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What to eat to Gain Weight . I am a Guy, Help! new
      #338661 - 11/28/08 05:54 AM

Reged: 11/28/08
Posts: 4

I was wondering what would be a good and safe high protein/calorie diet for gaining weight and muscle mass?

I have suffered from IBS since I was 18, and I am now 24. So it has been a 6 year battle, which still continues a bit. I have battled serious weight loss since then, weight I couldn't afford to lose. I was a solid 145 lbs through highschool, kind of skinny but was always strong for my size. I was always a strong and athletic since I was a little kid. I was always busy doing something physical which included playing alot of sports. But that all seemed to come to an end in a matter days.

My IBS Story (long, but I felt like I had to be detailed to completely understand):

At the age of 18, in the late winter, I had caught this really bad cold/flu virus. The virus was the worst I ever had in my life, and I felt like I was dying. I decided to tough it out for a few days, which then turned out to be a week. I didn't bother going to the doctors. I was spitting up and blowing out some pretty bad looking stuff. It was like some fluorescence yellow stuff (only way I could describe it) that I was caughing and sneezing out. I have never seen such stuff come out of ones body. I knew it was bad, and should have gone to the doctors as soon as possible, but I didn't. Well after suffering it out for a week, I finally started to feel better, and felt like new. From there on, I decided I wanted to start getting healthy and fit, more than ever. Two days after feeling better, I ended up lifting weights/working out for an hour. Well, during the workout I noticed I was becoming very nauseous, but thought nothing of it. After my work out, the nausea got worse, and I ended up throwing up. I threw up that same yellow stuff from that virus I had, which some how got into my stomach. I was so sick soon after, I had to go the doctors. I was sick for 3 days straight, and couldn't eat one solid meal at all. I tried so hard to eat, but everything I put down felt like it was going to come back up. I ended up losing over 20 lbs in just that few days, which scared the crap out of me. I weighed in at 124 lbs!!! Not good at all. Week later, I began to have some serious stomach problems. I had a hard time eating. Everytime I ate a meal, I would feel really sick afterwards with some serious excessive stomach gas and nausea!. I would burp pretty frequently for about a half hour or so, and I also felt like I was going to puke that whole time because I was really nauseous. My stomach felt like it was inflated, really tense with gas. That was the start of it, and I think the virus getting into my stomach and bowels, and possibly some other organs, had a huge role with these serious problems. If only I didn't work out that morning, I probably wouldn't have been so sick. If I had waited atleast a full 7 days after the virus receded, I might have avoided it all together.

The stomach problems continued for about a month or two straight, everyday getting sick after meals, or waking up sick in the morning and while laying down trying to sleep during the nights. I was back and forth from the doctors for a few months. They found nothing wrong with me, and gave me nothing to help. So I ended up suffering day after day. I was really depressed about what was happening to me. I felt like I was dying...

After those few months I started to feel a little better, and wasn't having so many attacks. I then decided to attempt lifting weights again to gain some muscle mass and weight back that I had lost. I also was eating alot more than usual. Well I worked out for a about 8 months off and on, and was feeling better with a few attacks here and there. One thing, I did get really gassy during my workouts, and after the workouts, not sure why, but it sucked. That made working out two times harder for me, but I toughed it out and continued for almost about a year. I had felt like I gained some weight and muscle back definately, but wasn't sure If I was back to normal or not (didn't weigh myself, and stayed away from doctors). Eventually, I ended up finding a Building Mass book, and changed my workouts completely, because I wasn't working out like I should have. For two and a half months, I was eating more than ever, working out harder, taking protein supplements along with vitamins, and essential oils. In the end, I ended gaining around 25-30 lbs (gained about 15-20 lbs of that in just those 2 and half months) in under a year! That summer and weighing in at 155 lbs, I was feeling good and better than ever, but still suffered those occasional attacks. I had taking a break from working out, as it was a full time job, and needed to get out a bit more.

