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bad daughter???
      #153118 - 02/23/05 08:49 AM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

hey everyone - sorry I haven't been around - parents are visiting from the uk and been really busy. had a bit of a blow up this morning.
its a long story but I'll try to cut it short - my father developed angina (heart disease) two and a bit years ago - stress and very bad lifetsyle (loads of junk food, smoking, high sugar, high sat fat, high red meat and processed foods etc). when he was hospitalised he swore to mend his ways and 'do what it takes' to restore health. he tried in the beginning and lost lots of weight...I went away travelling for nine months and returned to my original overwight father with not that many changes around any more. smoking had stopped and so had butter - but thats really it. I tackled him about it after I had seen 2 months of behaviour - I realised my dad is sensitive so I said very gentle things - I just mentioned taking more exercise - not even teh food!! he flipped out and we didn't speak for days 'how dare a daughter tell me what to do' (my dad is very sweet, but God forbid you try and tell him something is wrong personally with him - very arrogant in that way). so after that argument I swore to myself I would never say anything again - no matter what. that was a year a half ago almost.
my parents are now staying in my apartment in NY - we moved in with my in laws for the duration of their stay. they brought chocolate mints with them. they brought pepsi. I baked healthy cakes (heathers - low sat fat etc). but still, on top of eating the cakes and cookies I made, my dad kept eating the junk and if we went to restaurants, eating the red meat options. he is still overweight. and his portions huge. finally last night he came back with a box of entemmens chocolate chip cookies. I put them on the top shelf hoping he wouldn't find them, but when I came in this morning they were half eaten!!! he asked me what was wrong because I was holding in tears and I just burst into tears and said 'I can't have these cookies in my house - its against my philosophy' (I am a nutritionist student and a naturopath and HATE huge junk food companies - I think they are responsible for a lot of disease in our lives and they only care about profit). I burst into tears. My father went out for a walk and I totally flipped out as he left. I threw out the left over chocolates they had brought...i threw out the cookies and cakes I had baked because I felt sooo rejected too. My dad always likes to eat things made by huge companies instead of stuff cooked with love by his daughter. I threw out the hard yellow heart attack cheese. I was screaming and crying. I really lost it. I just said to my mum that it reaches a point where I think it is just disrespectful. that they come to stay under my roof and why should have to watch in my own house, my own father, eat his way to a shorter life. its not fair. they KNOW I am sensitive about it. can he not go ONE week without eating something utterly junky? would it KILL him??? and another thing that really hurts is that they have watched me struggle from diet to diet, from restriction to restriction, for ten years already - doesn't that make him realise how LUCKY he is that he lived 61 years before even a HINT of bad health??? WISH heart disease had acute symptoms too, instead of just building up so scarily and then boom, angina if you're lucky and heart attack and death if you're not.
my father is a religious Jew and believes in balance in life - but he is SO imbalanced when it comes to eating. I was brought up on junk. I find it hypocritical - I could never say that to him. you simply cannot critisise him. when he came home from his walk today he told my mum 'you are getting chubby aren't you?'...just a tit for tat immature.
phew...thanks...that feels better...I don't want to argue when we are here but how much can I take????
Am I being unreasonable???
I love you all XXXXXXXXXxx

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((DALIA))))))))))))))))))))))))))) new
      #153123 - 02/23/05 09:05 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


The Torah does say to lead a balanced life. It also warns us not to put ourself in a Sakana...danger.

However...some of us have certain Teyvahs...desires...that are out of control...

If I were you but I'm not...and this may not work for your personality?) I would sit my dad down and say "I want to speak with you. I am asking you to please listen to what I have to say and not say anything until I have finished. Then you can say your piece and I will also not interrupt. Dad, I love you. I am worried about you and your health. I am scared of losing my father to his Teyvah for sweets. It hurts me every time I watch you use up another day of life from Hashem with your eating. It's a Sakana! And it is aginst the Torah. It also hurts me that you do not seem interested in the food I worked so hard to make you." I would say whatever you need to get out in a respectful way. I might also let him know that it is hard for you to say these things as you have a deep respect for you. But that you feel in order to be a good daughter you need to tell him your concerns.

I hae free long distance Dalia. If you want me to call you I'd be honored. You've helped me change my life...if I can ever do anything for you I'm there in a heartbeat!

I have you in my thoughts and Tefilos (prayers)....

With love,

Formerly known as Ruchie

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P.S. new
      #153127 - 02/23/05 09:12 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

You are NOT a bad daughter...on the contrary. You have so much respect and love for your dad that you don't want to say anything to hurt him or upste him. How many people would examine their every word like this? You are a very special Tzaddekas Dalia...please don't think otherwise! And your father loves you....yet you are the "enemy". You are right and telling him the Emes (truth). Sometimes we can't see the Emes. It is too difficult for us. It is also difficult for a grown man to change his ways. There is not too much we can do to change other people I find. We can only do for ourselves. HOWEVER what we say to a person always sticks with them. Your words may make your father furious for now. But one day they may just seep through and he might change his ways.

I am thinking of you and your dad...I know it will somehow be okay...... *hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: bad daughter??? NO WAY! new
      #153151 - 02/23/05 09:58 AM

Reged: 07/15/04
Posts: 773
Loc: Baltimore, MD

You are not a bad daughter!! You love your dad and want him to be healthy so that you can have him in your life longer.

