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Has anyone else ever experienced this?
      #256557 - 04/05/06 03:13 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi guys,

So I have been popping my head in now and again and reading up on everyone's progress but I have been much, much too badly behaved to write down what I have been up to!

I am running into a bizarre problem, and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this and any tips you might have to get me out of this rut..
A while back, I was doing pretty well with getting exercise in and eating more veggies and getting more calcium and vitamins and everything and although I faltered a few times, I kept getting back on track.
During those about 3 months, the only time I lost weight was when I got really sick and couldn't eat AT ALL. Then, I lost 8 lbs. Of course, as soon as I got better, it all came back on within 2-3 days.

Right, okay, so now I am completely off the wagon. Eating crap constantly... Seriously, for example, one day last week I ate 2.5 chocolate bars!

Okay, so I haven't gained 1 lb since all this. 3 months of exercise, not a pound lost... But like a month of constant poor eating, no exercise and I stay the same too?? What is going on?

Considering weight wise I am the same, I am having trouble forcing myself to eat healthy again and exercise. Part of me knows that doing that will be so much better for the rest of my body, not just my weight, and my mood and everything but I just can't get there.

My tummy has been really bad, so I must change my eating habbits but I am having such a hard time getting back into exercise.

I just don't understand why my body has picked this one weight to stay at no matter what.

Any advice?


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Yup....... new
      #256568 - 04/05/06 03:41 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

Don't worry steph I know exactly what you mean....I feel like I have been constantly dieting for ages....well I hate to call it that...but intentionally tryin to lose weight and I also find whats happening to you has happened to me. For example...last year I had my friend over to stay for a week...ate crap all week....and I mean crap...meals our everyday constant desserts...and I never gained even so much as a pound....then I went to dublin...and ate much better than when my friend had been over and came back and had gained 4!! Ive also found I feel skinnier on the days when I break my healthy eating routine than when Im on it. I also find I go through phases of eating well and lose a bit then lose the plot for say a day and its all back on. Up until the beginning of this year I found I was stuck in a rut and for 4 months had stayed the same after I lost 19 pounds for the summer last was bugging me for ages...but then I have found that when I make sure my calorie intake is around 1500 and try and reduce my carb intake then it starts coming off. The only problem is if I slip up for a day and then it just seems to start me off at square one again. I KNOW I need a constant exercise routine and I am DEFINATELY gona do that when I finish uni for the summer.....but...grrrrr.....trying to lose weight is sooooooooo frustrating!!!!

Sending lots of support...I feel ur pain....keep me posted...its always nice to know someone else is in the same boat!


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Re: Yup....... new
      #256570 - 04/05/06 03:55 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hey Nat,

Thanks for the reply, it is good to know that someone else is running into the same problems.
I do feel like if I could cut down on carbs (and sugaaar), I could lose weight a lot more easily.
Unfortunately, every time I try to eat ANY raw fruits or vegetables, my throat reacts for HOURS (like 6-10 hours) or smoothies or anything.
Cooked veggies and canned fruits and stuff seem to be a little better, but are either too expensive or take a long time to prepare so I can't just snack on them, you know?

The exercise is hard for me too. I went to a training place and I LOVED it. Every time I left, I felt almost giddy - it was great. But my free sessions (I got them for Xmas) ran out, and now it's too expensive to go. Boo.

Nat, did you find that your 65 days of sugar took weight off? I know most of my "bad foods" are just full of sugar so if I cut out sugar (which I am pretty sure I couldn't do at all, just curious) I would def. have to eat healthier.

I'll try to keep you posted, but when I am doing so badly I don't like to admit it.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Yea well.... new
      #256638 - 04/06/06 01:50 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

I know for me it is sugar and carbs that dont help the weightloss....put the two together and it spells disaster. That is what I was living off last year...its so annoying that its the best thing for my tummy. But anwyays...Ive been getting used to lots of healthy stuff....I posted to sinead a while back my current eating habits HERE

This is pretty much what I am still doing....although I have strayed a little on the sugar....I did find I started losing weight immediately...that was until I started overcompensating for the sugar with healthy carbs...which yea are healthy...but overload on them and you wont see any weightloss(mainly oats) Ive started having salads for lunch...usually with half a sweet baked potato(which is great for sugar cravings) and I have fruit breakfast. I have LOTS of smoothies tho which u sed u cant have....but Id definately recommend cutting the sugar for a while....its funny when you go back to it it doesnt seem as important as it used to...I can actually live without it....and I definately NEVER thought that wud happen!


