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I feel nasty and gross new
      #344239 - 04/08/09 10:51 AM


I ran out of fennel and really hope I recieve it today.. I am so bloated and have been very irregular for me its 12:21 and by this time I usually have been to to the toilet several times but not even once yet..God over the years I've gained weight and I'm tired of getting a bigger gut and legs. I hate it so much. I know its my diet.

I'm cracking down now and really going to change how I look and feel. If I don't change my habits I'll never be able to work enough and make enough money to do anything or go anywhere. I don't leave my house at all except to go to work,wal mart,or see my boyfriend at night to go to a movie or watever, outside work once a week. Holy,as I write this post I realize more.. Ibs is so bad I can't take any trips or even take time out of my day to learn how to drive or even go to the park because I'd only do that on my days off work later in the day because of bathroom problems,but on my days off I'm so busy catching up on cleaning,cooking,and my other day off is to see my bf on a tues or thursday when he gets off work because I'm off one of those days and he lives out of town and my work doesn't let me get the weekends off and he is busy too.All I do all day is relax and drink lots of strong cups of fennel or cammomile and run to the bathroom and try not to be late for work everyday.Ok I ran to the door just now and my workout shoes are here!

I was wondering if anyone has some good ideas what I can do when I'm relaxing and drinking tea,ect. Tips to keep making progress and stop ruining any progress I make because thats what I do. For example yesterday I went all day without mcdonalds food and 20minutes before I was off work I binged on it AND brought some home. ANy really good books or any really good songs I can download to occuply my time? other things?

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344254 - 04/08/09 01:00 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I am sure you are neither nasty or gross, and believe me I know how you feel....I used to stress out driving to work everyday that I wouldn't make it there in time before I had to go to the was terrible, I couldn't take trips and everywhere I went I had to know exactly where the bathrooms were "just in case". The reason you are bingeing on McDonalds is because you are stressed and depressed-but you need to understand the molecular makeup of that food has a chemical reaction in your brain that will release excess serotonin (kinda like a feel good chemical, the same chemical that is released when you use ecstacy or heroin ) So the food makes you feel good....but only until your blood sugar begins to drop after the major influx of insulin in your system begins to spike...then you end up being more depressed then when you had taken your first bite! You probally notice even while you are holding your belly cause of the painful ibs symptoms resulting from the high fat levels of the food you just consumed, you are either thinking, craving, or searching your home for more high sugar, high fat food to eat. It's a vicious cycle, I know cause I used to be the same way, excpet my weakness was donuts, I could easily eat 6 at a pop!! My advice would be I know it's tough but try to just stay away from Mcdonald's try and get creative making safe recipes that satisfy your cravings....cravings only usually last 10 minutes if you can stick it out it will usually go away, also in terms of calming your mind, yoga is excellent, and i wake up 45min early everyday and do cardio before work...nothing crazy I just walk in my living room while I watch GOOD EATS reruns lol a great site is they have great videos on there! Good luck, I hope that I helped a little

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344262 - 04/08/09 01:45 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Hang in there! You can do it!!! Don't feel nasty and gross. We are in this together. I have started my diet again, too to try to lose some weight before the wedding!!!!

Hang in there, diet with me!!! We can be each others' encouragement!!!! Try not to get depressed about the weight or anything else (I know easier said than done). I am a little down about my belly hurting right now, but you know what, I'm not going home and binging on crap just because I don't feel well. I'm going to try to keep on track. Hopefully some oatmeal and a nice long shower will help me feel better. Remember, think of happy thoughts, and don't think of the diet as a miserable diet. Think of it as a knew way of eating healthy.

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344275 - 04/08/09 07:41 PM


That was so right on! That was very informative.Before I felt like I didn't really know why I kept ruining any progress I made..honestly..I did it again today..YOur post was inspirational and motivational to me.

