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HELP! new
      #285611 - 10/07/06 09:20 PM

Reged: 10/07/06
Posts: 17

I am a 23 year old trying to figure out what is wrong with my digestive system. I have been told by my general physician and a GI specialist that I probably have IBS, but I'm not quite sure it's that simple. I have a copy of Eating for IBS, and have tried the diet, but my symptoms still persist. My symptoms are terrible gas and bloating, loose bowels, and what is pretty much a constant smell of flatulence emmanating from my anus. A lot of foods, in fact almost all, that are supposedly safe under the IBS diet are giving me trouble. I have been trying the foods under the "what to eat when you can't eat anything" section, and only Crispix seems to work.
The worst symptom of all is that my anus gives out a constant stench. This symptom seems to baffle both doctors that I have seen thus far. I believe that I do have the diarrhetic form of IBS, but something else seems to be going on. I have lived with this for a while, but a combination of factors this summer have increased my stress level to the point where this is a crisis.
I have started taking a supplement Align and have a free trial of Rifaximin. These have seemed to have relieved the diarrhea, but my other symptoms persist. I have been taking activated charcoal for gas, which seems to work, but the most unbearable symptom, this stench, continues on. I have noticed that whenever I eat something that later gives me trouble, I immediately have a feeling in my stomach or upper intestines that something is not right, like I ate some really spicy food or something. Could I have an ulcer?
I currently have little to no social life because of this problem. It's to the point where I don't want to be around people at all if I can manage it. I feel that if I'm in a room for more than a minute I begin to stink up the place. This is really hard for me because I have friends who want to hang out with me, but I can't handle the embarrassment.
I am having a colonoscopy on the 12th, and I plan on calling in to get other tests done at the same time. What tests do you suggest I have done?
I have only been on the IBS diet for a few days, so maybe I just need to give it more time, but when you're suffering, it's hard to be patient. I have been a vegetarian and have been eating stirfried vegetables and rice for a while before I heard about the diet, so even though I recently started the IBS diet, I've been on a similar one for a while. Anything with wheat in it seems to give me trouble especially, but I have had a blood test that was negative on wheat allergy.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Doctors have been of no help thus far, but maybe I'll find something out after my tests on the 12th.

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Re: HELP! new
      #285656 - 10/08/06 12:33 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hey there,

Welcome to the website - I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly and you haven't managed to find much relief yet.
I do think only a few days on the diet is not enough time to give it a chance to work, but I can understand how difficult it is to be patient and wait for something to possibly work.
I hear ya on the embarassing gas problem, that was never a major symptom of mine (it was a minor one, though) but lately I have found it is getting worse and worse so I will let you know if I find anything that seems to tame that beast.
Have you tried taking things like GasX or similar medication that is supposed to help with gas? I take this sometimes and it seems to help.
Especially if you are vegetarian, you may be eating too many gas producing vegetables that make it harder to control. All the sulfur veggies (onions, etc) give me worse gas, as well as things like brocolli.
If you know that wheat products make it worse, I wouldn't care what the blood test says and I would try living on a strictly wheat/gluten free diet and see how you get on with that. I did read somewhere that while the blood test is fairy accurate, the only way to really know is to have some of scope or swab or something, go wheat/gluten free for 6 months, have another scobe or swab or whatever it is, and then add wheat back in and have the test the third time and they can then tell what it does to your body. I don't know if this is 100% accurate, though. I would listen to your body; If you cut out all wheat and gluten and feel better, that's your answer. Or at least, part of it.
I also find dairy products give me a problem in this area, so I dunno if you have cut these out yet but you may want try that as well.

Good for you for going to get a colonoscopy done. I would make sure they have done a full blood panel to test your liver, thyroid, etc(which it seems they have if they tested you for celiac), a small bowel follow through, upper GI and the breast test for h.y. pylori or whatever it's called.

I would also keep a food diary (*especially* if you are going to try any elimiation diets) with symptoms and see if you pinpoint some of the things that are especially hard for you to digest.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: HELP! new
      #285673 - 10/08/06 01:40 PM
Valerie A.

Reged: 11/08/05
Posts: 105

I would insist your doctor check for everything Heather lists on What Symptoms and Diseases Need to Be Ruled Out For an IBS Diagnosis?

the tests for celiac disease (wheat/gluten allergy) can be false negatives. Just because one comes back negative, doesn't rule it out.

Like Stephie said, it takes some time. Trial and error is not my forte'... Hang in there..

Good luck and keep us posted..

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Re: HELP! new
      #300120 - 02/18/07 07:06 PM

Reged: 02/18/07
Posts: 12

I hope you are feeling better, BUT if you are not, I recommend reading The Yeast Connection. Personally, I cannot eat much of the recipes in Eating for IBS because of my many food intolerances. I cannot eat anything dairy, gluten, sugar, wheat, or yeast. I concentrate on nothing but organic fruits and vegetables, fish, low fat meats, grain, soy products, etc. I have a very strict diet, but I have not experienced any attacks for a while now.

Now, because you have issues with diarrhea, if none of this has helped and the tests that you have taken have come back negative, I would make sure that all necessary tests have been taken to rule out everything else. With diarrhea type IBS, it has been known to mimic other serious conditions. I am not saying this to frighten you, but to make you aware because some doctors would rather just give you the IBS diagnosis, give you pain medication, and shove you out the door~unfortunately.

Hopefully you are feeling better. If not, I hope that you find this beneficial and that you start to feel better.

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Re: HELP! new
      #300245 - 02/20/07 06:31 AM

Reged: 11/17/06
Posts: 160

You say you have been tested for wheat allergy. Were you also tested for celiac disease at the time? A true wheat allergy is rare, but intolerance to gluten is more common. They are different tests. In addition to the colonoscopy, you should request and endoscopy and a biopsy for celiac disease. Celiac affects a very specific part of the intestine and unless the doctor is looking for it, he may not catch it. However, I have read that wheat is a common IBS trigger. I used to react badly to wheat and eliminated it for 8 years, until I began taking medications prescribed by my GI specialist. While I have never heard of the constant odor, I do go through periods of having constant gas and it is quite embarrassing. It was really bad when I was in high school. Have you eliminate dairy, soy, hard to digest veggies like broccoli, spinach, onions and garlic?

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Re: HELP! new
      #300268 - 02/20/07 10:18 AM

Reged: 02/20/07
Posts: 5

It could be possible you have a fungus in your gut which commonly causes bloating immediately after eating and terrible odor. See about having a stool test for fungus and/or mold in the gut. Some chiropractors certified in NET (neuroemotional technique and active release technique)can do another type of testing which involves kinesiology using your stool sample. This is a faster and less expensive way to find out. I found it to be accurate and helpful and was put on an herbal remedy for the fungus which seemed to help somewhat. The odor you are describing sounds like the "clue" to the gut fungus. Hope this helps.

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Kamikat??? new
      #305215 - 04/17/07 12:35 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095


However, I have read that wheat is a common IBS trigger. I used to react badly to wheat and eliminated it for 8 years, until I began taking medications prescribed by my GI specialist

so, you eat gluten and wheat now? Did it help you with any particular symptoms to not eat them?

What medication were you put on? Please help!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: HELP! new
      #307369 - 05/15/07 05:18 PM

Reged: 11/03/05
Posts: 8
Loc: Alexandria, VA

I was wondering, if you had any stressful things happening. Like, school, relationship troubles, or anything? I'm 23 myself. So, I know a lot of young adults underestimate the role of stress. I'm asking, becuase you might be a college student or having a little trouble with your boyfriend. Since you and I are the same age.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Conspiation Dominated.
"To thine own self be true." -William Shakespeare

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Re: HELP! new
      #308283 - 05/31/07 06:08 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

I experienced the same problem with flatulence (Gas), it was fowl. I hated to be around people because of the stench.

I started using Heather's Acacia and within two-three weeks it was much better. I still have gas, but there is no awful smell.

Good Luck.

God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Re: Kamikat??? new
      #308641 - 06/06/07 05:14 AM

Reged: 11/17/06
Posts: 160


so, you eat gluten and wheat now? Did it help you with any particular symptoms to not eat them?