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YES! new
      #256657 - 04/06/06 06:49 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I have been stuck exactly at 130 lbs for 3 months or more!! Even with all my workouts!!!! Ugh!

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Re: Has anyone else ever experienced this? new
      #256664 - 04/06/06 07:07 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I can relate too Stephie. I think that my problem is that I am really good for four days and really bad for three days which means I balance out but I get depressed in not getting results for the four days being good that I have undone.

Reporting in is one of my biggest motivators, it makes me stop and think before I put something into my mouth.

As for exercise, Tina and I have both joined gyms lately so we are encouraging one another along to train etc, check out our threads on that.

I find that avoiding bad foods isn't enough for me, I have to get moving too, walking or at the gym, but I usually start losing weight when I exercise 4 or 5 times a week (say three times to the gym and then walking two days)

Also make sure that you drink lots of water- it helps flush you out so to speak

Best of luck, I am on a drive to get fit and fit into clothes at the moment so post as you go and we can help each other along the way.


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Re: Yea well.... new
      #256730 - 04/06/06 10:55 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hey Nat,

I will def check out your eating habbits.
I so wish I could eat salads and things now. The funny thing is, I don't even KNOW how my stomach would react to them now because it's my THROAT that reacts first... Like, I don't have time to see how tummy would do with them 'cause it gets stopped in bad throat reaction after a couple of bites and I have to stop eating for like a whole day.
I have seen three doctors and a nutritionist about it, and the docs say reflux (which the meds I am taking don't do anything for), the nutritionist says allergies (but I can't figure out what it is because it happens to almost everything). So confusing! I think if I could figure THAT out, then I could more easily find a way to make tummy happy (by just figuring out what balances I need), I could lose weight a lot easier.

And I totally know what you mean about cutting back on sugar and then not wanting it anymore. When I was in England and I got super, super sick I finally just gave up on all the bad stuff I was eating. It wasn't even that hard when I started because I was so so sick. After a while, my chocolate cravings were pretty much gone, I never wanted ice cream and stuff, and I never, ever craved chips or anything. Once I started feeling better, though, and slowly would let myself have little bits, and then more and more... Oy! But I let myself get that way again, for a while it didn't interest me at all.
Of course, then I was 127 lbs and thought I looked pretty darn good! Hee hee. Now I'm 165 and don't wanna leave the house!


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: YES! new
      #256731 - 04/06/06 10:57 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi TIna,

130 is not too bad! I would kill to be 130, then I could stop stressing about boob surgery and everything, hee hee.
If you're not comfortable there, though, I can see why you are frustrated.
You have been working out like crazy, so I'm sure it will def pay off. I have read that it takes a while for your body to recognise regular exercise and stuff and while at first the pounds sort of linger, they all of a sudden drop a lot more once you have been doing it for a while, so that's something to maybe look forward to!

I think you're doing really well, good luck!


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Sinead new
      #256733 - 04/06/06 11:02 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi Sinead,

Thanks for the input, I think you are totally right. I will do the same right now, where I can be good for a couple of days and then really bad the rest. It's bizarre though because I was good like.. almost every day.. for MONTHS, not just days or weeks this time, and saw no results. Now I am bad on a daily basis and still see no results, even negative ones.. Except my energy is low and stuff.. I just mean weight wise.

I will try and start reporting in, but I always fall off the wagon so I don't want to be all disappointed in myself again. I will make a go of it. Maybe not today, as we have no food in the house and I have no car to go get groceries.

I think you and Tina are both doing really well, I do read up on your posts every once in a while.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: YES! new
      #256755 - 04/06/06 12:27 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks Stephie. My mom is actually super hard on me regarding my weight. I was on the phone with her 2 weeks ago and told her I was up to 130 lbs. She yelled 130???? outloud and then yelled to my dad what I weigh. It was HORRIBLE!!!!!! She then asked me what on earth I was doing at the gym and what was I eating. So, to me, it's a heavy weight for my tiny frame. My ideal weight is 115 or 120.

