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Jrrachel - so proud of you!
      #7911 - 04/30/03 04:12 AM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

Beth, the other thread was getting long so started a new one - wanted to give you a big HUG and let you know how proud I am of you that you talked to your parents about what you've been going through and are going to find a counsellor. Honestly, I've gotten at the bottom of a lot of my STUFF lately through hashing it out with Mom (mther in law/friend), I was too afraid to go to a counsellor, which is silly, but just digging in there and admitting the way I feel about certain things, doing that with someone I feel safe talking to has been HUGE, I realized there are HUGE things in my life I never once talked to ANYONE about, just kept it all inside because I'm "not allowed to have any problems", which is a big part of my issues. I could go into the long drawn out history on THAT misconception, but that would bore everyone here to tears. Point is that TALKING IT OUT has helped so much, I was embarrassed to death when I started out but now I'm so glad I did it. Take care of yourself, in every way! Let us hear how it goes, as you care to - we care about you!

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #7974 - 04/30/03 01:54 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 140
Loc: St. Louis, MO

thank you!!! you're a sweetie.

i'm a little more open to counseling now because i went to a counselor during the last school year (because i kind of was required to). i HATED it, but now i know it was really good for me. so i'm a little less aprehensive about it now. but it still is really embarrassing.

i went and talked to my student advisor at school today about the whole thing and she couldn't understand really why i was crying so much talking to her. it was just that it's really embarrassing to come to the point where you admit that you don't have control anymore. especially for a strong-willed independant girl like me.

i have an appointment with a general dr. tomorrow who will hopefully refer me to a counselor. i really REALLY don't want to be on drugs for this (or anything else, for that matter!)

thanks to everyone for being so supportive... i'm gonna get there...


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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #7986 - 04/30/03 04:21 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

I am really proud of you too. I have yet to tell anyone of my friends, or a councelor about my ibs. My IBS is between me, my parents and my doctor. And, oh yeah, my chem teacher knows too, but thats only because she told me she had IBS first. (No Gallbladder) I am really eager tot ell my friends so i dont feel like i have to hide anything from them, but its hard, because its really just so embarrassing. I mean talk about immature, when someone in one of my classes even mentions the "D" word, everyone just cracks up! I dont think its very funny, but everyone else apparently does. I am so happy that you can be very open. