably would have hidden myself away for about a week!

I can't believe how strong you've been through everything that has happened to you, you have gone through so much.
I know what you mean about being tired of being sick and in pain and I wish I had some more advice to give you, but all I can offer is hugs and I will be sending happy thoughts your way.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: Michele new
      #254861 - 03/27/06 08:29 PM

Reged: 09/23/04
Posts: 312

Hi Michele,

I am so sorry that you've had to go through all of this pain with your RA. That was a very scary episode this weekend and I'm glad your friend was able to take you to the ER. I hope that the meds the rheumy prescribed will bring down the inflammation and give you some relief for your chest and hands.

I'm glad you have Harley for comfort, I love our kitties to death and am happy that they're there to see me through when I'm feeling crappy with my UC.

Take care of yourself.

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254871 - 03/27/06 09:44 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.


I can't even believe that happened to you! Jeez, what a scare!

Dh had a very similar thing happen this summer and he went to the hosp. in an ambulance. you can imagine that's when my IBS was worst.

It turned out to be anxiety,so hopefuly that's all it was for you. I still am very sad that you had to go thorugh it-even from a bystanders point of view it was terrifying.

And as for the church stuff...good for you going. I bet it took a ton of courage. And it must be eternally heartbreaking to see people so happy with their children. to make you feel etter, there are some days that I want to mail my daughter to Timbuktu in the mail because I dont think i can stand her whining or whatever that's not all roses. But, I am eternally thankful for her.

All I can send you is love, sweetie. i wish I could make your baby girls come back.

Keep on keepin' on...

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Michelle, how scary!! new
      #254892 - 03/28/06 05:33 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

I can't imagine how frightening this must have been for you! Truly, you have not had a good run of things these past few days!! Please know I am and will continue to keep you in my prayers. I'm glad you have a place to vent. Hang in there!

God is Faithful!

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Re: My weekend, from ER visit to bil's church! new
      #254897 - 03/28/06 05:54 AM

Reged: 05/26/04
Posts: 118
Loc: Texas


I hope you are feeling better today. I hope the new mega helps.


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Re: Thank you Everyone! Also Update! new
      #254958 - 03/28/06 10:37 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I really appreciate every ones replies. Please forgive me if I don't respond to each of them. My hands are very sore and my eyes are very blurry, both from the RA. I took a whooping dose of steroids last night and I can breath a little easier today, still can't take a deep breath or anything. I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll be feeling better.

To take steroids everyday can cause some serious long term side effects. Bone loss, cataracts, glaucoma, hump back, what they call moon face (your face swells up and looks like a full moon!) and major weight gain, not to mention depression and insomnia which I already have! The only other option is to try methotrexate but that is very toxic to babies. Its a drug class X for pregnancy. Its so toxic in fact that you have to stop it at least 4 months before you can become pregnant and since it can take 3-6 months before it actually begins to work, I'm just not ready to go there yet!

I saw my internist today and she also agreed with the ER and RA dr's. The disease has inflamed the cartilage in my chest so much, that its causing my lungs to not be able to inflate fully. The steroid pack should help. The stress of it all has sent my tummy right into a major tizzy. So, she gave me some Zelnorm to try and calm it down quickly. She also refilled my Xanax and gave me a new script for Vicodin, with refills!

I really wish I could take a couple of days off work to recoup but with my job, its just not an option. Although we only have a few patients scheduled so I should be able to keep a mellow pace.

I do have to take Harley to puppy class tonight, its his last class or I wouldn't go. I'll just tell the instructor that I'm not doing well and ask her helper to take Harley through the running exercises because I know I won't be able to do them. He has on his party bow today to celebrate graduation! Its bright polka dots and strips! I forgot the camera or I'd take a picture but he looks so cute!!

I'm going to skim the post real quick but thats about all the typing my swollen fingers can handle for the moment!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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