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Question for wives or husbands new
      #128425 - 12/07/04 12:45 PM

Reged: 11/11/04
Posts: 25
Loc: Illinois

My husband and I have a problem. He is a computer geek and is on his computer a lot. I like to watch tv. Well our problem is that we work until 5:00 then go to the gym until 6:30. Then we have dinner. He goes to his computer and I go to the tv. We don't spend much time together. We hardly see each other at the gym and sometimes we don't eat dinner together. We have been wanting to spend more quality time together but we don't know what to do. My family always watched tv together and that was supposed to be "quality time". Anyway my husband and I don't know what to do together.
My question is: What do the rest of you spouses do for quality time?

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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #128429 - 12/07/04 12:58 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 157

First, I think that it is great that you work out together. When we workout together (not very often) we try to do some of the machines at the same time. Or, when we are ready for the sit-ups etc. we do that together.

We are wireless and we can be in the same room for TV and computer. When we are in the same room we talk to each other.

Even me on the desktop which is in a different room then the TV - he can work in a chair next to me on his laptop while I am on my computer.

Try to go to bed 1/2 hour sooner. That is when we read together and we always talk.


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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #128433 - 12/07/04 01:07 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Hmm...I think a lot of couples have that same problem!!
My hubby and I are kind of the opposite...the second he's home we are not apart. But I am now at home during the days, so I am lonely until he gets home!
We always eat dinner together - I think that's important. A lot of nights we play games together - I don't know if you and your hubby like games?? We play really dumb games, but we have so much fun - like Battleship, Hide and Seek, etc... I know that sounds funny because we are in our upper 20's, but all that matters is that you're laughing and enjoying eachother!

We watch tv together a lot. If he's on the computer I lay down by his chair and play with the dog and talk to him. We are pretty inseparable at home, and I love it.

Could you do any projects around the house?? Like paint a room? Re-decorate? Go for walks? Go running together some nights instead of going to the gym?

I hope I helped at least a little! I just think it's so important to be best friends and love to hang out together! Just start following him around - lol.

Good luck!


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Date Nights? new
      #128434 - 12/07/04 01:11 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

I know some couples who have had a hard time 'scheduling' each other in while they are busy doing other things have done well with having a 'date night'. It doesn't have to be anything extravagent, but you could go out for dinner or go to a movie or something. Or my parents used to go for a walk together after dinner with the dogs, and that's a nice idea.. though you might be so tired from working out so maybe not..
My boyfriend and I sometimes do silly things together like play Scrabble or cards or stuff like that if we are staying in, but don't wanna watch TV or a movie or something.
Good luck!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: Date Nights? new
      #128438 - 12/07/04 01:23 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

My and Will also try to set up date nights. He is also a tecnical geek and I'm more artsy-fartsy. We try to set up at least one afternoon on the weekends or one weekend that we have date night. We turn off the cell phones and have dinner together, go to a movie, rent a movie and munch popcorn. We almost always go out to breakfast Sunday mornings and try to do some of the house hold shopping, like going to costco. It can be hard sometimes finding things to do together but I really believe its important to make the effecrt! In the summer, we like to go to the park for a picnic and some frisbee. If its in the budget, rent a hotel room for the night just for something different!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #128453 - 12/07/04 01:41 PM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Hi Ambie,
My husband and I have been married for three years now and dated for almost six years before that. He is about the most important part of my support system for dealing with this disease. I know that for alot of this stuff with being sick that's hard to talk about, here on the boards where I'm more anonymous and at home with my husband are the only places I talk about how I feel. We talk alot while we eat dinner and I would agree with Cara that it's important to do that, just as a routine sort of thing. Also, make sure you talk with him about wanting to spend more time together and work out sollutions together. If you don't work this in now at the beginning of your marriage, it will only be harder to start doing later. I remember when I was still in grad school and I was always in another room studying while hubby was watching TV. I missed him. It is something you have to prioritize, but I'm sure that if you talk about it than the two of you can figure things out!
Best of luck!

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Re: Question for wives or husbands
      #128458 - 12/07/04 02:25 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

This is our 9th xmas together and DB is a computer geek and I am a tv fiend. He keeps opposite hours than I do-- I'm up at 5am , out the door at 7:30 and back after 7pm. He's up at 8:30 and back at 4:30 and stays up all night, usually until 5 or 6am, playing computer games and working on his next work project. Needless to say, we have seperate rooms!!

We spend time together by keeping out of each other's way during the week, with me coming into his room after work to check my email/boards on one of the other computers in his room (he has 6 systems networked for games). We enjoy this quiet time together. On Friday nights we drop everything and clean the apartment for a couple of hours together when I get home from DC. Then on Saturday, we either host network games for our friends (I play hostess and generally watch, while he entertains and plays). I enjoy seeing our friends, who'll sometimes stay overnight so they can play in turns if they want to beat a particular new game (they were here for about 5 days, sleeping in shifts, so they could beat Diablo 2 when it came out 4 years ago!). I told you he was a geek!

Sundays we'll kick back in his bed and watch movies he's downloaded, and chill out all day, ordering Japenese or Chinese food. We don't leave the bed all day and it's nice to cuddle and critique the movies with each other.

Early in our relationship tried to get us to spend more quantity time together, sleeping in the same bed, carpooling to work, making plans weeks in advance to do couples things. It never worked. Now I'm glad for every moment we do spend together, and it's never a chore. (Plus I sleep way better. ) If it's not broken, don't fix it, I vote.

