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Having the worst attack - please hug!
      #233755 - 12/25/05 08:07 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Oh I had the kind of experience we all dread - an ibs-d attack that came on after 1/2 hour in the car, with 3 hours of driving to go to travel home. Also I wasn't driving so I had to have my brother in law pull over at every reststop on the nj turnpike. Oh...I feel so nauseous still, its my worst nightmare. I am growing more emetaphobic by the day.
I should have seen it coming, it was a tense trip to my in-laws, it always is. And theyr'e korean, and I can't eat almost anything my MIL cooks. So I always pick at my food self-consciously while my father i.l. watches my plate and comments in korean words to the effect that "why doesn't dan eat anything.?" Then he begins counseling me on how to cure my stomach. He's sort of an armchair herbalist.
So I ate a plate of rice, beans, and some tofu which I didn't like, and a couple bites of a fried- with little oil by my wife - pancake with scallions. I really ate so little this weekend, maybe being empty is part of the problem.
Ugh! I took bentyl 3 hours ago I think I'm going take another dose a little sooner than 4 hours.
Oh the other thing is that they're devout christians to the exclusion of all other religions, and I'm Jewish, so since it was Chanuka and Christmas today, I brought my menorah to their house, but my wife asked me to light it in the bedroom with her and our daughter, with the door closed. I'm not even religious, but i like the rituals, and this was our daughters 1st chanuka/christmas. So I just felt so frustrated having to hide my traditions while my wife's family certainly doesn't hide theirs - they've even tried to pressure me to convert to christianity.... Oh now I'm really ranting, but getting it out is making me feel a bit better. Its often like this, as if my stomach can't handle the amount of emotions I'm feeling.
I know I don't post much, but I'm feeling so down and it'd be great to hear from those of you on the boards this evening.. Thanks everyone.

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233758 - 12/25/05 08:30 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Sorry to hear about your holiday. Hopefully you are home safe and sound...where you can baby your tummy. At least the day is over.

Holidays are very difficult for us IBSers since so much revolves around food...and most family don't understand why we can't eat their food. They take it as an insult. It's so hard to try and keep explaing why we can't eat dairy, fat, fried, gravies, etc....

Hey, did you ever eat that bagel?

Hugs...and lets hope for a better Monday!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Hugs! new
      #233759 - 12/25/05 08:30 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Holidays often have their tags, their baggage. It's over now.



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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233761 - 12/25/05 08:34 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

THANK YOU BOTH! Ugh, yes this is clearly my holiday stress meltdown. I usually hold it together until a little bit after all of the visits are done with and often have an attack from the stress. This was unexpected as it began on the way home. I almost always can convince myself to not get sick in those kind of situations but not this time. dan
ps to augie still no bagel, but I did think about it. someday soon....

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233764 - 12/25/05 08:56 PM

Reged: 05/16/05
Posts: 508
Loc: N. FL

Dan, I hate that you had such a rotten trip home. It is harder for me if someone else is driving that I have to keep asking to stop at the rest stops. Then the anxiety just brings on more D... Hope you feel better now that you are home.

I have an 18 yr. old grandson who is converting to Judaism. We are all trying to support him in any way we can. We know very little about the Jewish faith but we will be learning as he is. I think it will be a blessing to your daughter to know there are lots of ways out in the world to honor God.


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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233765 - 12/25/05 09:35 PM

Reged: 12/14/04
Posts: 33

Major hugs to you my dear. There is nothing worse than having attacks when away from home.

A year ago August before I knew about my gluten intolerance, the 4 infections I had and of the IBS, I went on a cruise to Alaska with my husband. I got deathly ill three times, probably from some grease in the food they prepared. I threw up and had diarrhea for six hours. The last morning instead of my usual oatmeal I ordered a cheese omelette and I became very ill. We had to leave the ship by 10 am. We were the last people off because I was so ill. My heart was going a mile per minute as well and I had supreme anxiety and leg tremors. I sat in the boat terminal next to the bathroom. I took Ativan and Phenergan for nausea and still felt awful and like I was going to pass out. It was horrible! I never want to go through that again. My husband gained six pounds and I lost six pounds in a week!