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344276 - 04/08/09 07:53 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I'm glad I could help!! I made my yummy low fat brownies today if you like sweets you must try them they are Pamela's brownies, no gluten..low fat..(organic section of the super market) honestly they are no Betty Crocker extra gooey brownie, but the fight the cravings!! I'll keep looking for a substitution Big Mac recipe for ya-let me know if you find any for sour cream donuts

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344277 - 04/08/09 08:01 PM


I wonder if the food seritonin thing can make me tired and crabby at times? or maybe acid reflux? can acid reflux and trapped gas be connected?

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Re: I feel nasty and gross
      #344302 - 04/09/09 11:03 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

The acid reflux is probally a result of the IBS in connection with the highly irritating food that you consumed.
As for the tired aspect.....ABSOLUTELY!! Think of it in two ways, your body needs nutrients to function optimally right? So imagine it as a porsche, you certainly wouldn't put regular gasoline in a porsche right? You would put top of the line premium gasoline, well our bodies are the same way...if we don't properly "fuel up" with nutrient rich foods, we won't perform well either.

As for the crabby aspect, food is a actually a very powerful substance, good foods can benefit our bodies and bad food (simple sugars, high "bad" fats) can really be trouble for your system...not only in the stomach discomfort that we all experience, but in blood sugar and insulin dysfunction that can be caused by continuosly eating a diet consisting of unhealthy foods. Because of the chemical changes that occur in the body when this foods are consumed, they are actually equivalent to drugs, and it is good to think of them that way. No a chocolate chip cookie is not as bad as heroin lol but it does manipulate certain brain chemicals in the same way and you can become addict to the feel good feeling you may experience from them. So when you are feeling crabby and tired it could very easily be that you are either not fueling your body properly with nutrient rich foods, or it could very well be that your body is still recovering from the insulin roller coaster and you are literally going through withdrawal from not having more of the simple carb food.
Or it could be you just need to take a nap lol

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344317 - 04/09/09 01:45 PM


thanks so much.
I think I may make an ibs folder with posts I found very informative(such as yours) and recipes from the site to print and put in it.YOu know the clear plastic sheets you put papers in? I could put heathers ibs cheat sheet in there and how and when to eat..things to remember such as metamucil as artificial ingredients and so does twizzlers and other candies I used to think was safe. I could put info in it about why hight fat foods are bad,cofee,all that stuff to remind myself when I'm away from my computer or if I travel anywhere other ppl can read it too.

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344322 - 04/09/09 02:16 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I think that is a wonderful idea! You must excuse all my typos on the last post....I was trying to rush to get it all down before I left work lol I'm glad I could help, for years I was in the same situation as you.....until I switched to a diet of natural foods-It is amazing how much better I looked and felt! Once you start consuming the foods on a regular basis you will crave them instead of McDonald's or donuts (even the yummy sour cream ones lol)....when my IBS recently had kicked back up (I was symptom free for 7 yrs!) I had to trade my raw fruits and veggies to cooked and I am still learning the tricks to combating these symptoms with Heather's diet, but I have followed her guidelines for about two weeks and honestly hadn't had any symptoms except a lil gas this morning I know it can't hurt to encorporate organic chicken (make sure it is grass fed not grain) and fruits and veggies organic...and lately I have been living on brown rice which seems to give me no probs ...if you can try it for one week you will be amazed at how great your skin looks and how wonderful you feel! Like right now I'm not craving junk food or greasy food....I'm craving 1/2 c brown rice with 1/4 c frozen blueberries defrosted, 1/4 c frozen cherries defrosted, some cinnamon, 2 packets of sugar in the raw, and a teaspoon of organic almond butter! On paper it doesn't look great, but honestly don't knock it till you try it lol I wish you the best...but I think your book is a wonderful idea and whenever you get discouraged just leaf through gets easier, and try some yoga

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Re: I feel nasty and gross new
      #344324 - 04/09/09 03:40 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi Rebecca!

Welcome! What do you account for your 7 year remission? You sound like such a positive person. Not many, I included, want to give up their raw fruits/veggies.

