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One More Day......
      #185009 - 06/09/05 07:36 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I've just joined this forum in the last few days after finding it during a search for all Colonoscopy-related information. It is the most positive site that I've found in that everyone is supportive and the focus isn't about all of the "horrible" risks of having a Colonoscopy.

My mother-in-law's best friend died in the middle of a Colonoscopy a couple of years ago and nobody knows very much yet except that there was apparently a perforation. But, my doctor said that people don't die right away from a perforation and that there must be more to the story. But, everyone I know knew the woman and they are warning me not to get a Colonoscopy.

I am so scared that I am already having symptoms that I expected to have after I start the prep later on. I feel as though I am going to do something wrong and it's going to cause me to have a terrible reaction to the medications tomorrow or that my insides are so sensitive that it makes me more suseptible to a perforation. I am a worrier by nature. I always make everything much worse than it is...I do this quietly to myself...not to everyone else. I have been anticipating the worst which may be good, because the Colonoscopy can't be any worse than what I have made it out to be. I do have bad reactions to many medications and the doctor knows them all. But, I have visions of being violently ill from the Phospho-soda prep and I am scared that I will not be able to get through the process.

I have had symptoms for many years, but they have changed recently. I was told I probably had IBS many years ago and I hung onto that. I have had stomach problems and bright red bleeding for years and the bleeding has been attributed to Hemmorhoids. But, this is my first Colonoscopy and naturally, I'm worried.

Last year, a doctor decided I was Gluten-intolerant and put me on a Gluten-free diet. He had done a blood test and, even though it didn't show Celiac, he decided I should be on the diet. It was a difficult diet to be on and it was very binding. At first, I liked it because I wasn't going to the bathroom after every meal. But, I eventually found myself struggling to have a bowel movement and even resorting to prunes and prune juice and that wasn't really helping. A few months ago, I began having what I thought was a stomach virus, but it hasn't gone away. I had to run to the bathroom upon waking and I have stomach cramps. I had blood and stool tests and nothing came up. The gastro doctor (who I have just started seeing) told me to get off the Gluten-free diet and he gave me Librax, Florastor, Annusol HC suppositories (because I began having severe rectal pain deep inside), and Benefiber. He also scheduled the Colonoscopy. The symptoms get better and worse, depending upon my stress level, I think...which is at an all time high right now...not only due to the Colonoscopy tomorrow, but we had a tragic death in the family two days ago.

There is no cancer in my family and I know that doesn't mean anything, but I am holding onto that. Right now, my main issue with tomorrow is that I am prone to anxiety attacks which I had years ago and still occasionally get at times of severe stress...which I fear will occur as soon as they try to put a needle in my arm with medication in it. I am so scared of having a bad reaction to it that I am afraid I'll back out at the last minute. I am more afraid of that then the test or even the results of the test. They are giving me Propofol and Versed. Anyway, I am sitting here for the day as suggested on here. I am all prepared to be in the bathroom all night. I have to take the Phospho-Soda at 6 p.m. and then again at least 4 hours before my appointment which is at 9:30 a.m., so, I'll literally be in the bathroom all night.

Am I totally neurotic or can anyone relate to me? Can someone please help me to calm down today?

Thanks so much!

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You'll be fine! new
      #185012 - 06/09/05 07:45 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Really, really, really. And I'm pretty sure your doc is right about the perforation...AND that is so rare these days.

It's a really good test to check you out and there's nothing that can replace it. It's nice to know that you've been properly looked at!

Let the nurses know tomorrow that you're really anxious about the whole thing...when I had mine they were really lovely and kept me totally calm. Can someone go with you to hold your hand till you've had the sedative? You need someone to drive you home anyway.

Get plenty of rest today as tonight will be horrible. Make it through to tomorrow mornign and the worst will be over, believe me! Have you read/printed out all JillSklar's notes on coping with the prep? Soft toilet tissue, baby wipes and vaseline or nappy rash cream are so helpful. And keep books/magazines, a blanket and pillow and possibly even the tv in the bathroom!