What medication were you put on? Please help!

Before officially diagnosed with IBS and following a gluten-free diet, I had eliminated the major IBS D episodes, the ones that feel like someone is kicking you in the gut repeatedly. For about 4 years, I was totally symptom-free, then after the birth of my second child, I began to have D and bloating/gas and periodic C. The really painful episodes were still religated to exactly 24hrs after consuming wheat. After diagnosis and 1 month on 25mg of Elavil, I can now eat wheat without the painful episodes. The big deal with the meds for me is that I tried Heather's diet while gluten-free and it was nearly impossible. All the GF breads at my local HFS list oil as the second ingredient. All my homebaked GF recipes had lots of fat. I tried to make several of the GF baked goods in the recipes section here, but they were all awful. Taking the meds allows me to follow Heather's diet and control the other symptoms.

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Re: HELP! new
      #308682 - 06/06/07 01:22 PM

Reged: 05/30/07
Posts: 20

Hey im sorry you dont feel so hot right now, i can only imagine what youre going through. Ive read some of the replies you got and theres some quality advice in there. I think there are a few reasons youre having such trouble with your stomach:

- you quite possibly have a parasitic infection in your stomach and as a result unfriendly bacteria out number friendly bacteria.

- Stress. I dont know what came first the chicken or the egg, or in your case the digestive problems or the stress. Either way a viscous circle has developed were you have digestive problems which casue you to be stressed which cause more digestive problems.

- Wheat, gluten, dairy, caffeine. Even though you dont have an allergy to wheat it deosnt mean that its not causing you problems. Over the course of 23yrs you may have just eaten too much bread, pasta or whatever. Your body just cant handle this.

- Social isolation. As a result of your condition you've cut yourself off from friends

Look I know a lot of people have benefited from the eating for ibs diet and thats great.......but obviously it aint helping you and your situation. I think first and foremost cut out the wheat and anything contianing gluten. Do this for 6 wks. Get out and about. Dont sit at home all day thinking about how bad you feel becasue you'll just feel worse. Go for a walk. Do soem stretching(especially of the stomach area). But do something physical. The human body was designed for movement so do whats natural.
Get probiotics into you. Dr udo's super 8's are quality.......sorry about this but i have to go now, but i'll finish this post tommorrow or friday. In the meantime get your hands on a copy of "Improve your digestion" by patrick holford. Like i said, i know a lot of people have gotten results from the eating for ibs diet book, but its more of a treatmnet than a cure. "improve your digestion" is a cure, thats whay its so good. Ok i gotta go. If you need to contact me heres my e-mail:
Good luck

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Re: HELP! new
      #308792 - 06/08/07 08:12 AM
Mrs. Kristina

Reged: 05/21/07
Posts: 1
Loc: Oklahoma

Hi! Just wondering if you have talked to your OBGYN. I once had similar problems. I had constant pain in my lower tummy, constipation, gas and the smell was horrible. I tried everything. I like you was embarrased to be around anyone because the smell was so bad. I ended up pregnant and therefore mentioned it to my OB they tested me and I had a bacterial infection. I was perscribed meds to take and it was gone within a week. This may be totally different, but worth a try. I hope that things get better I totally understant what you are going through.


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      #308813 - 06/08/07 04:18 PM

Reged: 05/09/07
Posts: 98
Loc: Connecticut

I'm sorry you're feeling so terrible. I'm veggie as well, so good for you! Most important is to continue down the path of tests. You should read the colonoscopy prep that's under the Chron's message board. I just had mine yesterday and the advice was priceless, especially about having hard candies in your mouth while drinking the yucky stuff. My only question is do you still have dairy? I had horrible gas and smell (to the point of having air freshener with me almost all the time. My stupid GI doctor never put the symptoms together despite the fact that I was textbook. I eliminated dairy (Lactaid milk and other lactose-free products) and the change was incredible and noticed in a few days. They also recommend elminating dairy as possible trigger for IBS. I seem to be able to tolerate some. Best of luck to you.

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