This summer I am going on a cruise with a girlfriend and am bringing a lot of snacks. I am going to be very careful about what I eat.

I really feel for you!

P.S.Maybe next time you can bring your own food. I brought my own to Thanksgiving at a friends house. They know me and set a plain potato and veggies aside for me before they add sauce. I also brought my own food to a Christmas potluck and that was the only thing I ate! JUne

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Dan as another Jew married to a Christian... new
      #233772 - 12/26/05 05:31 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

Bill doesn't practice but hasn't converted either.. at home we practice Judaism, but his family is into Christianity and his grandmother when she was alive never tried to be accomodating at all.. his Aunt who hosts his dads side for holidays still isn't... and his stepdad tries.. but caused a big attack for me a few weeks ago.. I'm dreading Tues night.. he promised me a plain chicken breast and a plain baked potato this time... that should work.. but I may pack food in the car just in case he forgets!

I have been open with them- we are lighting a hanukiah Tues night despite my SIL's disagreement- his stepdad is good with that and thats when they are doing the family gift exchange... I am going to bring one and candles and matches with me. On the other hand, I am not taking dreidles at Steves request this year- my nephews are out of control enough he is afraid they will just throw them around!

I've been with Bill for more then 10 years and even before we had a Jewish wedding 5 years ago next month I stood up for myself. My FIL and his side are NOT understanding, but thankfully he spends the winter down south, and doesn't come north, and we just mail gifts to him and get Christmas cards and gifts from him... we won't see him until April. And I try to avoid meals at his house unless I'm cooking (which because he is single I can sometimes get away with). We often meet him at a restaurant I know is safe. It's actually my family thats harder to deal with because mom has Crohns and tries to assume the diet that works for her will work for me and then gripes when I won't eat something because I know it is a trigger for me!


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: I feel your pain...... new
      #233782 - 12/26/05 07:37 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day....... I can empathize. I am very afraid of throwing up and I was very nauseated all day, yesterday, too. I had a couple of panic attacks, laid down, couldn't sleep, kept getting up to take more Pepto!!!

It was probably just the stress of the whole ordeal......I don't think than ANYONE should have to hide their rituals...why?? What's the point??? This country is no longer the "melting pot". There are soo many different races and religions here now that it's being called the "salad bowl" now, as they taught it to me in my healthcare class. It's important to recognize that not everyone in the US is the same race and religion and it must be respected.

Anyway, sorry about that.....I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in your pain and agony......and you know what?? It's all over!! Now you can just take the next 11 months to chill out, try to relax and get your tummy back in order. I am!

Take Care!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233830 - 12/26/05 02:15 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I just want to say that I am SOOOOO sorry you had to go through all of this! I'm soooo sorry you feel rotten and have such a difficult time with your in-laws.

How do you feel now? Did venting here help? I hope so!!!

It's def. difficult when diff. religions mix sometimes. Even diff. cultures can be tough!! So I know how you feel (sounds like we all do!) (My hubby converted to Judaism and some of his fam are religious Christians!! So I can def relate. Most them are very accepting thank G-d but there are def. challenges. If we can help in any way, let us know.)

Take care of that tummy of yours and have Chag Sameach!

P.S. If you'd like a safe recipe for Latkas let me know and I'll post it on the recipe boards.

Take care!!!!!!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233831 - 12/26/05 02:20 PM

Reged: 02/16/05
Posts: 581
Loc: Bay Area, CA

i'm sorry you had to go through that. i have a fear of long car rides, and being away from home, but i do it anyway. i realized that it is an irrational fear for the most part, but it CAN happen, so i always carry immodium everywhere i go, it's my safety net. if i get d, most people are understnading, and sympathetic, but it's still embarassing. we went to my to be sister-in-law's house last night, and it's an hour and half drive to get i get real nervous, even if we go to someones' house 15 min away, most of the tiem i'll take an immodium just in case, to top it off yesterday, i had a bite of a pickle that has hfcs in it, and freaked out id get sick.

i'm sorry it happened to you yesterday, we can all empathize though@!!!!

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Re: Thank you everyone new
      #233857 - 12/26/05 04:28 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Thank you everyone. I have never asked for digital hugs before in my life!!! My wife was sympathetic but I guess I just needed to hear from people who really understood. And I was just feeling so down after the awful ride.