Good luck. You'll be fine and this will allow you to get some answers.

Btw, lets talk more about gluten free when this is over, okay?

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Re: You'll be fine! new
      #185015 - 06/09/05 07:48 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thank you so much. Yes, my husband will be taking me. The test site is an hour away and I am also hoping that I'll make it there without the need to go to the bathroom. How long does it take before the urge subsides?

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I've had 3 new
      #185034 - 06/09/05 08:23 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I've had three and I'm still here!!!! The prep is the worst part. For the rest of it you won't remember anything. Just treat yourself gently for the next few days... no gymnastics, horseback riding or jumprope. Lie on your side and restart the fluids slooooowly. You'll feel 100% in a couple of days this way.

Breathe!! You're going to be fine.


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Re: I've had 3 new
      #185043 - 06/09/05 08:40 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thank you, Nelly! I really feel that I need to stay connected to this board today. I'm trying to get my mind off the test. It's so hot outside...around 90...I don't want to venture out for anything! Did you find that drinking lots of drinks with sugar caused any problems? I don't like too much salt, so I only got one can of chicken broth. I have ginger ale, gatorade, apple juice, seltzer, and jello.

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Salt new
      #185052 - 06/09/05 08:48 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

You need the salt or you'll get really dehydrated. Think of it as medicine and just get it down. Being dehydrated is horrible!

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Re: Salt new
      #185053 - 06/09/05 08:50 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Isn't the salt in Gatorade helpful for that?

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Yes! Doh, sorry, forgot about that! - nt new
      #185056 - 06/09/05 08:53 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

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I'd avoid the seltzer, new
      #185057 - 06/09/05 08:54 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

...but the others are fine. Some people have problems with gatorade, but I've never had an issue with it. Also be sure to try some lukewarm herbal tea with sugar. Remember, no caffiene! Your bowels don't need to be any more speedy than they are!

Sugar is a diaphram tranquillizer, and will actually calm your gut at low doses. It works as a natural remedy to hiccups too!

Try to relax before the big day. I agree the heat makes everything worse! I'd just huddle by the a/c with my favorite 7 pillows and a comforter and watch some TV.

Do some breathing exercises to calm your nerves. Nerves are normal, so don't fret! I take a super deep breath, hold it for 5 secs, then let it out veeeeery slooowly, through the smallest hole through my mouth. Give yourself extra points if you make a funny noise.


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Re: I'd avoid the seltzer, new
      #185071 - 06/09/05 09:12 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thanks for making me laugh! I like Chamomile that o.k.? I use honey rather than that a no-no today?

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another question new
      #185076 - 06/09/05 09:20 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I am supposed to take the phospho-soda with a glass of liquid at 6 pm and then again, at least 4 hours before the test. If I am drinking 4 hours before the test, is it really safe for them to put me to sleep?

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Chamomile new
      #185110 - 06/09/05 10:13 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Personally I don't do honey as it's a trigger for my migraines, but if I were you I would stick with whatever makes you happy. If honey's it, go fer it! But if your empty tummy becomes upset on honey, just revert back to boring old cane sugar and you'll be fine.

I like chamomile tea too. Tetley makes an awesome one, and Celestial Seasonings's organic one is not bad either.


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Re: Chamomile new
      #185122 - 06/09/05 10:28 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I heard not to drink chamomille on a daily basis. Does anyone know why not? I know if you have ragweed allergies, it's bad. But I've read that they say no one should drink it daily. Wondering why?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: another question new
      #185138 - 06/09/05 10:52 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

They don't actually put you right to sleep, ie. knock you out, for a colonoscopy - usually. I got a sedative that made me so sleepy and out of it and meant I couldn't feel anything. But anyway it's not a major as a general anaesthetic.

