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what a wonderful thread... new
      #113551 - 10/17/04 10:43 AM

Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 2350
Loc: Minnesota

First and foremost, I am thankful for my husband Eric, who is the most wonderful, caring, sweet, generous, supportive, funny and loving person I know. I don't know what I would do without him in my life.

I am thankful for my two furry children, Bubba Boy and Annabelle. I love to curl up in bed or on the couch with them and fall asleep to the sound of their purrs. I also love that Bubba Boy greets me when I walk in the front door and purrs in my ear when I hold him close. And Annabelle will ALWAYS curl up on my lap and fall asleep when I'm on the computer.

I'm thankful for my loving mother who's also my best friend (after my husband of course) who is always there for me when I need her the most.

I'm thankful for the ability to stay home and not work.

I'm thankful for bright red leaves on a crisp fall day and the smell of winter around the corner.

I'm thankful for this website and the terrific people I've met here, who inspire me everyday.

I'm thankful for having found Casey (Atomic Rose). You put a smile on my face every day that I see an email from you. You are such a sweetheart, and I'm dying to meet you when I'm in Boston in a week or so.

I'm thankful for my family and in-laws, who are always there to lend a hand when the going gets rough.

I'm thankful for my Grandmother who supported me while I was going to college, and cooked fantastic meals for me every night. Not to mention the fact that if it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't be so heavily into cooking and baking as I am.

I am thankful for being an American.

And last, but not least, I'm thankful for God, who watches over my family, my friends, my pets and myself.

~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!

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Re: AWWW Thank You!!! new
      #113580 - 10/17/04 01:12 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

Right back at ya Girl!!!!


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Oh, Barbie! new
      #113637 - 10/17/04 06:11 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

You little sweetheart you!

You know I feel the same about you, Barbie. I am VERY grateful to have you in my life; you've helped me out soooo much -- just being there and listening to me rant and rave, and not even being offended when I do something rude (like commenting on your toaster oven -- which, I might add, is very attractive ).

More than anything, I am grateful that you adopted me as your Sis.


P.S.: Sorry -- I somehow missed this part of the thread in my hurry the other day.

<img src="">Bevvy

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Doing the happy Dance for... new
      #113664 - 10/17/04 08:04 PM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Having the best handle on my health than I have for the first time since high school ended

Reconnecting with my BF, who is just so perfect for me, and definately the bestest friend I have ever had and is the biggest sweetie ever and I miss so much when he goes home

My BF's dad making it through his emergency trip to the hospital and survining, when I thought he wouldn't make it

For my VERY own place to live, away from the insanity of my family, and making things work at such a young age

My sister recently acutally being NICE to me and trying to talk to me, when we haven't talked to each other (besides yelling) in over a year

Closing in on my bday and actually being EXCited for once that it is sunday, cause next weekend I get to do so many fun things! Van HElsings Curse concert with Dee Snider (get to wear a cosutem!), sushi, bar hopping, etc (and suspecting a surprise from BF....)

Halloween! My evil pixie costume is nearly complete, pointy latex ears and all...

My tattoo, that I love dearly...

Zombie movies! BF and I are up to 16 Zombie movie totals! I will keep you posted on the Zombie awards...

Nelly's hilarious posts, Heathers and Ruchies sweetie pie posts, JenX and Bevrs awesome board personalities, even though they don't have much time for the boards, Amie's and Casey's cooking expertise, Caryn's intelligant posts (even though she kinda disappeared...), getting to help SaraSage with her recent GG drama , barbie and LS's knowledgableness(is that a word?)... I know there HAS to be more board sistahs that are escaping me at this moment, but EVRYONE has been so important to me...

Getting kicka** grades in school soon...

My stress mgmt professor, that has given me a whole new outlook on life and the meaning of it (Read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Victor Frankl if you haven't, boring, but has a great message)

Feeling sociable and human enough to finally start making more friends!

My newfound vegetarianism, and the working out of my religous and spiritual beliefs.

My perfectly ripe advocado I just made into guacomole and gobbled up with my baked tostitos!