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osbo54 new
      #344326 - 04/09/09 04:29 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Thank you for the welcome!
Stress kicks up my IBS.....up until a year ago I was a stay at home mom, who did personal training, and nutritional counseling, I did it on the side. A little over a year ago I got a job leasing apartments 2 days a week, a few months later I was offered a promotion manageing (sp) my own complex....I took the job. About a month into it I began getting anxiety attacks. I had anxiety real bad when I was about 19, now I can control it a little more, but it still affects me. Seems like every 10 years or so it kicks back up. My IBS was very bad when I was 19, but I never knew that was actually what I had and even when my family would hear me in the bathroom (sorry for the visual lol) they still would say it was all in my head. Now that I know what it is it has made a world of difference.

I am very good at my job, and enjoy working with people, I just can't help but to think I am off my "life path" (so to speak lol). I love helping people feel better about themselves, their body and just their outlook in life. Natural Nutrition is may passion , I think I may be having the anxiety because I just don't feel on track with how my life should be progressing......although I must say since I began eliminating my trigger foods, my anxiety has subsided...

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Re: osbo54 new
      #344327 - 04/09/09 04:54 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

That sounds just like me! I started experiencing extreme anxiety right after the birth of my daughter. Of course, that was many years ago...I was a very young mother. I managed to get a handle on it by myself, without meds (I despise drugs), along with the help a very good psychologist. We worked with Rational Emotive Therapy, and I learned to deal with it. But, you are right, it seems to increase in intensity every 7-10 years. I wonder what that is all about.

I do agree with you about the life path. I have always felt that your body will let you know when you are not fulfilling your purpose, or maybe on the inside you are not truly happy and fulfilled.

I have suffered from C since I was a little girl. I mean extreme C, but I never knew what it was. I just learned to live with it. Then I had an accident in 2007, and I fractured L2 in my back, and then all of a sudden I was going to the bathroom all the time. It was a time of extreme stress for me both personally and professionally, and I think that is what set it off. Now I kind of flip back and forth, but I have to tell you, I would much rather have the C than the D. The D really cramps you lifestyle.

I don't think food has anything to do with my IBS. I think mine is all mental/emotional, especially anxiety. I remember right after the accident, I would wake up in the morning shaking and trembling, and then I would be in the bathroom all morning. It was just miserable. It eased up somewhat eventually, but I still was dealing with it. So, I ordered the hypnosis CD's, and what a difference they have made. It is a slow process, but I am much, much better.

So, how much did you have to change your diet, and what are your trigger foods.

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Re: osbo54 new
      #344342 - 04/10/09 07:57 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Yup! That's exactly the same as I am...the only correlation I can imagine would be the possibility of "milestones" in our lives, for some reason this affects us cause we feel we are not "strong enough" to deal with them (funny thing is when the crap hits the fan I really am one of the strongest people I know...I'd be willing to bet that you are too ), when I was 19 it was the thought of oh my, I'm not a kid anymore....that really kinda stressed me out thinking I would not be able to handle life....anxiety kicked in and EXTREME D IBS was so bad.....I couldn't even leave my house.....not for nothing I think anyone would get anxiety about that lol. I went on LUVOX (fluvoxamine) a SSRI for about 2 yrs until I got pregnant with my son....I have been off the meds since then (about 9 yrs) and everything was fine up until another milestone year it's the OH MY GOD I am becoming older, gray hairs are going to be coming, I am noone's baby anymore (except my husbands lol), I should have a career, what about 401K plans lol you knw that sort of the anxiety and IBS (excpet alternates now between C & D with MAJOR bloating and cramps.) kiscked back up....only thing is I know what is going on now, it's not like it was the first time around when I felt like I was losing it .

I hate drugs as well, I won't even take tylenol until absolutely necessary ( i had kidney stones, with a prescription of perkaset (sp) and still took tylenol lol. First I will try natural remedies, such as peppermint oil for headaches....if they don't work and it's too severe then I will take tylenol.

You must let me know how the hypnosis CD's work for you, I absolutely swear by meditation, and yoga so I would have to imagine that it will aid in relaxation.

You know they say your body has actually "two brains" one is in your head (obviously ) the other is in you belly....both locations secrete serotonin (feel good neurotransmitter) so when one is screwed up it would have to make sense that the other would suffer as well.

