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REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152400 - 02/21/05 10:31 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Everyone post their report for what you did on 2/21 here.... mine will follow later....


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gym question new
      #152455 - 02/21/05 12:23 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

hey ya'll.. I just joined a gym!

I know.. kinda stupid considering tufts has a gym we can use.. but at the same time.. it was a good deal and I can now take classes, and not run into everyone I know.

Anyways.. what are the most effective ways to lose weight.. is it possible to do so taking classes, beacuse I think that that is what I am most interested in, and most of my reasoning behind joining a real gym, rather than just going to the tufts gym.

oh and I had no motivation going to the tufts gym.. i'm hoping that i'll get some now that i'm paying out of pocket to go to this place.


Edited by spicey813 (02/21/05 12:24 PM)

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Re: gym question new
      #152457 - 02/21/05 12:30 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

What gym did you join? What classes to they offer? The one that burns the most calories that I take is Kickboxing... and then there are also step & cycling classes that really burn the caloires too! Be sure to get a weight class in there too!!


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shell new
      #152494 - 02/21/05 01:57 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

hey shell.. I joined work out world.. but the website doesn't give the classes...

they have basically everything. tae chi, step aerobics, back and butt, ab attack, muscle conditioning, zamba, hip hop aerobics, belly dancing, kickboxing.

there are no cycling classes, though.. but there are step. I thought that you went to alot of classes, so I was wondering if you work out in addition to the classes etc.


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This is what I try to do each week.... new
      #152501 - 02/21/05 02:08 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

Well, these sound like the ones that I do or have tried

step aerobics (Step)
ab attack (Ab Express) - This class is too early in the day, so I can't take it.
muscle conditioning (ReP - weight resistance training or Body Sculpting)
kickboxing (Turbo Kickboxing)

This is what I TRY to do each week....
Monday: Kickboxing + maybe 20 mins cardio
Tues: Body Sculpting + at least 20 mins cardio, sometimes more.
Wed: Monday: Kickboxing + maybe 20 mins cardio
Thurs: Rep + at least 20 mins cardio, sometimes more.
Friday: 20 mins cardio, sometimes more and then Yoga.
Sat or Sun (other day I take off): Sometimes Rep + at least 20 mins cardio, sometimes more. OR 45 + mins cardio, depending on my schedule.


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my gym wrote to me... new
      #152506 - 02/21/05 02:15 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

got a postcard today saying that the "hadn't seen me for a while"
I WILL GO BACK! Maybe tomorrow...


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Re: my gym wrote to me... new
      #152529 - 02/21/05 03:45 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

oh no.. sinead.. thats annoying! no one wants that reminder. haha

Thanks shell.. I think i'll stick with doing a least a little cardio before going to class. I am looking to lose about 15 pounds.. so I'm just trying to find the best way to do so.


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152630 - 02/21/05 07:49 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

Ok Ladies.. time to get serious.. haha I say that everytime.

Breakfast- toasted oatmeal squares. (not a full serving)

Lunch- 6 mccains smiles, and 1 small crab cake (baked not fried)

Snack- pirates booty (1serving)

Dinner- chicken broccoli and ziti.. so yummy

Snack- about 4 pita chips with hummus and baby carrots.

Exercise- I joined a gym today! yay.. so about 350 calories burned on the eliptical and 8min abs.


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152649 - 02/21/05 08:43 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Exercise: I spent about half an hour speed walking and then spent over three hours running around the house, cooking and stuff, so I said 30 minutes of walking. Burned: 153 calories.
Food Budget: 1378 calories.

Breakfast: English raisin muffin with strawberry jam = 187 calories (but I only ate about 3/4 of it). Apple mango sauce = 93 calories = 280 calories

Lunch: Kinda missed lunch 'cause I had exams today - Had a Luna bar between classes and some pretzels, then 3 arrowroot cookies = 325 calories

Dinner: Orange Glazed Chicken Breasts with Mushrooms and Onions from EFI (Thanks, Heather!! - That recipe is SO GOOD) with Jasmine Rice and 2 thin slices French Bread while I was cooking = 412 calories

Dessert: 1 and a half pieces of Peppermint Fudge Cake - I finally made it! with the mocha glaze = 206 calories, without the glaze.. so I'm not sure how many to add for the glaze..

For a total of: 1223 calories + the glaze.. so if that's less than 155 calories, it is in my goal!!

And I am supposed to have 80 oz of water a day - today I have had... 64 oz - I will drink some more water now and have some peppermint tea later.

Side Note: I started to feel kinda bad because I didn't get any time to do any exercise today, but then I think I had a really productive day. I got up early, spoke to some people about jobs, sent off resumes and stuff, made an appointment to get my hair cut (woo hoo), 2 hour History Lecture, 2 hour psychology exam, went to the optomotrist, grocery shopping, making dinner AND cake.. this is the first time (except for in school) I have sat down all day! I have one of those good 'I got everything that needed doing done' feelings now, and can relax and watch TV for a while and have some boyfriend cuddling time!