Well, during that break, I ended up getting a job offering just before I was about to commit to another 2-3 months of lifting. During that 2-3 month temporary job, I couldn't find time to workout and eat as much as I used to. Well, months and months went by and I got lazy, and didn't have the motivation to work out anytime soon. Well that next early spring, about 6-7 months later after that job ended. I was fine one day, the next day I woke up with my stomach feeling a little off. I found it hard to ear that morning, but forced down a meal. I ended up throwing up not too long after I had ate. I brushed it off, thought it was nothing serious. I was wrong. About 4-6 days later, out of no wheres, the stomach problems came back at full speed! It was just as bad as it was 2 years prior to when it started, maybe worse than before. I was sick day-in day-out for about a month or two straight... I ended up losing 30 lbs in the meantime! 125 lbs and I was back to square one! I was depressed all over again. I was back and forth to the doctors, and also to the emergency on some nights. I had every test possible. I had blood test, gal bladder test, scans, xrays, you name it I had it done. Finally, a doctor referred me to a stomach/bowel specialist for acouple months there. I had every test possible again, and turned up with nothing again. The sad thing is, 2 and half years later, I wasn't diagnosed with anything, and the doctors didn't mention anything about what it could be, or what was causing the attacks and the excessive stomach gas I was having...

I finally gave up on doctors, and decided to avoid them altogether. I just suffered the stomach problems from there on, trying to tough it out hoping it would go away. I didn't know what to do. I was inside almost everyday, and I couldn't do anything active. Everytime I would do something physical, or anything that would get my heart and muscles pumping, I would feel nauseous and gassy sick. So that really kept me inside alot, sitting around playing games on my computer. I didn't go out much at all, especially during the winters. It was horrible, and I was depressed alot. This went on for a few years...

A few years had past. I started getting serious about solving the problem, and became interested in all-natural cures. I began searching the web for answers. After quite a bit of research, I finally found out that there was people that had the same problems, and figured out that I was having IBS Symptoms! This was a break through for me. I then did some extensive research on IBS and how to manage it. I soon came across this website, I decided to give the IBS kit a try. I bought the Fennel Tummy Tea, Peppermint capsules, and the IBS Book kit. I had some good results with just the tea and peppermint within a week or so of starting them, and was very impressed. I was excited that I finally found something to help me out. Eventually, I wasn't having less and less attacks. I would only have attacks if I had ate too much of a certain type of trigger food, which was on a rare ocasion. I was starting to be a bit more active again. I finally got the Acacia Tummy Fiber, which gave me even better results. I was feeling better and better as the months went on. I has been almost a year since using Heather's Tummy Teas, Diet plans, and Supplements, and I have been feeling better than I have in 6 years of suffering those stomach problems. At the moment, I am only taking the Acacia Fiber, with some other useful supplements (vitamin C, Sea Green capsules, Acidophilus), and everything seems to be under control with very few attacks or excessive gas... maybe once or twice a month. Sometimes I can go a whole month without any noticeable attacks.

This is all great progress for me in all, but I still suffer the weight loss. Few years later, after losing weight for second time (155 to 125 lbs), I haven't been able to gain any back. I haven't been motivated enough to work out either, as I still get gassy when I do something physical, maybe not as much as before, but enough to keep me from doing alot of things. All I want now is to gain my weight back, while keeping my IBS under control, and I find this hard to do. I basically just eat cereal, english muffins, oatmeal, pasta, and alot of homecooked meals. I try to eat more, but seems it always has a negative affect. More I eat, especially protein, the more I become vulnerable to IBS attacks. At this point, I really don't know what to do.

For me, IBS has ruined a good part of my life as an adult. I missed out on alot because I was always sick and dealing with serious stomach/bowel problems. I couldn't go out and do things I wanted to do, or things that I needed to do, like getting a stable job. All my friends are off doing something with their lives, going out and having fun, college, getting married, having kids, you know having and creating a life for themselves. But nope, not me, I sit around everyday wondering what to do with my own life, and where to start. Only thing I can think of, is take care of my health and get back to normal, like in my high school years. I try to do everything I could, but with no full time job and little money, I cannot do much at all. I often feel hopeless and depressed. I just don't know what to do, I try to stay positive and keep looking forward, but often head the other way. I still live with my parents, at the age of 24. The Stress level in the house can be pretty high, my parents are raising their three grand kids (6,7,13), and those kids don't listen very well... so you can only imagine. There is 7 people in this house, which also includes my older brother. I also haven't had much jobs in the past 6 years, go figure, since I was sick often. I have been getting Food Stamps for awhile now to help out. But yeah, that is my current situation.

