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I think the world is out to get me! new
      #116996 - 10/29/04 09:03 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Well Girls, I haven't been on-line for a couple of days because I fell and hurt myself. Wednesday am I was leaving the house to go to work. We have 3 steps on our back porch. My right ankle gave out on the top step, I twisted my left ankle REALLY bad and landed on the cement on my left arm, squishing my boob, bruising my wrist and arm and wrenching my back! My hubby heard me scream and came running. We immediately took my shoe and sock off and it was already sweeling up huge and purple!! He picked my up and put me in the car. We almost got in an accident in the hospital drive way! The took me right in and x-rayed my foot and ankle. The dr came over, glanced at it and asked my medical history. I told him about my IBS and that I sometimes take Vicodin for it and than he totally treated my like a drug addict!!!!! Will had just gotten up so was in sweats and not shaved and the dr totally judged us!! It was obvious with my foot swelling 3 times the normal size and black and blue and me crying hysterically it hurt so bad, that I wasn't there looking for drugs!!

The dr never came back. The nurse brought over this little splint thing and sent me home. The only instruction I was given was to call a Dr. Trummes in 10 days for a follow up. I was in SO much pain I couldn't stop crying. They never gave me any sort of rx. Luckily, I did have some Vicodin at home from my tummy so I started taking them right away. I almost passed out several times it hurt so bad. I laid flat on my back in bed with my foot up. Thursday am it still hurt just as bad so I asked Will to bring me the phone. Just then, the phone rings and it was my regular internist I see. Apparently the hospital had sent her a report of the accident. She told me the radiologist who looked at the x-ray suggested I call an orthopedica surgeon because the area all around my ankle was very dark, meaning I probably had torn everything and they saw what might be a bone fragment!!! I did call the hospital yesterday and file a complaint against the dr and the inadaquent care I received! This was at Beaumont hospital, its supposed to be one of the best hospitals!

So, I start by calling the dr listed on my instruction sheet, guess what? The dr they gave me is a BACK specialist and doesn't even do ankles and is out of town for two weeks!! So, I just start calling orthopedic surgeons from the phone book. I finally found one that could get me in Friday am. Thursday was awful. I was in so much pain. Will drove me to the dr this morning and he took one look at it and said I needed to be in a cast! They have me in a mobilization cast for at least three weeks. At that point they will re-evaluate it and I'll probably be in some sort of walking boot for a while and physical therapy. The dr doesn't think I'll need surgery at this time! I told him I was trying to get pregnant and he gave me the green light to keep trying.

So, I made it into the office today to put out a few fires but I'm still hurting. It's hard to use the crutches because my arm and wrist hurt. I was not able to keep my obgyn appt so no chlomid for me this month! I hope this post is coherent, they had me take two Vicodin at the dr offices before they atrting wrenching it to put the cast on-boy, did that hurt! Its starting to calm down and I'm hoping it will start to feel better now thats its in the cast.

Heather, sorry I didn't get back to you about your moms braclet. I do have the beads on order and I still plan on seeing you in a couple of weeks!

I'll try to catch up on posts, hope everyone else is doing better than me!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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OH NO!!!! new
      #116998 - 10/29/04 09:18 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

That's terrible, Michele!! I'm so sorry you're in so much pain!! What horrible emergency treatment you got!! You deserve so much better than to be passed off to a nurse, and to be judged (!!!) as an attention drug-seeking addict to boot! What the hell is wrong with them??

That makes me angry. I've had the same thing happen in an emergency room in Maryland for a badly sprained ankle where they treated me like a drug whore because I made the mistake of telling the doc I took Tylenol-3 for IBS. If anything, you need something in addition to the vicodin, like percocet or some valium to help you sleep!! Taking narcotices decreases their efficacy, and the doc should know that!

I hate sprained ankles. I've broken my ankle no fewer than 3 times, and sprained the same ankle at least 5 times. Ankle pain is horrible and it takes you forever to do the simplist thing! Not to mention the lost sleep from the pain of accidently grazing the affected area with a blanket or a simple sudden movement resulting in shooting pain!!

I really feel for you, Michele. Please try and rest, and I hope you find a good doctor to really give you the attention you deserve!! You deserve the best!!

All my best,


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Re: I think the world is out to get me! new
      #116999 - 10/29/04 09:21 AM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

Boo.. I'm sorry.. I'd be insanely pi$$ed off as well! Do doctors really expect men in three piece suits to show up when an emergency happens! Judgements are the worst..

I hope you find a REAL doctor and get treated right away!

feel better.


