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Going to start Special K cereal diet new
      #264172 - 05/18/06 02:02 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

You eat their cereal for breakfast and lunch and you're "supposed" to lose some weight. Hmmm, we'll see....

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Re: Going to start Special K cereal diet new
      #264197 - 05/18/06 03:25 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland thoughts on this one...

IBS means I need my tummy full. If not it gets sore and crampy and bloaty. No snacking means no fully tummy means bloating means yuck.

Also where's the vitamins like C, A etc in Special K, not enough of those kind of nutrients I think.

Don't do it! We love you just the way you are


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I agree with sinead.... new
      #264238 - 05/18/06 06:01 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

If you REALLY wana do it then thats up to you....but I would definately say dont...cos number one like sinead said it isnt exactly the best option for ibs but maybe you're different...and number two...I KNOW tons of people who have done it and Im not the end of the week they never wana see special k again...granted a lot of them lost a little weight...hardly anything significant though and most put it back on almost immediately. I think with fads like that it is inevitable that when you go back to eating normally your body becomes very confused. I would recommend against it having known people who've tried it. Eating balanced and regular exercise I think is the only can be annoying cos results dont always come quickly....but if you stick at it you'll get there in the end....oh and 'portion control' thats a phrase I need to add to my vocabulary....


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Re: Going to start Special K cereal diet new
      #264242 - 05/18/06 06:15 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks Sinead. I think I'd like myself better less 10 lbs. I hate seeing pics of myself.

I will snack on fruit (bananas). I also bought their cereal bars to eat for snacks as suggested on their cereal box.

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Re: I agree with sinead.... new
      #264243 - 05/18/06 06:18 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes maybe it is stupid. If you've had friends that have done it without much success that makes me reconsider. I bought the Special K so I'll just do it for a week and see what happens, if anything.

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Not really sure if this means anything... new
      #264266 - 05/18/06 09:17 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

but my brother's girlfriend has been on the Special K diet for a few weeks, and HAS lost weight. She has also been exercising but not excessively. I think she has cereal for breakfast and dinner, and eats a regular lunch. She also has scheduled snacks: fruit, cereal bars, etc. She seems to be doing fine on it. She doesn't intend to do it forever.


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Re: Not really sure if this means anything... new
      #264311 - 05/19/06 07:48 AM
jaime g

Reged: 07/27/05
Posts: 961
Loc: new york city

well, it makes sense to me that you'd lose weight doing that - the calories must be pretty low. i just know i wouldn't fine it *satisfying* - and i wonder about how it works keeping the weight off once you're done with it.

on the other hand, special k red berries is damn tasty. so have fun!

ibs-a (mostly d) // vegetarian

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Re: Not really sure if this means anything... new
      #264322 - 05/19/06 08:23 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes, that's encouraging!!!

The diet says you'll lose weight in 2 weeks. That's perfect as the wedding is just over 2 weeks away. I'll probably just do the diet until the wedding anyhow.

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Re: Not really sure if this means anything... new
      #264323 - 05/19/06 08:24 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I bought the berry kind too!

We'll see if it works. It's definitely only a short time frame solution though. Just to slim down more for the wedding and honeymoon.

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Oh well if its for the wedding.... new
      #264353 - 05/19/06 11:18 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

then what the heck...I hadnt realised thats what you were doing it for...and was warning you off for long term benefits.....but if its the wedding then understand and Id say its worth a go...I know quick fixes arent good long term and all that but this is ur big day so I know you probably want to do all you can to make urself feel FABULOUS on the day....though I KNOW tommy will think you look AMAZING regardless Let us know how you get on....if you follow it exactly then I think you're guarenteed to drop a bit of weight...probably mostly water weight in only 2 weeks but thats enough to make you feel a little deflated I always find. Ooooohhh Im so excited about your wedding you know...I will be there in spirit...I think its such an AMAZING story of how you and Tommy met here....I've followed the relationship from the start from way before when you were in that miserable relationship.....SO GREAT that you got ur PRINCE in the end.......all hail PRINCE TOMMY.........Im soooooooooooooooo HAPPY FOR YOU!!!


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Re: Oh well if its for the wedding.... new
      #264362 - 05/19/06 11:33 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Nat you're such a sweetie! Thanks for your kind words about Tommy and our relationship. I feel like I've known him forever and we love each other to death. He used to joke that the marriage was only 't'il death do we part'. Then he'd be free in heaven to meet other woman (I think he even used the word 'Playboy bunnies'. ha ha He changed that to say that he wants to be with me FOREVER even in heaven. Awwww....

yes I am trying this insane diet just to lose some lbs for the wedding. I think it's basically just calories reduction but that should help. I just hope I can stay disciplined to stick with it for the 2 weeks.

