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Re: Great work
      #238240 - 01/13/06 09:35 AM
jaime g

Reged: 07/27/05
Posts: 961
Loc: new york city

shell, high five on the weigh-in. very inspiring.

about your trainer's dietary rules, i'm a little... i don't know, they just seem to go with what i think of as misguided ideas about nighttime eating. is it glycemic index type stuff? it feels so close to the old wives tales about not eating after eight, and close to the atkins mentality, too, neither of which i really buy. (i'm not saying your trainer's wrong - just wondering what the logic there is.)

ibs-a (mostly d) // vegetarian

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Re: Yay Shell! new
      #238245 - 01/13/06 10:16 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I will see what I can find!

Can you do whole-grain breads? I'm finding that even with a big ol' salad, I can eat a slice of whole-grain bread and that, somehow, is enough SF for me. I'm thinking that would be more nutritious than pretzels. When I eat something meaty, even things like tuna, I really don't *need* any SF at all.

Maybe you could try taking a little more of a SF supplement? That's something I keep meaning to experiment with... chewing a FiberChoice tablet before a meal instead of overdoing it with the bread. I know a supplement isn't meant to replace SF foods altogether, but it might give you that little extra "cushion" that you need.

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Re: Great work new
      #238246 - 01/13/06 10:16 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


shell, high five on the weigh-in. very inspiring.

about your trainer's dietary rules, i'm a little... i don't know, they just seem to go with what i think of as misguided ideas about nighttime eating. is it glycemic index type stuff? it feels so close to the old wives tales about not eating after eight, and close to the atkins mentality, too, neither of which i really buy. (i'm not saying your trainer's wrong - just wondering what the logic there is.)

Jamie... I know... I'm frustrated too... I don't know WHAT questions to ask her or what comments to make to have her so she can explain better.... she says, food is fuel (energy) and if your just going to bed 90-120 mins after you eat, you will not burn those calories and carbs.... I do eat dinner late... usually closer to 8:30pm because I'm at the gym... sometime not until 9-9:15pm and I do go to bed by 11:15pm at the latest (after catching some news).

And... would you argue with this woman?


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A few IDEAS especially for Shell! new
      #238250 - 01/13/06 10:31 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Are you into a few starch-free veggie ideas? I've got a few.
I hope you don't mind me downloading a few your way.

1. SPAGHETTI SQUASH (Totally soluble fiber! Positively delicious! You can hide/blend some green things into it. Fresh baby spinach puree? Honestly, it's totally stress-free to prepare & is also known as lowcarb "pasta." Can you have a little salsa or marinara or a few grape tomatoes?

2. MUSHROOMS!!! Mushrooms tend to ease the "pain" of everything GREEN! (They are actually really filling & huge flavour enhancers, too!) I eat tons of them!!! Hey, I can actually tolerate a RAW leafy green salad (when stable enough) when topped with major mushrooms! I actually love broccoli puree with LOTS of mushrooms. I don't bother adding broth, though. Blech--watery broccoli!

Anyways, about those 'shrooms, I'm on a kick where I roast/broil them with herbs, etc. & then food process them!
It's kind of like vegan "sausage" or "ground meat." Or, like eating turkey stuffing! This is really wicked in egg white things! The ground mushrooms are really delicious if they are creminis or portabellas or well...something more interesting than your regular buttons. Mix & match! Great sauces for green things of all kinds! Also, it guarantees the smoothest POOP. I hate it when I oink out on mushrooms and have them shoot out of my butt at 4 a.m. Honestly pureed mushrooms is like eating pate or meatloaf. Grated zucchini is neat too, by the way--i.e. how you might prep. it for a loaf.

3. How do you handle ASPARAGUS? Honestly, pureed this tastes kind of like PEAS!!! Confession: I really love this as most of my posts tend to reveal as I eat LOTS of it! And yes, when I puree it, I often add baby spinach (or swiss chard) to it.

4. Well, there are always the GREEN BEANS! On the website, there is a recipe involving pureed green beans & baby spinach. I actually do enjoy this, sometimes.

5. I won't terrify you with thoughts of brussels sprouts--I still refer to them as B.S. They give me nightmares!

6. If you need/want to reduce the spinach flavour of spinach puree, add some zucchini to it. It lends a kind of inexplicable creaminess. Retrograde explains this in her "green rice" recipe in the index. Just skip the rice part for your current adgenda.

Okay, I won't overwhelm you--but I know you're hunting for some more painless ideas.

So, KEEP ON KICKING A$$, Shell! (Uh, just not mine!) There are other things in the forest besides those "trees."


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Re: Great work new
      #238252 - 01/13/06 10:32 AM
jaime g

Reged: 07/27/05
Posts: 961
Loc: new york city


Jamie... I know... I'm frustrated too... I don't know WHAT questions to ask her or what comments to make to have her so she can explain better.... she says, food is fuel (energy) and if your just going to bed 90-120 mins after you eat, you will not burn those calories and carbs.... I do eat dinner late... usually closer to 8:30pm because I'm at the gym... sometime not until 9-9:15pm and I do go to bed by 11:15pm at the latest (after catching some news).