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Stupid doctors! new
      #117003 - 10/29/04 09:29 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi Michele,
How awful!! I feel so bad for you, that's just terrible!! I can't believe the doc at the hospital treated you like that, if you were just there looking for drugs would you admit to taking Vicodin for IBS? Probably not! And LOTS of people have to take pain killers and all kinds of meds for different things so I don't see why he was so weird about it! How ridiculous..
Anyway, I hope you are feeling a bit better now and you have a decent weekend!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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      #117007 - 10/29/04 09:43 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

Oh Michele, that really stinks. I'm sorry the doctor was such a butthole to you. You obviously realized you deserve much better than that, and I'm glad you got in touch with the hospital about the "care" he provided you with.
I'm also really glad you got the go-ahead on trying to get pregnant. I actually have something positive to share about that. Shortly after my cousin got married at 22, she had a bookcase fall on her leg at work. It basically destroyed her knee and she had to have BIG surgery (no little endoscopic incisions -- a big fankenstein scar!). Anyway she was on antibiotics, and knew to use a backup method of b/c while she was on them. She and her husband were both 22 and NOT trying to get pregnant. Well after the antibiotics she was still on several pain medications, anti-inflammtories, and anti-infectives. Well ... something must have contradicted her pill, because she got pregnant! The doctor explained that if a medication doesn't have any known contraindications, it doesn't mean that it's been tested for everything! Anyway you can imagine her panic at barely even being able to walk around, and finding out she was pregnant. Well it turned out that the steady increase in her weight was EXACTLY what her knee needed to continue healing and rebuilding its strength. The doctor told her that being pregnant was actually GOOD for her recovery. Her daughter Abby was born in July 01, and the figured they'd just keep going since they already had one. Maddy, daughter number two, was born August 03. They claim they are "done" now, and my cousin has started graduate school for nursing, but we'll see!
Anyway so I hope you will heal quickly, and I hope you have the same good fortune that my cousin had.
We're all rooting for you!


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Nah, it's only an idiot doc. new
      #117009 - 10/29/04 09:53 AM

Reged: 10/15/04
Posts: 129
Loc: Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley), Calif.

-don't sweat the doc's attitude. I'm on government assistance & get that crap all the time.

It's unfortunate that we put docs on such a pedestal. Not that what they do is not important; but, hey, shouldn't "sensitivity training" be part of their education??? -to treat the mind/body/spirit connection???

What do I know, I'm just "Arnie the mental patient!!!"

Well, they say that docs make the worst patients!!!

Take care & pleased to me you. Bob.

Life is transitory, love is not!

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Awww! new
      #117010 - 10/29/04 09:53 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Michele, that sucks!
And that doctor is a complete jerk, good for you for filing that complaint. If you were the drug addict he thought you were, wouldn't you AVOID telling him what drugs you take??? Some people. So hard to get decent health care. Those young, ready to cure the world doctors only last for so long until they turn so cold and mean.

I hope you are feeling better, I am cringing at the thoguht of how you must feel.


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Re: Nah, it's only an idiot doc. new
      #117013 - 10/29/04 10:09 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks guys. I've been at work only about an hour and just called hubby to come get me, off to bed, I feel awful! My foot is throbbing, if that darned dr would have treated me properly at the ER I wouldn't be this bad now!! I really think I'm going to throw up from all the pain. I'll check in Monday

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Well YIKES!!! new
      #117017 - 10/29/04 10:17 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

Don't even worry about me sweets!!!! Take care of you!!! I can not belive that Beaumont was like that. I have never been but you always here what a great hospital they are!!!! It just burns my A$% when doctors act like that!! I think they have watched to many ER epsoides!!!

I had been wondering where you were. I was going to e mail you today. I noticed you hadn't been on the boards I was getting worried. Now I know. You were to busy beating yourself up LOL
Take Care!!!!


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Re: I think the world is out to get me! new
      #117036 - 10/29/04 11:03 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

Oh Michele I am so sorry for what you are going through right now.

I have come to the conclusion that 85% of the docs in the US or insensitive bastards! When ever they hear the words "IBS" they automatically think we want drugs!

Before my IBS came into full bloom, I kept having sinus heads. Since I work at a hospital. I went to the ER to make sure I did not have a sinus infection. My head was hurting so bad I could not visually see things correctly. They gave me an antiobiotic and Vicodin and released me. As I took the meds, I noticed over the next 3-4 days the pain was getting worse and I felt like death warmed over. Off I go to the ER again. This time they told me to just keep taking the meds and it would go away. After seven days of constant growing pain in the sinus tract, I went back to the ER only this time I was in so much pain I could hardly walk and demanded that they do some testing.

