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Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in new
      #258586 - 04/18/06 02:23 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Last time I (or anyone else!) posted an exercise report was before the weekend. I have been B.A.D. due to being away in Donegal and Derry for the weekend (will post pics later) but here goes

Friday: gym- running 12 mins, bike 15 mins, cross trainer 5 mins (plus 2 min cooldown), abs exercises; walk/stroll 25 mins

Saturday: zip (plus I drank a lot of wine and went out for a meal and had dessert)

Sunday: 4km hike in Glenveagh National Park plus chocolate egg (and a mini one too) and wine and dinner out -at least I chose boiled rice!

Monday: walked around Derry city for about 20 mins on the city walls, 30mins stroll with P in the evening (plus chocolate eggs )
Today (so far): walked to work, 35 mins (because I missed the bus)

and as for the trauma... I have put on every pound that I ever lost and am back to my January weight. I know that I have been bad, especially with wine, and that much of it is water retention but it doesn't really make me feel any better. My goal has not changed which means that I now want to lose 7lbs by 21st May. I can easily enough the first four off but haven't been able to shed the last four at all. Encouragement needed. (saw my rear view in jeans in a fitting room window yesterday and had icecream to console myself and to get over the shock of how tight my jeans are and realising that I have been wearing them that way in public.)

I MUST CONCENTRATE here. I really want to feel good about myself again.


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Oh sinead....... new
      #258589 - 04/18/06 03:21 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

Don't worry....I know how depressing it is when you put back all what you've worked hard to lose...losing weight is so hard and Im still not really losing...but with all the chocolate eggs its NOT surprising.....naughty sinead and naughty natalie!! But it is easter after all and like you said a lot of it is probably water retention so I wouldnt be too disheartened...Im sure if you're extra good from today then things will pick up again. I too saw the rear of myself in a mirror in primark the other day and felt the same. Me and my flatmate are starting on our no sugar ban again today....we're not gona be as strict as before(to avoid the blow out binge we had at the end of the last one) but we're continuing to eat only healthy meals and avoid sugar apart from the very rare and occassional treat. Im giving away my last 2 easter eggs(a flake and dairy milk one) to the boys next door....and I know you know how hard it is to give away nan even gave my a hige tin of quality streets yesterday and I took them round to my other grandparents and have given them to them from today it is a fresh start again.

Well done on all your exercise so far have excuses as to when you havent gone to the gym....and valid ones I think ......and you're walking loads too....I think you're doing great...keep going....Im behind you....I know you can do it....

PS. Please post those pics....would love to see them!


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Re: Oh sinead....... new
      #258605 - 04/18/06 06:03 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Well I had 3/4 of a whole nut one, half of a thorntons one, 6 thorntons choccies, a mini mars egg and a mini smarties egg (creme egg sized) Between Friday, Saturday, Sunday and yesterday. I also had one of those slim whole nut bars this morning (I found it in my handbag at lunchtime) It has 265 calories, SOO not worth it. I also had tons of marshmallows on Friday. GLUTTON!

Wow, I feel a weight lifting off my chest for having confessed that!

LOL re Primark, my moment of truth was in New Look!

I have a small box of handmade chocs that my mother in law gave me for Easter and I need to find someone to give them too or I will devour them (and that other whole nut that is in my desk drawer now, having been transferred from my handbag)

Had a baked potato and salads for lunch and brought some fruit salad back to my desk to get over the sugar cravings )hope it works)

Going to the gym tonight definitely and may walk home too.

You are right that I usually have a good excuse for not exercising but usually it's a social event that involves me drinking wine, eating bad foods AND not going to the gym which is just pure bad.

So, here I am, yet again proclaiming myself to be back on track! This week I am really gonna be good, esp exercise wise. I must try on the dresses that I am intending wearing to that wedding on Saturday week to see what fits me!

Good luck with restarting your healthy eating plan, you did so well on it before Easter I'm sure you will get back on track right away. How much more weight are you hoping to lose? If I could get rid of this half stone of thighs and chins that I am carrying I would be so happy with myself, it's really getting me down. I know it's not much but the motivation is very very low for me at the moment.
Will post the pics from home this evening, have lovely ones of the scenery at Malin Head, the most northerly point of Ireland, haven't downloaded any to the computer yet so not really sure what else is there.


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Re: Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in new
      #258637 - 04/18/06 07:14 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Sinead, you're hilarious! Loved that ice cream bit to console you about your butt. he he I'm sure it's not that bad though!

Ok here's your encouragement... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! JUST DO IT! Get out there and get back on the wagon!

