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Meds side effects...advice requested
      #200834 - 07/29/05 10:27 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA psych. is out of town. I had to deal with her colleague, a guy, who I did NOT like one bit He did NOT believe I knew my body as well as he did...and he condescended me...and he's STUPID! An ex. of his stupidity: I told him I am having neck pain that makes me wanna SHRIEK! (And joint pain that makes me bones crack...not a normal part of fibro for me at all!) I also told him I was having difficulty talking, I had a rough time driving cause I couldn't focus,
my depression/anxiety/mania/OCD was out of control more than ever, clumsiness, forgetfullness, headache, increase in mucous, probs getting my words out more than usual, everything was worse than normal re. my emotions/anxiety/depression/highs and my ADD...even hubby noticed it!

The doc said these are not from the lamictal! HAH!

2 things to add here: First, I was on cipro last Thur. night to Sun. morning. It gave me dreadful pain that made me need Darvon (the cipro I took last summer exacerbated my fibro terribly...but I had forgotten it was that drug and so took a 3 day dose of it for my UTI last week). Second is that I've been on Darvon and this guy says going off Darvon can casue anxiety to worsen. But I had been off it since SUNDAY MORNING and my anxiety got WORSE yesterday MORNING! I took another Darvon last night so I could MOVE I was in so much pain from the lamictal. Yes, I stll believe it was the lamictal! I know the diff. between fibro pain and med pain by now!

So we decided I would take the lamictal every other day. Thank G-d my psych. comes back Mon. SHE will believe I know my bod!!!

Oh another thing...I called the pharmacist to find out if these symptoms could be the lamictal BEFORE I called the psych. on call. They said DEF sounds like it AND yes it CAN happen this quickly...another argument the doc made saying it was NOT the lamictal is he's never heard of someone reacting that quickly!!!! Guess he never met someone SENSATIVE TO MEDS !!!!

Ok, rant over...

Here is a table of side effects for lamictal from for anyone interested (yes NECK PAIN is one of em! I found this site to find out why I was feeling so bad!)

Ok the table didn't come out right. Here is a link...scroll towards the bottom of the page, and you can see it...

Thanks for reading! I am skipping the lamictal today, will take it again tom. then speak to my doc Mon. Sun. we're supposed to go I hope we can! I am NOT driving for now...which is tough cause hubby can't drive due to a vision problem. IF the lamictal is giving me a symptom where I can't drive for a month--they say it can take up to a month for the side effects to go away--I don't know what we'll do! Also...I am NOT feel comfortable taking a strong narcotic twice daily for pain. SO if I am correct and this is from the lamictal (which the table in the link indicates it is def. possible as does the insert from the pharmacist!!!) I don't know what to do! Any ideas/suggestions? I don't want to switch to another med...cause the side effects are laregly the same or worse.......but I'm just at a loss right now! Thanks *hugs* Ruch

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Ruchie, sorry your body is reacting badly to the meds. new
      #200856 - 07/29/05 11:24 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

The lamectil family of drugs (many used as anti-seizure meds too) does have a lot of side effects and it does take a lot of time. I hope you can get it sorted out soon. My son has been on Trileptal since March, and we're still not convinced we've got it right yet. I don't mean that as a discouraging note, just to let you know that there is a definate time element involved with these types of meds.

Hang in there! There are a lot of folks lifting you up in prayer!

God is Faithful!

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Re: Meds side effects...advice requested new
      #200862 - 07/29/05 11:37 AM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 345
Loc: Phoenix, AZ

Oh Ruchie, I'm so sorry you're feeling like crap from the meds. I know exactly how you must be feeling...if only you could find the RIGHT med without any nasty side effects that would actually make you feel BETTER instead of WORSE!

I started taking lamictol the beginning of this summer for bipolar, and I lasted a little over a month on it. The only side effect I noticed was acne (on my arms it wasnt a rash) and bloat. I didn't like these side effects, but they seemed small compared to what COULD be happening, and my psych assured me that if I took it longer they would go away.

So I'm so terribly sorry the lamictol is having such harsh side effects for you! It actually seemed to help with my fibro, and it definitely helped smooth my moods a bit. I never did reach my full dose...but at the moment I think I should actually go back to it.

It's a LONG process finding the right drugs for YOU, since we're all so unique and react so differently to each drug. I hope you find the right one! You're psych will know what to do (or she should!), so just wait until she gets back and see what she advises! Have fun on your camping trip! I love camping


"Quod me Nutrit me Destruit"

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steather new
      #200892 - 07/29/05 12:58 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Thanks for the reply

Would you wait it out then? How long would you give it for the side effects to go away?

I just HATE that a mned that is supposed to HELp my metal illness makes it worse as a side effect....

How are YOU doing these days? Are you med free right now? Sending you lots of love *big big hugs* Ruch

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Ruchie, sorry your body is reacting badly to the meds. new
      #200895 - 07/29/05 01:01 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Bama, it's not discouraging...and it's a relaity I know only too wel as I've been on many many meds throughout my life!

How id your son...I hope ok *hugs* Did they get his lymh nodes taken care of? *hugs* Love ya! Ruch

P.S. how long was he on Trileptal before he got the lymph probs? Poor guy!!! *hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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No, RUCHIE!!!!! new
      #200902 - 07/29/05 01:16 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I'm not a doctor, but I would advise you NOT to take the Lamitcal every other day. I think this will only make matters worse. If you do that, you will be causing an up and down in the med. You need consistency with this type of med! My doctor tells me that you have to be consistent in taking them---every day, just like prescribed. Taking it every other day is not going to do you any good, and in fact, it may make matters worse!!!

Sometimes when you stop a med, you can get what they call "rebound anxiety." Maybe the other med caused this when you stopped it. You need to consider that. Or it could be the pain med.

If it's any consulation to you, when I first started taking the Trileptal, I felt like I had the flu. (I was nauseous, dizzy, and could hardly hold my head up.) I felt horrible the first couple of days, and then I gradually felt better. And then I felt terrific! I'm so glad I stuck it out.

Any time I've taken an AD, the same thing has happened. I felt horrible the first few days. What I'm trying to tell you is that you may have to feel bad for a couple of days (maybe even a week) before you feel better.

Hang in there!

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Re: No, RUCHIE!!!!! new
      #200905 - 07/29/05 01:24 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

The STUPID PSYCHIATRIST TOLD ME to take it every other day!!! I am NOT doing this on my own...

I agree BL...but what do I do?!? I wish my psych. were here!

I feel so lost

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Oops!!! new
      #200913 - 07/29/05 01:47 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Sorry, Ruchie. I didn't realize that's what the doctor told you to do. I've never heard of that, but maybe this med is different.

If this is your doctor's collegeuge, then you better follow his instructions. I'm sure that's what your doctor would want you to do.

When will your doctor be back? On Monday? I know that seems like a long time, but maybe you just need to get over the hump!

Hang in there. We're here for you.


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Clarifying what advice I was asking for... new
      #200921 - 07/29/05 01:58 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I love you BL, you know that? *hugs*

Yeppers, the crazy doc who doesn't even know what the pharmacist insert says about a med he regularly prescribes told me to take it every other day. And I happen to agree with what you wrote and it scares me to do it. BUT my doc will be back soon, thank G-d, and I plan to call first thing Mon. am! I don't like stopping meds like this or this on again off again thing. But whatever!

i guess I was wondering for the long haul...if a med makes you feel more psychotic than you were before you started, would you continue it? Would you take Darvon daily if the pain was that bad waiting for the med to work and the side effects to go away or at least decrease? I know I will make the final decision for myself...but i feel most equipped to make the best decision possible when I have thought of things from many different angels...which is why I am coming to my FAMILY for information, support, and advice!!!

Hope I'm making sense?

Love you BL and everyone!!!


P.S. Please do NOt apologize BL, you didn't do ANYTHING wrong...thanks for caring about me and making sure I am doing the right're a super friend and I'm glad you're mine

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: steather new
      #200938 - 07/29/05 02:28 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 345
Loc: Phoenix, AZ

Hugs to you too Ruch!

What kind of a dose are you on? When I started the lamictol, my psych started me out at something ridiculously low, like 25mg and then upped it every week or so until I reached the "most proven effective" dose. And I didn't really notice ANY side effects until I got to about 100mg...So if you just started, and your psych is weaning you onto it (as she should!!), then I would venture to say that you might want to wait another week to make sure all these side effects are from the lamictol, and not the other drugs??? However, if you ARE having a reaction to such a low dose, then you wouldn't want to continue to up the dose as that would make things horribly worse. OR, if you are already on a higher dose, then that may also be a problem...maybe you should have started off slow, to get your body adjusted?

Hope that helps...I'm a mess myself right now, but I hate to see others going through the same thing!! I can't tell if the depression I'm experiencing is from the fibro, which is flaring royally right now, or the EXTREME weight gain that I'm experiencing as a result of all the meds, or a side effect of the pill (Yasmin), which i started last week for my PCOS, or just another one of my bipolar cycles!!! And I keep rejecting all my meds because I am so sick of being medicated and ending up even more of a mess then I began with. Sigh!

Hang in there sweetie! Stick it out this weekend until your psych comes back, and keep us posted on what she says. Have you liked how she's handled things so far? I'll be 'shopping' for psychs soon, in the phx (preferrably East Valley) area soon.