I'm fine now, though I'm getting over the attack much slower than usual. Usually I wake the next morning, and am pretty much back to normal if a little tired. Today was a little rougher - and I am a little shaken up a guess. I don't usually worry about car rides, I ride the subway an hour each way to work, and know a few stops to get off along the way where there are easily accessible bathrooms. But last night sucked. I'm going to try not to add driving to my list of worries, i figure i've got enough as it is. AND, tomorrow we drive to my parents - thats just a little over an hour though. Thanks again everyone it really helped to hear from you.

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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you'll be fine! new
      #233894 - 12/27/05 06:04 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

it's only an hour and your recovering from what you've been dealing with and will get better soon!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Hey Dan & Amie! new
      #233914 - 12/27/05 09:58 AM

Reged: 09/27/05
Posts: 546

I read your posts & had an idea. I'm reading this book called 'The Seven Festivals of the Messiah', by Edward Chumney. It talk's about the Jewish festivals & what they mean & how they tie in w/ Jesus' life. IT'S AMAZING!! Maybe your Christian family would be interested in reading it. I'm a Christian & am blown away by learning about your beliefs & traditions, it opened up a whole other world for me. It's wonderful learning about your traditions.
I'm sorry to hear you had to celebrate your daughters first Chanakah in a bedroom. I hope this doesn't upset or offend you, I apologize if it does. I'm just trying to help. You can email me a private messag if you'd like.


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Dan.... new
      #233925 - 12/27/05 10:39 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


How are you feeling today? I hope better!

Just wanted to check in....take care!!!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Oh mercy.... new
      #233938 - 12/27/05 12:49 PM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 1614

Korean food and IBS do not go well together do they? I am half-Korean and love bulkogi and all that jazz but it would wreak havoc on my tummy!

Bless your heart....

Have a blessed day!...Rachel
stable and sooooooo thankful!
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233945 - 12/27/05 01:33 PM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

I can sympathize with you. I had an IBS attack Christmas morning! It was my own fault for eating too many bad things. Luckily it was better after some fennel tea and by the pm I was eating a few things again.

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #233982 - 12/27/05 03:20 PM
Honey mix

Reged: 11/16/05
Posts: 285
Loc: USA wish it was England

i know how you feel on X-mas eve I had an Ibs-d attack too boy it hurt! so you're Jewish thats cool i've been reading about the horrible holocaust. hope you have a good Chanuka

Puppies Are Cute But I'm Cuter

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Jesus was a Jew.. no one questions that.. new
      #234034 - 12/28/05 06:16 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

but he isn't given the significance in Jewish culture he is in Christianity... actually most of the time it works out... at least with Bill's mom and stepdad... And as his brother pointed out last night on his dads side there are no great grands who aren't Jewish who have the family last name- Dave isnt' having kids, and his only male cousin who is is jewish... odd to think... his uncle converted to judaism years ago when he wed and his other cousins are all not reproducing or female and took their husbands names...

I had fun teaching Jewish traditions last night to my nephews...


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Holiday attack #2! new
      #234149 - 12/28/05 04:09 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Thanks again everyone. It seems I'm certainly not alone with holiday ibs attacks.

i'm posting from my mother's house which has been relatively stress free, and yet I'm having another attack right now! It seems to be subsiding quickly, but started out with a bang. All I ate was some mashed potatoes and a couple pieces of well cooked broccoli which i'm usually fine with and bam! Nausea, and a run to the bathroom.

BTW, I'm not in any way offended by the religious comments- the book suggestion or the Holocaust reference. But Honeymix, I promise it was fine, but for future reference its a sore subject to bring up when you're first getting to know a jewish person!

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Hawkeye... new
      #234222 - 12/29/05 06:25 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

I have learned the hard way to skip the mashed taters.. I ask for some pulled premashing that I can mash myself, or a baked or even nuked one for me.. because mashed taters typically are full of buttr/margarine and milk... the exception is at my moms because she keeps kosher and uses chicken broth and garlic if its a fleishig meal!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Hawkeye new
      #234229 - 12/29/05 06:55 AM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 1614


How does your wife cope with your digestive issues? It may not change her fathers ways but may offer him some insight. Can you imagie what kimchee would do to us? I bet you could do chicken bulkogi and some of the veggies. My husband though not the most understanding deals with it and does understand if I don't eat something. I am particularly forthright with my friends and none of them want to see me writhing in pain if I eat the wrong thing!