Cheers all!!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152656 - 02/21/05 09:06 PM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA

OK... here is my reporting in......

My BMR = 2408 + I burned 1654 calories 25 minutes on Elliptical and THEN 60 minutes Turbo Kick Boxing Class - 1246 less calories to get to my goal = 2341 calorie food budget .

TURBO KICK BOXING Pre-designed Kickboxing interval class using no equipment. Cardio section uses intensity drills and increased energy sprints followed by work recovery segments.

Breakfast: 170 calories Toasted Nuts N Cranberry Luna bar & Water

Lunch : 297 calories Subway Sandwich (6" White w/Tuna, Easy Lettuce and Pickle) & water

After the gym: 150 calories Poweraide

Snacks during the day: 576 calories 2 Bing Cherries, Baked Lays, JB's & Water

Dinner: 703 calories Shell shaped pasta (TOO MUCH) w/Jennie-O Turkey Breast Chunks In Homestyle Gravy (*note: there is some dairy in this, so it may not be safe for some), Green Beans & Water

Fiber Pills: 2.25 calories total

Without any more snacks at all....(subject to change) = 1898.25 calories

Total Water intake = 64oz so far

I WIL NOT have UFO w/more water. So that WILL NOT add 250 calories for a total of 1898.25 still in my budget


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Re: gym question
      #152658 - 02/21/05 09:07 PM

Reged: 01/28/05
Posts: 815
Loc: Ontario, Canada

hope you don't mind me answering your question, the best way to lose weight is to do as much cardio as you can. For me personally the elliptical machine is great, feels like it does so much at once instead of concentrating on one area. I don't do treadmills because I can't run on them, just feel off balance even if I let one hand go to grab my water bottle, weird huh lol. Don't get discouraged at first because you will need to build up your time on machines slowly. I could only stand about 10 mins on the elliptical at first and now can do 45 no problem. I haven't done any classes yet. It's nice to do some weights as a break from cardio and I find if I do some in between I can go back on a machine for even longer. A few hints though: muscle weighs more than fat so if you do weights and gain muscle you might not notice a difference in weight as far as numbers. Go by how your clothes fit and how you feel instead of relying on the scale and what it says. It's also better to weigh yourself before working out because you weigh more afterwards. Best of luck, working out just makes me feel so great, I have to push myself to go but am always glad I did afterwards.

Microscopic Colitis, IBS-A, GERD, Hiatal Hernia
Bethany, Ontario, Canada

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thanks bethany new
      #152661 - 02/21/05 09:42 PM
Dr. Spice Yamin

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 3286
Loc: Maryland

Hi, Thanks.. I'm going to try to do as much cardio as possible. I'm not too into lifting weights or anything. A little toning would be nice, but nothing too serious. I'm rather get thinner.. not bulkier and more muscular.


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152728 - 02/22/05 07:35 AM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 1213
Loc: Ewing, NJ, USA (IBS-D, Vegetarian)

Sorry about not reporting in this weekend! It was a crazy, but fun weekend, I had a lot of homework to do, but put most of it off until yesterday (I was off of work for President's Day). Ended up getting to spend lots of time with my best friend/roommate I'd been having problems with, which really helped!

I didn't keep track of specifics this weekend, I was ok on water drinking, maybe a little under the 64 oz/day I'm shooting for, but not bad. Exercise-wise, I went shopping for 3 hours on Sunday, which meant lots of walking. Yesterday, I went on a cleaning binge, and vacuummed the whole downstairs of our apartment (our apt is two floors), and cleaned the kitchen as well. Worked up a nice sweat. Fruit/veggie wise, had some roasted vegetable non dairy pizza, applesauce, veggie stir fry, and pasta with garden combination tomato sauce this weekend at various points. I made spinach bread again and vegan blueberry muffins yesterday so I'm set for this week.

Going to try to be better about reporting in, I swear!

Friendship is thicker than blood. ~Rent

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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152735 - 02/22/05 07:53 AM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

21 points. 1 point under target today. I also did resistance traininng.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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my report... new
      #152762 - 02/22/05 08:52 AM

Reged: 07/01/04
Posts: 2350
Loc: Minnesota

I did horrible over the weekend and had a bad tummy so that's why you didn't get a report from me till now. Tummy is still a little goofy, but I'm really trying to maintain my food intake.

Breakfast/Lunch - I didn't eat until almost noon... oatmeal w/ maple syrup and rice milk, & banana, blueberry and strawberry smoothy
Snack - chips and salsa
Dinner - BBQ chicken on homemade white bread, potato chips, and a fruit cup.
Water - a little less than 64oz.

I didn't excercise all weekend or today but plan on it for tomorrow.

~ Rachel (IBS-C)
If life hands you lemons, make lemonade!!

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Re: my gym wrote to me... new
      #152818 - 02/22/05 10:02 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


got a postcard today saying that the "hadn't seen me for a while"
I WILL GO BACK! Maybe tomorrow...