And... would you argue with this woman?

well, no, i wouldn't argue - i would run away crying!

i have to admit that i'm a little dubious of what she's saying. i'm not a trainer (and not all trainers are right about this stuff, either) but i do think i'm reasonably well versed in this stuff and biology - especially if you're working out on the later end of the day, you need to sort of assure your body that it has plenty of fuel to burn so it'll ride the post-workout metabolism lift as long as possible. from 9 to 11 is plenty of time for your body to get to work on dinner. what she's saying about making all your food count, making sure that every calorie brings with it nutrition, is all good advice, but you also need to make sure you're just getting enough calories - you work out like a madwoman. and it's the whole carbs aren't the enemy thing - they're fuel, and much more easily accessible than the calories in meat or veggies. after working out, of course, you want protein so that your body can build muscle, but you also want some easier-to-get calories so you have fuel for your recently upped metabolism.

i just worry about the anti-carb-mania. any time someone seems to subscribe to that, or to superstitions about nighttime eating, a little warning bell goes off for me.

also, just re-reading what you said she says - if your body doesn't burn the dinner calories by bedtime, they don't necesarily get stored - since digestion slows way down at night they can also be carried over to be used the next day without being stored as fat.

have you ever read around this website? laurel pointed me to it a while ago - she has some very logical, sense-making things to say about diet.

ibs-a (mostly d) // vegetarian

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Bodybuilding diets... new
      #238254 - 01/13/06 10:42 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Hi Shell and Jaime

Jaime, I definitely I'm on your side about the low-carb and no eating in the evening stuff, but I really do see where Shell's trainer is coming from. She's a former bodybuilding competitor (right?) and a bodybuilding trainer now (right?) - or at least, she's clearly coming out of that camp. I love love love Stumptuous but even she advocates a *slight* restriction in carbs (nothing major of course). Basically, there is some truth to it *when it comes to weightlifting and mass building* because of the nature of that sport. It gets a lot more fuzzy when your goals are *just weight loss*. But it really seems to me that Shell's trainer has her on a program that's emphasizing muscle building as much as weight loss, which I think is just great, since the former (more muscle) really helps speed along the latter (weight loss).

Shell, do you read or the forums there, paticularly the Women's forum, at all? Over there they're all on the same page as your trainer re: diet and training. There are lots of women too who keep journals on that forum by posting what they eat everyday, and MANY of them stand by the no-starchy-carbs-in-the-evening rule, so I'm sure you could be able to find some good ideas there! HTH

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that's a good point, laurel new
      #238256 - 01/13/06 10:46 AM
jaime g

Reged: 07/27/05
Posts: 961
Loc: new york city

i was thinking in terms of weight loss (keeping muscle-building in mind, but not at the forefront). good point.

ibs-a (mostly d) // vegetarian

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REPORTING IN - 1/12/06 new
      #238262 - 01/13/06 10:57 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hi guys!

My report for today is *Not Good*. I almost didn't report it, but then I thought I should in order to help me avoid more *Not Good* days in the future.
First of all, no exercise! My legs hurt sooooo bad that even walking is like agony! I will be making another post in a minute about sore muscles to try and get some help with this... Anywho, so that wasn't great. Second of all, I over slept and missed breakfast. I had "breakfast" at lunch time and missed lunch, oy. Then I was STARVING later on and ate a sandwich made at Starbucks that I only ate half of 'cause it wasn't very yummy and when I read the ingredients on the back, it said it had milk in it. Whoops.
Then my friend came over and brought take out food and I ate a grilled hamburger.. that I realised half way through was a little on the PINK SIDE! Now, my family used to make fun of me 'cause I was so paranoid about undercooked meat that when I ask, "Does this look pink?" they laugh at me, and just say no after glancing over. Finally, my mom came over and she looked and sure enough, it was pink! I am so paranoid about getting sick now that I am a nervous wreck! It does mean that I only ate half a hamburger, but I am terrified of getting some kind of food poisoning or something.. Oy!

Yesterday was a big bad, it was like my last night off before I go back to work (I work through the weekends, so my days off are in the week right now) so tomorrow will be a new start, before I am back to work on Saturday.
As it is already Friday, and I am reporting in a day late I can say that my tummy is not happy with my food choices yesterday and is letting me know in big way, whoops!

Alright, off I go!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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REPORTING IN - 1/12/06 Shell's Weigh In Day (and the whole truth) new
      #238266 - 01/13/06 11:09 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Shell!!!! Look at you!!! Kickin' butt big time!! Hee hee.
7 lbs is great, no matter if you had put some back on! I think that is bound to happen, you have been doing so well for so long that you were bound to have a little setback eventually, right? And it's not *really* such a setback, considering you are already 7 lbs down again!

I think you are doing awesome, good job!

I am not surprised you are paying for that brocolli, when I saw that in your post I was like, "WHAT?!" Brocolli and I are not friends at all, so I can see where you are coming from! I LOVE Brocolli, but we just can't get along. Haha.

I think everybody else has started giving you really good ideas for your evening meals. Can you have carbs if they are complex carbs and in small amounts?
I am seeing this nutritionist and she told me that I must have some kind of carbs (even if it is just some juice) after working out to replace some of the sugar(fuel) I lost while I was working out. But then, my main goal is to lose some weight and not so much on building muscle mass so I dunno if this is different?
Either way, I'm sure you'll work it out! Just don't forget your touchy tummy!

As always, you are such an inspiration!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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they are both green veggies... new
      #238281 - 01/13/06 12:16 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

See it is things like this that totally confuse me.... they are both green veggies... but look at the numbers.....

Canned, Green Beans, no salt added
1 cup
40 calories
og fat
20mg sodium
8g carbs
4g fiber
2g protein

Canned, Green Peas, no salt added
1 cup
117 calories
.6g fat
3mg sodium
21.4g carbs
7g fiber
7.5g protein


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