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did you have ibs as a kid?
      #236572 - 01/07/06 07:09 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

I think my childhood experiences with ibs attacks are a big part of my various freak-outs when it comes to getting sick. Have any of you had this life-long? I remember little problems in kindergarten! (I didn't like and refused to use their little toilets and ended up very c !) Also remember getting d everytime we visited my aunt and uncle who I didn't like. Also had bigger issues, the biggest - a stomach virus that left me hospitalized for 2 weeks and out of school for 2 months when I was 11. (Turned out I had an ulcer). High school, ugh! Socializing was kind of miserable - rock concerts were something to survive while my friends had a great time. And a colonoscopy at age 15 with no anesthetic didn't do me any good!
I'm just curious are there any others with similar long term problems?

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236575 - 01/07/06 07:36 PM

Reged: 02/15/05
Posts: 1999
Loc: Northern Illinois, USA

To be honest, I don't know if I did or not, but I do remember various instances of not quite making it to the bathroom or just barely making it.

The first half of high school, I rode the bus & don't remember having any problems. But for the second half, we'd moved and I walked to school. It was a short block, but I do remember unlocking the door and then just throwing down everything so I could run to the bathroom. I did indeed HATE that half of high school, so maybe it was stress.

And I never could drink coffee in the morning. It was one of those things where I was fine one second, and the next, I had to bolt for the bathroom. I was fine with it later in the day.

I think I may have had IBS for quite awhile, it just never flared that bad very often.

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Hmm, new
      #236592 - 01/07/06 10:05 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

well, I wasn't diagnosed with IBS till last spring, but I've definitely had digestive problems since way back.
I've had lactose intolerance for at least a decade for sure..

My mom just told me it was normal to go three days between poops. I remember being in the nurse's room for severely painful gas as young as age 8, and in Girl Guides, had a stomach ache I was sure would kill me.

I was also terrified of pooping in public toilets. Now that I'm much more often D, I ahve no choice, LOL, but in Disneyland, I was so C and so terrified to poop that I held it for an hour waiting for the room to clear so I could do my "dirty deed" alone. I'll never forget how stressed I was that day, and how nauseated. Hmm, maybe it wasn't the rides after all.

Keep on keepin' on...

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oh yeah new
      #236594 - 01/07/06 10:20 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I wasn't "officially" diagnosed until last summer, but I've definitely had IBS since I was 12, maybe even a little earlier. I can't blame that on my being-sick freakouts, though, because I can also remember having anxiety problems, and ones specifically related to panic over being sick, as young as 7 or 8. I think in my case, the anxiety came first.

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Mine started when I was 19.~nt~ new
      #236605 - 01/08/06 05:20 AM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 1614

Have a blessed day!...Rachel
stable and sooooooo thankful!
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236614 - 01/08/06 07:07 AM

Reged: 01/28/05
Posts: 815
Loc: Ontario, Canada

yes I did, I was diagnosed when I was around 21 by a Dr who didn't give me much information and I didn't really follow through with anything because I was in University. I saw a great gastro about 2-3 years ago who really helped me and confirmed my diagnoses. I am 26 now. When I was 18 I was diagnosed with a Hital Hernia and GERD when I couldn't eat or keep any food down for 2 weeks. I have always had problems with my digestive system. I would sit on the toilet when I was really little and cry because I had to go but couldn't. I remember my parents giving me suppositories. I also remember family road trips and having to turn around halfway and go back home because I was too sick or in too much pain for us to keep going.
Oh the fun!!

Microscopic Colitis, IBS-A, GERD, Hiatal Hernia
Bethany, Ontario, Canada

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236618 - 01/08/06 07:30 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

I don't think that I had IBS formally, and I wasn't diagnosed, but there were definite signs..

In elementary school I would be scared to go the bathroom in school and other public places and hold it all day long until I got home. Hah... cruel jokes on me now, considering i've hit almost every public bathrooom in town nowadays.

Also, when I was younger I remember sometimes not going for 5 or 6 days at a time, but it never hurt, or made me feel gassy or bloated.

When I turned about 15 though, I would get D occassionally. I remember once having to go on the field hockey bus home from a game, and basically crying the entire way home while I held it. I was formally diagnosed senior year.. or maybe freshman year of college, because by the end of high school I had D a lot more regularly.


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Four or five! (kindy for me too!) new
      #236619 - 01/08/06 07:32 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Got mine in kindy too Dan! I was skipped a grade cause I was soooo smart (right!) and then when I didn't learn how to read soon enough...I didn't get love/caring. I got told I was lazy and not trying hard enough (turns out I have SEVEN LD's and ADD and bipolar and anxiety...I had a LOT going on!) So yeah...been C with horrid bouts of D(They always cleaned me out) since age 4 or 5!

