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REPORTING IN -12/21/05 new
      #233061 - 12/21/05 09:19 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Everyone post their report for what you did on 12/21 here....

I'm going to start the threads for 12/22-12/27/05 now, because I'm leaving out of town right aftet work on the 22nd and will not be back until the 27th. Happy Holidays everyone!


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Re: REPORTING IN -12/21/05 new
      #233233 - 12/22/05 03:50 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

***Slept until after noon; felt too nauseated to consume break fast until after 2:30 p.m.***

Spaghetti squash (baked in microwave for 18 min.), 1 c.
Asparagus/basil sauce
Mushrooms sauteed in organic veg. stock

Rice Crackers

Steamed Jasmine Rice
Shiitake Mushrooms
Baby Spinach

Rice Cakes

It's just hard to eat enough! Bad TMJ, today, too. Less D, though & decreased cramping. Still abstaining from smoking with assistance of Nicoderm Patch. Feeling Bilious.

Holy Cow. I haven't even started holiday gift shopping. Yikes.


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Re: REPORTING IN -12/21/05 new
      #233273 - 12/22/05 08:34 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Banana dipped in rice protein. Gross but healthy. half can black beans

2 juice bottles. ("green" juice and a carrot one).

2 lettuce leaves as a "wrap" with brown rice and a can of kippers inside.

1 sweet potato

.5 white potato with gobbs of salt

1 small bowl of chicken soup chicken included (this is where the nausea began!!)

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: REPORTING IN -12/21/05 new
      #233275 - 12/22/05 08:41 AM
jaime g

Reged: 07/27/05
Posts: 961
Loc: new york city

some transit strike-induced eating in the evening (the walk to work was cute, the walk home was a pain), but hey, i walked six miles, so that's good.

luna bar

a few bites of office holiday snacks

4 hardboiled egg whites w/ ketchup

pasta salad (pasta, tofu, carrots, peppers)

spirutein w/ lite soy milk

teddy grahams
chik patty w/ lite mayo on white bread
chocolate cake for one

less that 2000 calories for sure. *and* i weighed myself this morning, for the first time in a while - 145!! i almost think the scale's wrong, but i've believed it the whole time before. so yay!

ibs-a (mostly d) // vegetarian

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Re: REPORTING IN -12/21/05 new
      #233285 - 12/22/05 08:57 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Today was a HORRIBLE DAY to start and ended up being fine in the evening. I don't know what happened. I think the Pamine Forte triggered the attack after I took it with my breakfast. Hard to tell.....

Mashed Potato Burrito
Chamomile Tea


Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans

Mini Bagel
Chamomile Tea

Not enough calories at all, today!!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Ruchie re: Chicken Soup Nausea new
      #233303 - 12/22/05 10:16 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

1. Was there chicken bits in the chicken soup?

2. Was the chicken stock (or chicken to make the stock) organic, hormone-free?

Chicken makes me retch everytime--it always has. However, I do not have a problem with ORGANIC CHICKEN BROTH, which I find very interesting. Organic chicken still makes me gag, but I can tummy the broth. Lol! Dead chicken sweated in water. Okay, I more grossing ourselves out! Also, another ingredient in your soup could be the nauseating factor, as well as DRINKING TOO MUCH HERBAL TEA, as I know you do. If I drink too much herbal tea, I hyper-produce BILE. Blech.

Also, something you had earlier that day could have been a factor.

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Chicken bits new
      #233311 - 12/22/05 10:27 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Every now and then I get nauseous from chicken.

Yes, there were chicken bits in it.

I guess I have to stay away from chicken at least for the time being.

my question is: Can a chicken allergy (or any allergy0 produce nausea?

Only one herbal tea maybe 2 these days Kate!!

My bod is freaking out on me.

I feel like I have some kind of allergy or inolreance to alomst every food out there!! Esp. the ones I eat often.


The rash is back btw today (I'm guessing it's not the med as it went away for a day and came back upon eating a questionable food this a.m.)

P.S. The chicken was Kosher. I doubt it was organic. I have not yet found a way to get Kosher organic chicken. (I heard once you can get it if you order it on-line but I can in no way afford the cost.)

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Chicken bits new
      #233321 - 12/22/05 10:42 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Hmmm...maybe retest chicken again next week. I know that chicken (even organic) itself will rebound on me. Try turkey, perhaps?

I don't have a problem with this. Also, I can eat my mother's organic chicken soup without a problem (just no chicken). She fishes out the chicken and eats it. Seriously, try the IMAGINE stock and see how you respond.
I use this without a problem all the time. I cannot eat meat, but hey, she does dirty chicken water! (Methinks all the benefits of chicken are in chicken soup!)

Don't worry about it. It takes time with an elimination diet to sort things out. Also, it could be sugar withdrawal or something you ate earlier in the day. You seem to be fine, though, with brown rice. Also, C can make you nauseated.


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Re: Chicken bits new
      #233334 - 12/22/05 11:13 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

now that you mention it...the Imagine Chicken Broth IS Kosher. I know cause I've had it and it did make me ill

(Wait it many have been the Pacific one that I tried. Do you think there's much of a difference? I think I am allergic to black pepper.)

if C can make me nauseous that explians my whole life!! I've gotten so nauseous from pain (which I think was brought on by being C too long) and ended up throwing up from pain!!

If sugar withdrawl could be a culprit...yikes!!! My bod must be going through an awful lot right now

Thanks for the info. Kate! maybe I'll get the imagine broth so I can use it on Shabbos if it doesn't make me sick.

*hugs* You're the best ! ! !

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Crap, Kate! new
      #233348 - 12/22/05 12:06 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

What?? I drink herbal tea ALL DAY LONG!! Like 5-6 cups a day!! Is that making my reflux worse??? I read somewhere that herbal teas are "alkalizing" and not "acidic" so I thought I would drink that rather than well......whatever else is out there.

Crap! What do I do??? What can I drink that won't make me "hyper-produce" bile??? Is all this herbal tea what's making me nauseated???

Man, I'm about to go back to Sprite! I'm tired of plain water.....I need something different that actually has flavor!!

What do you drink???

OH, this sucks!


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Crap, Kate! new
      #233398 - 12/22/05 02:36 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Too many herbs make me mega-nauseated. Herbs are potent things. Water is my beverage of choice, actually.

Re: Sprite
Just make sure it's flat!

I like club soda/mineral water too.


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Re: herbal tea new
      #233402 - 12/22/05 02:51 PM
jaime g

Reged: 07/27/05
Posts: 961
Loc: new york city

i think it's a matter of which ones you choose. chamomile & fennel are very soothing for me, especially strong. but if i'm illin', chai, rooibus or other dark or spicey teas wouldn't at all appeal. as long as you sip slowly, though, and don't chug (large amounts of water very quickly always hit my stomach hard), they should usually be okay.

ibs-a (mostly d) // vegetarian

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Re: Thanks, Kate! new
      #233432 - 12/22/05 04:28 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I drink Chamomile and Anise. That's about it....The chamomile gives me a mean headache, though and the anti-histimines are giving me a stomach ache so I am about to quit the chamomile, anyway. I almost got a migraine last night and had to break down and take tylenol and it really upset my stomach. I remember when I used to take that stuff like candy and it never even phased me.....Wierd!

Okay, I will be drinking flat sprite! I already have a bottle of it from my colon prep last month. The cap is still on it but it's mostly unscrewed so I'm sure it's VERY FLAT by now!!!! LOL!!! I have flat Ginger Ale, too!

Thanks, Girl!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: herbal tea new
      #233433 - 12/22/05 04:30 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

OH, yea.....I cannot touch dark teas anyway. I have never tried Chai, though. I bought some soy coffee that is 100% ground soy beans. It says that it's not acidic and does not have caffeine at all. I tried it the other day and it seemed to go down fine. I did't feel well later on, so I don't know if it was from that or not.....not sure....
Maybe I will give it a go again!

Thanks, Jaime!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: herbal tea new
      #233452 - 12/22/05 05:38 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I drink a lot of jasmine green tea, too. Twinnings is my favourite brand.

When I feel positively vile, FLAT soda/seltzer or FLAT gingerale. Okay, I confess, I drink FLAT diet gingerale or seltzer when I feel barfy. But actually, now I truly mostly drink water & maybe about 2L of Jasmine Green Tea. Black tea bugs me most of the time, but Green actually makes me feel better. Sometimes, though, a nice spicy tea hits the spot. GOOD EARTH has some yummy ones! I like Raspberry Leaf Tea, too. Sometimes, I'll feel like Red Tea & make a pitcher (yeah, wishing it were beer! NOT! Barf-city.) chilled. I like the Honeybush Rooibos. Rosehip tea is really yummy cold, too. I used to like Gatorade Propel (might start some of that again), too.

Oh, another thing--HOT HERBAL TEA makes me sick.

I know you use Stevia. I cannot drink tea with that stuff. It really makes me violently GAG!


Edited by Wind (12/22/05 05:45 PM)

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Re: herbal tea new
      #233461 - 12/22/05 06:25 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I drank some (Decaf) green tea yesterday and it didn't make me feel too good....I don't know why......????

I am looking for another tea besides chamomile that helps calm my system without making me feel "puky".

Maybe I should just stick with flat ginger ale for a little while and give my body an "herbal break" and see what happens. I have been drinking herbal tea every single day since the night of my colonoscopy prep, which was what.....November 8th. I never drank herbal tea until that day and now I'm hooked! I'm addicted to this chamomile tea and I cannot take the headache's anymore. The tetley chamomile tea that Nelly recommended is the best chamomile tea. I can even drink 1 cup of it without getting a headache....but anymore than that and I have a migraine. I cannot take these antihistimines anymore. They make me sick. I looked up antihistimines on the net and most of the drug profiles say that they should be taken with food because they can cause gastrointestinal distress but it seems like I'm the only one that gets an upset stomach from taking Benadryl!!! Why is that????

Anyway, I haven't tried Red Raspberry leaf. Does it give you a headache?? Do any of the herbal teas give you a headache??

I think I'm okay with Stevia. It doesn't seem to bother me. I like "HOT" anything when I feel sick. That's strange that "hot" stuff makes you feel calms my system and moves things through my stomach quicker than if I drink anything cold. Cold stuff sends my tummy into an instant attack! Iced anything and I'm done!!! LOL!!

Okay, I don't know what to do. I'm going to go grab some flat ginger ale. I cannot believe I have to sit here and DEBATE what I can and cannot drink.....I'm thirsty and don't know what I can drink without getting sick! This is insane!!! I should just go grab a beer and be done with it! Maybe not!! Like you...Barf City!! Bleh!!!

Peppermint used to be my favorite. I used to drink peppermint tea all day.....UNTIL it triggered my reflux! Now, I can't go near it! It makes me so depressed!! Peppermint really, really helped my IBS soo much. I have been suffering ever since I had to quit drinking it.

This sucks!! I just don't know what to do!?!?


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: I survived Tahoe! new
      #233492 - 12/22/05 11:10 PM

Reged: 11/13/05
Posts: 49
Loc: San Francisco, CA

I'm back! All in all I had a really nice trip and it gave me time to reflect on all my anxieties. I decided its probably a good time to try ADs again. I tried taking one 5 years ago and I didn't have good results. Anyhow, I talked to my doctor and I started on Lexapro today. I'll wait and see if I suffer a lot of side effects.

Also I started packing today for my move on the 27th. Trying not to be nervous about starting college again. Stressful times.