I hate it that so many of us have weight on our minds. I wish it was easier to lose weight too. I still haven't lost ANY weight! I think I'm going to get a tape measure and measure myself soon. I can compare the new stats with the ones the trainer took 3 or 4 weeks ago.

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Re: Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in new
      #258646 - 04/18/06 07:44 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

Thanks Tina
Good idea about the tape measure.

I need to stop GAINING weight too. I will weigh again on Sunday as I go away for a week on Monday..fingers crossed it's a presentable level, I am so cross at having gained. I also HATE being weight obsessed, I never used to be! AGH!

I really had better do some work today, its 3.45pm, only 1hr 15 mins left in my work day, really need to start producing! Will report on the gym later, so tired though, will really need to push myself to go. Early to bed for me too should help.

Tina- the painting was a good workout at the weekend- did you get any other gym/walks in?


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Re: Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in new
      #258654 - 04/18/06 08:05 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I find as I get older the weight is harder to lose. I was close to 100 lbs from my teenage years - mid 20's. As soon as I turned 25 I gained weight. Oh well, it gave me more curves so I can't complain too much.

Nope, I only did the painting this weekend. I went to the gym on Friday, and yesterday. The gym was closed on Sunday unfortunately, I would have gone.

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Re: Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in
      #258663 - 04/18/06 08:13 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

You did great, the painting is an excellent workout and you got to the gym yesterday,and I'll bet you kept your face out of icecream and chocolate type treats. Are you watching what you eat too or just exercising?

I gained TONS of weight at 17 in college (about 20lbs) then I lost it at 21 (well most of it) and kept around 145 which was OK for me. Then with the IBS I dropped to about 130 and at the moment I am 140, with my goal of 133-135. I really wanted to be 135 before my birthday, and I know that it is achievable, one pound per week for five weeks, I CAN DO IT! Watch me!

Just munched a bowl of yum fruit salad..who needs chocolate
More later...


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Re: Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in new
      #258668 - 04/18/06 08:25 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks!!! You're so sweet.

I am watching what I eat. I belong to e-diets and try to eat low-fat food. But I have an ENORMOUS appetite so I think I tend to eat portions that are too large for me. I just can't help it!

Oh yes, you can totally reach your goal weight!!!!

Fruit salad is yummy! I am not big on sweets unless I am pms-ing.

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Portions are my problem too.. and today's gym report new
      #258742 - 04/18/06 01:51 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I just pile up the rice! I think P and I eat enough dinner for four people. I've been using my IBS as an excuse to carb overload too! So, it's in both our interests that I stop.

Went to the gym after work:
15 mins bike (working hard)
12 treadmill running
1 treadmill warmdown
10 crosstrainer
1 crosstrainer warmdown
SO: 39 cardio (goal is 45 but my foot was cramping and I was exhausted, I had to really push myself to get that far!)
AND all my floor exercises

Happy with that.


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Re: Portions are my problem too.. and today's gym report new
      #258776 - 04/18/06 05:31 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

First of all, I'd be very happy with that workout too! Great job!

I did 30 mins of cardio today and that's it.

Ugh, I got someone at the gym to take my measurements and get this......they've almost all I-N-C-R-E-A-S-E-D! My waist was 29" and is now 33". My arms have gotten larger but it might be from muscle mass. I'm super discouraged!

I think my portions are so large partly because I usually make food with a recipe for 4 people. That leaves us with 2 helpings each of food. So I'm not used to being full with only one serving. I've got to stop that though!

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Well.... new
      #258786 - 04/18/06 05:55 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

I have a confession to make also....after all that...''yes I'll give all the chocolate away'' and my flatmates devoured what was left of the eggs....there was half of one opened after dinner(and Id eaten sooooo well all day) and then it was staring at us....shoulda got rid of it the night before...but as it was already open we decided to get rid and it went on from there. Good thing is there is NO chocolate/sweets or anything in the I dont get my student loan till next week and am skint so theres no chance really of getting anything before now its all gone I can wipe the slate clean and start again....and Im excited to

I want to lose a good stone, thats my main aim....BUT...I know the chances of me doing that while I have all my workload to concentrate on at the moment are slim....I'll either be so stressed I'll eat ALOT(of healthy stuff though) or I'll hardly eat at it could go either way. I am going to be conscious of portions and all that but Im not gona beat myself up over it too much cos my works more important at the moment and if I need to eat to help me concentrate then so be it....Im just gona make sure that all I do eat is good for me. I was working so much better when I was having no its another reason to do it again. Good thing is I dont have any summer plans till the very end of summer if we can afford it so Im talking end of august/september for a possible holiday that would require I have no rush to slim donw for that sorta thing...would be nice to wear summery clothes and feel good about myself but we'll see....soon as I get a job in the summer and join the gym I will start getting serious. If I could lose a few pounds before I graduate then thats fab. Good things is that cos of all the laxatives I had to take for my colonoscopy last week my bowels have been very off this last week and I think thats the reason that despite all my naughtiness I havent gained a pound....which is great....just need to start shifting them now

Oh and I HATE obssessing over weight too....did you see the article in grazia last was making headlines on this morning and all that....kelly brook was voted as the best body and they did a survey saying women obsess every 15 mins over their weight! Its so sad isnt it....the bludy media don't help....I never used to care either....I wish I had naturally great metabolism!


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That's great Tina new
      #258832 - 04/19/06 02:28 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

30 mins cardio is good work, gets you sweating.
That is strange about your measurements, esp your waist. I don't usually take measurements so I don't track mine (other than thighs bulging from jeans ) so I don't have any scientific theories for you- has anyone come up with an explanation for you? I can imagine how discouraged you feel, I felt the same way yesterday (even though it was FULLY down to binging over the weekend)

I have started cutting down on some ingredients that I put into our dinners in an attempt to reduce portions, but I do tend to split dinner between my plate and P's, even though he needs at least 500 calories more than me a day. I have started adding less chicken or fatty ingredients and more veggies so at least it I am overeating it's good stuff. Really need to reduce rice portions, I just love my rice.

I agree, I go to friend's houses for dinner sometimes and am amazed to see how little food that there is on my plate. My Mum never overfilled our plates when we were kids and used to comment on other people's plates being overloaded, and now I am embarrassed for anyone to see how full P and I have our plates at dinner!

We can do this, must google portion control for tips!


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Similar story here! new
      #258833 - 04/19/06 02:33 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

On the way home P had a masterplan- that we should eat all the chocolate left and then get over it. I trimmed back that idea since there was an opened box of handmade chocs but we did share about two thirds of one half of my thorntons egg, so the temptation is now well and truly gone.

No sweets in the house is the only way to do things I think, any temptation is bad for bad girls like us.

LOL re bikini, I don't have a bikini holiday this year at all so I am safe from the wobbly thigh and cellulite police for a while!

I wouldn't mind Kelly Brook's body, or anyone's whose clothes fit them.



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Re: That's great Tina new
      #258889 - 04/19/06 08:23 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I am so discouraged about my measurements. But I just got my period today so I am hoping my tummy was bloated?

Portion control is probably what will help us both. Somehow we have to cook less food and try to be full with smaller portions. That seems so hard though!

Ok, we can do this!!!!!

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Re: That's great Tina new
      #258898 - 04/19/06 08:43 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

DEFINITELY that has something to do with it, water retention etc. I am due mine this week too so I am blaming it for my disastrous weigh in.

Googled and got some portion control motivators for us:

Scary quiz about changes in portion size

Fod pyramid guidelines

I will google more later.


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Thanks Sinead for that great info new
      #258901 - 04/19/06 09:01 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

WOW! A serving of pasta is the size of a fist. YIKES! I probably have three times that when I make pasta!

I am starting to think that not only do I have to cut out a second helping of food, but I need to ct the serving size in half!!! Very good to know!!!!


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Re: Exercise report for the last few days & trauma of weighing in new
      #258978 - 04/19/06 12:49 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

{{{making a tounge sticking out of my mouth funny sound, you know the one}} You can do it girl..... just keep up your gym time, watch your portions, careful of the salt... that will make you retain water too... (salt in chocolate too) EEEKKKKK...... keep reporting in (even if nobody else does)... gosh I know I've been bad about it, but I've been so busy, and know with the new bike, I'm home even less time on the computer I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT.....


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Don't panic yet Tina new
      #259010 - 04/19/06 02:58 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

this says that you can have more than one serving- in fact the recommended is 6-11 servings a day. *phew!

I like the plate example on that webpage, I'm going to try to eat like that. Mmm...might need to buy even bigger plates!

BTW my mother swears by using a smaller plate for dinner when dieting. Our dinner plates are enormous, and usually quite full, at home hers are smaller and still full but I can never finish what's on them.


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Thanks again Sindead! new
      #259213 - 04/20/06 09:20 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Ok I think I might go out and buy 2 smaller plates for Tommy and I. Then the servings of food will look bigger and not so flimsy!

Thanks again for the great info buddy!

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Wish I could practice what I preach! n/t new
      #259301 - 04/20/06 03:55 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland


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