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HSP- are you one? new
      #134448 - 01/02/05 05:48 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

So I've been lurking in the self-help aisles at Barnes & Noble and have come across several books dealing with this personality type: the Highly Sensitive Person.
The author that coined the term, Dr Elaine Aron, says this:

This trait is normal--it is inherited by 15 to 20% of the population, and indeed the same percentage seems to be present in all higher animals.
Being an HSP means your nervous system is more sensitive to subtleties. Your sight, hearing, and sense of smell are not necessarily keener (although they may be). But your brain processes information and reflects on it more deeply.
Being an HSP also means, necessarily, that you are more easily overstimulated, stressed out, overwhelmed.
This trait is not something new I discovered--it has been mislabeled as shyness (not an inherited trait), introversion (30% of HSPs are actually extraverts), inhibitedness, fearfulness, and the like. HSPs can be these, but none of these are the fundamental trait they have inherited.
The reason for these negative misnomers and general lack of research on the subject is that in this culture being tough and outgoing is the preferred or ideal personality--not high sensitivity. (Therefore in the past the research focus has been on sensitivity's potential negative impact on sociability and boldness, not the phenomenon itself or its purpose.) This cultural bias affects HSPs as much as their trait affects them, as I am sure you realize. Even those who loved you probably told you, "don't be so sensitive," making you feel abnormal when in fact you could do nothing about it and it is not abnormal at all.

One isn't really diagnosed, but you recognize yourself in questions like these:
I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input.
Other people's moods affect me.
I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days,into bed or into a darkened room or any place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation.
I am made uncomfortable by loud noises.
I startle easily.
My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled that I just have to go off by myself.
I make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows.
I am bothered by intense stimuli, like loud noises or chaotic scenes.
When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to see me as sensitive or shy.
And if you're like me, you go "A-ha! That describes me perfectly!"
So this particular doctor has written several books on life as a HSP and life with a HSP, and there are several others as well.
The thought occurs, there would seem to be a lot of potential connection between high sensitivity and the kind of digestive issues we deal with. Any of you read any of these books?

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134451 - 01/02/05 05:59 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Very interesting stuff... and yep, I was reading the list at the end and thinking, wow, that sounds like me!

A good example: I can sit here at home, working, knitting, whatever, in complete silence all day. I almost never put on music, and even more rarely do I turn on the TV. I know my boyfriend thinks I'm weird because of it, but I find the noise actually irritates me to a point where I just want to scream and go hide somewhere quiet. Nine times out of 10, if he flips on the TV or puts in a movie, I go upstairs and hide in my office.

It's not that I hate music, TV, or movies, but the noise overstimulates me sometimes.

For a very little while, going on an anti-anxiety medication seemed to help, but I think that was coincidence. I'm still feeling the effects of the med, so I know it's still "working", but I'm back to wanting to be in silence all the time.

Interesting... I'm going to have to read more about this!

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Re: OMG yes me too!! new
      #134453 - 01/02/05 06:12 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Yes I think I am an HSP too!! I have read part of the book called "The HSP", although I couldn't get through all of it. I think I have become even more sensitive since I got IBS...I am more easily overwhelmed by stressful situations, because they usually trigger attacks. Social situations have become more uncomfortable for me, too. It would be interesting to know if other IBS sufferers feel this way. I should go back and try to read the book again...

My physical therapist also told me that my body type is "ectoderm", meaning I am very sensitive to external stimuli because I tend to be bony and so my nerves are closer to my skin or something like that, which can lead to digestive problems.

Thanks for bringing this up; I'd forgotten about it!


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This is exactly me! new
      #134461 - 01/02/05 06:47 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I felt like I was reading a medical record that a doctor may have written on me. All my apartment neighhbors hate me because I'm always complaining about the noise. I can't go to malls because there are too many people.

I get stressed so easily and overwhelmed with everything. My psych has me on two meds for anxiety because I get so sensitive and stressed over stuff!

It's like all my senses are hightened and my nerves are fragile.

I over analyze everything. Decisions are impossible. I've been called a snob, when in fact I'm just too "shy" to associate with people. I go places alone, so that I can escape if things get to chaotic, like Christmas at my moms.

When I was little (and still today) I cry and get offended if anyone critisizes me or corrects anything I may have made a mistake on. My mom tells me to "grow up".

The last part, where you desribed yourself, I could have written that. I swear you were describing me to a tee. This is so interesting. And scary that it is so accurate for me.

So, what can we do about it? To become less of all these? It would make life easier and more pleasant, and would probably do the IBS a world of good!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: This is exactly me! new
      #134467 - 01/02/05 06:58 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Beth! My neighbours hate me too because I complain to the landlord about their loud music!

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Count me in! Yep. new
      #134468 - 01/02/05 06:59 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I am SO sensitive to noise, easily overstimulated, stressed and overwhelmed. I need a lot of me time or I get cranky.

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OMG, really?! new
      #134479 - 01/02/05 07:20 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

And being the sensitive type, it bothers me that they hate me! But the noise is so stressful to me. One time my downstairs neighbor was being so loud I banged on the floor with my foot and I actually tore a ligiment! Was on crutches for 2 months! The noise, however, continues!

I complain to my landlord (the one who won't let me get a cat )and he told me that I was the problem and that I needed to deal with the noise and to leave everyone else alone!

At least I'm in good company. It's fun being hated by your neighbors, isn't it. I get dirty looks and everything!

I think one of the reasons I'm on the boards so much at home is that I don't notice the apartment noises so much, the slamming doors, etc! It occupies my attention away from it.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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UUHHH YEAH!!!! new
      #134485 - 01/02/05 07:27 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

OMG did this person know me in past life??? LOL!! Only thing I don't fit is the scary movie thing!! I LOVE THEM!!! I was always called a hermant or lazy because alot of time going places even to a friends house is just to much for me!! I feel like I need to lie down and be left alone!! WOW!!!


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I'm more of a "Meyers-Briggs" ISTP. new
      #134488 - 01/02/05 07:35 PM
Urban Rain

Reged: 01/02/05
Posts: 45
Loc: West San Fernando Valley

This is described as


Which means that most of the criteria does not relate, here. I rely heavily on my senses, but favoring "thought" over "emotion" for expression there's not a lot of sensitivity. My sense of other people's "vibes" are very undeveloped. Yet, I'm a great person to go when a problem needs to be solved...great objectivity, at times.

-I find personality studies fascinating. -even astrology in terms of natal charts. Don't believe we can predict the future with it, though.

Dumas (Aries "Capricorn Rising" w. a Virgo Moon).

If you love the meter, the beat is sweeter.

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Re: This is exactly me! new
      #134495 - 01/02/05 07:57 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Isn't it a relief when you stumble across something like this that helps you realize you're not some kind of wierdo, and that there are concrete things you can do to help yourself? (kinda like what happened when you discovered this site )
Here are some links to books- not that I'm shilling anything or shilling, for that matter, just that the reviews here are useful, but you can get them at your local library...
"The Highly Sensitive Person"
"The Highly Sensitive Person's Workbook"
"Are You Really Too Sensitive?: How to Understand and Develop Your Sensitivity As the Strength It Is"
"The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World"
"The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: An Alternative Health Answer to Emotional Sensitivity & Depression"
Also, here are a couple of sites that have good info-
Elaine Aron - she's the Heather VanVorous of HSP. Literally wrote the book on it.
More good info & support here-
We're used to researching and being willing to try many alternatives to make our lives better. So here are some ways to begin to do that.

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Re: This is exactly me! new
      #134520 - 01/02/05 11:17 PM

Reged: 12/31/04
Posts: 297
Loc: Alternate b/w Northern and Southern California

Beth, I also overanalyze everything and can't make the stupidest decisions!! It can be really taxing sometimes...My BF gets so annoyed with me because I will ask him like five times what he meant when he said "OK"!!

Also, I was always nicknamed the "mom" when I lived in the dorms because I was always telling everyone to shut up and clean up!!


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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134539 - 01/03/05 06:09 AM


OMG I didn't read this post till just now, but man that sounds like me too. I've read articles about IBS before and they always tend to think that people with this kind of personality are more prone to IBS because of the anxiety and stress and worry they feel so much of the time.

But anyhow I too get labeled as being shy, but that's not really the case. And especially apparent to me now during the holidays when we have been invited to do stuff like every other day, but I'd rather just stay home by myself and read or something, no matter how much I like the people we'd go to see. It's weird cause I feel like people will think I'm lazy, but it's definitely not that. I'm just happy to be alone like that.

Well thanks for posting this!

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Re: OMG, really?! new
      #134542 - 01/03/05 06:30 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yep, I have complained about every neighbour I've had since moving out on my own, I think. I live in a highrise building now and it's super noisy! It's not built very well and we hear everything.

The day after we moved in the upstairs neighbours started playing super loud music. My BF could tell that it was Metallica and even what song it was. We complained a few times over the first month about them and now they're fine.

The two girls that live downstairs are partiers. They started playing their music loud at 11 pm (and on) in their bedroom which is right below ours. So I made a few complaints over the course of two weeks and they're good too. Mostly.

Now the next door neighbours and very, very bad. They're a young couple that moved here from renting a house. They have no concept of "keeping it down". They LOVE dance music with tons of bass and drive us both batty. I've had to complain about them many, many times. They don't care and keep it up unlike the others. They give us dirty looks when we run into them.

But I have to say that my landlord is very good about it. It's a huge company and they have their own security that handles noise complaints. So every time I make a complaint they have to come and listen. If they hear nothing they have to leave and not do a thing. EVERY TIME they've come they've heard the music from the elevator so they agree with me that it's WAY too loud. Thank goodness!!!

But I am very, very sensitive. There are times when some of these neighbours do play their music but my BF says it's not loud enough to make a complaint. So I have to live with it.

Wow, you're the first person that I have this in common with. Cool! Feel free to share any storied with me. I understand.

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The Dorm! new
      #134543 - 01/03/05 06:31 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I used to have to wear these dorky earplugs because I just could not stand all the noise in the dorm! I was so sensitive and had the reputation as the grinch!

When I graduated I thought that life was behind me. Little did I know that apartment life is pretty much the same thing but a little better! UGH. I need my own private home with no neighbors above,below, or next to me. Just my own place!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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P.S. Paula - I love your hair style -nt- new
      #134544 - 01/03/05 06:33 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

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It's a deal! new
      #134551 - 01/03/05 07:17 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Yes, so cool to be able to have someone to vent to about living life with rude, insensitive, obnoxious apartment neighbors. You can even email me it you want (it's in my profile). I have moved about a dozen times because I keep thinking the next apartment may be quieter! It's kind of a joke in my family, oh Beth's moving again ! But the next place is always the same thing: noise! UGH!

We both need our own houses! But on my lousy salary that will never happen!

On top of neighbor noise, they are buiding a condo building next door to me so bulldozers and crains and jackhammers are out there every day, even Sat and Sun, at 7am! And across the street, the 2 people leave their yelping dogs out all day. I've called the cops a couple times on them! Everyone must hate me. But is a little quiet too much to ask for? Why can't people just be more respectful, like us?

Okay, I went off on a rampage there! Point of this post is to let you know, yes, let's vent to each other! It feels better to get it out and when complain to other people they just tell me to go live on a desert island alone! They don't understand. Again, they, meaning mostly my family, thinks I have the problem. But then again, they all have their own places and don't have to experience the joys of living with everyone and their friends and families visiting.

Okay, I feel better now. Thanks for listening, sweetie. So much better! Give it to me back whenever you need to, seriously. Don't you think it would make our IBS so much better if we had our own places? I'm totally serious about that question! I sure do!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: P.S. Paula - I love your hair style -nt- new
      #134552 - 01/03/05 07:21 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Guess what- don't have that style anymore. The saga of my hair is neverending; it's straight and thick but very fine, and hard to manage! Right now it's short & layered, but the same reddish. I cut it all off VERY short and am now kinda waffling whether to grow it out again, cause the thing I loved about that hairstyle was, I could just wash & go if I wanted to. Which I miss. I'm going to Italy this summer with 40 HS students and the last thing I'll need is a high-maintanence hair style.
But thanks-- I'll take that as one vote for, yes, grow it out.

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Re: P.S. Paula - I love your hair style -nt- new
      #134554 - 01/03/05 07:29 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Oh, it might be just as nice now. I just love the classic bob, very stylish.

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Re: P.S. Paula - I love your hair style -nt- new
      #134557 - 01/03/05 07:31 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Absolutely right, and I'm a classic kind of gal.
Many thanks for the compliment.