Thanks, I am not giving up. Tommy is very good at giving me pep talks. He gave me one last night and said what you did, that it will take time and need to be patient.

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Re: Has anyone else ever experienced this? new
      #256756 - 04/06/06 12:29 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes, we'll be the 3 muskateers!

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All for one and one for all! new
      #256870 - 04/07/06 01:09 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

I love it!

I didn't go gymming last night as I had work retirement party (that was a lot of fun, and meant a lot of drinks) but I did walk to my meeting and back in another building which is 20 mins walk from here so I am doing something most days. I have a meeting in that same building this morning so I think that I will do the same, then hopefully will get to the gym tomorrow and will definitely on Sunday. This week has been messy and hard to get there as I have been socialising a bit but next week is quieter.

What about you girls, have you gymmed this week?


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Re: All for one and one for all! new
      #257017 - 04/07/06 06:07 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Sinead, walking counts!!!

I went to the gym on Sunday (kickboxing AND weight lifting class), Mond-cardio and then swimming on Wed and Thurs at the NH hotel with Tommy. Today Tommy and I walked for 4 hours straight in Boston so I think I made up for not going to the gym. At leats my legs and feet think so!

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Tina& Stephie....I did BAD>.. new
      #257645 - 04/11/06 04:03 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

My exercise reports:
Friday: walked to and from meeting in that other building again so 40 mins walk
Saturday: er,...does raising my arm while drinking count
Sunday: hungover walking- friends were doing a 10k so we walked there and back, we realised later that we probably walked 6 or 7k!
Monday: P's uncle's funeral, no exercise, chinese takeaway for dinner
Tuesday: out of Dublin straight after work, cheeseless pizza and (chocolate) for dinner
Tomorrow I hope to get to the gym at least, and get back on track.

We had friends staying the weekend and then had to go to P's homeplace for his uncle's wake & funeral so I ate tons of bad things and got zero exercise.

Haven't weighed myself due to the badness, and going away this weekend and out for dinner with friends on Thursday..uh oh! Then only one week til we go on holiday for a week... I NEED TO BE GOOD!

(PS Nat I know you found me too)


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Yep....I sure did! n/t new
      #257652 - 04/11/06 05:21 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!


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I knew you would! n/t new
      #257727 - 04/12/06 04:20 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland


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Re: Tina& Stephie....I did BAD>.. new
      #257772 - 04/12/06 08:03 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Don't be so hard on yourself! You didn't slack off completely!!! You did loads of walking!!!

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Re: Has anyone else ever experienced this? new
      #257854 - 04/12/06 11:48 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Hi Steph!

You already have some great answers but I just wanted to chime in and say, yup, when I'm eating like crap I'm usually not gaining weight - which yes makes it hard to stay on track!

Usually, for me, I'm eating like crap because I'm busy, which means I'm just grabbing not-so-good-for-me things and stuffing my face with them. It also usually means that I'm not having proper "meals" very often, so all in all I'm actually probably eating fewer calories then I was when I was eating well.

However, I also know that I'm doing bad things to my health when I'm living off Baked Lays and candy (!!) and that I'm also slowing down that metabolism I work so hard to keep up.

As for your weight, you're probably just dealing with a plateau. The best way to get out of something like this is to, well, first to get back to eating healthy girl! And then, to shock your body somehow. This might actually involve eating lots of (good, healthy) food for a while then tapering back to a maitenance/loss level for you. More likely it will involve going really hard in the gym for a while and then tapering off - particularly cardio. I know you're a bit unmotivated right now but if you can get just a bit motivated (go Steph!! woooooo!!!!!) and you can get yourself out for a run or speed walk or bike ride, just give it your all. You'll feel great (dead, but great) afterwards, you'll remind yourself how good it feels to move your body, and your metabolism will wake up and say hello Plus now that spring's here you'll be wanting to get outside right?
Anyway, easier said than done I know But I know for me, springtime is always the time when I try to get back on track... well, next week anyway lol

GOOD LUCK! and (((hugs)))

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