And last, but definately not least, Heather V. and EVERYTING she has done for each and everyone of us, I would give her my first born child if she wanted it J/k of course


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Re: New Happy Dance...... a more timely one. Please share your own! new
      #113958 - 10/18/04 09:23 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

You're just a warm n fuzzy chick aren't you!

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The Happiest Happy Dance I've Ever Danced! new
      #114144 - 10/19/04 03:27 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

JenX--You're INCREDIBLE! I am thankful for you and your happy dances. For all of your animation in your posts...personality wise AND the computer animation! I am thankful you are on these boards. For all of your support and sense of humor and positive attitude and love of life! For your jokes LOL. For the fighter in you. For your honesty. And for your kindness....(I can go oin and on here!)

I thankful to Tissy for asking how I'm doing every week. You're so super sweet! And for your warm smile in your pic and your love of family. And it's great to know I'm not the only person on the plane t that LOVES fireplaces, comfort foods (and their smell), warm blankets and cozy ANYTHING! PLUS because of you I looked into fibro and now I have a saved me from a LOT and you helped me get the help I need!!!

I am thankful to Linz for your practical advice and unending support and love and for your Fibro Funnies! And for your friendship and and all your posts and your e-mails! And for leading me to look i to fibro.

I am thankful for Laura Sue who got me into OA, is helping me deal with fibro, always has wise things to say, is assertive, knows how to take care of're SUCH an inspiration to me! May you neer have another migraine again!

BEVRS! You are my #1fan! And I am make me laugh SO MUCH and you give me a hug when I need one. You e-mailed me to get me bakc to the boards. You are ALWAYS HERE FOR EVERYONE!

I'm thankful to Casey for your personality and your wealth of knowledge on thes boards. You're so super duper! Good luck with your home, bf, and your cooking (anytime you're can come over and make me a dish!) :-)

I am thaknful to Melitami for your concern and caring for everyone here! Enjoy your friends and your deserve it!

Amie (khyricat) for wishing you were closer so you could bring the Jewish Holidays to me! You're SUPER SWEET! I hope this house works out for ya!

I am thankful for Cailin for her sense of humor and for going to bed on time You'ree a sweetie and I hope you continue to to be so happy!

I am thankful for Shell, Mags, Kandee, and Angylroses putting the IBS Fall Sprawl together even tho I couldn't gals are AMAZING! keeo doing your works...your an inspiration and a lot of fun! Mags, we miss ya girl! I hope married life is treating you as well as you trest us!'re beautifukl inside and out! We're so lucky you're here! And angylroses, thankd for your whit and respondind to every post that comes your ways.

Michele, thanks for your e-mail and your deep concern! I will respond soon, I promise! You're so thoughtful and kind to everyone here...if there's ever anything you need, let me know! have SPUNK! You're my partner in crime back in the day when we moderated's SO GREAT your back on the boards! Love ya girl!

Heather4746 (do I have the # at the end right?) Thanks for your're SUPER SWEET! You are always so supportive of all of us! I hope your grandfather will be ok, please keep us posted...he and you are in our prayers! *hugs*

Brbie! You and your dog are so yummy! You are SO SUPER CARING and your a mom to us all! I'm so glad you're on the boards....your posts make my day! *hugs*

SaraSage fr always sharing your exciting life with us!

TeeCee thanks for ahsring in your sinus problems with me...may they be puff, GONE, NOW! Say hello to your DD for me and wish her to get well soon too!

Sheri01 You rock! Have the BEST B-DAY ever! Thanks for all your posts and for your gave SlickSGirl some great advice!

BL...for your love of dogs! For e-mailing me a while back, and for your great posts!

Cara...for your awesome dog Rocco and stories, for your sense of humor, for always sharing exciting news with us!

UnhappyTummy...for always making me laugh and smile...and for always sharing the good and the bad with us! have SUCH an enthusiasm for life! You always make me want to get out and LIVE LIFE! Thanks for your energetic nature!

SlickSGirl you're a sweetie! I can't wait for the day you realise how special and important you're AWESOME! are AMAZING! You don't give up no matter what life hands you...and you never will! You're a true SUPERWOMAN...what color should I make your cape? You're a beautiful person and we love you *hugs*

BeckyT...for you kittie pics, and your warmth!!!

I know I forgot peopole...PLEASE forgive me...I truly want to senfd each and everyo one of you a personal THAKN all have made my life better by being in it!

I am thankful for my HUSBAND!!!!!!! He is my soul mate in EVERY WAY and I love him more than anything and I am thankful to G-d for givig him to me every day of my life! He is everything I ever dreampt of and more...and he makes my life brighter every day I know him. He is kind, gentle, fun loving, funny., witty, GORGEOUS, talented, givin, ssweet, sensative, makes yummy bread, bikes for miles, but most importantly he's HIMSELF and he's MY HUBBY and to me, with all his flaws, he's PERFECT!

My therapist. she's AWESOME! I love her to pieces. She's so special...I wish she lived next door! Seriously, I feel like she's also my friend...and I wish I could have spent more time with her im person (she lives in NY so we do phone seessions). I'm greatful for my Rebbe Rabbi Reich for introducing me to her...HE'S AMAZING! He has been there for hubby and I through a LOT and he sent us to Arizona so I could get well and my therpaisytt...I'm SO LUICKY!

I am thankful for GP who is helping me deal with all my sicknesses. Having him as a support I know I'm on a path to wellness.

I'm thankful for books!

I'm love my DOG!

I'm thankful for HOPE, blankets, candkles, pain meds that work, a good night's sleep, getting out of the house, a pain free back, my computer, make up, photos, music, poetry, the written word, smiles, a blue sky and the sunshine, rain, Heather Van Vorous and Wil for craating this board, the telephone so I can talk to frieends close and far away, yummy rice with soy sauce, stuffed animlas, kids, colors, being able to be expressive, laughter, a comfy bed, TEA, soup, LIFE (not the game, but being alive), flowers, good friends, good showers (GO LUFA!), surprises (only the ones I bad surprises, please), stores, fake flowers so my dog doesn't chew em' up, herbs (gonna try Valerian tonight to help me sleep)........

I could write a book on the subject!

Thanks to Jen for helping me see hwo much I have to be thankful for! Having you in thie world is a Blessing!

One more thing...I am thankdul for all the things I go through every day that help me to help someone else. That's what it's all about!

Love and hugs to EVERYONE!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Casey.... *hugs* new
      #114157 - 10/19/04 03:50 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

This is BEAAUTIFUL! I think it's wonderful you and your fam are so close! I hope that one day when I have children, G-d willing, they feel the same about hubby and I!

Pleaqse be sure to tell your fam how speaicl they are for me.....


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Sinead, you like comfy things too... new
      #114189 - 10/19/04 04:52 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

You and Tissy and I should start a club

Send us pics of Ireland, ok? It's so BEAUTIFLU there...and you're right, so peaceful! Is it lush and green everywhere or is that just in movies?

Juyst you work at bein happy or does it come naturally for you? (If this is too personal, i'll understand!) I think most people have to work at being happy...and if that IS the case with're my HERO!

Sending love and no rainy days from work your way


Formerly known as Ruchie

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No kidding on this one... new
      #114227 - 10/19/04 08:20 PM

Reged: 10/15/04
Posts: 129
Loc: Los Angeles (San Fernando Valley), Calif.

These days, I'm just happy to have a good poop!

Life is transitory, love is not!

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Most wonderful person ever! new
      #114236 - 10/19/04 09:15 PM

Reged: 06/20/04
Posts: 428
Loc: Western Washington

I would like to nominate Miss Ruchie for the most WONDERFUL person EVER award! Sure she's got health probs of her own, but does that stop her?? NO! She comes here and tells us how wonderful we all are

You deserve a 30ft trophy, a million roses, and a monetary reward equal to the current US Treasury debt! I hope you're feeling great today Ruchie, 'cause you just made me a super happy camper!


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