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Re: It's a deal! new
      #134558 - 01/03/05 07:36 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508


Yes, my parenst also have that running joke that I move too much and every place is the same. They think it's just me. But I agree with you, if my parents had neighbours who blasted music unexpectantly throughout the week, they'd get upset too!

I want my own home soooooo bad! I have for years. And people tell me to buy a townhome or a duplex. No way! Once I have a home, it can't be connected to anyone else.

My BF says he'll fins me a glass box to hide in. It's a running joke. But seriously, he said if we end up buying a home, we'll have it built with a lot of sound proofing. He wants to have an entertainment room in the basement and he'll sound-proof it so that he can blast music and I won't hear it. Sounds perfect to me!

I know my IBS is better when I get peace and quiet. There's no doubt at all. Noise is a major stressor to me and can upset me greatly.

That's terrible about the construction near you. That would be a bit too much for me. I hope it's over soon!

Hey, you should post a picture! And how old are you? Just curious.

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Neighbors & noise new
      #134564 - 01/03/05 07:48 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Happily, after decades of apartment dwelling, I finally am a homeowner (and therefore have not too much compunction about telling my tenants to keep it down )
What say you to this?

Excerpt from The Highly Sensitive Person Survival Guide

My Neighbors Are Driving Me Crazy: What Can I Do?
(Questions from "How to Deal with Difficult Situations")

Q; I have a neighbor who was very noisy and we got into quite a battle over his loud music that he refused to turn down. After the manager made him turn down his music, he ended up moving to another apartment in the same building, but whenever I see him he always gives me dirty looks which really irritates me. What can I do to make him stop?

A; Although your neighbor may have been 99 % at fault in the disagreement for not turning down his music, if you were a non-HSP you may not have been bothered by the noise. You were likely angry when you told him to turn down the music or when you reported him to the manager. He may have felt attacked by you. He was the one who had to leave his home due to your demands. I recommend that you either tell him or write him a note using the 1% apology technique. Apologize for your 1% responsibility of the dispute. Tell him that if you didn't have a sensitivity to noise, there wouldn't have been a dispute and apologize for any inconvenience that you caused him. The chances are high that if you apologize, he will eventually stop giving you dirty looks and both of you will feel more at peace.

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Re: Neighbors & noise new
      #134566 - 01/03/05 07:52 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Lucky you!!!

About the Q & Q. While that makes sense, to me, it would make the person even more defensive and angry if I admitted that I was overly sensitive to noise.

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Re: Neighbors & noise new
      #134567 - 01/03/05 08:02 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Well he's a pig then.
I do feel like it kinda puts one in a funny position to say "I'm highly sensitive"... it's like you're putting on airs or something, know what I mean? Reading these books makes it clear that it really is just a slight difference in the way people are built, but I know that some are just gonna ridicule when you try to say these things to them.
I offer my sympathy. I remember many a sleepless night while some lout was thumping out loud obnoxious music. And it would never be nice music either, not Debussy, always Guns & Roses or something.
Then there was the landlord that sold our parking spaces (that we payed him for) on July 3-4 to fireworks viewers. and informed us we couldn't use our spaces on those two nights.

I'm so glad I don't have to do that anymore. As my mother says, your day will come. I rejoice in my karmic opportunity to be a really nice landlord now.

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Some really useful info- new
      #134574 - 01/03/05 08:32 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Here's a short but very informative article-
The Plight of the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

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Re: Neighbors & noise new
      #134586 - 01/03/05 09:25 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Oh yes, my day will come. I have the perfect house in my head too. It will be a small bungalow with 2 bathroom, 3-4 bedroom, a finished basement and a backyard. I will do tons of gardening too! I want to have a yoga/meditation room that's just for me to enjoy thr peace and quiet!

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Re: Some really useful info-
      #134588 - 01/03/05 09:29 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks so much for all this info Paula.

I will go look for this book (The Highly Sensitive Person)at Chapters this week.

