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Who wants to join me
      #22118 - 09/30/03 02:58 PM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York


Ok, I feel better. Please tell me one more thing will NOT happen today. The messes to clean up (bathroom accidents and milk spill), the screaming, the arguing, the bloody nose. I think I am going to go to bed early. They must be making up for yesterday. They were angles, beyond angles.

In case you are wondering, some how a heavy snow globe fell off of Maddie's dresser and hit Meike on the nose. She was the only one in the room and must have been looking up at the time. Who knows? So if it is bleeding now will it still bleed a couple days later. Usually when she hurts her nose, it bleeds two or three days later.

Sorry for the icky post. Just needed to vent. Thank you.

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Re: Who wants to join me new
      #22119 - 09/30/03 03:21 PM

Reged: 01/31/03
Posts: 1968
Loc: Saskatchewan. Canada

I feel for you bud! Honestly - you have been through alot today.

The up side? Tomorrow could NOT be worse than today.

Hope you have a better night.

Proud Mommy to Bentley Taylor
Born May 12, 2004 9lbs, 3oz

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Re: Who wants to join me new
      #22124 - 09/30/03 03:54 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Aaargh! Lana Maire, Do NOT say things like that! It's tempting fate!

Anyway...Sorry you've had one of those days, Heidi! Scream away at us all you want - I really sympathise!


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Re: Who wants to join me new
      #22142 - 09/30/03 06:47 PM

Reged: 05/15/03
Posts: 229
Loc: Pittsburgh, PA

Screaming is good for the soul and just remember....the benefits of screaming online is that you don't disturb anyone. Scream away!!!

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Re: Funny you should ask .... new
      #22157 - 09/30/03 08:46 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I was going to post a scream note here tonight, too. Quinlan (8 weeks old) has taken to screaming fits due to gas after feedings that last for HOURS. After a 2 + hour session tonight, the hubby finally comes home from work at 10:00. He eats, and then asks me a stupid question about food in the fridge that I didn't use up. I wanted to scream at him. He KNEW I'd been dealing with a poor tiny screaming kid for 2 + hours. Does he offer help? NO. HE GOES TO SLEEP! ARRRGH! USually he's really helpful. Tonight, I just wanted a few minutes to blow off steam. All for not.
Children are a challenge and a joy. You just never know which one's coming next. I would rethink that possible 3rd kid of yours. 2 kids are all I can handle and my house looks like a tornado went through it! I can't keep up with a house and a newborn and a 2 year old and a hubby who works late and doesn't know how to operate the handle on the dishwasher.

I'm going to find chocolate .... soy pudding.
Hugs. with steam coming out my ears.
Thanks for the vent session.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: I shouldn't laugh.. new
      #22164 - 09/30/03 11:42 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia

... it's just that I thought maybe I was the only one who had days like that!!

The other day Harrison went to the toilet on his own, neglected to tell me or wipe his bottom and subsequently sat on every good piece of carpet and furniture that we own. Just when I thought I'd finished with the cleaning I'd find more!

Following that he spilt a whole cup of milk on the floor. Luckily it was on the tiles but it ran underneath the TV cabinet and into all the electrical cords!

For the finale he sneezed all over a whole display counter of Donuts at the local shop. I thought I was going to have to pay for the lot. There must have been about 60 of them ranging in price from $2-$3 so I was just about beside myself. Fortunately, since it was the end of the day the lady was very understanding and didn't charge us except for the few we were buying.

Yes, that all happened in one day and I too felt like screaming loud enough to be heard all over the country.

So, I completely understand - scream away!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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Re: laugh away ... new
      #22172 - 10/01/03 04:45 AM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I'd much rather laugh at it than scream. It's a much better alternative - so laugh away. Just as long as we can still scream from time to time ....

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Yuck! I hope she threw away the rest of the donuts! -----nt--- new
      #22173 - 10/01/03 05:05 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

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Re: laugh away ... new
      #22177 - 10/01/03 05:52 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

Ok, so I thought after last night we were good. WRONG. I am now laughing about it now and I am laughing about this morning. Three year olds are fun. I thought we were past this stage.