DOH!! Gee....nothin like makin ya feel guilty!! Or I guess it can be a nice kick in the pants too huh? ! LOL


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152819 - 02/22/05 10:03 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Ok Ladies.. time to get serious.. haha I say that everytime. Oh, we have all been there!

Breakfast- toasted oatmeal squares. (not a full serving)

Lunch- 6 mccains smiles, and 1 small crab cake (baked not fried) yum!

Snack- pirates booty (1serving) are those them veggie flavored puffy things? lol

Dinner- chicken broccoli and ziti.. so yummy

Snack- about 4 pita chips with hummus and baby carrots.

Exercise- I joined a gym today! yay.. so about 350 calories burned on the eliptical and 8min abs. OUTSTANDING!!


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152827 - 02/22/05 10:10 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Hullo! HI
Exercise: I spent about half an hour speed walking and then spent over three hours running around the house, cooking and stuff, so I said 30 minutes of walking. Burned: 153 calories.
Food Budget: 1378 calories.

Breakfast: English raisin muffin with strawberry jam = 187 calories (but I only ate about 3/4 of it). Apple mango sauce = 93 calories = 280 calories

Lunch: Kinda missed lunch 'cause I had exams today - Had a Luna bar between classes and some pretzels, then 3 arrowroot cookies = 325 calories Oh, good you did get something to eat...

Dinner: Orange Glazed Chicken Breasts with Mushrooms and Onions from EFI (Thanks, Heather!! - That recipe is SO GOOD) Oh, I'm gonna have to try this one!! with Jasmine Rice and 2 thin slices French Bread while I was cooking = 412 calories

Dessert: 1 and a half pieces of Peppermint Fudge Cake - I finally made it! YAH!!! with the mocha glaze = 206 calories, without the glaze.. so I'm not sure how many to add for the glaze.. I don't have my book here so I don't have the list of ingrediants. Add all the calories for all the ingrediants and then divide by how many slices YOUR cake made...that is how many calories per slice you would add.

For a total of: 1223 calories + the glaze.. so if that's less than 155 calories Oh, I'm sure it is!! , it is in my goal!!

And I am supposed to have 80 oz of water a day - today I have had... 64 oz - I will drink some more water now and have some peppermint tea later.


Side Note: I started to feel kinda bad because I didn't get any time to do any exercise today, but then I think I had a really productive day. I got up early, spoke to some people about jobs, sent off resumes and stuff, made an appointment to get my hair cut (woo hoo), 2 hour History Lecture, 2 hour psychology exam, went to the optomotrist, grocery shopping, making dinner AND cake.. this is the first time (except for in school) I have sat down all day! I have one of those good 'I got everything that needed doing done' feelings now, and can relax and watch TV for a while and have some boyfriend cuddling time! You did great today.... at least you did not skip the gym and feed your face with crap all did very well AND you got lots are a busy girl. Give B/F hugs from me too...he is such a sweetie!!

Cheers all!!


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152828 - 02/22/05 10:13 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


Sorry about not reporting in this weekend! It was a crazy, but fun weekend, I had a lot of homework to do, but put most of it off until yesterday (I was off of work for President's Day). Ended up getting to spend lots of time with my best friend/roommate I'd been having problems with, which really helped! Don't be sorry...we all understand.

I didn't keep track of specifics this weekend, I was ok on water drinking, maybe a little under the 64 oz/day I'm shooting for, but not bad. Exercise-wise, I went shopping for 3 hours on Sunday, which meant lots of walking. Yesterday, I went on a cleaning binge, and vacuummed the whole downstairs of our apartment (our apt is two floors), and cleaned the kitchen as well. Worked up a nice sweat. I love those cleaning times...burns calories too!! Fruit/veggie wise, had some roasted vegetable non dairy pizza, applesauce, veggie stir fry, and pasta with garden combination tomato sauce this weekend at various points. a lot better then I did..that is for sure! I made spinach bread again dang that MUST be some good stuff! and vegan blueberry muffins yesterday so I'm set for this week.

Going to try to be better about reporting in, I swear! Okay


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Re: REPORTING IN - 2/21/05 new
      #152830 - 02/22/05 10:17 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


21 points. 1 point under target today. I also did resistance traininng.

YAH!! A good day for you!!


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Re: my report... new
      #152836 - 02/22/05 10:22 AM
Shell Marr

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 14959
Loc: Seattle, WA USA


I did horrible over the weekend and had a bad tummy so that's why you didn't get a report from me till now. Tummy is still a little goofy, but I'm really trying to maintain my food intake.
Oh Rachel....I hope you feel better soon!

Breakfast/Lunch - I didn't eat until almost noon... oatmeal w/ maple syrup and rice milk, & banana, blueberry and strawberry smoothy yum!!
Snack - chips and salsa
Dinner - BBQ chicken on homemade white bread, potato chips, and a fruit cup.
Water - a little less than 64oz.

I didn't excercise all weekend or today but plan on it for tomorrow. tomorows another day.... just get better!


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