Good luck to you! Relationships take work, I know! I always offer to get him a cup of coffee, remember to ask him about his day and LISTEN, feign interest in the latest computer game he's playing and remember the salient points for later, and never try to pry if he tells me he needs his space.

How are you getting along when you do spend time together? Is there anything missing from your routine that you 2 could turn into a group activity?


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We love computer geeks! new
      #128509 - 12/07/04 05:02 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I have one too!
We have a wireless lan and wireless broadband in our house, we have currently a laptop and three PCs with various parts in the attic for storage, oh and a server, in our tiny house.

I can't complain though as since i discovered this board I am ALWAYS on the net and Padhraig doesn't get a chance to use the laptop at all!

We always have a chat in the evening and try to go for a walk around 9pm (we get home about 7)
We do sleep in the same bed so I like the companionship of that. We try to do "date night" on Fridays and go the the cinema. We spend a lot of the weekend together, most recently it has been spent traipsing around bathroom supplies shops!

BTW, this may be controversial but half an hour talking together is a lot more quality time than an evening sitting in the same room watching TV in my book, so make the time that you do spend together more quality based and you won't mind the times that you don't.


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On the Other Hand..... new
      #128513 - 12/07/04 05:08 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Oy. Just wait 'till he retires, you'll wonder why you ever asked such a question!

Don't get me wrong, I still love my husband of 38 years. But I would kill for a little "space"!


<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: We love computer geeks! new
      #128516 - 12/07/04 05:20 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Is an internet game geek the same thing as a computer geek? If so then I have one too! Unfortunately since I found this site (and we only have one computer) we argue constantly over who's turn it is!


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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #128561 - 12/07/04 07:18 PM

Reged: 01/31/03
Posts: 1968
Loc: Saskatchewan. Canada

I say "If it ain't broke - don't fix it" If you are ok with your arrangement and it isn't causing you any harm then don't worry about it. DH and I always make sure to eat supper together and then after that it's everyone for themselves LOL

If you find you really "miss" him or seem to be fighting to spend time with him, then I suggest the date night. Just once a week (chose the same day to keep it easy for the guy to remember) and go for supper, movie or rent movies and have popcorn on the couch!

Proud Mommy to Bentley Taylor
Born May 12, 2004 9lbs, 3oz

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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #128597 - 12/08/04 02:56 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

a couple answers...

a) when we worked the same hours we made date nights- sometimes dinner and a movie or tv, etc.. othr times juyst dinner and talk or to do something together around the house or out (even grocery shop)...

b) we have terrific conversations on long road trips, so tend to plan a few a year for major discussion time!\

c) when we work opposite shifts (sorta like now) we make dates to see each other and actually spend more time together during the week that is quality then we do when we work the same hours.. instead of dinner and a movie we'll spend my entire lunch hour at a restaurant where he has pre-ordered food talking and catching up with each other one day a week and on another he'll cook me breakfast. My lunch is at 9 AM and thats what we do on weekends! we also still try to get oen evening in just us.. and on Fri nights we have open guest night- when there are new stargate episodes we plan the evening around them... and many of our friends come for dinner and to watch.... if not- Dh ad his friends go down and watch anime and the women will stay upstairs and talk after dinner or watch a movie (some of my male friends prefer the latter group too...not as into anime!)

Dh is also a computer geek and sometimes stays up all night playing games or has people over to play computer games, but I tend to stay seperate from that because of my work schedule.. we sleep in 1 bed, but I go to bed by 9 PM at the latest and get up at 4, and he is more like 11 get up at 7... so we don't see each other around bed other then my going in his office on my way to bed or finding him in the TV room to kiss him good night.


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #128615 - 12/08/04 06:01 AM

Reged: 11/23/04
Posts: 210
Loc: South East Texas

My husband and I have been married almost 19 years but we have never needed constant conversation or anything like that. Often as he is on his computer, I will take a book and read or watch TV. We are in the same room and that is good enough for us.

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Re: We love computer geeks! new
      #129164 - 12/09/04 09:48 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

LOL! We're wireless too. We actually don't pay for service cos we have 4 other computer geeks in the building and the one next to ours, so we've hooked up a wireless network spanning 4 apartments and 2 buildings. Only one guy pays, and it's in exchange for computer work the other 3 do.

BF wrote the incryption on the firewall we're all using, which is funny cos the school across the street is so hackable, he's been tempted to change all the file names to the name of their rival school as a joke. I talked him out of it. I hope I did anyway.


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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #129175 - 12/09/04 10:02 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

My husband and I have been together 11 years and married 6 years. This year our son came along in Jan. We have always spent time together but now it is harder. We try to plan a date night at least once a month. My son goes to be at 8 so we try to catch up then. Sometimes just sitting on the couch together watching the same program is nice. It really is an effort but in a marriage it is important. Don't worry to much about having separate intersts just make sure to sneak in a bit of together time once in while.!

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Re: Question for wives or husbands new
      #129202 - 12/09/04 11:15 AM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 24
Loc: Upstate NY

My girlfriend and I aren't married but we spend a lot of time together. I think the key word here is compromise. For example in the summer I love spending time on my boat. girlfriend doesn't like my boat very much but she is willing to spend some time on the lake and I don't push her. I make an effort to do things she enjoys too. The key is to find that balance between suffocating and ignoring and above all communicate how you feel and listen to how he feels also. I find that if we occasionally have a good honest look at our relationship from time to time, there are fewer arguments or misunderstandings.

Just my 2 cents. Take care...Brian

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Maybe we should swap! new
      #129239 - 12/09/04 01:17 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I am on the computer writing all night and hub watches TV til bedtime (which for him is 8). So I can't help much.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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