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How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157489 - 03/06/05 01:04 PM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA

I have been reading everyone's posts and sincerely hoping that all of you are going to lose weight or maintain if that is your goal. I have not been posting because I truly am in a quandry.

I know that when I first started this IBS diet I was not eating that much (being SOOO careful about my tummy) and I lost a couple of pounds. I was only 5 lbs. from my ideal weight to begin with and was pleasantly pleased with the diet. But then I became comfortable with the diet, pretty stable, and then the weight started accummulating. I am still exercising every day like I always was but I am slowly but surely gaining weight AND I am hungry all the time.

I haven't had to count WW points (or calories) in over a year so it is really disappointing to have to start again. My WW target pts. is 20. Is there anyone on this list that
has that WW target or in calories I'm thinking it's 1200 or 1300. If so, I would really like to pay attention to your menus and see where I'm going wrong.

I try to plan good menus, but I am soooo hungry all the time! And then my mind wanders to the recipes like the Peppermint Fudge Cake, the Pumpkin Apple Spice, rice krispie squares......that I know are safe but too much sugar and too many calories... HELP!!!

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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157492 - 03/06/05 01:16 PM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ

Hi Cindy,

I am in the same quandry. I try to stay to 20 WW points and it is tough. I was trying to stabilize my IBS when I started this diet. I was also 5 lbs away from goal. then I gained about 5 lbs trying to feel better. And I do feel so much better and the IBS-C symptoms have dissipated. But now trying to lose 10 pounds has been really hard. I work out 4-5 days a week, but I can eat well for the first time in years and it is so hard to just stay with 20 pts.

Not sure I have an answer-just that I am walking it with you.


It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157498 - 03/06/05 01:56 PM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA

Wow Mary, sounds like we are in exactly the same situation. I hope someone else on this board has some advice to help us or lead us in the right direction. I am so disgusted..only 5 lbs. from my goal weight and then to start putting on 5 lbs. Nothing changed except my way of thinking about IBS and eating that way (instead of whole wheat - white, brown rice vs white, pretzels instead of yogurt, rice cakes instead of a peach) It seems like the carby stuff although maybe the same in calories is stimulating my appetite. Does this make sense?

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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157502 - 03/06/05 02:07 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I lost a ton of weight last summer on the diet but then winter came and I was put on several courses of prednisone and I ate some of the weight back on. I am now hoping to go way back down again and with spring coming I am expecting I will.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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What about those close to goal weight? new
      #157505 - 03/06/05 02:20 PM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA

That would be great and I am hoping so. My fear is that this diet is fine for people who have a lot of weight to lose. Obviously less calories. But what about those of us who are pretty close to goal weight. We don't have a lot to play with and the increase in appetite is NOT a good thing.

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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157508 - 03/06/05 03:12 PM

Reged: 09/26/04
Posts: 273
Loc: UK

Since starting Heather's diet last autumn I have lost 15lbs and without trying, so I don't think the IBS diet is necessarily a problem. Just to make it clear, I am overweight and probably need to lose another 15lbs, so maybe this is not relevant to you, but I think the reason I have lost weight is that I was eating a lot of fat before and cutting that out has reduced calorie intake even though I am eating more carbs. I do eat little and often and drink (water and peppermint tea) much more than I used to, which definitely helps me not to feel 'false' hunger.

1200-1300 calories sounds quite low to me - I've heard that if we eat too little, our bodies go into 'famine' mode, the metabolic rate drops and it gets harder to lose weight. When I used to go to Weightwatchers we were always told that if weightloss 'plateau-ed' for more than a couple of weeks, we should try eating a bit more, not less, so as to to increase the metabolic rate and so start losing weight again.

If you are getting hungry a lot of the time, is it possible that you are not eating enough protein with your carbs? I have found that makes a difference to how satisfied I feel.

I know that other people on the board have lost weight too, so maybe someone else will have some better ideas. Good luck!


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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157517 - 03/06/05 04:15 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hi Cindy,

I've done the IBS stuff and the WW stuff at the same time- and my goal points was 20 per day too. Are you doing the flex point thing? I found that near the end I couldn't eat all 35 of my flex points (I could use about 20 of them, actually, in order to keep losing). It's been about a year since I hit my goal weight and I've put on a little and lost a little since then. I don't worry about hitting that exact magic weight though- as long as I can fit comfortably in my pants I don't worry about that last five pounds too much. I'm currently trying to get back to the fitting in the pants thing though!

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Re: What about those close to goal weight? new
      #157525 - 03/06/05 04:41 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Wait a minute. I just want to lose 10 vanity pounds. I am at a healthy weight but want to be slimmer. Besides, as for losing a few pounds the best way to do it is exercise and not diet change other than a bit of trimming here and there.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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good post Josephine new
      #157526 - 03/06/05 04:45 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Excellent points. We have to remember that carbs are only the bad guys now as a phase and that Heather's diet would have been regarded as wonderfully slimming back in the early 90s low fat thing! Someday carbs will find their proper place in society again. I mean peasants have been eating bread for 6000 years and they always seemed rather slim to me.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: What about those close to goal weight? new
      #157528 - 03/06/05 04:54 PM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA

Well, I am 5'3" and I weigh 128. My ideal weight (and I don't consider it vanity!!) is 115 - 120. So I want to lose around 10 lbs. That is what I have always weighed and now at 128 I feel "chubby." Sorry, but that is how I feel and I know how I feel good.

