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I had to go to the ER last night new
      #148889 - 02/11/05 06:10 AM

Reged: 05/05/03
Posts: 137
Loc: Bensalem, PA (right outside of Philadelphia)

I am so irritated right now that words cannot even describe it. I drove home 2 1/2 hours so that I could see my doctor and be treated for what I think is a bad gallbladder. My doctor wasn't there so I saw another Doctor in their practice. I know everyone there so it really didn't bother me. This was a brand new doctor that I didn't know and I wasn't too happy. She told me to go right to the ER. She thought I needed it out ASAP. I went to the ER and waited for 6 hours before I was even seen.

The doctor yelled at me. Yes.. he YELLED at me. I told him that my doctor sent me because she thought it was an emergency, and that my gallbladder may have to be removed. He said that HE would determine IF it was REALLY an emergency. I should NOT have been sent over. Well now I am upset. I am in a lot of pain and unable to eat anything and this has been since MONDAY. Mind you, I was told not only by a doctor at school, but by the family doctor that this could get serious very quickly and if in pain go RIGHT to the ER.

The nurse came and took blood. The doctor had the nurse give me fluids and IV pepsid. I sat there and waited again and the blood tests came back normal. He refused to do any ultrasounds or other tests. In other words, after waiting over 7 hours, and not being able to eat for 4 days, we have NO idea what is wrong with me. It was a total waste of time. They gave me a perscription for Nexium and sent me home.

I woke up about 45 minutes ago after only 4 hours of sleep to pain, again. I still feel severely nauseated and want NO food. I have to call the doctor in a little while and schedule the ultrasound. It won't be done til next week. So.. I get to suffer like this until next week.

I am away from my boyfriend who I have lived with since August. It looks as though I am definitely going to have to stay home until I get some concrete answers, and unfortunately, that may be weeks. I just want to cry and scream and I don't even think that will matter because no one will hear me. My parents are going out of town and all I can do is pray that nothing else goes wrong before Sunday when they come back.


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Re: I had to go to the ER last night new
      #148894 - 02/11/05 06:43 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

How in the world can another doctor have the nerve to yell at you when all you were doing was following anothe doctors advice! I would have told him to go take a flying leap off a tall building! I am sorry you are so sick and I really hope that they figure out soon what it is. I would report that doctor to some higher ups. That was not appropriate at all!!! ***HUGS***

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Ugh! new
      #148909 - 02/11/05 07:32 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I have nothing but sympathy all around, for you. I have gallstones and had to suffer through idiot doctors never running the right tests, and the pain, and all that jazz. Hang in there. I know you don't want to eat anything and you're nauseated, but *please* make sure you're still drinking... dehydration on top of the pain is really the pits.

I'm glad you have an ultrasound scheduled... I know it seems like an eternity, but once they do that, they should be able to tell practically immmediately if that's what's wrong.

I also second Angela, as someone who used to work in a hospital... there's no excuse for that doctor's behavior, and he SHOULD be reported to the hospital. It may be that nothing disciplinary will come of it, but the hospital should be aware that one of their staff is treating patients poorly. I can't BELIEVE that they gave you Pepcid, which is completely USELESS for gallbladder issues and even for nausea, and that he refused to do any further testing. What a prick. Report him.

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Re: I had to go to the ER last night new
      #148918 - 02/11/05 08:06 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry! I too suffered a bad gallbladder and had mine out about 4-5 years ago. Call the hospital where you were "treated" by that jerl of a dr and file a formal compliant. You can do it over the phone, thats what I did when I was treated so poorly for my ankle at the ER. Nothing really came of it but the dr was made aware of the compliant and I did recieve and apology in the mail. These dr's have got to learn that it is NOT ok to treat people this way!

I agree with Casey also, if you can't eat, at least be sure you are drinking. If you are very nauseous, call your dr's office and see if they will call in a scipt for phenergan (sp??) its for nausea and works pretty well for me. It might help you get by until you have the ultra sound. Hang in there. Big hugs and lots of love!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Report the guy! new
      #148919 - 02/11/05 08:06 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

That is RIDICULOUS! I am SO SORRY you are going through so much pain! *hugs* Keep posting here and let us know how you're doing...we're here for you *hugs* Take care....and like Casey said...keep the fluids coming! Sending prayers and hugs your way....

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I had to go to the ER last night
      #148940 - 02/11/05 09:02 AM

Reged: 02/11/04
Posts: 837

Oh you poor thing! That is just terrible. What a stupid, lousy ER doctor. Yes, definitely report him! There's no reason whatsoever why they shouldn't have done an ultrasound!

I had my gallbladder removed about 10 years ago, and a sono is all they needed to diagnose my problem. I'm so sorry you're having to continue to suffer. Once you have your sono, things will look a little brighter for you. Be sure your doctor knows that you aren't able to eat.
Hoping things get better soon,

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What a dumb doctor! new
      #148942 - 02/11/05 09:04 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

I agree with Michele - call the hospital and file a complaint. That doctor was very much in the wrong for yelling at you for following your doctor's advice.

Hope you start to feel better and don't get anymore unneeded stress from those dumb doctors.

- Jennifer

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Re: I had to go to the ER last night new
      #148947 - 02/11/05 09:27 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

I hope they figure all of this out for you soon. That doctor is such a jerk. Doesn't he realize that his job is to HELP sick people, not yell at them???!!!