I don't know that you will ever change the comments in the "mother-language" is a cultural thing. My daughter had a sensory issue and would on occasion need reassurance from me and so I would hold her. I weighed about 125 at the time and she was near 60 pounds but a mother feels no weight when her baby needs her! We were visiting my father in Japan when I did this and some lady on the street said "you look stupid...that is an odd thing to do". I wanted to hit her but needed to maintain my Christianity so I just turned away. In the US it would have taken a lot of gall to say something like that to a perfect stranger.

I bet your baby is adorable...

Have a blessed day!...Rachel
stable and sooooooo thankful!
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Re: Hawkeye new
      #234326 - 12/29/05 11:17 AM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Hi, My wife tries to understand, but she also is frustrated with how it limits my life and therefore hers. (Such as the fact that I"m not interested in going camping ever again, or even more that there are so many restaurants that we can't go to together. She's there for me when I need her though, and I'm thankful for the way she supports me when I'm ill.
As for Korean food, chicken bulgolgi would be great - but her mom has never made that. I always eat lots of rice, bean sprouts, tofu, spinach, basically all the panchan thats not covered with hot peppers. The other thing, is that I can never relax when eating her cooking, because she doesn't have any interest in food safety - she cooks very much as if still back in korea, pre-refrigeration. She'll make ox-tail soup and it will be out on the stove for 3 days! (sometimes cooking, but during the day just sitting there)
She just re-boils it for a few hours before we eat and no-one has gotten food poisoning from it ever but I can't eat it without freaking out!

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: Hawkeye... new
      #234328 - 12/29/05 11:19 AM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Huh, I know they were non-dairy but I wonder if she used tons of margarine. Anyway, I think I could have eaten a bowl of rice and had an attack, I felt it coming before I even ate anything.

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: Hawkeye new
      #234335 - 12/29/05 11:29 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I wouldn't be able to relax either!!!!! Food sitting out terrifies me

Can you bring your own food and make it there? Clean their dishes out and then make yourself some rice, cous cous, etc. Bring your own rice cakes. We can help you make your menu before you go!

I don't think I could do it! You're very brave!!!!

Keep us posted...hope that attakc goes away soon!

Sending you some tea and your heating pad!!!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Amazing.... new
      #234377 - 12/29/05 02:17 PM

Reged: 04/27/05
Posts: 1614

But you know...people in other countries who don't have the same standards we have do fine. On the otherhand...I sure wouldn't touch three day old oxtail soup! yarrgghhh

Have a blessed day!...Rachel
stable and sooooooo thankful!
I have IBS but it doesn't have me!

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Re: Amazing.... new
      #234396 - 12/29/05 03:33 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

The truth is I've eaten it several times and lived to tell the tale. But now that I know her preparation methods I can't do it again! My wife gives her a hard time about it and tells her she needs to use the refrigerator but she just laughs!

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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i would totally freak out!!! new
      #234410 - 12/29/05 04:17 PM

Reged: 06/06/05
Posts: 163
Loc: Texas

But then again, I don't eat leftovers after one day and I throw food out once it hits the date on the bottle. I had food poisoning once as a kid at an older relative's and you never forget it!!!

I hope your attack is getting better!

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Re: My worst ibs week in a long while new
      #234413 - 12/29/05 04:20 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

I know all of a sudden I'm posting a bunch of complaints, but I just need to get this out of my system here - I feel awful yet again and I'm so frustrated!