In all honesty when my IBS symptoms are under control, I am a totally different person, so much more optimistic and my anxiety subsides...although let's face it I don't care if you got nerves of steel if you need to use the bathroom every 5 minutes you are definately going to have anxiety! I think we should all give ourselves a little more credit

As for how much I had to alter my diet, as I said I am new to this site once I got my diagnosis I began to research this just like everything else (i am a geek lol), so I am mostly applying the basics now...oatmeal unfortunately doesn't seem to agree with me, which is tough because I used to eat that everyday, white flour seems to set me off as well....I know it is supposed to be a safe food, but doesn't work with me so sourdough and french are out, but that is not bad because I very rarely consumed breads anyway. All veggies and fruit unless cooked set me off, I seem to be very tolerable of rice flours and potatoes are a wonder for me....that is a big change because I honestly can't tell you the last time I ate potatoes. I eat a whole lot more carbs now then I ever did....I was mostly lean organic meats and fruits and veggies, oh and tonsssss of nuts and nut butters (i love them, and I am sad because I can only have a little at a time now lol )...but beyond that not much has changed....I always ate 6 small meals a day....and I was not giving up coffee without a fight lol so I tried the simply smooth low acid coffee and I seem to tolerate that pretty well.
I still get cramping from time to time (like now lol and I am a tad C lol) but for the most part before I began applying Heather's guidelines I looked 4 mo pregnant from the severe bloating I had and would have major bouts of D and my tummy is muchhhhh flatter and the cramps usually go for C, well it is certainly better than D!! lol
Now I am determined to experiment with these guidelines and come up with some delish recipes that are both healthy and IBS safe!!
My gosh I wrote a book here lol

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for Rebecca new
      #344355 - 04/10/09 01:37 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

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osbo54 new
      #344370 - 04/10/09 06:34 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I totally agree with you. I believe wholeheartedly with holistic medicine and treatments, sometimes modern medicine is needed of course (emergency situations, and the occasional antibiotics (oh how I seriously hate those fact my IBS this time started back up after a course of antibiotics I had to take-they are awful on your stomach), but I do feel it best to incorporrate preventative medicine through proper nutrition and taking care of yourself both physically and metally.

The FDA is a complicated system and you see the reason why nutritional supplements and natural remedies will not become mainstream are for two basic is that no one company can patent the "natural product" because nobody has rights to creating it...although you will often see patented prescription drugs which contain natural herbal ingredients. Thats why on supplements you see not FDA approved, not because they don't work, but because no one company can zero in and make HUGE profits off the sales. Also, big money is not in natural supplements....they are in prescription chemical compound drugs which cause pennies to make and are upmarked over a thousand times....not to mention the drugs you will have to take to rectify the side effects from the original drug you have been prescribed! They make a ton off overmedicating the public. Now I am not some wacko who believes that modern medicine has no place, of course it does...but I always make sure I fully research EVERYTHING before I take it....I have never tried energy work, but it is something I would definately be willing to experiment with (if you haven't read the Celestine Prophecy, you may be interested in checking it out, it is a wonderful book!

Now with EFT is that done by yourself or do you need to go to a practitioner?

As for diet it is really amazing what difference that can make in your mental clarity. If you fuel your body with quality foods you think much clearer have a more positive outlook and your skin and body begin to really look amazing. (I am not talking about weight, because everyone has a weight that their body is comfortable at...there may be two people who are 5'2 one persons body may be comfortable at 125 the other's may be comfortable at 140.)
Food is a POWERFUL substance, it can cause amazing changes in your body for the good or bad depending upon how you use it.
I don't count carbs or that sort of thing either, but I do not consume things that have an ingredient list the size of my arm...if I am not sure what something is on the ingredients, the product goes back on the shelf. I also try and incorporate as much fruits and veggies, cooked of course into my diet as I GRASS FED chicken and turkey, and free-range GRASS FED eggs (you should try and avoid regular chicken and turkey if your budget allows...chicken and turkeys don't naturally feed on grains and it is best to have them feed as they normally would in nature-plus it alters there nutritional value.) I have a few t of nut butters a day to get my healthy fats in as I do not follow the diet to a "T" either, my body does not perform well on that many white starchy carbs, and you are absolutely correct in your recognition abou the diabetes and insulin resistance...not to mention your complexion looks like crap because of all the manipulation of your insulin levels
Now that is not to say I NEVER have simple carbs, like tonite I was contemplating cheese-less pizza, (I am actually opting for chinese (steamed chicken with black bean sauce on the side...and I will sub brown rice instead of the white) by I limit that to ONE meal a week, and that is truly only because I don't feel so good after I have it.