Foods- I'm not really even sure! It definetely included:


luna bar

potato w/small piece left over chicken breast

ramen noodles and white rice

I didn't have much of an appetite today, a lot of nausea. I'm sure some of it had to do with anxiety and some with the new med.

But I'm really glad to be back. I missed all of you!



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Re: benadryl new
      #233494 - 12/22/05 11:19 PM

Reged: 11/13/05
Posts: 49
Loc: San Francisco, CA

Michelle- Your not the only one! The stuff messes me up too. When I have to take it, I break one pill in half. Even that much makes me sick to my stomach and out of it. I can't take anything that is NON-DROWSY formula either. Makes me sick and a little crazy.



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Re: Wow! new
      #233513 - 12/23/05 07:29 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Well, I'm glad that to hear that I'm not the only one in the world that can't take Benadryl without getting an upset stomach!! I'm sorry that it has to be you, though! It really sucks that my stomach won't tolerate drugs very well. It makes it EXTREMELY hard to medicate me with prescriptions when simple over the counter stuff messes me up.


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: herbal tea new
      #233514 - 12/23/05 07:29 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Have you tried fennel Michelle? It's good for the IBS...and if you like the taste of liccorice it might be your new "it" tea

I have the same prob as you. I am getting allergic reactions to some teas! And I too want something to drink other than plain water.

But I cannot even have ginger ale. Sugar. Not even the diet ones. Artificial sweetner is bad for me as well. (But I can have green tea without a prob.)

I think we shall whine and moan together.


Feel better now?

At least we know we're not alone??


We'll find something.

Maybe you could try plain roobios tea? That is something I could try too! I will have to go to the store this week and get some. Do you think a cinnamon tea sounds good? I was debating buying one last night at a local grocery...Bigelow made a tea and the ingredients were: tea, cinnamon. The less ingredients there are; the better off I am. (I couldn't see paying the $3.00 though knowing I might be allergic and then hubby would have to drink it. We have a cabinet full of teas like that already!!) *sigh*

*hugs* Keep me posted!!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I survived Tahoe! new
      #233515 - 12/23/05 07:34 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Welcome Back! We missed you too!

Glad you made it okay!!


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Ruchie/Fennel Tea new
      #233525 - 12/23/05 08:38 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Hey Ruch!

AWWWW, I'm sorry, Ruch!! Doesn't that suck that we're getting allergic reactions from "herbal" tea??? They're supposed to be like Ultra safe. A whole lot safer than carbonated drinks!! And Ginger Ale, too?? I think that might have triggerd my attack this morning. I heated up some ginger ale (flat) this morning and after I took a couple sips, ATTACK!!! I drink hot tea all the time, so I really think it might have been the sugar in the ginger ale, too early in the morning on an empty stomach. This is getting WAAAAAY to technical and complicated for me to handle! I just wanna drink....... LOL!!

Anywhooo, about Fennel. I used to drink fennel all the time. hehehe....I have 3 cans of Fennel in my cupboard! I really like the taste of the Fennel but the last time I drank it, it made me feel kind of YUCKY, so I stopped drinking it. But, it does not give me a headache like Chamomile does.

So, I decided to try it again this morning. I had a WICKED C ATTACK~believe it or not, this morning and I couldn't even stand up because the pain was so intense.

The rectal cramps were so bad, I couldn't sit down, either. So, I made some fennel tea.....really hot and strong. It's helping, I think. Does it help you??? Does it help you relax??? I want a RELAXING tea. I don't think Fennel helps me relax. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too, huh??? Of course, not!!

I either took too much pepto and imodium the day before yesterday or I'm eating too much soluble fiber now. Because I don't think I'm IBS-D, anymore. I think I'm an A. I have had this happen before, too, in October. When I was severely C for two weeks. I don't know.

I'm going to lay off of the Imodium for a little while and see what happens. I take it DAILY as a preventative measure against D attacks, but I IMMEDIATELY switched from having really bad D to being really C, like overnight! So, who knows!!?? What are you??? D or C???