So Meike starts off the day telling daddy "you didn't give us the stuff" What stuff?" "The stuff" Like the dialog yet. It gets better. She comes into the room, I am still in bed . She says "Daddy didn't get us the thing" "What thing" "He didn't get us the thing"
Ok time to get up, shower. "Meike what did you want" "Toast" I can do that. "What do you want on it" Silence. "Maddie, what do you want?" Jelly" Meike "Me too" Now the hard question "What kind" Here is where we begin to talk about something else. It is a family curse or amusement, not sure which.

Now I should have made myself something but instead I decide to help Meike find clothes. It is 37 degrees outside. It is cold in here. She decides she has to wear tank top and shorts. I should have let her go. No, I'm stupid. So for the next 10 min she wonders around naked.

During that time this is what is going on. I find her some clothes out of the closet. It isn't pretty enough. It is cute, it even has sunflowers and her favorite color. Maddie tries to convince her it is pretty. She finds differnt clothes. So I find her pink pants and tell her she can wear the short sleeve shirt with pink flowers she had on earlier. So we are talking about a three year old now. Guess what happens next?

She wants to wear the sunflower shirt. I finally gave her the tank top and said wear while you eat. She will have to change anyways. I will deal with it before we leave. I made some breakfast for myself so I won't loss it.

Now I have to clean up juice on the floor.

Han and Kerrri I will be back with more for both of you.

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Re: too contiue... new
      #22178 - 10/01/03 06:10 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

Are you sick of me yet?

First, why do you think I haven't had a third yet? Meike will be almost 4 1/2 min. before another comes. This is a hard stage to get through. Let the house go. Not literally but don't worry about not getting everything done. One of my friends said she felt like she accomplished something if she took a shower and vacuumed the floor. They are little and your husband isn't around enough. Enough sometimes feels like it would be all day. You kind of feel like a single mom. God Bless you. Relax they are only little for a short time. The first year goes by fast. You will look back and think what was I so stressed about. Remember, it is like labor (not sure if it the same with a c-section) you forget. If we didn't we wouldn't have any kids.

Did I ever tell you about my nephew? Your story about your son reminds me of it. First my sister is the oldest and the her house is beyond clean. There house is newly built. My mom came over one day. So my 3 1/2 year old nephew, who is not potty trained, comes out of the house naked with brown stuff all over him. My mom comes in and calls my sister. She is in the basement cleaning up the wet spots he made and was jumping in. Get where I am going? He had gone up stairs, and in my sister's bedroom, on their new floor, he had a BM on her floor. He thought it was the funniest thing. My mom took my nephew and cleaned him up, while my sister cleaned up the rug. Thank God my mom came when she did and that his daddy wasn't home. I heard the stain didn't come up all the way. I will not laugh because some day that might happen to me.

Anyone watch George of the Jungle? The part where George tells Irsala to yell, it will make her feel better? That is what I do and the girls stop whatever they are doing and laugh at me. The only problem is yesterday when I did that our neighbor's mom was outside . Have to wonder what people think when they hear the loud noises that come out of this house. Especially when they are mine.

Hey Lana are we scaring you yet?

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Re: too contiue... new
      #22204 - 10/01/03 10:34 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

You are too funny Torbetta.

I remember the days of wanting to scream and feeling like I don't want my children anymore. My oldest just turn three when my third son was born and we lived in a two bedroom apartment at the time.

That time of my life was just a blur. That is why I tell other moms to spread their children out more than I did.
I remember one of my worst moments after my third son (Aaron) was born. He was sleeping and the other two boys (Brandon and Alex) were playing quietly and I thought cool I can blow dry my hair. Of course I heard this screaming and ran out to the living room to find Brandon poured a half of gallon of milk on Alex while sitting on the couch. Amazing part of the story I didn't yell, because I was too speechless. Of course Dad wasn't happy when he got home and we never got the smell out of the couch.

My boys are now 5, 7 and 8 and really fun to be around. Have to say the best part is going to the park and not having to follow a child around. I can read a book while they play. As my boys get older I find I have more time to get things done around the house and yes my boys do have chores.

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Re: she did... new
      #22238 - 10/01/03 03:04 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia

.. fortunately they were about to close so would have written them off and thrown them anyway. If it had of been earlier in the day I think I would have been stuck buying the lot. Thank heavens for small mercies!