I enjoy talking to you as well! I guess this is book number 2

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Re: osbo54 & Rebecca new
      #344372 - 04/11/09 12:48 AM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

I agree with much of what you both said. Just wanted to add... several years ago I saw a clinical psychologist, after being diagnosed with GAD ant PTSD. He had just been trained in EFT and even back then said the correlating results were amazing. I thought it was "hooey" :-) back then, but have tried it by myself some since that time and I definitely believe it has major advantages.
Then earlier this year there was a guy on PBS using EFT for weight loss. So, that brought it all back to mind.
The originator of EFT has a self-help manual for sale on Amazon - cheap, so I've purchased it and hope to try to incorporate it in my lifestyle again. It's like a vicious cycle - stressed because you have too much on your plate, or can't deal with what's on your plate due to prior stressors, and know EFT will help, but too tired and stressed to put the effort in!
So, along with learning some yoga (the one for people w/ back problems) and walking more - EFT it on my "to do" list again. I would love to be symptom and drug free and am trusting God that I will be one day!!!!
Rebecca, like you, I have found I cannot eat raw veggies - too harsh on the tummy and brown rice is one of my staples, as well.
Blessings to you both - Dorothy

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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GAGA new
      #344376 - 04/11/09 04:37 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I must look into this EFT! With so many rave reviews I would be a fool not to lol My husband looks at my concoctions of brown rice and shakes his head and says I couldn't live like that lol but honestly it doesn't tastet bad, and I actually look forward to eating them...I'll mix it with everything from cooked berries, to applesauce it hits the spot for sweets, and I explain to him that I would much rather eat brown rice and berries and be symptom free then have a donut and be running to the bathroom all the next day! The Mayo Clinic makes a Yoga video in connection with gaiam living arts and Rodney is intended to help alleviate IBS symptoms and works pretty well, although I don't care for the music used and this seems to be one of Rodney's first videos because he kinda bumbles for words, but he is really a great instructor. Also if you get the chance to view any of Patricia Walden's yoga videos she is excellent and makes a few targeted directly at women.
I see you say that EFT has worked before but at the present moment you are a little too stressed and tired to attempt it again, I say take just a fraction of the energy you spend daily on worrying about everything, cancel your walk and Yoga for the day and go make an appt to get some EFT done Everything passes eveny those crazy anxiety feelings which I know believe me they are so scary...but even if you can just push yourself a little it will make you stronger for the next time....don't ONLY have faith in God helping you....have faith in yourself as well, all of us on this site are extremly strong individuals we must be to deal with this day in and out.....Geez when my Hubby has a bellyache he is on the couch for days with a lil bell ringing for me to look after him (jk)but in reality I think if you "get in "GAGA's corner" cheer yourself on a little and you would be amazed at how much you can really accomplish! Try meditating on being symptom free imagine your life how it would be, in a positive way feeling great every abdominal pains, no C no D just "normal", imagine yourself having the mental and physical strength to go to your EFT would be amazed at how much help positive thinking has on our bodies and minds...even try imagining this while you are falling asleep at night. When any other thought comes into your mind besides that which you have originally set out to contemplate.....mindlessly watch it flow through like a cloud and leave your brain..don't get angry it entered just watch it float away and zero back in on your "main thought". I hope that helps and I am sure that once you trust in YOURSELF along with GOD you can muster up the strength to get to those appointments! GOOD LUCK!!

