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workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343886 - 03/31/09 12:11 PM


SO I ordered some nike tl3 shoes and really want to get into home exercise I have turbo jam,hip hop abs,winsor pilates,want to eventually get chalene extrem and all the p90 and p90x, I have a hula hoop with dvds,katami bar and probly some more things.. I get acid reflux and I can't handle much IF right now..can someone help me with a diet plan?

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343924 - 04/01/09 12:22 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Ok, so when I diet, I try to stay under 1200 calories and exercise at least an hour a day. The workouts you mentioned are great! I have Chalene's extreme, it's fantastic! I know you can't eat much IF but here is an EXAMPLE of a daily menu from my diet:

1 Serving of Oatmeal
1 cup Soy Milk
1 Serving of Egg whites (scrambled in microwave with some ginger for flavor)
1/2-1 cup of berries (you can trade these for some fruit you are ok with)

Snack at 9:45
1 cup of Grapes
Stonyfield Farms O'Soy yogurt

Lunch at 12 noon
Usually, 1 serving of Water Packed Pouch Tuna
Sweet Potato/Reg. Potato/Some Kind of Brothy soup

Snack at 2:30
1 Serving of Dry Roasted Edamame (or some kind of protein it could even be another serving of yogurt)

Very light supper as soon as I get home. Usually another serving of Oatmeal with some brown sugar
V8 Veggie Juice

It is very hard at first to get regulated on this schedule, but once you begin a routine, your stomach will coincide with your eating patterns.

You can also change the things that you eat. This is just an example of a typical day for me when I am dieting.

Keep very close amounts on your calorie intake. There are bunches of websites to help with this. is one of them. Remember, if you even steal a french fry from someone else's plate that's about 10 extra calories. So every bite you put in your mouth should be accounted for.

Also, try to eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, they keep you full with out adding a bunch of calories.

Water is another critical part of dieting. I drink nothing but water or tea. NO POPS!!! (aka sodas) Not even diet sodas they just aren't good for you.

I hope this helps.

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343954 - 04/02/09 09:04 AM


I was wondering how do you look at working out? is it like a daily choir or a necessity to take care of your ibs? I only drink water,fenel tea,cammomile tea, sometimes juice such as the natural mango peach papaya I get at wal mart,oh and soy and rice milk. I wake up and pee alot at night. Could my diet or just ibs be making me retain water and I pee alot at night or what? I eat the o soy yogurt too. I would not get up earlier than 9am becasue I work until 11pm and can't go to bed right away when I get home cuz I'm so gassy or need to wind down I get to bed about 12pm and fall asleep a half hour,an hour or more after laying down. a few times it has taken me around 5 hours to fall asleep beause of bloating and feeling so bad though.

Have you heard of hoopnotica?

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343971 - 04/02/09 11:28 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Lately, working out has been a chore, but exercise should not be a chore but a mandatory event of healthy living. It does help the bowels, but also helps the overall health!

I don't know about the water retention, I will be bloated from sodium sometimes, but not all the time. Try not to drink liquids too late in the evening and limit your sodium intake, that will definitely help the water retention.

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343975 - 04/02/09 11:54 AM

Unregistered I know that doesn't have anything to do with what you just said,but LOL.

you said you have turbo jam dvds..I was wondering if your a member of wowy? Do you know if excerise would somehow help acid reflux? Since I work 5 days a week and I am on my feet 5.5 hours constantly moving and working It makes me lazy during the day I guess...

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343978 - 04/02/09 12:41 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Yeah, definitely nothing to do with the topic, but you got a good laugh out of me!!! That was hilarious, thank you!!!

I'm not a member of I never signed up I just like the DVDs. I also have Yoga Booty Ballet (both sets) I love them too!!

If you are on your feet 5.5 hours/day, you shouldn't have to worry too much about exercise if you watch what you eat. That's fairly active. I'm on my butt all day, may be the reason for the spread, ha! I don't know about the reflux either, I don't have too much problem with that unless I overeat.

You might still try to fit in about 15-30 minutes of activity away from work to devote to exercise or playing with a pet or just dancing around in your living room acting a fool! That's my favorite form of exercise/activity. Also, cleaning house is a great form of physical activity, put more "elbow grease" into your cleaning or do lunges while vacuuming or leg lifts while washing dishes you get the idea. I like to do squats while wyping down walls it's kinda interesting and my fiance thinks I'm crazy, but I like to make exercise fun! Cause if it's not fun, I won't do it!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343985 - 04/02/09 01:30 PM


well I've been working at the same place over 5years and It hasn't gotten me into shape at all. I kinda think if heart rate isn't up and sweating isn't involved its not a work get the body I want I'd have to work out. I'll start slow but I'm thinking I want to get up to like 2 hours of exercise a day.

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Re: workout and ibs diet,help new
      #343997 - 04/03/09 06:01 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Yeah, vigorous exercise will melt off pounds alot faster than just standing on your feet, but standing up all day is much better than sitting down, you are burning more calories that way.

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344010 - 04/03/09 12:24 PM


maybe I should stop having soy products..what do you all think of this ?

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say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond? new
      #344016 - 04/03/09 05:53 PM


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Re: omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344038 - 04/04/09 11:55 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada


IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344059 - 04/05/09 01:17 PM


I wonder if soy makes me crabby and tired? and my acid reflux worse?

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Re: say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond?
      #344073 - 04/06/09 07:13 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

OMG!!! I want to stay away from it now!!!!! That's all I drink besides water is Soy Milk, and I use it for soy cream cheese cakes and TVP cheeses. Oh no! No more cheese, again!!!!!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond? new
      #344085 - 04/06/09 10:30 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Thanks alot for this article. I did not realize this about soy. I don't consume much soy, except for some tofu at times, but I didn't realize the soy protein isolate which is used as textured vegetable protein in products, was so dangerous. I will no longer consume any products with this in it.