I've always followed a low sugar, whole grain diet and had no problem maintaining my weight. Although my IBS went haywire!! Now it's under control but my weight is going up.

I was one of the ones to endorse this diet when I first started because i hadn't gained any weight yet. But now that I am, there has got to be an answer other than starving myself.

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I have lost weight I didn't need to lose.. new
      #157530 - 03/06/05 04:56 PM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

its eating healthy and making healthy choices... I am now on a maintenance diet and I am still failing to maintain.. I actually lost 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I need a certain amount of reserve to make it through the race in July. I am off to bake more sweet treats tomorrow


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: good post Josephine new
      #157532 - 03/06/05 05:01 PM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA


I mean peasants have been eating bread for 6000 years and they always seemed rather slim to me.

Not me. I see peasants as those eating pastries, carbs like potatoes. and fats with horrible complexions and weight problems. I see the gentry as eating the fruits and veggies with the clear complexions and slim.

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Re: What about those close to goal weight? new
      #157552 - 03/06/05 06:29 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Is it possible that your feeling hungry all the time could have hormonal or medical reasons? Maybe you started a med that is causing it. Of course prednisone makes me eat like crazy! but other things might cause that too.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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explanation new
      #157555 - 03/06/05 06:39 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I didn't know we still had peasants and gentry. As for today I think obesity is well-balanced throughout society's levels.
My point was that low-carb is a passing trend and eating soluble fiber as a base is not unhealthy by any means. It doesn't mean indulging in treats and baked goods too much even if they are low in fat. But when we look at cultures past and present that have carbs like bread and white rice as the basis for their diet we see that they do not and did not have weight problems from those carbs.
Personally I would love to have a big salad for lunch or dinner instead of a PB&J or stirfry and rice, but I always put so much cheese on it that it wasn't any trimmer anyway.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Number of calories... new
      #157557 - 03/06/05 06:53 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Hi Cindy

Actually 20 points works out to only about 1000 calories a day (the WW formula is calories/50 + fat/12 + fiber up to 4g/5 = #points, or more basically just calories/50). 1000 calories a day for a woman of your height and weight (which is just about the same as mine, btw) in my view is INSANELY low. I don't know much about WW and how they do their plans, but honestly, that seems ridiculously low to me.

It's lower than your BMR, which is the number of calories your body would need to FUNCTION even if you just lay in bed all day and did nothing (which for you is about 1400).

NO WONDER you're hungry all the time...

I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend or anything, it just seems like quite a few people on this board are aiming for really unrealistic (and in my opinion, unhealthy) LOW calories/day goals. Someone mentioned that if you get too few calories your body will actually start going into starvation mode and start storing up fat - this is true, and well-proven scientifically. Extremely low calorie diets will help you lose water and then muscle tissue. Not fat. It's much healthier, safer, and in the long run more effective to lose weight slowly by cutting calories slowly, not starving yourself.

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Re: I have lost weight I didn't need to lose.. new
      #157605 - 03/06/05 09:15 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

If i were you i would steer clear of the sweet treats, they won't help your race preparation, all you will get from sugary things is an immediate/short term sugar peak, followed by increased hunger. Try upping the protein input, building blocks for the muscles that will carry you through the race. I like to make smoothies from banana, mixed berries and some rice protein powder thrown in to help with gym work and sport. The rice protein also happens to have fiber in it to boot!

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Read Laurel's (retrograde's) post! new
      #157628 - 03/07/05 01:52 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Also, eating more protein will help with energy and appetite. No need to starve yourself at all!

Plus, more exercise is the way to go when you've got that little to lose!

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Thanks ralph new
      #157637 - 03/07/05 03:05 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

my problem is when I up protein I get full to fast- I'm not actually make SUGARY sweets so much as breads and stuff I can eat, so I can get my carbs into me... I can only eat so much pasta and rice and potatos... and the plain what bread I can get at the store is tasteless, and I prefer my own baguettes to the storebought ones... and I need to make soem for some friends and company in advance too... its called if I have time to bake, I take advantage and do a TON in one day.

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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I'm upping my points
      #157644 - 03/07/05 04:04 AM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA

A couple of years ago the target for my range was between 18-23 a day. Then they changed it to 20 a day with 35 points to play with during the week. I never used them. So I think if I allow myself maybe 22 pts. a day I'll be a lot happier and still lose those last 5 lbs.

And I DO exercise every day. I weight lift, use the ellip., take extra classes, rowing machine, plus walk at least 1/2 to 1 hour with the dogs daily. My exercise isn't anything new, done it for years. Used to run 5-10 miles daily too but arthritis in my lower back now prevents me from running.