"Quod me Nutrit me Destruit"

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Re: steather new
      #200941 - 07/29/05 02:39 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Thanks for the reply. I am EASILY hit with side effects from meds and quickly! My pain specialist is the ONLY ONE who really gets it...other than pharmacists.

Yeppers...started me on 25 mg a day. Didn't plan to up until 6 weeks though!!! EVERY WEEK your doc upped it...oh my! Did you find it helpful?

I LOVED the psych in the Phoenix area! I can't find your e-mail addy (sorry, I'm not being very good with this these days! ) but I would love to send you her info!

I hear ya with the other meds potentially causing SOME of the side effects...but I KNOW the darvon isn't casuing the pian casue it's a pain narcotic and the pain is out of control awful! And it only gets this bad from meds. Cracking joints, etc. And the cipro only takes 48 hours to leave your bod...and the cipro pain was almost gone from the last Sun. morning does when I began the lamictal Wed. morning and then last night the pain went CRAZY on I'm guessing it's the Lamictal. PLUS I feel most of the side effects have subsided SOME since missing today's dose and I haven't taken Darvon today...though I need to! It's just sooo confsuign *sigh* Thanks for letting me vent

I'm soooooooo sorry you are suffering *hugs* My doc is DEF gentle and likes to do one med at a tim. She is VERY cautious and I just love her...VERY sweet, caring, and WILL call you back even at night if necessary...she's just SUPER!

Feel good and keep in touch! Love you! Ruch

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: steather new
      #200956 - 07/29/05 03:22 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 345
Loc: Phoenix, AZ

Wow, and I thought I was extremely sensitive to meds! If you're having that bad of a reaction to the 25mg, there's no way you should increase your dose...and from what I gathered from my last psych, that low of a dose probably isn't going to have THAT noticeable effect on your moods...though, with you Ruchie, it just might! Everyone's different, and what has been proven to be the "most effective" dose for one is not necessarily true for you.

But anyhow, I don't see how you can stay on the lamictol. It's only causing more pain than good. But if your psych is good, she'll switch you to something more effective that WON'T hurt you! Cracking bones! Ouch!

Ya, I started out at 25, then switched to 50 for the next two weeks, then 100 the forth week. I think. The recommended dose is 200, but my psych and I agreed that we should try it out at the lower dose of 100 for another month since I was having some side effects, to see if they went away. Long story short, I ran out of meds, and never even continued taking them....I know I know I know. Don't even go there. I was also on Elavil for insomnia and the fibro pain, and it turns out the 20 lbs I put on is a common side effect of Elavil...but since I was on so many drugs, i freaked out and stopped taking all of them because I gained so much weight (I was heavier than I've ever been in MY LIFE! I gained like 20 lbs in 2 weeks! And kept gaining after that....whoa, that screwed me up emotionally.) So now, I'm really hesitant as to which of my concoction of drugs to take, since I have no clue what is causing what...and I hate gaining weight. I can't fit into any of my clothes at all

If you could email me the info on your psych, that would be great! My email is

It's going to be expensive for me now that I won't be going through the school, but I know i need help...and I'm also afraid of finding someone who just shoves drugs at me...i have so many problems, i don't need to create more!!

Feel free to vent anytime! That's what we're here for Isn't it amazing that there are perfect strangers willing to lend an ear/shoulder to cry on who can actually relate and provide support? I don't get that from any of my family even!!

***Love and hugs***


"Quod me Nutrit me Destruit"

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Ruchie new
      #200973 - 07/29/05 05:08 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

If you asked 5 of us here about the medicine you'r taking, you will probably get 5 different opinions! So I can imagine you are very confused right now.

We want to help you, but we are not doctors. We cannot (and should not) advise you on what to do about medicine. You need to follow the advice of a doctor!

About 6 years ago, when I went through the most difficult time of my life, I remember asking all of my friends what I should do. I kept getting contradictory answers from them, and I was so confused. Their advice was making me even more anxious. Then my husband finally put it into perspective for me. He said that I needed to quit listening to my friends (and family) who did not have a medical degree and follow the advice of my doctor.

It was only when I decided that I would have to totally trust the doctor that I got better. It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor (and therapist). My gut tells me you need to trust them and they will lead you in the right direction.

I'll be praying for you. You'll get through this. You are a strong person, and a bright future is just around the corner for you!

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Re: Meds side effects...advice requested new
      #200981 - 07/29/05 05:55 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178


Abruptly stopping a medication is DANGEROUS! Wait until your doctor is back before you act. You could experience dangerous effects from suddenly stopping a medication--including seizures!!!

Kate, IBS-D.

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