Then I had a doc in childhood tell me if I didn't take fibercon and eat my fiber I'd end up with tummy cancer one day.


So yes...been with me as long as I cqan recall (and yep it runs in my has it and her biological dad had some stomahc probs too) Does anyone in your fam have this Dan?

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Yep! As far back as 1st Grade! new
      #236633 - 01/08/06 08:56 AM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

Sister Donna Jean was my first grade teacher and boy was she mean. I had to go to the bathroom real bad and she wouldn't let me go and I ended up going in my pants! I will never forget that day. SHE'S probably the reason for my IBS!

Anyway, I ALWAYS had some kind of stomach issue growing up. Always had stomach pains. I think I missed a lot of school because of it. I wasn't actually diagnosed with IBS though until I was 21 which was 17 years ago. I'm sure I've had it all along though. Both my sister and my mom have/had it. My mom claims hers got better with menopause so there is hope for me someday


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Re: Mine started when I was 17... new
      #236638 - 01/08/06 09:32 AM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

following a GI infection.

Edited by SPASMTASTICAL! (01/08/06 10:46 AM)

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Mine started as a senior in high school new
      #236649 - 01/08/06 10:01 AM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 1213
Loc: Ewing, NJ, USA (IBS-D, Vegetarian)

About a month into school. Threw up twice one morning on the bus ride into school, and was so nauseous the next two weeks, could barely eat. Doctor just said it was a virus and to take OTC nausea meds. Never was the same after that.

Didn't go to the doctor about it again until I was a sophomore in college, and I started having problems with dairy products. Then got an IBS diagnosis with no tests other than a few blood tests done. Got the full work up done a year later though when things got bad again, then found this site, and am able to manage it without meds (other than Acacia and peppermint caps).

Friendship is thicker than blood. ~Rent

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Same as a lot of others new
      #236650 - 01/08/06 10:08 AM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

It wasn't uncommon for me to have sporadic tummy issues. The first real IBS "attack" that I can remember, though, happened when I was fifteen or sixteen. I can also remember lots of urgency starting at about that same age when I was nervous for competitions.

I wasn't diagnosed until about ten years later, when the D episodes became much more frequent and not obviously connected to something anxiety-producing.


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236655 - 01/08/06 10:45 AM
dan the redneck man

Reged: 07/20/04
Posts: 139
Loc: Houghton; MI

now that I look back, I relize I've had it all my life. What kicked it into over drive was one day my junior year in high school the outside temp was up near 104 and we were in school with no air. I'd always been sensitive to heat and that did me in. I still can't stand summer, but oddly enough, saunas seem to help; i stay in there for about 15 minutes and then go jump into the pool and I feel much better. Maybe because I'm glad to get out of the heat!
I to had the colonoscopy without anestisia, I think the barium enema x-ray was worse. I was cramping so bad that I had a death grip on the sides of the x-ray table and started bending the table up. The doctor started flipping out and an x-ray tech gave me a folded up towel to squeeze, I ended up ripping it in half. Thats when they finally got the idea to sedate me.

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Good to know new
      #236681 - 01/08/06 01:32 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

i'm not alone in the fear of public pooping!

Keep on keepin' on...

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barium new
      #236683 - 01/08/06 01:37 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

that was absolute torture for me too, Dan. I had mine two days after a Norwalk Virus had cleaned me out-then the prep cleaned me out again, then the alien was horrid. The thing looked like a CHEESE grater! On a senstive little intestine and bum? IT was honeslty the worst thing I've been through, and I spent 40 hours in labour with my darlin 3 year old.

Keep on keepin' on...

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You're def not alone... new
      #236734 - 01/08/06 04:29 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I am always afraid of passing gas and someone hearing...or them figuring out if I'm C or D....

It's awful! Sorry tmi...but I figure we all get it here....

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: (for Ruchie) new
      #236735 - 01/08/06 04:33 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Hey another kindy! Yeah my dad, and his mother though neither was diagnosed formally. My father just had his first colonoscopy at age 64 which found no problems. My first cousin on my dad's side has crohns. So there are definitely a lot of gut issues on that side of the family.

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: barium new
      #236737 - 01/08/06 04:40 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Ugh I had the lower gi with barrium when i was 11 in the hospital. It was absolutely awful. I kept telling them I absolutely couldn't hhold all that barrium in anymore and they kept saying one more minute. Finally I yelled that I couldn't do it anymore, they didn't respond and I let it out all over the exam table!!! I had no choice - and was mortified. To top it off, the x ray technician acted really angry with me as if it were my fault. Wish I'd been confident enough around adults back then to let him know what an a**h*le he was!!!

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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They do say it's genetic... new
      #236739 - 01/08/06 04:41 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Or at least that there is a genetic compenent.