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Rebecca new
      #344378 - 04/11/09 05:46 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Let me tell you a little more about EFT. You can go to Gary Craig's website and download the manual for free, which is the basic recipe and will get you started. I believe it's in Adobe format. It is just the basic recipe, so if you want to delve further you would have to order the cd's. I ordered them and use EFT quite often. Sometimes, it is a one-minute wonder, and other times, it takes longer, because that person may have so many issues. As Gary says, you have to chop down a few trees before the rest fall in the forest. I have used it for headaches, back sprain, etc. and I have had instant relief, with no return of symptoms. If the symptoms do return then more work is needed. It is a wonderful therapy and very well accepted by mainstream medicine. It is a matter of tapping energy meridians. I have the entire cd package and continue to work with issues on a daily basis.

You can choose to work with a practitioner either by phone or in person, if you choose. I called Gary Craig on one issue I had that I could not resolve for some reason. He was very kind, and suggested I may want to use a trained practitioner for that issue. I believe it works just as well by phone, the only problem being, in some of the sequences you need two hands to tap. But, with a good clinician, I think you will be fine.

Now, the starter manual used to be a free download on his website. I haven't checked lately, but I am assuming that it is still free.

Now, Rebecca, my friend, I am off to an Easter Egg hunt, I hope. Since it is raining they may cancel. Oh, heck, that's spring in MD.

I will answer the rest of this post later tonight.

Be Well!!

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Re: osbo54 & Rebecca new
      #344379 - 04/11/09 05:55 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi GaGa,

Read my post to Rebecca about the EFT. It is a great tool in my arsenal of weapons.

You know, GaGa, I really like this Lifestyle and Fitness board. I never really much paid attention to it before, but it is more open and free. You can post your feelings and what you have tried (that may not be mainstream), without having your head bit off. I really like that. I don't want to be controversial, but I like the feeling of freedom to banter back and forth, and truly share. I have decided...this is my new board. The heck with the Eating and Living Room boards.

Hey, I ordered that book that you talked about in another post. The one about Natural Remedies. I sent you a post about it, asking you if it was really good. I just went ahead and ordered it.

Take care

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osbo54 new
      #344381 - 04/11/09 10:07 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I am going to most definately check that out later tonite, it is raining here as well (I live in pa so we have the same crappy whether as you lol) so I hope your easter egg hunt is still on...I got a Turkey cooking in the oven for tomorrow and I need to make the kids baskets after that it will be ME time lol so with that I will check out Gary Craig's really sounds helpful I am so glad you had mentioned it!

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Rebecca1013 new
      #344391 - 04/11/09 07:56 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hey Rebecca,

Just responding to the rest of your last post.

Well, the Easter egg hunt did not go off. I was disappointed. They thought they might get it off, if it had cleared soon enough this afternoon, but no such luck. My daughter has about had it with MD. She said she is moving to Florida. I said, like they don't have hurricanes down there.

As far as holistic medicine versus Western medicine...I totally agree. It has its place. If I am in an accident and bleeding out, by all means stop the bleeding. If I am in cardiac arrest...bring on the paddles. Yee Haa! If my leg is broken, please set and cast it. If I have a bacterial infection, give me your strongest antibiotic. But as far as chronic illness, Western medicine stinks. It isn't their fault, really. They are taught to treat the symptoms in med school, not get to the core issue. They are taught to nuke it, cut it, or poison it. They know no other way. As far as nutrition, you and I both know, they get about 15 minutes. Another thing, the medical institutions and their faculty/professors are owned, paid, and funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Nuff said!

As far as the FDA goes, well that is beyond pititful. I have been reading alot about the patent issue, so I do get that. The FDA is in bed with the pharmaceutical industry, the AMA, and the government, so where does that leave us as the consumer? We don't stand a snowball's chance in h***. The bottom line is as you said, $$$$$$$$. The really sad thing is the way they are allowed to advertise so many drugs on TV. It's really legal drug pushing, and I think it is crying shame that they are permitted to push their drugs on the elderly and maybe even our beautiful kids. Shame on them!