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Me too! -nt- new
      #134589 - 01/03/05 09:38 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey


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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134591 - 01/03/05 09:45 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Count me in! I can't even go into Mejiers for grocery shopping because its too "busy." I get all worked up. I don't do well in crowded places, I hate loud music, I'm forever turning the TV down. I like being by myself. In fact, I work alone all day most days in my office without even turning on a radio! People ask me how I can stand the quiet and they don't believe me when I tell them I like it!! My mom used to tease me because I would cry at tv commercials! My shrink is helping me to learn to let things goes easier but we haven't made much progress on being less sensative!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134595 - 01/03/05 09:50 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I always turn the tv down too! Infact, my boyfriend gives me the remote with the volume control (we have two remotes) so I can turn it up or down depending on commercials, etc. Btw, commercials are the worst!

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134598 - 01/03/05 09:56 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Oh yeah, don't get me started on those darn commercials!! We also have two remotes and I'm really quick on that mute button for the commercails! My hubby keeps telling me he is going to install a compressor on the sound so the volume will remain the same. I guess some of the new, expensive TV's already come with a compresser built in! I really think there should be a law about the volume level on different TV programs!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134600 - 01/03/05 09:58 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes! Glad you agree. Commercials are so bad.

We have a tv that has a function to have all shows at the same volume but we don't use it. I will remind my BF to activate it and see if it even works well.

Down with commercials!

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HSP and kids? new
      #134603 - 01/03/05 10:04 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

That I think because I'm a HSP this is the largest reason that I do not want kids. I am super sensitive to noise and baies and young children are so noisey that they simply overwhelm my senses in minutes. No kidding!

Does anyone else not want kids because of this? Just curious.

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #134612 - 01/03/05 10:17 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland


One isn't really diagnosed, but you recognize yourself in questions like these:
I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input. Yip, loud noises, strong smells etc
Other people's moods affect me. Oh yeah-particularly relevant since I am an adult child of an alcholic
I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days,into bed or into a darkened room or any place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation. Hmm, not so sure about this one...I do like company..But at work at least once a week I curse my openplan office and wish I had an office door to shut
I am made uncomfortable by loud noises. Definitely me
I startle easily. Absolutely, I jump at the smallest thing, BF thinks its hilarious
My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled that I just have to go off by myself. Has happened a few times
I make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows. I look away!
I am bothered by intense stimuli, like loud noises or chaotic scenes. Yes
When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to see me as sensitive or shy. Sensitive maybe, I used to cry a lot when I was a kid, shy never, I was always very outgoing

Here are some other things that I have thought of that I could blame on this:

- When I was younger I would get nervous for other people and get butterflies in my tummy for them! eg my cousins often played in concerts and I was in the audience with butterflies
- When I eat I have to remove the dish and the food smell from my vicinity immediately or I get nauseous
- I get a tummy ache from the smell of oranges being peeled- but love the smell of OJ!
- I cannot sleep if there is even a glimmer of light, so much so that some digital alarm clocks keep me awake with their reflection
- I cannot sleep with a radio on (music on CD doesn't bother me as much)
- I'm sure I will think of some more later...


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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #135041 - 01/04/05 04:02 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Wow this is totally me... BTW, Sinead what you said about the oranges? Me too!!!


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Nelly- LOL! new
      #135043 - 01/04/05 04:05 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Most people think I am very strange when I complain about oranges being peeled in my general vicinity and then swoon over freshly squeezed OJ, its great not to feel like a freak.

The smell of fresh OJ is always associated for me with the smell of hot-just-dropped-off-by the boulangerie croissants, due to my 7am shift when I worked in a hotel in Paris. Hope to recreate the smell (but not the hour!) next weekend!


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Re: Nelly- LOL! new
      #135047 - 01/04/05 04:15 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

OK NOW you're making me hungry!!! I love croissants...!!

Evil oranges!! Peeling oranges smells like something horrible to me, like lye being poured over rotting corpses! Or something only vaguely less horrible. But you're right, fresh orange juice smells just fine! Hmmm...


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I do that too! new
      #135053 - 01/04/05 04:29 PM


Reading your post made me realize some more of the things I do associated with this.

It KILLS me to watch other people do presentations in class - I get so nervous for them. My brothers are in recitals and concerts all the time and I get so nervous for them. It's just crazy! When I get nervous or anxious I pick at my fingernails and by the time I'm done watching people do stuff like that they are pretty much gone!

I can't sleep with light or noise either. People think it's funny but I can tell if there's a light on on the other side of the house because I can see it coming from under my closed door. And I always have to put a shirt or something over my digital alarm clock (regular ones drive me nuts with the ticking) cause I can't stand the glow. I remember getting furious when I could hear my dad helping my brothers with homework late at night and I'd make them whisper (which even then I could hear) Drove me nuts!

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #135063 - 01/04/05 06:02 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Aha, so it's as I suspected... We're ALL HSP on this board, that's why our guts are so messed up!
Boy, you can't believe how useful this book is, "The Highly Sensitive Person" by Elaine Aron. I'm just plowing through it, highlighting everything in yellow. Not a page goes by when I don't go That's so ME! Y'mean, other people have had these feelings and these experiences? And I thought I was just a fruitcake!
Seriously, it's chock full of useful and practical advice.
Read it!
Read it!
Read it now!

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #135079 - 01/04/05 08:06 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

[hypnotized monotone] I... must read... it... noooow...!


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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #135083 - 01/04/05 08:35 PM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

Some of this fits me pretty well

I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input. I can barely walk through the music section of circuit city, and I can't stand techno music -- it makes me crazy!
Other people's moods affect me. This is very true for me, and I find it offensive when people take their poor moods out on me. I am very careful not to be grumpy or sulky around people when I am not feeling my best.
I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days,into bed or into a darkened room or any place where I can have some privacy and relief from stimulation. I'd put it exactly that way.
I am made uncomfortable by loud noises. Ny neighbor plays amazingly loud music with the bass turned way up. It's more than distracting -- it's totally infuriating. When I think it's too loud I tell her to turn it down, but when I can just generally overhear that she has music on, I leave it alone and chalk it up to apartment life.
I startle easily. Yes, I jump at movies and tv shows especially.
My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled that I just have to go off by myself. Yup
I make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows. I don't mind violence at all but I don't like suspense thrillers or anything like that. Makes me nervous. Oddly enough, movies like "Meet the Parents" make me so stressed out on behalf of the characters that I cannot enjoy the movie. I haven't seen the sequel just for that reason.
I am bothered by intense stimuli, like loud noises or chaotic scenes. I panicked trying to get out of a very crowded Penn Station during the RNC in NYC, and I don't know if that's normal or not. Usually chaotic scenes are okay but uncontrolled noise is not.
When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to see me as sensitive or shy. Sensitive, yes. Shy, no. I can remember my parents sitting me down to say that I was too old to cry over hurt feelings anymore (I was probably 7). Having two older brothers toughened me up somewhat, but I am still pretty scared of confrontation and I hate when I do a bad job and others disapprove. I cry a lot -- sometimes up to 4 days a week for a long time, but in general I do not feel the least bit depressed and I generally have a positive outlook.

I'd be interested in checking out the book.


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Nelly- new
      #135222 - 01/05/05 09:04 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Your posts are always a riot, made doubly so by the fact that I can't help but envision the dog saying these things.
hee hee!

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ME TOO! new
      #135243 - 01/05/05 09:54 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Oh my god, I always used to put a towel under my door to block the light too. I figured I was the only one who did that.

I used to get furious at my parents as a child when I was in bed sleeping and they were watching tv too loud. I never grew out of that either. Every night before I go to bed, I always tell my BF to turn the tv down. He kinda laughs as he does it without being asked now. He thinks I'm a bit nuts, of course. he he

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Book? new
      #135245 - 01/05/05 09:57 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Hi Paula, can you give me an example of something the book suggested as helpful to deal with being a HSP? I found it at Chapters yesterday but didn't have time to read any of it. I figured I'd go back on payday and consider it.

Is it really that helpful? Please do tell!

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Re: Nelly- new
      #135267 - 01/05/05 10:35 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

LOL!!! OK now that really made me laugh!!!!!!


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Re: Book? new
      #135285 - 01/05/05 11:20 AM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Well, the first couple of chapters are quite detailed about the physiological causes of this trait, enabling you to understand exactly why you react to things the way you do and also to explain your needs and reactions to others in such a way as to head off their "oh, SEN-sitive, huh? She's just putting on airs, why doesn't she just get over it" type reactions that we've all gotten. Also enabling you to take care of yourself in the way that makes you most able to be of use to others.
There are lots of practical health suggestions, but the bulk of the book is about dealing with psychological issues (after all, the author is a clinical psychologist)- "reframing your childhood and adolescence"- "social relationships"- "thriving at work"- "close relationships"- you get the idea. There's a really useful chapter about possible medical alternatives, and the closing chapter is about spirituality.
Each chapter ends with exercises that you can spend some time with; she expands on these in a workbook that I haven't cracked open yet. They're really useful and thought- provoking.
One of her main theses is that HSP's, by virtue of their sensitivity, provide services to humanity that no one else is capable of giving. So she's about teaching you to take care of yourself so you can give the world your gifts.
If you don't want to buy right away, why not find it a the library and see if it's useful enough to you to buy?