Interesting....thanks for sharing!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: They do say it's genetic... new
      #236751 - 01/08/06 05:09 PM

Reged: 02/15/05
Posts: 1999
Loc: Northern Illinois, USA

My sister has IBS. I have IBS. My Dad has had "stomach problems" for many years which I'm betting is undiagnosed IBS. And I believe his mom also had problems. My Mom pretty much has a cast-iron at least we know what side of the family it comes from.

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hugs, fellow suffer new
      #236773 - 01/08/06 06:17 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I let mine go too, first all over the table, than spraying and dripping all the way I ran barefoot across the cold lab floor to the freezing, tiny anticeptic toilet they provided me at the far end of the lab. I can still feel the hot tears and the shame and the sound, and the cold, cold toilet seat as I shivered through the gut socking pain. They banged on the door to tell me to "hold some" so they could take a last round of pics. Not my finest moment.


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Re: hugs, fellow suffer new
      #236804 - 01/08/06 08:25 PM
dan the redneck man

Reged: 07/20/04
Posts: 139
Loc: Houghton; MI

sounds like there are some sadistic people in the medical proffession, i wonder how many of them have acttually gone through what they are putting the patient through?

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236847 - 01/09/06 07:41 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

Yeah. I think mine started when I was 15. I remember feeling naseated & bad pains. I wouldn't go to the bathroom in high school, cuz I was too cool to do that& I wore TIGHT jeans back then too, wonder if that contributed? I also remember being up in the middle of the night w/ pain & eventually having to quit my part time job at McDonalds.
So when I finally got diagnosed, months later, my GI said it had to do w/ my holding it in. He says I have to learn how to "go" all over again, like retrainig my muscles again. But I think I really messed myself up. Man why did I have to be sooo stupid? My dad has had alot of stomach troubles since he was a kid, so maybe I would have gotten it anyway, but I do blame myself. Needless to say, nowadays I have no problem w/ going no matter where I am. My pride is out the window. If I need to go & you're in there, oh well, bad times for you I guess! LOL


Edited by Kiwii (01/09/06 07:44 AM)

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236848 - 01/09/06 07:51 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I remember being C in junior high and having tummy aches all the time. It started in highschool really bad though. I wasn't officially diagnosed until I was 17. I also had the barium enema from hell! They said they weren't able to get all the pictures and that I would have to do it again and I told them there was no way in heck I was going to go through that again!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: hugs, fellow suffer new
      #236862 - 01/09/06 08:17 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I mentioned that to the tech!! I told her she had to go through it at least ONCE.

It made me feel better picturing her lying on the table instead of me.


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oh yeah.... new
      #236872 - 01/09/06 08:31 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

I always had tummy troubles but I know that I stopped eating certain things because I KNEW they made it worse when I was 13- specifically red meat at that point... I never was diagnosed and mom blew me off about my petty belly problems because I didn't have Crohns like she did and my problems were never as severe as hers... not sure when the symptoms really started but I don't remember EVER having normal BM's until I was on this diet and got stable!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236883 - 01/09/06 09:10 AM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 669
Loc: Columbus, Ohio

I sure did! When I was 15, I came home from school, ate a snack and threw up...after about 4-5 months of that along with bad stomache aches and nights in the bathroom, my mom tooks me to the GI doc and I was diagnosed. Crazy we all had it forever!


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Re: hugs, fellow suffer new
      #236888 - 01/09/06 09:20 AM
dan the redneck man

Reged: 07/20/04
Posts: 139
Loc: Houghton; MI

i think they should go through it at least once. Dental technicians practice on each other while in college, x-ray techs should do the same.

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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #236897 - 01/09/06 09:57 AM

Reged: 07/15/04
Posts: 773
Loc: Baltimore, MD

Yes I was the running joke of my family. They said I was so skinny cause everything I ate went right through me. But noone ever thought to get me checked for IBS.


~Hoping and Praying for Sleep!~

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I agree, Dan! new
      #236964 - 01/09/06 03:48 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

YES! In fact, I think the patients should perform one on the TECHS, once they have had to undergo on their own let's say, three.

I'd love to say, "That's three for me! Now hop right up on the table, Dr. So-and-so!"

Or maybe make it a point system? I've had 2 barium enemas, so after the third point I can kick someone in their butt when I come in the waiting room?


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I truly believe they should. Honestly. new
      #236986 - 01/09/06 05:13 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

Hey, you know how much school I had to go through to teach school? LOL!

Honestly, empathy is the biggest void in medicine nowadays. It's more like "suck it up and shut up." Whatever. Nelly, Dan- you have all my store of daily hugs, that was horrible for you to have gone through

Keep on keepin' on...

Edited by Shannon! (01/09/06 05:15 PM)

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LMAO! new
      #236991 - 01/09/06 05:19 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

oh you evil genius!! *sides hurt*

Keep on keepin' on...