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Re: another question new
      #185140 - 06/09/05 10:55 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Alright Steph - I've read through this thread and we need to see if we can get you a bit calmer for this. I've had 2 colonoscopies and yes, I was a wreck before each of them!!! Anxiety is normal, but I'll try to give you some perspective. I was worried about the perf thing too, so I asked my mother who was a colonoscopy nurse at one point. During her career, she's observed and assisted in about 2,000 colonoscopies - really! (She said there were 2 - 4 a day in thier office every day and she worked there for 4 years). In all those times she could recall 5 times that someone had a perferation - that's how often it happens - its VERY rare! Also, none of the people died. She said that one man who had a perferation and already had several bowell problems ended up with his colon removed, but that was the most serious, everyone else was fine. So there's the story on that aspect.
On the meds, you are not under full outright anasthesia. The doctors refer to this process as conscieus sedation. You will receive drugs to numb the pain and to make you forget, but during the procedure you will be awake enough for them to move you easily. You will, most likely, remember little to nothing of what happened. I remember absolutely nothing from either procedure, but I know there are a few people here who remember hearing people talk and remember a groggy kind of drunken fealing - but nothing bad. Everyone says that procedure is easy. The nurses know when you had your prep and what it involves and the doctor knows about the meds their administering for sedation - everything will be fine. Did they give you a number to call with questions about your prep? If possible, you should take to a nurse and let them know about your anxiety. They will take it into consideration on procedure day. Nurses know colonoscopies are not fun and that nobody wants to be doing one, so they're generally really nice and helpful. I know mine were! Overall, just remember that you will get through this. The same day that you go in for your procedure, literally thousands of people in the world are doing the same thing and that's what happens in hospitals every day - it's VERY routine. (More words of advice from Mindy's mom). Follow Jill's surviving the prep guide - it is the Bible on this - and rely on you're husband's support - that's important to. You'll be FINE! And when you're all done, let us know the results.
All the best,

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Re: Chamomile new
      #185151 - 06/09/05 11:08 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Maybe because of the hay fever thing? I know if I drink more than 2 cups of it I get a headache and have to take a benedryl or claritin...


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Re: another question new
      #185180 - 06/09/05 11:43 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thanks so much, Mindy...and everyone else. I already wrote an answer, but it seems to have disappeared. So, if it comes up, you'll all get thanked twice. These messages are so helpful. I don't think this day would be going by as well if not for all of you! I'm trying my best to stop being afraid and your kind words are so reassuring. Only 3 1/2 hours until I take the first dose of Phospho-Soda...I hope it's not as bad as I'm anticipating. I just want this to be over!!! Please keep your messages coming...they are so helpful! It's so nice to know I'm not alone in all of this!

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Glad to hear you're feeling more positive! new
      #185184 - 06/09/05 11:47 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

The prep is horrible (ever had bad gastric flu?) but then it's over and the procedure's a breeze and then you don't have to do it again for ages at least! And you have the peace of mind of knowing you got the best test done to check you out, so if the doc says it's IBS, then it's almost certainly IBS!

Get some rest girl!

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Re: Glad to hear you're feeling more positive! new
      #185192 - 06/09/05 11:56 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thank you. Is IBS something he can actually see or is it a dianosis after ruling everything else out?

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After ruling everything else out- -nt new
      #185194 - 06/09/05 11:58 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

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Re: After ruling everything else out- -nt new
      #185226 - 06/09/05 01:41 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

If I've had blood work and stool tests, after the Colonoscopy, are there any other tests I would need before getting a diagnosis of IBS?

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Re: One More Day...... new
      #185231 - 06/09/05 02:03 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

O.k. I'm having a headache and I'm peeing every 20 minutes and I haven't even gotten to the Phospho-Soda yet...I never get headaches...what can I do?

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Re: One More Day......MY HEART IS POUNDING!! new
      #185238 - 06/09/05 02:53 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I have to take the Phospho-Soda in 10 minutes and my anxiety level is really increasing...I don't know why I'm so afraid, but I am really freaking out now!