All this because of IBS! Most people don't even know how common IBS is, and how much it affects peoples lives such as mine. People around me wonder why I am the way I am at this time, and have no clue what I have gone through. I try to explain it, but they think nothing of it. What to do, I dunno.

I recently had a temporary job, which ended about a month ago. I also applied for a full time job at the same workplace, but I didn't get it. Jobs are so slim on the Reservation, next to none. So yeah, it seems this winter I will be laying around doing nothing again... I saved up some money and bought myself a great new Home Gym (Bioforce TNT) recently, hoping it will get me back in shape. I also pretty much dedicated any extra money I saved for vitamins or other supplements I might need.

I want to get back into lifting weights/working out again, and really want to gain back that muscle mass I had gained once before, when I was at 155 lbs. But, I don't know what high protein/fat foods will be safe to eat, or what type of protein powder to use (whey, egg, soy)...

I have found some Soy Protein Powder, and some Udo's Oil (which I have taken before), but I don't want to buy something that might lead to triggers. So I am asking if there is any recommended types of high protein/carb diets that will be safe for me.

Here are some links to these products I mentioned. Help me decided if they are good or not. I think they might be, but not fully sure.

- Udo's Choice Oil Blend

- ON 100% Soy Protein Powder (choc)

Thanks, would appreciate any help. Sorry for the long story, hope you take the time to read it.

Edited by NativOne (11/28/08 06:35 AM)

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Re: What to eat to Gain Weight . I am a Guy, Help!
      #338671 - 11/28/08 03:50 PM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Just a quick thought while I'm at work but have you been tested for a gluten intolorence? The symptoms you describe do match with the list at ie excessive gas and nausea.

A simple bood test can diagnose celiac.

The reason I mention it is that nausea isn't really part of IBS. Also a gluten intolerence can often be mistaken for IBS and also be completely ignired by doctors. It can also prevent absorbotion of food leading to rapid and significant weight loss.

Stable IBS D

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Re: What to eat to Gain Weight . I am a Guy, Help! new
      #338674 - 11/28/08 07:33 PM

Reged: 11/28/08
Posts: 4


Just a quick thought while I'm at work but have you been tested for a gluten intolorence? The symptoms you describe do match with the list at ie excessive gas and nausea.

A simple bood test can diagnose celiac.

The reason I mention it is that nausea isn't really part of IBS. Also a gluten intolerence can often be mistaken for IBS and also be completely ignired by doctors. It can also prevent absorbotion of food leading to rapid and significant weight loss.

I have had alot of blood test (more than a few rounds), but everything came out normal. I also had a nutrition test a few times, and they came out fine also. I am not sure if I have been tested specifically for that disease or not. After reading the symptoms, its doesn't seem that is what I have. Only thing on that list that I get is gas and bloating, and I was sure that was a symptom of IBS... As for the nausea, that was mainly just because my stomach was so filled with gas, constantly burping, and feeling like I was going to throw up. Thing is, I never actually do throw up! I might of threw up about 2-3 times in the past 6 years, and I think it was because I took too many anti-acids at the time. That is actually good compared to the high number of attacks I had throughout the years. I no longer take any antiacids or any other over the counter products for gas. But yeah, it doesn't seem like anything else other than IBS, especially since following the diet book, and avoiding actual triggers leads me to believe it is IBS.

I also don't think I mentioned that I used to get Constipation alot during those sick times, and mainly only time I got stick was when I wasn't going to the bathroom enough. Whenever I kept eating, and not digesting enough, I would eventually start having attacks until my bowels were regular again. Same thing happens now, but of course not as much as before because my bowel movements are fairly normal.

As for the weight loss, it is mainly because I don't eat enough protein, which I can be hesitant to eat more of it. I usually do know how much protein my meals give me, except for home cooked suppers. Some days I might get a decent amount of protein, and but most I may lack alot. I know I should be getting atleast 100-120g of protein a day, but that can be difficult with a few food choices. That is why I came here asking if Soy Protein powders would be a good replacement.

I do gain a bit of weight here and there, but eventually drop back down due to a lack of high protein foods. I do believe I could gain weight pretty easily (like I have before), I just don't know exactly what to eat and avoid triggers at the same time. I cannot go and eat all the foods I ate to gain that 30 lbs a few years ago, because alot of them were triggers. Now that I am better, I can still eat some of those trigger foods without the reactions, but of course there are those few off-days.