Anyway, I might try green tea again today and see how that goes....I have some Roobios tea in my cupboard, too but I haven't tried it yet. I'm too chicken!!

OOOH, cinnamon tea sounds really good. WAAAA!!! (I'm whining now), I can't have cinnamon because of my GERD. Cinnamon, Ginger and Peppermint are no-no's for me.....It sounds really good though!! Try it!! Do you have GERD?? I wouldn't do it if you do.....

I'm like you.....I have cabinets FULL of tea that I can't drink and my husband won't drink herbal, they're just sitting there. I don't know why I don't throw them away.

Thanks for looking out for me, hon! Are you over your cold, now???

Love ya!! *HUGS*!!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: I survived Tahoe!
      #233540 - 12/23/05 10:10 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Welcome back Karen!

School stress! Ahh! (Mental scream!)

You can do it! I hope the AD takes the edge off. Sounds like you had a great trip, though. Deep breathing really helps. When I'm anxious, I forget to breathe correctly and the lack of oxygen flow really messes up my head. Take time out to "ground" yourself and affirm that all is well & safe in your world. Mentally visualize yourself displaying calm, serenity--lol! a mental photo-journal.

Oh, one note: I love your microwave spaghetti squash recipe/idea. Too easy, effortless & yummy! Very safe.


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Benadryl and IBS new
      #233553 - 12/23/05 10:48 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

The stuff seems to be making me more C!!! Grrr! And I thought it was just me that got sick from the stuff

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Welcome back Karen!! new
      #233555 - 12/23/05 10:51 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

You're gonna be GREAT with school! You survived Tahoe, right? If you can do THAT you can totlay do school! Just remember to stay in the present and take it one class at a time *hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: You get sick from it, too??? new
      #233556 - 12/23/05 10:53 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Wow, that makes three of us, then! Me, you and karen.
What do you take for allergies?? You just take it anyway, even though it makes you sick? I was.....but, I can't take the stomach ache's anymore. I quit taking it about 4 days ago.


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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I HAVE to take it!! new
      #233563 - 12/23/05 11:29 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

You should see the rashes I've been getting the past couple of weeks from the med I take (and from food allergies) They are just horrid!!

I am taking my probiotic for the C and I hope it will help. At least I know I won't need the benadryl forever...just for this rash (at least I hope so!!)


I tell ya. We take something to help one thinga dn we hurt another. Our poor bods can only take so much!!

How are you doing today Michelle? What are your plans for the holidays?

Sending you lots of love!!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I HAVE to take it!! new
      #233573 - 12/23/05 01:01 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

OH, that sucks, hon! Why do they keep you on meds that give you rashes?? That's wierd! Doesn't sound like fun, either!

I just sneeze and get headaches when I have food allergies. I have only had one rash, when I was little. It was when I took Amoxicillin and found out I was allergic to it.

I hope the probiotic helps for your C, too! Which one are you taking?? I'm taking Primal Defense. It's starting to help my D, finally. I have been taking it for 2 months but I'm just now starting to notice a difference.

Well, did you read my post on the diet board about "Imodium Advice"?? I had a really wicked attack today. About 5 hours! I'm guessing it was a C to D, attack. I woke up horribly C, and 9 BM's later, I'm D again! So, I don't know what happened. I'm glad it's over, though!

How are you feeling?? I hope your nausea is under control now. I remember you were really nauseated a couple/few weeks back. Did you order some Gravol?? I did but I probably won't get it till January! I ordered it from Canada.

No plans for Christmas, here. My family is in North Carolina and my husband's family is in New Mexico. We're all alone here in Georgia. Well, two of his brothers are here but they live about 45 minutes away. I have only seen them a couple times this year. The youngest brother is in the Army and just got back from Iraq in late October. He's really happy to be home and we're glad we don't have to worry about him being over there anymore!!

Happy Hanukkah!! ??? Right?? Or How 'bout
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Can't go wrong with that one!


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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