I did read the Celestine Prophecy many years ago. I loved it. I believe I saw the movie too, but I can't quite remember. It's a shame the author, James Redfield, didn't do too much after that. I guess he made enough off of that book to live comfortably. He did write a follow-up to that book, but I can't remember the name.

I also agree with you about the body's set point for weight. So many woman make the mistake of concentrating on body size instead of health. If they would focus on the health of their body, their body would find a good weight and that would be the icing on the cake of a healthy body.

I have never understood why they feed grain to the animals. You know, that grain could feed a heck of alot of starving people. If you have read any of John Robbins work as, "Diet For a New America", he focuses on just this issue. I don't eat any animal flesh, but if I did it would be organic grass-fed. I did consider myself vegan, but since I do take Align (which has milk protein), and I do take fish oil, then I guess I would be vegetarian. I did have scallops when we went to the beach last year, but I would say most of the time, I just don't consume anything that has a mom. (isn't that what they say??) It is partly about health, but mostly because I can't stand the inhumane treatment of animals, and I couldn't kill them myself, so why should I expect someone to do it for me. But, that is just me and to each his own. I respect everyone's right to find their own way in life.

Hey, you know, I used to lift weights in my younger years. I think I just burned out on it. I was striving for a bodybuilding show, but I didn't have the courage. I did go to a couple in Philli, many years ago. One was the Ms. Olympia. Now, that was fun! I used to lift in a men's hardcore bodybuilding gym (man, I had guts back then ), and I had a blast. Now, as I have gotten older, I stick pretty much with walking, stretching, and yoga. I do some squats, planks, ball abd work, and push-ups, just to keep some basic strength. I find that a strenuous yoga class really does help the musculature.

Well, I have yakked my way to fatigue. After I found out the egg hunt was cancelled, I went to help my sister. My brother-in-law broke his neck on the job, and they were in the middle of remodeling their entire house. So, needless to say, she is in enormous stress mode right now. He is very lucky to be alive and not paralized. So, I was painting, and moving furniture, and helping her do everything that he can not do. Very sad indeed. So, later, I am pooped.

Another book!!

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Re: osbo54 & Rebecca new
      #344392 - 04/11/09 10:01 PM

Reged: 01/12/08
Posts: 534
Loc: Florida

I'm sorry.... I didn't get your post or I certainly would have responded. Things are so crazy w/ school right now, I just am trying to keep my head above water!
I've bought so many books on nutrition/natural cures/even the "bible" of alternative medicine by Dr. Balch - LOL. But, for some reason I like Dr. Macarro's book best and trust her advice. She's reasonable - not overboard w/ her suggestions - plus, she walked through much of it herself.
If I can get my head together, I'm going to start the EFT again - my psychologist is very conservative and he traveled all over the country to get certified because he believed in it so much - especially for patients w/ PTSD. He discussed it at length w/ me, like one professional to another and had researched it thoroughly. To be calm and healthy - I'll tap all day and let people think it's just OCD!!!
I agree with you about this board. Some people take themselves too seriously and others like to be too critical. I tend to be middle of the road - take the good and leave the bad. Heather is the only "expert" on here - many may have specialties in certain areas, however, it seems we can still learn from each other - inasmuch as the last time I checked, no one has found a cure!
Blessings! - Dorothy

"I Will Survive! :-)... I shall live and not die and declare the works of The Lord..."

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Re: osbo54 & Rebecca new
      #344393 - 04/12/09 04:47 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

OCD, that is funny! In the EFT CD's they do have a lot of vets who suffer from PTSD, and seem to recover fully. That particular trauma seems to be work well with EFT.

I say if it works, go for it. It really doesn't matter to me what anyone else says. If they say I'm to "woo-woo", well then I guess I am. But, if it brings me relief, then I will use it, as long as it does no harm to anyone else.

Yeah, I agree. Heather is wonderful and has helped so many people who otherwise were not going to find it. God Bless that woman! And, she seems so genuine. I have defended her to more than one doc.

Well, take care and have a wondeful Easter. I am off to see my boys and see what they got in their basket.

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