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Re: Book? new
      #135351 - 01/05/05 12:54 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks for the great description.I would love to know 'why' I do certain things. I'm special. he he

I might see if I canget it in the library, good suggestion. I spend way too much on books. I'm a book addict.

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Re: HSP- are you one? new
      #135423 - 01/05/05 02:12 PM

Reged: 07/22/04
Posts: 55
Loc: USA

Oh my. This sounds just like me!

I cannot stand loud music, loud noises, fighting, arguing, bickering, yelling, crowded places.

Visually 'busy' places - i.e. crowds, theme parks, fairs, carnivals, circuses, Chuck E Cheese, sporting events, busy decorated malls, Wal-Mart, etc. make me bananas.

I get startled or scared easily - my husband thinks its funny to jump out at me

I get overloaded easily and I get very tired after shopping.

I love being alone - I need to be alone often or I go batty. Most of my hobbies are 'quiet' things - reading, painting, drawing, crafts, gardening.

I love music but I can only listen for so long before I feel overwhelmed and turn it off and relish the quiet.

When I was little, I would spend HOURS alone in my room playing with dolls, reading, daydreaming, painting, listening to classical music. I was probably the only child at Disneyland who hated it and wanted to go home - the crowds, the noise, the smells, the STUFF everywhere, the heat was overwhelming and I wanted to go home so badly! I was afraid of the lawn mower, the vaccuum cleaner and the game 'Operation'. I was painfully shy as a child and did not overcome it until about my junior year of high school - I got involved in my church youth group and the safe, fun and loving environment there was a great place for me to come out of my shell.

I dislike sports. I feel overwhelmed by the roughness, competition, agressiveness and noise. I prefer solitary activity like walking, yoga, pilates, ballet.

I used to work as a RN but it made my IBS really bad. I think it was the constant being on your toes, the pressure and the immediacy of everything. I changed my career to web/graphic design and my IBS got dramatically better.

My husband is a sweetie and he understands my temperament. He was an only child and loves the fun and excitement of going out and having fun, running errands, shopping, etc. but needs time to rejuvenate also. He planned our honeymoon - he picked a quiet couples only tropical resort that was all inclusive to make our time stress free. It was GREAT! We never left the resort the whole time. So many people ask us - weren't you BORED? How could we be bored? We basked in the sun, played on the beach, drank pina coladas, sailed, snorkeled, ate wonderful was heaven! We had no desire whatsoever to go galavanting around outside the resort - who cared what was out there?

I guess you could say I'm a poster child for this HSP!

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Re: Books! Books! Books! new
      #135425 - 01/05/05 02:24 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Me too, but I figure in the world of things to be addicted to, a book might be one of the best. My husband calls me "Hermione Granger"- responds to my running to refer to this or that book for an obscure fact by saying "Well, am I the only one who's read Hogwarts- a History?".
I like being like that though- it's useful.
My criteria about whether to shell out hard earned cash for a book (and risk filling up the house with them) goes like this. Can I get it at the library first? OK. If I can, then I take a look at it for free to see if it'll be a one-time read or one that I'll want to highlight and write notes.
This is definitely one for the highlighter, for me anyway. I'll be interested to see what you think.

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Hermione! new
      #135448 - 01/05/05 03:47 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I love it! I used to be such a Hermione when I was younger, I HOPE i have grown out of it, I was such a little know it all!


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Re: Hermione! new
      #135453 - 01/05/05 04:04 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

There are some Hermione traits that are to be proud of. Hope you didn't grow out of them all.

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Re: Books! Books! Books! new
      #135480 - 01/05/05 04:50 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes, I agree. Some books are like magazines and you'll only read them once. Others are treasures that you need to hang on to. I've kept all of my books for sentimental value.