I also use rice milk, and I knew the ingredients, but again I wasn't aware of the dangers. I will try to make my own almond milk as listed on the website.

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Re: say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond? new
      #344093 - 04/06/09 01:37 PM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

Well I usually use Silk soy milk in my shakes but not any more. I have never tried almond milk is it good? Where do they sell it?

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Re: say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond? new
      #344096 - 04/06/09 01:43 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Almond milk is good, and easy to make.

You need to soak the almonds over-night. Then put in food processor and blend almonds and milk. Then strain ingredients into another container with a cheese cloth and make sure to squeeze all the juice out of cheese cloth. You have almond milk! I don't know how to sweeten it though, I just know how to make it. I'm pretty sure if you boil it and add sugar and some vanilla, it would work well, might just want to play with it if you want to try it!

You can also use the leftovers from the cheesecloth to make more!


You can find it at HFS or in the Natural/Organic section of the grocery (sometimes)

Hope that helps.

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond? new
      #344102 - 04/06/09 02:36 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

If you read back up in this thread there is a post by "aperson" that lists a link to a website that tells you how to make almond milk, and also how to sweeten it.

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Re: omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344124 - 04/06/09 10:27 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

Oh, for Heaven's sake. Here's the most important statement in this whole alarmist piece (emphasis mine):


I believe you are getting the picture, but let me make sure you get the whole picture . . . strangely enough Americans are the main consumers of unfermentated raw soy products second to the Japanese.

So the Japanese eat more unfermented soy products than people in the United States while those clever, clever Chinese assiduously avoid all those nasty toxins found in unfermented soy. Really? Let's take a look at national life expectancy to see how this is working out for them.

The life expectancy for the Japanese - who gorge themselves on this nasty soy stuff - is 82.6 years. That's the first - yes, first - longest life expectancy in the United Nations rankings.

The life expectancy for the Chinese - who avoid unfermented soy like the plague - is 73 years. That's 82nd in the UN rankings.

The US? 78.2 years, 38th in the UN rankings.

Soy is neither a hideous blight on your refrigerator nor a miracle cure for everything that ails you. It's just a food. Most IBSers tolerate it well but, yes, for some it causes problems. That's usually because soy is a bean and beans produce gas and since IBSers suffer from visceral hypersensitivity, gas can make everything worse. Those IBSers can try something like Beano when eating soy and if that doesn't work they should - obviously - avoid soy.

For the rest of us, the usual common sense rules apply:
Food is not medicine nor is it poison.
All things in moderation.

We IBSers already have quite enough diet limitations, thank you very much. There's no reason to stir up concern over a food most of us find both useful and tolerable.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344127 - 04/07/09 05:27 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Fermented is fine, but I would steer clear of soy protein isolate used as textured vegetable protein in processed foods, if you eat any. IMO

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Thank you, Sand! I was getting worried I had to change my diet, again! - nt - new
      #344135 - 04/07/09 06:24 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344150 - 04/07/09 07:39 AM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland

Sand good post! I think we need to be careful about going into a panic over one article. The internet is a great tool for research and finding info but you have to remember that anyone can write a paper and post it on the internet.

We all have IBS in common but controlling the symptoms of IBS is not an exact science. We are all different and how we react to foods is different. Follow the EFI diet and you will start to feel better but keep in mind that sometimes it is a trial and error experience to find the safe foods that work best for you. Some people can tolerate soy milk and others can't. Do what works for you to best control your IBS. If you listen to everything that is posted about good and bad foods you will go crazy. For example: At one time we heard not to eat butter but use margarine instead. Now it is the opposite.

For me personally soy milk is not a problem and I will not stop drinking it because of this article. If soy is a problem for you by all means try one of the other milks available. I don't know about you, but when I find an IBS friendly food that I can eat and I don't have an attack then I am going to stick with that food. The EFI diet is a great guideline for finding the best foods to eat to ease IBS symptoms. Remember that it is a guideline and you may not be able to tolerate everything on the list or you may not like the taste of something that is considered a safe food.

I think in the future if you post a question or concern about soy or any other food item on the diet board you will get more of a response.


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Re: omg soy?! I guess its bad,heather please look new
      #344152 - 04/07/09 07:45 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

I did not post the initial post. I was responding with my opinion to the post, and since it was posted to this board, that is where I responded.

I take everything I read on the internet with a grain a salt. If I find it interesting and informative, I follow-up with more research to check the facts.

And the EFI does not work for everyone with IBS.

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osbo54 new
      #344165 - 04/07/09 08:50 AM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland

Why so testy? I was not directing my message towards you! I was speaking in general terms and just suggesting that the person who wrote the original question about soy should put it on the diet board to get more responses. The fitness board is usually dedicated to fitness. I don't usually check the fitness board and I know many others probably don't either. The position of my message was under Sands and had nothing to do with what you posted.

I really don't understand the anger that is coming across in your response to my message.


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Re: osbo54 new
      #344176 - 04/07/09 10:25 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497


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Re: say no to rice and soy milk?! very interesting..but yes to almond? new
      #344877 - 04/23/09 09:29 AM

Reged: 06/02/05
Posts: 74
Loc: Berlin, Germany

Just wondered if anyone else tried making the almond milk recipe from the above link? I did, it wasn't bad, better that when i tried making rice milk, but it was still a bit watery and tasteless! I didn't try it with the dates, maybe that would improve it. You also end up with a great quantity of solids which i wasn't sure what to do with! I put them into a rice pudding but I'm afraid it was probably too much IF for me and caused me problems. I guess I'll just throw them away next time i make it.

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