They put me on a gurney and placed me in the hall. This is one of the reasons I know there is a GOD. A young 1st year resident came by and saw how awful I looked and asked if he could do a spinal tap. Hell, I was already in deep almost passing out pain so why not. He drew the fluid from my spine and came back within 30 mins. with a licensed doctor and several nurse practioners.

They all crowded around my gurney and started running an IV in my arm and rushed me up to the main floor. At this point, I had just given up. Death was coming for me and I could not stop it.

I made my peace with GOD right then and decided to let go. When I awoke, I was in a hospital room filled with doctors, nurses and my family. It turned out that I had Bacterial Meningitis!

They had contacted my PCP and all I remember was him saying, "it's going to be alright you are very sick". Great thought to pass out on wouldn't you say?

I ended up in the hospital for ten days with around the clock care. They put me on Morphine 4 x per day that's how bad the pain had progressed.

When doctors first start treating actual human beings, they are very compassionate but somewhere down the road they turn in to real
assh*oles and stay that way. The Hippocratic Oath, what's that?

After my recovery, I went directly to the American Medical Association and report the doctor, nurses and the 1st year resident. They asked if I wanted to file charges against the hospital. Why would I do that, the hospital did not let me suffer; the ER doctors did. Anyway they all received letters from the AMA regarding their conduct in the ER.

The 1st year resident received an award for Compassion For a patient. I see him often here in the hospital and he has not changed; he still cares.

I did not mean to go on and on, but I can understand how you felt and must still feel. It's bad enough that we have IBS, we don't need doctors making us feel like we are "junkies" when other things happen to us.

I pray that everything goes well with you and your recovery is speedy. After all, there is a child waiting to be conceived.

{{{{{{{{{BIG, BIG, BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}


God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Gosh, Michele new
      #117119 - 10/29/04 05:32 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

Sorry to hear you hurt your ankle so bad, and that the doctor didn't take you seriously. Phooey on him! You have the worst luck!!!! But I'm glad they finally did something about it, and you have it immobilized.

I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. You will have to practice some different baby-making with that cast on your foot!!!!

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Re: I think the world is out to get me! new
      #117122 - 10/29/04 06:09 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

That's awful Michelle! I hope it doesn't end up being serious. Maybe my little story will make you laugh just a bit.....

I fell in the Kmart the other day. Slipped on a barret package or something. I had heels and a skirt on and some guy watched me fall. Do you think he even said "are you alright?" NO< he watched me fall and walked totally passed me. I'm not sure if he was holding back from laughing at me and couldn't look at me or what! I was so embarassed anyway but still....jerk! I fortunately was ok. I was lucky though.

Stay off your feet as much as you can and feel better soon


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My falling stories
      #117142 - 10/29/04 08:03 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I was looking at all of the beautiful flowers at a Lowe's one day when I walked right into one of those low metal carts they keep in the garden area. I never saw it. I went flying over it, and one of my shoes went the other direction. My 17-year-old son was with me, and he was so embarrassed that he acted like he didn't know who I was. My ankle and knee was pretty bruised, but my ego was bruised even worse. I felt so ridiculous. One minute I was gazing at the flowers, and the next minute I was straddling this cart. I know I'm clumsy, but those things are dangerous!

And when my sister and I went to see the American Idols in concert, as we climbed up the steps to this huge coliseum, my sister missed a step and went down on her hands and knees. Not the most graceful entrance to see Clay Aiken!!! Ha!

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Re: My falling stories new
      #117145 - 10/29/04 08:09 PM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

I have fallen:
down the steps in my apartment. ouch.
down the steps of the metro in paris. ouch + embarrassing.
and the very worst ... You know my user pic? That was taken my last night in London. BF and I got all dressed up and went to a very fancy French restaurant. As usual we were the youngest onese there by 20 years. I was wearing these really cute wooden heels -- like candies -- and a long brown skirt, and a cute top. Well we entered, I gave my coat to the hostess, and we went down a long hallway, around a corner, down some steps, through another hallway, and entered the dining room. The parquet foors were beautiful -- and newly polished. My right heel slipped on the floor, my leg went gliding out in front of me and kind of across my body, and I fell in a giant, embarrassed heap, right in front of the entire dining room. It was mortifying. I had to convince the waiter I wasn't drunk just to get a glass of wine. Way to leave my bf with a lasting impression of my grace and elegance!


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Oh I have a good one... new
      #117148 - 10/29/04 08:27 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

This is yet to be the most embarrassing day of my life...

Picture a huge lecture hall, a final exam...SILENCE in the HUGE room full of all my classmates.

I was one of the first ones to finish the exam. Oh God I am laughing just thinking about it...