I started taking books out of the library again and I'm so glad. Some of them have only been so-so and I'm glad I didn't shell out lots of cash for them. But you're right, the library doesn't get new books in as fast as the stores do.

I will go check out that HSP book though. And if I think it's a keeper, I'll buy it. I was on my lunch break when I went to skim through it. I didn't have much of a chance to find anything meaningful in that short of time.

I'm slacking.... he he

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Re: ME TOO! new
      #135691 - 01/06/05 10:27 AM

Reged: 07/22/04
Posts: 55
Loc: USA

Ok, this is scary!

I can barely watch ice skating/gymnastic events on the olympics because I get so nervous for the competitors! LOL

Ever since I was little I have had to sleep in a dark room - totally dark. My mom thought I was nuts because I put blankets over my windows and hated nightlights. I could hear our neighbor's TV next door (hard of hearing elderly lady) and it made me bananas.

College was really difficult because of the dorm life. I intentionally requested the all girls dorm because it was more calm and quiet than the others. There would be the occaisional craziness though at 3 am that would make my blood boil!

I am really looking forward to getting my own home someday. Renting is difficult - I always feel like I can hear my neighbors and I feel like I am 'surrounded' or something. I want peace, quiet and space!

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Re: ME TOO! new
      #135698 - 01/06/05 10:36 AM

Reged: 11/28/04
Posts: 531
Loc: the internet

Well, I think I'm the only one on the boards who ISN'T like this!

I do need a dark room to sleep, but my digital clock doesn't bother me.

I LOVE loud music, though lately, with headaches...not so much.

I'm not bothered by noisy places, though I am clausterphobic.

The noise thing when I'm trying to sleep, though, that's true! I need quiet when I sleep!

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Re: HSP and kids? new
      #135700 - 01/06/05 10:42 AM

Reged: 07/22/04
Posts: 55
Loc: USA

I know what you mean - I used to worry about this before I became a Mommy.

I have to tell you though that from my experience, when its your own children, it is almost a non-issue. You love them so much that you kind of forget about all that. Sure, sometimes are difficult like when they get sick or misbehave, but they are only temporary. As for discipline, if you are consistent and follow through every time with consequences, you will raise happy, obedient, pleasant children. Children who are not disciplined properly are a mess and a pain to be around.

If you raise your children without TV, music constantly on, or too many toys - they grow to be independent, imaginative and creative children who don't always whine "I'm bored". Children who are given too much become overstimulated and dependent on others for entertainment.

Now, as for other people's children - ugh. I have trouble with this. A friend of mine with 3 children wants to get together all the time - I have to turn her down often. Not only do I get cranky and overwhelmed - but so does my daughter! LOL I guess she is a chip off of the old block. I allow limited playdates for social interaction but I monitor what goes on very carefully and keep the TV OFF. It keeps the mood more calm, I've found.

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Re: ME TOO! new
      #135727 - 01/06/05 11:09 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I hear ya!

Good to know that we're not crazy, huh!?

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Re: HSP and kids? new
      #135729 - 01/06/05 11:11 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks for telling me your side of it as a mommy. That's good to know. Not sure if I'll have any kids but it's good to know that if it should happen, I would probably be able to deal with it.

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Paula -- I just bought it! new
      #135730 - 01/06/05 11:12 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Will read it this weekend and see how I like it!

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Re: Paula -- I just bought it! new
      #135809 - 01/06/05 02:35 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Glad you got it. I suspect you're gonna find it really helpful and illuminating.
I actually recommended it to a student today. I have a feeling I'l continue to do that.
I look forward to your reaction.

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Re: Paula -- I just bought it! new
      #135838 - 01/06/05 03:47 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I think I'll like it too. I'm 100% sure my BF will see the title and say "Oh ya Tina, this book is definitely for you!" he he

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Re: Paula -- I just bought it! new
      #135845 - 01/06/05 03:53 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

My husband is vacationing this week, but I'm itching to tell him about it too.

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That sounds like me too! How strange... -nt- new
      #135852 - 01/06/05 04:08 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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LittleLamb!! new
      #135860 - 01/06/05 05:02 PM


Oh my gosh I forgot about that one - the Olympics drove me over the edge to watch!! Of course I ended up watching them, but oh my gosh it KILLED me! I was so nervous for them all the time! Thanks for bringing this one up, I'd forgotten about it

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