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I know you can do it.... new
      #264372 - 05/19/06 12:17 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

Im behind you all the way....sending you all the motivational force I have!!


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Re: I know you can do it.... new
      #264396 - 05/19/06 02:16 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508


I am taking it all as I need it!

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Re: I know you can do it.... new
      #264416 - 05/19/06 04:24 PM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

ok im nosey, how did you and tommy meet?? lol.. on here or something?


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      #264419 - 05/19/06 04:36 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

hehe...I will let tina spill all the beans and not spoil all the fun...but lets just say if you did a search on this website you can probably see the romance from when it started to unfold....aaaaahhhh bless.....


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Re: mean you dont know.... new
      #264425 - 05/19/06 05:41 PM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

lol what should i put in the search box?? i have no idea how they met, i havent been on the boards too long


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Re: I know you can do it.... new
      #264496 - 05/20/06 09:42 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes we met here online!!! And we both have ibs. Cool, huh?

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Re: mean you dont know.... new
      #264497 - 05/20/06 09:45 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

We were both on the boards and never crossed paths. Then when we did we *really* hit it off, flirted a bit and then started emailing each other non-stop. We fell madly in love with each other and dated long-distance for several months. Then I moved from Canada to NYC to be with him. I looooooooove it here. And I love him to death!

We got married on Jan 4, 2006 and are having the big ceremony and recption NEXT MONTH. WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

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Re: mean you dont know.... new
      #264516 - 05/20/06 11:08 AM

Reged: 02/22/06
Posts: 313
Loc: ohio

thats really awesome!!! its amazing how soul mates meet!!! best of luck and post pics of your wedding!


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Re: mean you dont know.... new
      #264538 - 05/20/06 12:39 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I think we were 'meant to be'.

I sure will psot pictures!!!

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How's it going Tina? new
      #265037 - 05/23/06 01:33 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

..are you starving and is your tummy behaving?
Agree weddings sometimes require emergencies but I promise you you will lose weight anyway in the final planning and running around, I didn't sit still for about a month before ours and lost an extra three or four pounds despite eating what I wanted due to all the flitting from here to there, and the excitement!


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Update on Special K diet (for Sinead and anyone else) new
      #265147 - 05/23/06 05:07 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Guess how long it lasted....? 2 or 3 days ha ha Tommy laughed at me and told me that it wouldn't work.

So we came up with a plan. I am going to eat tofu scrambler (like eggs without them) or tofu sausages and have protein rich breakfasts. I will have VERY LITTLE carbs as well.

For lunch I bought all the ingredients for veggie wraps so I won't be eating anything unhealthy there either.

I joined and track all my calories. I typed in how much I weigh and how much I want to lose. They gave me a max # of caloried, carbs, fat and protein per day. So far it's working GREAT. Having to be accountable in my food diary is great motivation not to cheat.

Plus I track all my fitness there and it shows me how many calories I burn each workout. They say for my goal I need to burn 3500 calories per week.

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That website led me to.... new
      #265161 - 05/23/06 05:49 PM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL, which is the same thing only for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Cool! I totally need to keep track of what I'm eating and if I'm getting enough protein and all the right nutrients, so this is a good site, and very healthy and realistic. So, thanks!
Can you believe my brother's girlfriend has been doing the Special K diet for like a month?!?!?


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Re: That website led me to.... new
      #265230 - 05/24/06 06:32 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508


A month, nope I can't believe that!

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told ya so new
      #265435 - 05/25/06 03:27 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

..only kidding. Glad you are back to eating more sensibly now.

Will have to check out that website.

Tick tock...countdown to YOUR BIG WEDDING!


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yeah, protein is much more filling than carbs new
      #265469 - 05/25/06 06:35 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

I know I'd never be able to stick to the special k diet. I feel like my tummy burns through carbs so fast and then BAM, I'm hungry. I've been doing a basically no-carb diet for like a month now, with occiasional weekend breaks. One of the side effects of a no-carb diet can be constipation, so as an A, I haven't really minded! Here's pretty much what I eat in a day:

Breakfast: Jay Robb vanilla protein powder in a shake, with cocoa powder, instant coffee crystals, and a teeny bit of splenda (the powder itself is already pretty sweet, and I'm looking into the chocolate variety), and my regular dosage of acacia (4tsp).


Scrambled eggwhites (occasionally whole eggs if I'm feeling particularly brave), with low-fat chicken sausage or turkey bacon. Iced tea, coffee, or water.


And here's where I'm really not on the ibs diet -- a couple of whole hard boiled eggs and some fat free cottage cheese.

Lunch: Very plain grilled chicken breast, turkey breast, turkey burgers made from ground turkey breast or non-fatty fish such as tuna or shrimp. I usually marinate the poultry in some sort of worchestershire / mustard / soy / lemon concoction and then grill it on the george foreman. I buy sushi grade tuna and just pan-sear it with some pepper and ginger and have it with soy sauce, or else I buy sashimi. The shrimp I just stir fry. I sometimes have a fat free cottage cheese along with lunch, sometimes not. Sugar free jello (yes, artificial sweetener in this) helped me get over my sweet tooth the first couple of weeks. I'd have like 4 a day. Now I probably have just one every other day, but they are only like 10 calories apeice so I indulge.

Snack: I pretty much don't. With all the protein I'm eating, I just don't get that hungry. If I'm really dying for something, I have a fat free cottage cheese or a jello, or a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes a hard boiled egg.

Dinner: Same choices as lunch.

That's it. I've lost 14 pounds. I was up to a high of 140 which is way too big for my petite 5'4" frame. I was 125ish all through college and really wanted to get back to that (even though in college I was always trying to get to 120!). Last fall I was about 128 and wanted to lose a few pounds. Instead, I gained 12 pounds and was miserable! I was so busy with school and competitions this year that I was eating (and drinking) whatever I had time to grab. It's no mystery where the extra weight came from, but I hated it. As soon as my classes ended I went on the diet, pretty much quit drinking, and have been walking a lot more. I lost about a pound a day for the first 9 days I was on this diet. It took about 2 weeks to lose the next 5 pounds. I was 126 on Sunday and couldn't believe my eyes! Today I am back to 127.2 but I know it will go back down again at some point. Oh I also drink a TON of water every day, which really helps.

Anyway my point is that I'm never hungry on this diet. I feel like I've finally gotten my appetite under control. My IBS hasn't been fantastic but not horrible either. I still have a BM almost every day, but at the very least 2 -3 times a week. I do have some pain and some gas, but both of those are relieved by my 2 mile walk every morning, plus peppermint and fennel teas, and the peppermint caps when I need them.

If your tummy has been okay, give this diet a try. I'm amazed that I finally lost weight! (And need I mention that the bf who met me at 140 is beside himself with glee now that I've dropped 14 pounds and look way hotter?!)


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Re: yeah, protein is much more filling than carbs
      #265480 - 05/25/06 06:50 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes I agree that increasing my protein intake is a very good thing!

I saw your graduation pic and you look great. I haven't seen too many pics of you but you definitely look way slimmer in the face. Way to go!!!!

Thanks for your food diary. I am a vegetarian so I won't be copying your food items but it gives me a great idea of what you're doing right.

I'm sure your BF is super impressed. Go Amanda!!!!

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Re: told ya so new
      #265481 - 05/25/06 06:51 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yep, that Special K diet isn't too smart.

I KNOW!!! The wedding is soooo close now. We're both so excited it's not funny!

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Oh, somehow didn't realize you were a vegetarian new
      #265484 - 05/25/06 06:57 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

I imagine that's a lot more difficult to deal with when trying to increase your protein. I take it you don't eat eggs? There are soy protein powders out there that are okay tasting, not fabulous though. I think a lot of the soy fake meats can be kind of high in fat, so watch that. I'm doing no carbs and very low fat, and it's worked.

Thanks for the compliment on my picture! I definitely notice a difference in my face. If you check out myspace, my page is , there is a picture of me in a red dress from new years and I think my face looks so different from then! Warning, myspace is highly addictive!

Good luck with this. I have no idea what I would eat for protein if I were veg and wanted to avoid carbs and fat. Let me know what you come up with! One of the reasons I put off going on this diet until Spring was because in my church, during Lent we are basically vegans (no meat, dairy, wine, oil, fish with bones ...) and I couldn't figure out what to eat other than shrimp 10x a day and still do low-carb. Starting the Monday after easter though, I went on it and it was great!


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Re: Oh, somehow didn't realize you were a vegetarian new
      #265509 - 05/25/06 07:58 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes for 13 years actually!