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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Re: Ahh, Torbetta .... new
      #22342 - 10/02/03 08:10 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

How could I possibly be sick of you? Thanks for your words of sanity and encouragement. I needed it. Quinlan has been screaming for half an hour straight. Thank God she's 8 weeks old ... by 3 months she should be a whole lot better gas wise. She's a lousy burper and I think that's why she's having so much trouble.
I try not to worry about the house ... but I have OCD - (Guess what - a neat/germ freak!) so it's SO hard not to clean - that is what I DO.
Liam (2 years old) has taken to falling off furniture onto his head ... DELIBERATELY. I've asked him if he's OK so much that when he lands, he looks at me and says "Okayyyyyy". Then he gets up and does it again. Sigh.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Ahh, Torbetta ....and Hans new
      #22367 - 10/03/03 07:30 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 630
Loc: Northern Ont. Canada

You guys make me laugh! Just what we need. To both of you and everyone cherish these moments. Scream today! Tomorrow when you look back it will make you smile at what your children do. When I think back to when my daughter(now 17) did things,it makes me smile and makes me want her to be little again!! The years fly by too fast.
P.s. Hans. With Quinlan's tummy gas. I use to wrap my niece tightly in a warm blanket and put her on top of a running dryer.(Don't leave though) The motion and warmth seemed to help! Sue

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Boys! new
      #22371 - 10/03/03 07:46 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Boys are a nightmare, aren't they Hans! My brother used to do stuff like this and it drove my Mum mad. Then he split his chin open and hated having stitches so much, he was a bit more careful!

My future mother-in-law has got some great stories about my fiance when he was little - like the time when he decided to mountaineer up the side of the banisters (no, not the stairs side)! Or the time when his brother (aged 2) ran away and climbed on the highest part of a rickety climbing frame - she was 8 months pregnant and couldn't climb after him!

What fun!


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Re: Isn't that the truth nt new
      #22404 - 10/03/03 04:26 PM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

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Re: Han.. new
      #22407 - 10/03/03 04:37 PM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

I was holding a three month old last night and I was thinking ahh she is so cute can I take her home? Time flies so fast. Liam is so funny. Kids will do what they can to get attention. Sometimes I have a hard time not laughing at some of the stuff they do.

OCD would make it difficult to relax and not worry about messes. Wait till you have two making them. I can't keep up, it overwhelms me sometimes. Meike makes pools of water on the bathroom counter. I have to watch it becuase I am not always in that bathroom.

Have you tried laying Quinlan on her belly? Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't. It is amazing how some babies burp on their own and others have the hardest time burping. My sister showed me one of the best ways to get them to burp. You rub gently, but firmly up their spin with the palm of you hand until they burp. It almost always works. Then of course there is the bicycle movements with their legs that is suppose to help. I hope she is having a better time. I remember that stage with Meike, she screamed all day and at 6 weeks finally slept a little at night. The swing was my best friend.

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Re: Who wants to join me new
      #22489 - 10/05/03 03:02 PM

Reged: 01/21/03
Posts: 540
Loc: Nashville, TN

Okay, I get one story even though I'm not a mom. I was at work, Friday I think, and I went to change a poopy diaper. So I laid the little girl (she's almost six months) down on the changing table and I unsnapped her footed onesie and pulled it up above her waist. And then I looked at my right glove (DHS says we must wear gloves for all diaper changes) and it's poopy. And I haven't even unfastened her diaper yet.... Well, long story short, you can imagine what a mess she was. Luckily this is a child who LOOOVES to be naked, 'cause she was there for awhile while I tried to clean her and the table at the same time, 'cause I couldn't put a clean baby back on a dirty table or vice versa.... And they pay me WHAT to do this all day?

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Re: Who wants to join me new
      #22527 - 10/06/03 07:24 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 630
Loc: Northern Ont. Canada

You make me smile. Just think how educated you will be when you start having children of your own!! Have a better day today. Sue

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Re: Who wants to join me new
      #22544 - 10/06/03 10:21 AM

Reged: 01/24/03
Posts: 1451
Loc: New York

I always found those diapers an interesting challenge. Can you get the babies clothes off without getting poop in the babies hair. This is especially true with onsies. It is much easier with your own. I also loved watching my husband try to change those ones. He would be gagging while trying to breath through his mouth instead of his nose.

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