I understand your pain and torment. Both my parents smoke heavily and my mom hasn't been to see a doc since she had my brother, and he is 25 years old now! No OB/GYN, No GP, not even a dentist. Doctors scare her, I think she has a phobia.

But all I can see is her dying at a young age, she is only 50, and not seeing her grandchildren grow-up, go to proms, and get married. She also gets VERY defensive if you approach her on the subject of getting her health checked out and living a healthier lifestyle.

It scares me death to even think about what could possibly be wrong with her and we won't know until it is to late, like cancer. I have tried before to talk to her about it but she always gets mad and turns it back on me. And tells me I need to mind my own business that I have enough problems of my own. It gets VERY NASTY with some of the remarks she says.

So I have learned that I can't change her and I can't make her do anything she doesn't want to. So I just try to approach it calmly and lightly, dropping hints and comments that I can only hope she takes to heart. And I constantly remind her that I would be devastated and so would my two kids if she died.

I know it is hard to watch them literally slowly kill themselves, honey. But we as their children can only do so much. I pray for my mom everynight, remind her that I love her frequently, and remind her that it would devastate me to lose her at such a young age when it doesn't have to be that way, and hope for the best.

Just remember you are wonderful daughter who loves her parents so much that you care about what happens to them.

Sending prayers and HUGS you way,

~Hoping and Praying for Sleep!~

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Tissy new
      #153161 - 02/23/05 10:09 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I worry about my mom too. She has IBS, fibro, I think high blood presure....

She does weight watchers 1,2,3 inconsinsently and exercises on occasion. She is a work-a-holic and I know it's not good for her. She says if I moved home she would have an exercise body to go for walks with. And I feel guilty but I can't move to save her. Right now we are where we are for hubby's career.

It's not easy. If only they taught about halth in school more. in this day and age I think it would benefit children more to learn how to take care of themselves than anythig else (hope you don't mind my opinions!)

It hurts to watch the people we love hurt themselves.

I find the more I change myself and work on myself...the greater influence I have on others. If people see me happy with my life they ASK ME what makes me so happy. Especially those that saw me "before IBS/fibro diagnosis...during...and after".

I wonder if anyone else has seen this happen to them?

Anyway...i'm sorry about your mom *hugs* I'm sorry about both our moms! I will pray for your mom as well Christie *hugs*

Take care fo yourself! Love, Ruchie

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Thanks Ruchie and you express your opinions anytime ya like! -nt- new
      #153166 - 02/23/05 10:15 AM

Reged: 07/15/04
Posts: 773
Loc: Baltimore, MD

~Hoping and Praying for Sleep!~

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you are not a bad daughter... new
      #153178 - 02/23/05 10:26 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

and in this they are being bad parents.. what they choose to do on their own is one thing, but to disrespect you in your own home and eat the stuff that is killing them is WRONG... I am sorry but it owuld drive me nuts too, and I can't blame you. Especially when you are on such a restrictive diet and they are bringing these things that are forbidden to you into your home and then flaunting them in front of you. It's sad, but so many of our parents generation eat like garbage and don't understand their own health issues or those of their children and grandchildren and can't see that the foods are a huge source of this worlds downfall healthwise.

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: You are not a bad daughter!! new
      #153188 - 02/23/05 10:38 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Its always hard when we seeing people we love doing things that we know is harmful to them. I would have probably done the same thing you did! Hugs!!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Story for DT new
      #153202 - 02/23/05 11:00 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Hi DaliaTree,

You're not a bad daughter, you're a loving, concerned daughter who wants the best for her family.

I don't know why us old folks insist on doing things that aren't good for us, but sometimes we have a bad attitude; it's like, "Oh, S***, I don't have much longer in this life, so I'm gonna have my beloved coffee, and damn the torpedos!" Then, we end up with severe cramps and Big D.

No one can tell us otherwise. We know we're wrong, and we DO care, but we seem to have lost the impetus that we had as youngsters, with our whole lives ahead of us.

Really, all you can do for your loved ones is love them. You can't control their actions. You're a wonderful daughter who cares, but don't let that cause you to do or say anything you may later regret. Here's my story that I hope will help you -- I'll make it as short as I can.

In 1963, my family was still alive. My mother was not a nice person, but my grandmother was wonderful, and I loved her dearly. She had diabetes and did not take care of herself. She ended up in the hospital, and the doctor told my mother that she needed 24/7 care, that she had an embolism on her heart, and when it pooped she would die. It was crucial that she lose weight, and he gave my mother a diet to put my grandmother on.

My grandmother moved in with us; she had the room across the hall from me. I heard her every night crying to God, "Please, Lord, take me." It broke my heart.

My mother put her on the doctor's diet and was very strict with her; my grandmother lost a lot of weight, and I was hopeful it would extend her life. Unfortunately, she was extremely hungry, and one night I caught her "stealing" a slice of bread from the bread box. I lost it, totally lost it. I ranted and raved at her, yelling horrible things, like, "My mother is doing her best to try to keep you alive, and this is how you repay her?! How DARE you!"

Those were the last words I said to my grandmother. She died that week in my mother's arms, while I was at work.

My last words to her haunt me to this day.


<img src="">Bevvy

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Hugs sweetie new
      #153208 - 02/23/05 11:10 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

You are NOT a bad person in ANY way! I like Ruchie's advice...sit him down and have a talk...all the stuff to do with your faith sounds like it could get through too.

It's tough I Dad smokes even tho he knows we all hate it...he's already nearly died quite a few times and I do NOT want to lose him, but he won't listen.

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