The WW soup is coming out of the freezer and going to be put to good use. If I'm hungry, eat soup!!!


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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157695 - 03/07/05 07:07 AM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ

After reading all the posts, I am not sure what the answer is. I have been much slimmer on WW and other plans and always sick-dealing with C and bloating or occasion bouts of D. So I would be miserable because my tummy would look 4mos pregnant.

Now tummy is flat, but I am up five pounds-10 from feeling good weight. I am 5'4" and between 126-130 depending on the day. Lately closer to 130.

I exercise a lot. My sister had a trainer tell her that our bodies get used to the exercise and after a while it doesn't really work to lose weight, just maintain. I am starting to wonder if that's my problem. I spent 90 min running and doing eliptical each day Fri, Sat and sun and did weight training. I can't fit anymore than that into my schedule. I will probaby do an hour tonight.

I am starting to think acceptance might just have to be it for me. 30+ years of IBS is quelled with this eating plan and it beats looking pregnant all the time.

I eat oatmeal for breakfast w/ground flax meal. 1 TBS Benefiber, oatmeal w/ fax meal for lunch with canned fruit (no sugar added), snack on fruit in between, and have 3 vegies, a sweet potato or brown rice and chicken or fish for dinner. Last night i splurged on a wheat free dairy free choco chip cookie. I drink 128 oz water daily.


It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Re: How many of you have actually lost weight since we started this Board? new
      #157697 - 03/07/05 07:10 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Mary...soemtimes the exercise plateau thing is solved by changing the exercise type you do. So maybe try the rowing machine or some sort of cardio class instead of some of your running/elliptical. You don't always need more, just variety.

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Changing exercises new
      #157760 - 03/07/05 08:20 AM

Reged: 09/30/04
Posts: 90
Loc: Ohio, USA

I mix up my exercise all the time. Especially the cardio stuff between ellip, treadmill, rowing. Don't do the bike because I find it really boring. I just bought some Lotte Berk Method exercise tapes and am going to do them to see if it changes anything. It isn't cardio, but more using your own body weight for exercises and then lots of stretching the muscles out. I walked an hour through the woods with the dogs this morning - up and down hills, in the mud, over streams......I'm going to be very concise and accurate about counting everything I eat this week and see what happens.

I just need to get through the between meal munchies and like Linz said, I'll make more WW soup and fill up on that. You can even add the acacia right to your bowl. Or with two slices of WW bread, that's only a 1 pt. snack. Beats trying to only eat a couple of graham crackers for 3 pts.!!

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WW new
      #157793 - 03/07/05 08:59 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Yeah I found that finding lower point alternatives was easier than trying to resist the temptation to eat more than one or two or something!

Soy desserts are great tho...low-cal, filling and yummy. And some snack bars are very filling without being too high cal.

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Re: Thanks ralph new
      #157938 - 03/07/05 04:12 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 120
Loc: Queensland, Australia

home made baguettes...mmmmm...can you send me some too?

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I have been thinking the exact same thing! new
      #157946 - 03/07/05 04:32 PM

Reged: 01/16/05
Posts: 520
Loc: Norman, Oklahoma

A friend of mine just had a baby and was doing WW before her pregnancy. She claims she was about 20lbs over her goal before she got pregnant, and now that she's breastfeeding, she's allowed 32 pts a day, plus 35 flex points for the week. When she stops breastfeeding, she'll be allowed 20 pts a day, plus 35 flex points for the week. I think that is CRAZILY low calorie.

If I don't eat at least 1600 a day, I would gnaw my arm off. I typically aim for 2300 and have been so hungry lately that some days have reached 2400 or 2500. The weekends are "off days" for me because I sleep later and therefore don't eat as much, but I make up for it during the week.

So, yes, I was thinking the same thing about WW being too low calorie when my friend was explaining it to me. Not only is life too short to starve yourself, but I've actually gotten within 4lbs of my lowest weight when I was struggling with an ED, by eating 2000 calories more per day than I was back then.

Please, ladies, fuel your bodies!


all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
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Re: I have been thinking the exact same thing! new
      #158045 - 03/07/05 09:18 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Heh your numbers sound almost exactly like mine... (Weekends are like that for me too, not enough waking hours to get in al those calories! lol)

I seem to remember you mentioning somewhere that you fitday and do lots of exercise. What kind of exercise program are you doing lately?

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Re: I have been thinking the exact same thing! new
      #158082 - 03/08/05 01:38 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

The thing with WW is that you're expected to use your flex points (if you're ont hat system) AND you get extra points if you're more active. But I bet your friend would need extra with a new baby! No sleep means you need more fuel to keep going!

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Re: Thanks ralph new
      #158196 - 03/08/05 08:33 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

sorry- I don't think they'd ship well, but they are EASY to make..

flour, water, sugar and yeast (sugar to feed the yeast) thats it! let the dough rise, then shape and proof and bake.. preferably on a stone so they come out crisper and more evenly cooked.

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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