I had to crawl over 2 people to get out of my aisle and head down the stairs to the front of the room. GIANT stair case. I got over the first guy fine, but the second guy had his backpack and all this crap on the floor I had to step over, holding my bag and my test and all. Well my foot got stuck on his bag, and so I took this GIANT step trying to make it to the stairs w/o falling....
My foot landed sideways, halfway on the down I go, down the huge aisle of stairs in the big lecture hall full of silent people....huge crash, my bag went flying with all my books and papers going all over the place. I was in so much pain but I had to act like it didn't hurt. I wanted to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing I was glad about was that it was the final exam and I didn't have to see most of those people for awhile.

Ugh. I hate even thinking about it!! LOL.


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-sounds like grounds for a lawsuit. new
      #117167 - 10/30/04 12:09 AM

Reged: 10/15/04
Posts: 129
Loc: Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley), Calif.

Eh, why not??? I'm writing this to let you know that not all of us guys are pigs like that dude.

It won't bankrupt KMart but will do wonderful things for YOUR bankbook!!!

PS: I've read quite a few textbooks on business that use KMart as an example of "what not to do in management!" No kidding. I suggest going to WalMart!!! Oops, I forgot we aren't supposed to promote businesses, here.


Life is transitory, love is not!

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Didn't have IBS, back then; butt, new
      #117168 - 10/30/04 12:15 AM

Reged: 10/15/04
Posts: 129
Loc: Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley), Calif.

I once farted out loud in the 3rd grade and the teacher asked me why everyone thought I was so funny!!!

Geesh, Mr Greenblatt was a real nice guy. -heard he's at the a cemetary pushing up daisies! No love lost, there!


Life is transitory, love is not!

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I'm so sorry to hear this Michelle new
      #117217 - 10/30/04 07:28 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

can't imagine how much pain you are in.. but I have my share of those stories including being hypoglycemic and tied to a back board after a minor car accident at U of M for 7 hours- Begging for an IV.. I'd been on my way to dinner.. they kept stopping in and asking if I was dizzya nd I'd say yes (because of blood sugar) and then they never took me for x rays- didn't even draw blood for 4 hours at which point they told me they were waiting on blood and a pregnancy test.. thankfully the friend I had the social worker call came and she brought me food and fed me pieces of chocolate and various othr samll things... it was a mess.. the funniest thing about that night (only funny really) was a) they made my then 13 year old foster daughter who I was adopting do a pregnancy test before they'd work on her either.. but hers was done faster up in peds and she was released... and b) that Sherry told them when they came up with the stuff about pregnancy for me, "am I goign to be a father?" she was the only adult to have shared my bed in the prior year- I was a single prospective adoptive parent! ER's are a zoo and I head for smaller local hospitals if I can now for that sort of stuff...


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Ouch! Feel better soon! -nt- new
      #117367 - 10/30/04 05:47 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: I think the world is out to get me! new
      #117420 - 10/30/04 10:25 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Sorry you had such a rough time at the doc's Michele...that sucks I hate it when docs don't take you seriously. I can totally sympathize, I find as soon as docs find out that I take anti-depressants and have taken anti-anxiety meds, they usually always assume I'm just a headcase and my problems aren't real. It's so annoying!

I really hope you get better treatment from here on out and that you feel better soon!


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Re: I think the world is out to get me! new
      #117502 - 10/31/04 09:18 AM

Reged: 06/12/04
Posts: 23

Sorry to hear about your fall! Wishing you a better week and I hope you start feeling better. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

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      #117508 - 10/31/04 09:27 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


You are one of the sweetest people on the planet...I cannot BELIEVE the awful medical care you recived! What's the number of this place....let me call and scream at em!

I am SO SORRY this is happening to you! What can we do to cheer you up? I'm not the funniest person aorund...that's not my department...when JenX comes back I'm sure she'll think of somehting!

Michelle *hugs* I AM SO SORRY!

What did the doc say on Fri? What ill they do to help you? Are there meds/exercises *gulp* surgey?

We miss you here...but the most import. thing is thjst you recover! So taek all the time you need...and complain here as often as possible! We all love you and we're all rooting for you to get better SOON!

Love ya,


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Oh dear! new
      #117597 - 10/31/04 07:02 PM


Oh my goodness, you really have been through a lot! I can't believe that the doctor at the hospital would treat you like that. I hope you're feeling better soon!!

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Re: Oh dear! new
      #117815 - 11/01/04 01:48 PM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

Hey Michele,

That sucks that you had to go through all that. Did you call the ER and complain? I'd be spittin' fire by now. I'm also SO sorry that you missed your obgyn appt this month. That sucks too.

Hope you're feeling better!


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