Its always a little different feeling so that i can obssess over whether or not its a stomach bug this time. My dinner is just sitting there, and my stomach is queasy. I've been eating fairly carefully but I think I need to do a total boring mushy diet for a day or two. Boring is better than nauseous!
Also I'm a total space cadet after 2 nights of about 5 hours sleep - baby is teething! - and I think my new meds dosage - zoloft - is too much for me too. I can't help but sit here and imagine the possible awful night ahead of me, I wish I could be more positive - its a viscious cycle, feel sick freak out feel sick. I'm so good at it though! After all anti-depressants, anti-anxiety and 2 rounds of hypno cds I'm still a master anxiety-er. The funny thing is people always talk about how calm I am - little do they know!
Okay thanks for listening as always. Dan

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: My worst ibs week in a long while new
      #234416 - 12/29/05 04:26 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Hey Dan!

have you been to a psych that gave you a dx or was it just a GP who gave you the meds/ Perhaps the anxiety calls for more attn!! I would def make sure your meds are regulated...and if you have side effects tell the doc!

We want you feeling stellar!!!!

I'm So sorry you are going through such rough times....

Sending you some calming tea, and that your babies teething ends soon!!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: My worst ibs week in a long while new
      #234420 - 12/29/05 04:44 PM

Reged: 06/16/03
Posts: 705
Loc: NYC

Ruchie you are the best!
I do go to a psychiatrist and I'm calling him tomorrow about the dosage not working out. I think my mistake is taking a break from my psychotherapist - I'm resolving to get back to her pronto. BUt for now, I'm going to make myself some more tea!
Thanks, Dan

Ladies & gentlemen take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

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Re: My worst ibs week in a long while new
      #234437 - 12/29/05 05:42 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I'm glad you have things under control and that you have all the right people helping you out...that's fantastic!

Hey...just looking out for part of the fam!!!

Keep us posted though ok? We really care and want you better pront

Formerly known as Ruchie

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zoloft new
      #234450 - 12/29/05 06:54 PM

Reged: 06/06/05
Posts: 163
Loc: Texas

Zoloft has D as a side effect. I finally weaned myself off of it this week to see if my problems improve. The years that I have been on either Paxil or Zoloft have been the years my IBS was at its worst. Now, the question is when it comes to the meds/ it the chicken or the egg? lol I LOVE zoloft! It keeps me on an even keel emotionally, but I'm trying some time off of it to see what happens with my IBS. If it doesn't work, maybe I'll try lexapro. Lots of people seem to have had good luck with that one. The pharmacist said that one has the least likelihood of the SSRIs to cause problems for my IBS. So....we'll see what happens. Check out the zoloft with both your docs and see what they think. Maybe that one isn't the best choice for you if you are ibs/d. Just a thought!

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Re: Having the worst attack - please hug! new
      #234452 - 12/29/05 07:07 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 116


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Re: My worst ibs week in a long while new
      #234466 - 12/29/05 08:23 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Hey, Dan!

I just wanted to let you know that I am ALSO a vomit phobe BIG TIME and I definitely feel your pain!! It sucks to be afraid of puking when we have this condition does it not???!!! I also have a hiatal hernia, so it's really hard for me not to throw up all the time. Food literally just sits in my chest for hours, sometimes...... I drink Pepto like water, it seems like.

Anyway, I was taking Elavil and it made me very nauseated.

I totally lost my appetite in 2 days on that stuff and I finally got to the point where I couldn't eat hardly anything at all. I quit taking it and I'm feeling much better. I am able to eat again, anyway.

So, it probably is the dosage of your Zoloft or maybe it's not the drug for you, period.

I have taken Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Remeron and Elavil and my body just doesn't like antidepressants at all because every single one of them made me EXTREMELY NAUSEATED until I came off of them, all together. I have only been off of the elavil for a few days but the nausea is much better than it was. I still get nausea when I have an attack, OF COURSE!! But, I'm not nauseated 24/7 like I was on these antidepressants. I don't think I will ever go on another one again. I would rather be depressed than nauseated!!!

I hope your baby gets those teeth in soon!!! Try to get some rest!!!

Chamomile Tea helps me alot.....can you drink Chamomile??

Take Care,

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: My worst ibs week in a long while new
      #234494 - 12/29/05 10:50 PM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634


The funny thing is people always talk about how calm I am - little do they know!

People always describe me as calm and stoic, too, but inside I'm in chaos from the IBS-related anxiety and panic.

I know lack of sleep really makes me feel more anxious and aggravates my IBS symptoms. It also makes me feel sick. Do get any time to yourself for a nap?

Take care of yourself. I hope you feel better by this weekend.

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