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**Update** Oh it gets even better! new
      #148959 - 02/11/05 10:58 AM

Reged: 05/05/03
Posts: 137
Loc: Bensalem, PA (right outside of Philadelphia)

ARGH! So I called the ultrasound place to get an appointment. The soonest they have an appointment is Tuesday at 12:15. I made that appointment eventhough I know I am going to suffer until then.

My sister went to have my perscription for Nexium filled. It was written by the ER doctor. My insurance denied it because of the over the counter meds. I am aggrivated because I am still in pain and the pepsid was only supposed to work for 12 hours (not that it worked all that well).

I called my doctor to find out what I should do. The response was: Well the doctor you saw last night isn't in. We have to have her fill out paperwork to send to your insurance company. It will take 24 hours from the time she signs it to get the approval.

I asked, well.... what am I supposed to do in the meantime? I was told to wait and suffer. They wouldn't give me any kind of advice to do anything. So now I am livid. I nearly forgot that the doctor did give me a perscription for prevacid before i left in case I wouldn't go to the ER. My mom tried to get THAT filled and they denied THAT. My mom got me Prilosec as a recommendation from the Pharmacist.

The doctor did mention that this COULD be an ulcer. I am having a lot of ulcer symptoms as well. I am getting some pain on the left side of my stomach. I would rather have an ulcer than a bad gallbladder.

Dan just called from Shippensburg to tell me that he woke up sick. He is running a fever and everything. My mom said Dan is not allowed over because one of the things we have to watch for is a fever in me. If I get something from Dan and run a fever, we won't know what is causing it.

My mom and dad were supposed to go to Cape May to celebrate Valentine's Day but my mom decided against it. She doesn't want to leave me. I am glad to have her but I know my dad is really upset. I didn't tell my mom to stay home but she doesn't want to leave.

On the plus side, I managed to eat 6 saltines.

Thanks so much for your support guys. At least I feel like SOMEONE understands.


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go back to the docs office as an emergency.. new
      #149028 - 02/11/05 01:45 PM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

they can call the hospital and tell them to expect you.. or if its that bad go back to the ER- if you arne't eating anything- you need to be put on an IV at the least to keep you hydrated and you're body running.. if you get sick because this isn't treated or it gets severely worse- keep track of who said what and SUE! that way no one else has to go through this because some idiot kid at the ER bungled his job... I am so sorry to hear you are going through this and I hope you are better soon.

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: **Update** Oh it gets even better! new
      #149102 - 02/11/05 05:40 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Ugh! A and E is hopeless. I've sat there so many times with major problems (usually something wrong with one of the kids) only to be sent home and told to do nothing then ended up back there when they get worse. I hope you get some relief soon. I'll pray it's an ulcer and not your gall bladder and then the Nexium should kick in and help. I'll have you in my thoughts. Big hugs. Feel better soon.


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Re: **Update** Oh it gets even better! new
      #149414 - 02/12/05 08:16 PM


You are going throught a lot!! I meant to respond to this yesterday when I saw it but didn't have the chance since I was in class at school - but I just want you to know that I'm sending you my thoughts and I hope you're feeling better soon. I can't imagine going through all of that - you are brave!!

Hope Dan gets well soon too so you can see him. Take care of yourself and don't let silly doctors push you around!!! Big hugs and keep us updated.

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-bump- nt new
      #149514 - 02/13/05 09:00 AM

Reged: 04/29/04
Posts: 1530


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You poor thing!! new
      #149516 - 02/13/05 09:04 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

It's so hard when you're sick to shop around for care when there are so many uncaring doctors who don't see the big picture. If you're in pain now, you need to be seen now!!! I'd shop around emergency rooms at different hospitals until one admits you.

I hope you find that perfect doctor, but until you do, please take care of yourself. I'll be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way.


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UPDATE I am going to MY doctor tomorrow new
      #149573 - 02/13/05 01:29 PM

Reged: 05/05/03
Posts: 137
Loc: Bensalem, PA (right outside of Philadelphia)

I get to go to my doctor tomorrow for a follow up appointment. I originally didn't really want to go see him as he really can't do much for me. I plan on all but demanding the blood test for ulcers. If nothing else, it will give me ANSWERS. I want answers. I am still barely able to eat. I ate yesteday, not a whole lot but teeny tiny bits of food only to have a SEVERE attack of whatever sort it was last night. 50 mg of Phenergan barely put me to sleep. I slept in a very light sleep for about 8 hours. If you've ever taken Phenergan you know that's bad. 50 mg of Phenergan would normally put me out clear til next week. I ate a teeny bit again today. I am in a lot of pain today again. I had a nervous breakdown today. Lots of tears and freaking out. I deal with IBS on a daily basis and this pain and nausea makes IBS seem like simple indigestion. I fight so hard and then something like this happens. And no one is helping me. I have my mom and dad and they have helped a lot but no one that has the capacity to really help me is doing that and it's really frustrating.

There is some good news... Dan is coming over to spend time with me before he goes back to Ship. No Valentine's Day but at least I'll get to see him.


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I'm so sorry about everything! new
      #149580 - 02/13/05 01:53 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Wow, I can't believe everything that's happened. I just saw this post, and I feel so much sympathy for you!! I hope when you see your doctor, he will be able to help. I agree with everyone that you should have that awful doc at the ER reported and sue if anything bad happens. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I hope that it all works out in the end and you feel better very soon! I'm also glad that you get to see your BF, hopefully that will help a little. You will be in my thoughts and best of luck!


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