My bowel movements are back on track, and stools are not abnormal at all... so that don't seem to be a problem. My main problem, is that I am not eating enough calories and protein everyday. Once I find something high in protein that I can really eat up on without any reactions, I think I would be fine. Most of the daily stuff I eat, are low in protein and calories... such as breakfast, lunch, meal before going to bed, or any snacks. I really need to find something I can eat daily to significantly increase my protein intake. I have gained my weight back and then some at one point, so I don't think it would have anything to do with blocking proteins.

I will look more into this disease though, and maybe get another blood test.

Edited by NativOne (11/28/08 08:10 PM)

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Re: What to eat to Gain Weight . I am a Guy, Help! new
      #338679 - 11/29/08 08:22 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

I also experience occasional nausea. When I am extremely constipated, bloated and gassy, that is when it is the worst. It makes sense to me, that if one is that gassy, until that gas is expelled, it could cause nausea. I have even had heart and rib pain from the trapped gas. I have also had two laproscopic procedures, where they do need to expand your stomach, and afterward, until I expel that air in some way, I was nauseous.

There is so much more to learn about IBS. I think there may be many ways that the body chooses to deal with it, that are not on the standard symptom list. After all, if your digestive system is messed up, you are pretty much miserable.


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protein drinks new
      #338685 - 11/29/08 03:30 PM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

I would stay away from any protein drinks with whey or caesins in them as they can irritate IBS. I do't use them myself but if you use the search function on the boards you shuld find some recomndations. You could also use egg white in a smoothie. I make one with a banana some soy and one egg white blended together with some coco powder or some honey. Maybe you could try plant based proteins from beans. There are a few recipes in the IBS diet book for bean dips etc

Stable IBS D

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Re: protein drinks new
      #338690 - 11/30/08 02:15 AM

Reged: 11/28/08
Posts: 4

Yeah I figured to stay away from Whey Protein. But Soy Protein should be alright then? Here is the description/info on that Protein Powder I mentioned.

100% Soy Protein Chocolate 2Lb

100% Soy Protein is economical and great-tasting protein supplement specifically formulated to meet the FDA's "heart-healthy" claim for soy in just one serving. 100% Soy Protein offers a wide range of benefits and conveniences for vegetarians, those with specific food allergies, and health conscious individuals alike. Each serving of 100% Soy Protein provides 25 grams of lactose-free, cholesterol-free, non-GMO protein. And with only 2 grams or less of carbs per serving (less depending on the flavor variety), 100% Soy Protein's low-fat, sugar-free formula is also ideal for anyone on a low-carb diet. 100% Soy Protein can also be used in pancake batters, hot cereals, and other baked goods to increase the protein content.

Chocolate Flavor Shown. Slight variations may occur among flavors.

Serving Size: 1 scoop (31 g)
Servings Per Container: 30

Product Profile:

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 120
Calories from Fat 15
Total Fat 1.5 g 2%*
Saturated Fat 0 g 0%*
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%*
Sodium 330 mg 14%*
Potassium 440 mg 13%
Total Carbohydrate 2 g 1%*
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0%*
Sugar 0 g
Protein 25 g 50%
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 6%
Iron 30%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
% Daily Value not established.

Ingredients:Soy Protein Isolate, Cocoa(Processed with Alkali), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Lecithin, Salt, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose.
Suggested Use: To encourage a positive nitrogen balance, consume approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day from a combination of high protein foods and supplements. For better results, consume your daily protein allotment over 4-6 small meals spread evenly throughout the day.

Allergen information: This product contains Soy Ingredients(Soy Protein & Soy Lecithin).

Serving Size: 1 scoop (31.5 g)

Package Size: 30 servings

Also, what else would be good to add lots of protein to my diet?

Thanks for the replies

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Re: protein drinks new
      #338853 - 12/03/08 04:39 PM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Sorry I haven't replied sooner - I had a job interview that I was obsessing about.

Te protein powder looks good. There's also some suggestions at

Stable IBS D

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Re: What to eat to Gain Weight . I am a Guy, Help! new
      #339337 - 12/13/08 06:50 PM

Reged: 12/13/08
Posts: 1

what type of food to eat to gain weight without a reaction what can you do about stomach soreness

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