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Re: One More Day...... *DELETED* new
      #185262 - 06/09/05 04:23 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1392
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Post deleted by Jeano

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Re: One More Day...... new
      #185266 - 06/09/05 04:30 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Shelby - It's good to know that someone else out there is allergic to many medications, too. Do you know if you were given Propofol and Versed as your sedation? I hear it's very quick-acting...right to sleep and awake almost immediately. I am already into the prep now and it isn't terrible yet, but, I can see where it's heading...

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Re: One More Day...... *DELETED* new
      #185293 - 06/09/05 07:24 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
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Re: One More Day...... new
      #185295 - 06/09/05 07:37 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thank you so much for your support. I think it's time for bed. I have to be up before 4 am to take the next dose of Phospho-soda. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Re: After ruling everything else out- -nt new
      #185319 - 06/10/05 12:04 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Not on the GI side. Gyno probems should have been ruled out as well.

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Stephany, how's it going? new
      #185320 - 06/10/05 12:06 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

What time is it with you now?

Hope the headache went! Watch the dehydration...and get LOTS of rehydrating fluids in after the procedure. Stress is a major headache trigger!

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185426 - 06/10/05 09:44 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I just got back a little while ago. Everyone was right. The prep was the worst part. I did the first one at 6pm last night and it was a breeze, probably because I was allowed to stay hydrated for the evening. The second one, however, at 3am was a horror!!! I became severely nauseated and could barely walk standing up. I didn't know how I'd ever make the one hour car ride there without throwing up, but I did. I thought they'd give me something for the nausea, but they told me that when I woke up from the anesthesia, the nausea would be gone...and they were right. The drugs were wonderful and I have no memory of the test. The results were my eyes. No polyps, nothing to be found except a hemmorhoid. It's such a relief with all of the pain and bleeding. IBS is something I have to deal with now. Thank you all so much for your support. I couldn't have gotten through this without you!

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Re: After ruling everything else out- -nt new
      #185429 - 06/10/05 09:46 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I did go to my Gyno. and he did a full exam and internal sonogram and found nothing wrong...but, when he did the rectal, I went through the ceiling. So, even he said a Colonoscopy was the next step.

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185430 - 06/10/05 09:51 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Good for you, girl!! Welcome to the "I Survived the Test" Club! I'm so glad your results are normal. Knowing is powerful!!!

Treat yourself gently now, and add soft foods slowly!! No need to jumpstart your system!


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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185450 - 06/10/05 10:27 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I finally belong in a club!!! Yeahhhhh!!! I never really had a place to go with this before. Thanks so much for everything!

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Very happy you had good results! new
      #185454 - 06/10/05 10:39 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

The peace of mind knowing that the colon is ok is worth the test to me!! Glad it's over!

God is Faithful!

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You're welcome! -nt- new
      #185470 - 06/10/05 11:00 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I'm so glad you're feeling more empowered today! Fear is a scary thing, I get that. Now go get some sympathy from the family member who is the closest to you! I suggest using the line, "I'm just feeling tiiiired from my procedure."

OK. Now that we have more people in this club, we really must get silk jackets and learn a dance.


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Re: Very happy you had good results! new
      #185482 - 06/10/05 11:19 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thank you!

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Re: You're welcome! -nt- new
      #185483 - 06/10/05 11:20 AM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

I'm in! I'd love the silk jacket and I really would like to learn to dance!!!!

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185543 - 06/10/05 01:46 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Good girl! You were so brave! Now you have a diagnosis and you can start working on healing. We are here for you every step of the way. Read through this website and read through Heather's dietary guidelines. Post any questions you may have. We're all in this together. Hugs, Alicia.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Hey that's great! new
      #185568 - 06/10/05 02:08 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Can I say "Told you so"?

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Re: Hey that's great! new
      #185571 - 06/10/05 02:17 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

You certainly can!