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Re: You're def not alone... new
      #236996 - 01/09/06 05:27 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

Yes! It's like I'm scared for someone to find out my guts don't work properly! But I have had poo anxiety since as far back as I can recall. Hmm, maybe it's some Freudian anal retentive thing? Wouldn't that be intereting if we found out all our parents used shame as their pottytraining secret?????????????????????????????????

HMM! I used Smarties, LOL! (those are M&Ms for Canadians, and much tastier, and many more colors.:D

Keep on keepin' on...

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Nelly I like the way you think! new
      #237018 - 01/09/06 06:21 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Sign me up! I'll be in line right behind you with barium tube in hand. Oh, and remember to say, "This may cause slight discomfort."

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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NOPE new
      #237024 - 01/09/06 06:54 PM

Reged: 09/01/05
Posts: 255
Loc: Maryland

I developed IBS after giving birth to my first son (2 years ago) when I was 19. I have to agree with Kiwii though, I used to hold it in when I was in school and I was a cheerleader so we had practice everyday after school until 5. I am kind of grateful that my symptoms did not appear until after high-school because I was very active. I just wish we could find a way to make it go away completely!

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Re: Nelly I like the way you think! new
      #237046 - 01/09/06 08:15 PM
dan the redneck man

Reged: 07/20/04
Posts: 139
Loc: Houghton; MI


... "This may cause slight discomfort."

that line sounds oddly familar. I beleive I heard that right before I put permanent finger nail marks in the x-ray table.

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      #237052 - 01/09/06 09:17 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

I can't remember ever not being sick, at least to some degree. Blah.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Kiwii new
      #237056 - 01/09/06 09:41 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I was big time anal retentive, LOL too, too cool to poop in school. I never equated any of this to IBS till this time last year! Duh, We'd have had a much happier tummy if we just pooped.

Keep on keepin' on...

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      #237057 - 01/09/06 09:42 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

Slight discomfort...I have a nice four letter word for that.....

Keep on keepin' on...

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Re: Shannon! new
      #237068 - 01/10/06 04:58 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

I hear ya. I don't know if I can forgive myself for not going in school. But, now we just have to deal w/ it, don't we? Oh well, Thank God we found this site, I know it's been a tremenous encouragement to me.


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NOPE! --nt--- new
      #237076 - 01/10/06 05:51 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

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Re: I agree, Dan! new
      #237091 - 01/10/06 06:59 AM
Johnny T. Reb

Reged: 07/09/05
Posts: 987
Loc: Lake Linden, Mich in the U.P. IBS-C

Hi Nelly, Boy, that sounds horrible! Well, I guess the Giants
don't rule!<laugh> Boy, they were absolutely awful! That was
the worst game I've seen them play since I started following
them as a kid in 1962. Frank Gifford was actually playing
for them then.
Say, I'll bet you didn't know that Dan is a student at
the university(Michigan Tech) that I teach at. In fact I
graded part of his final exam in Calculus last semester. He
did good on the page I graded. He has stopped by,
but I think he stopped by when I was in the hospital, so I
actually haven't met him yet. I just got email from him
which I have to answer. If you're reading this, I'll get
to it today or tomorrow Dan. Well now, I hope the Skins do
go on to win since they're the remaining division represen-
tative in the playoffs, plus I do like Joe Gibbs. -Bob

<img src="">

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NOT ME -- nt -- new
      #237117 - 01/10/06 08:46 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

<img src="">Bevvy

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when i look back i believe i did -nt- new
      #237125 - 01/10/06 09:01 AM

Reged: 02/16/05
Posts: 581
Loc: Bay Area, CA

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no i didn't n/t new
      #237201 - 01/10/06 11:02 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland


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Re: did you have ibs as a kid? new
      #237343 - 01/10/06 04:21 PM
Honey mix

Reged: 11/16/05
Posts: 285
Loc: USA wish it was England

Yes i have always been Colicy sense i was born my mom says i'm 12 now but i did have times when i was little i had to go to the ER due to attacks

Puppies Are Cute But I'm Cuter

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Hey Bob! new
      #237354 - 01/10/06 04:32 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

No way, small world! You're very diplomatic about this football stuff, Bob!! Joe Gibbs is a total character. It'd be cool if the Redskins could manage to pull it out this season... the whole area is wearing burgandy and gold lately, something you'll almost NEVER see in this area! Very cool!


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LOL!! new
      #237355 - 01/10/06 04:33 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Nail marks!! *laughing*


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its been a lifeline to me!!Really! I love this board. new
      #237435 - 01/10/06 08:32 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I actually embrace my IBS because it' s brought me to all of you. And to realizing that intestines are messed up all over the place!

Keep on keepin' on...

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