I get a lot of my protein from soy. I watch the carb, sodium and fat content when I buy premade products. You're right they can be very high in carbs.

Thanks for your myspace link. I've known about it for a while now but don't have much interest in joining. I have heard that it's very addictive. On your page you mentioned the restaurant Slice. Tommy and I just watched a show about the process of the girl who created it. I really want to make it there sometime soon as the pizza looked AMAZING!

Yes, you've slimmed down a lot!!

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Butting in to get some advice, Panda... new
      #265511 - 05/25/06 08:12 AM

Reged: 02/23/05
Posts: 1158
Loc: Chicago, IL

Ok, so you know I'm pregnant (6 months) and my major problem right now is too many carbs and not enough protein. I never used to be quite so bad, but lately it's all I find myself eating! So reading your post I got "reminded" of some types of protein I could be eating, like...turkey bacon/soy sausage, etc. My problem is I can't do eggs or egg whites--about 5 years ago they started giving me stomach aches for who knows what reason. And beans--well, can't do too much of those for GI reasons.

So..I know you said you don't snack but I pretty much HAVE to or I'll die (not really), so I need better snack ideas. My doctor is ok with my weight gain so far, and I've been going to the gym for treadmill/elliptical and swimming a few times a week so I don't feel like a sloth. But I've been feeling a real lack of protein and a decreased satisfaction from eating lately, you know what I mean?

Oh--and I can tolerate a lot more foods than most people on these boards, luckily. Like artifical sweeteners, dairy, etc. I avoid certain veggies and beans and eggs and avocados (sniff sniff).
I need help thinking I want muffins, and cake, and bagels, and cookies, and on and on..


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Thanks Panda.. this is inspiring! new
      #265667 - 05/26/06 06:34 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Amanda, I found your post really interesting, thanks.
Congratulations on your weight loss.

Breakfast I think would be my main issue, I don't think that I could stomach a carbfree brekkie. Oatmeal and fruit is my current one.

Are you eating any fruit/vegetables/juices or just having the chicken/fish/shrimp and marinade?


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my pleasure new
      #266293 - 05/30/06 06:02 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

Nope, not eating any fruits, veggies, or juices, which as I mentioned is leaving me somewhat C but not painfully so. My graduation was last weekend and my nephew's baptism was this past weekend, so I haven't been fanatical about my diet. I'll cheat for a couple days and then go back on it. I'm sure I'm depriving myself of some important nutrients by cutting out the fruits and veggies but I can't say i care all that much. Besides. I feel like I was on the what to eat when you can't eat anything diet for like a year to stabilize, and there were no fruits or veggies there either, and I didn't die. What's good about this diet is that I'm finally getting more protein, which my doctor said I urgently needed since I was getting anemic (certainly not from the IBS diet, more because I just don't love meat, and because I lazily relied on rice and pasta to fill me up).

As I said, I've been remarkably stable for a while, so I think I can get away with straying from the IBS diet more than your average person. I would not recommend the no-carb diet for C'ers, for sure, since there is no IF. But if you're A with a slight tendancy to D, or if you're a fairly stable D, I don't think it's terribly harmful in the short term. Everyone is differnt, though!


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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Re: Butting in to get some advice, Panda... new
      #266297 - 05/30/06 06:09 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

Hey Ginger!
See if you can tolerate fat free cottage cheese (or low fat, anyway -- I know you are not trying to lose weight but I think the lower fat varieties might be easier on the tummy). They are a great snack. They don't really taste like much but they are packed with protein and they keep me full. I know both of my SILs had terrible constipation with their pregnancies, and neither of them has IBS, so I don't know if things like cheese are the best idea, but I guess you can experiment. How about Luna bars, too? Aren't they pretty high in protein (though also high-ish in carbs?) At least they would be better than a muffin. My mom likes Pria bars too -- you could check out the ingredients in them and see where that gets you.

I don't really have a lot of ideas for avoiding carbs as far as snacking goes. I think I just have some kind of crazy willpower -- I tell myself muffins and things are off limits, and then I just don't want them anymore. One thing I really liked was making merengue cookies with splenda, but if eggwhites are a problem for you, then those are probably out.
Do you like nuts? They're a great snack -- lots of fiber, protein, healthy fats.
Hurry up and have that baby -- I want to see pictures! I really almost ate my nephew this weekend at his baptism. His legs look like little creamy sticks of butter and he's just delicious! I'll try to post pictures at some point.

Hope that helped!


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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