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185578 - 06/10/05 02:31 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thank you! I feel so incredible right now...a little tired after not sleeping all night and having the drugs, but truly great. I really did overcome some major obstacles in all of intense fear of drugs, due to severe allergic reactions...allowing someone else to take so much control of my life in his hands, after having so many bad experiences with incompetent doctors (my mother died from malpractice when her colon burst due to too many steroids while she was on a ventilator for an asthma attack...and that's just the tip of the iceberg)...taking the prep was something that I was afraid would cause me to bleed severely due to a bleeding problem I have (now, I know it's just a Hemmorhoid and nothing more and it didn't even bleed!!!) As I said in my original post, I'm a worrier. I am always afraid of things and it's time to move forward. I had to do this because my life was being run by my stomach which was being run by my fears and, recently, an incompetent doctor who put me on a gluten-free diet causing severe problems (my current doctor confirmed that). An IBS sufferer should not be on a binding diet!

So, my next step is to get on a plane! I haven't flown since 9/11 and it's time to let go of that fear, too.

I will read this board for IBS advice and it feels great to know that I am in with a group of very supportive and knowledgeable friends! Thank you all so much!

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DELETED* new
      #185597 - 06/10/05 04:17 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185602 - 06/10/05 05:05 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Hi Shelby - I'll keep you in my prayers. The test itself was great. The only thing I would have done differently would be to not do the second prep in the middle of the night. I think it would have gone much better had I done it earlier or on the morning of the test while I was still moving around. I think that being in the prone position, trying to go to sleep, was not helpful, but that's just me. It also resulted in having me up for the rest of the night running to the bathroom. I'm sure you'll do fine. The anticipation was the worst part for me. I'm a big baby!

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DELETED* new
      #185623 - 06/10/05 08:23 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #185748 - 06/11/05 05:55 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Thanks, Shelby. I am off to California tomorrow for a funeral. What a crazy few days it's been. Yes, I do feel so relieved to know that my symptoms are not life-threatening. I was so afraid to have the test for years. The doctors have tried so hard to get me to have it and I couldn't bring myself to do it.

And, I haven't flown since 9/11 and I'm getting on a plane tomorrow. So, I feel a great sense of accomplishment right now. Facing my fears has never been easy for me and I made myself a promise that if I lived through the test (seems so ridiculous now), I would start living my life instead of allowing my fears to run it. Now, I have to keep that promise. Unfortunately, it's for a sad occasion, but at least I'm going. I'll be back in a few days. Thanks for your kind words!

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DELETED* new
      #185790 - 06/11/05 08:13 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
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Loc: USA

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Re: new
      #185933 - 06/12/05 11:46 PM

Reged: 04/28/05
Posts: 8
Loc: Currently in Melbourne, Australia

Wow. What a great thread! I'm having my 1st on Wednesday - one more day for me to go. I had no idea of what the prep involved. Luckily I read this wee thread - cause otherwise I think I might have thought I was dying. lol. Wasn't really worried about it all ... but now after reading what everyone posted - that the prep. is the worst bit - I've just started to feel a bit more nervy... Meh. At least there are 2 toilets in the flat ...

Its not wrong - just different!

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Yeah you need to "baggsy" a toilet for the prep! new
      #185944 - 06/13/05 04:42 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

It's yucky, but it's only 1 day and being prepared will make it so much easier. If you go to the Crohns forum, there's a post at the top with Jill's tips for coping.

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Re: Stephany, how's it going? The Test is Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! new
      #187048 - 06/17/05 05:48 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Hi Shelby - By now, you're in Florida. Hope your trip is wonderful!! I just got in from California last night. I'm totally exhausted. What a crazy two weeks it's been. I'm glad to be home. Let me know when you're back.

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Re: new
      #187049 - 06/17/05 05:50 PM

Reged: 06/07/05
Posts: 35

Hope your test went well. Let me know. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I was away.

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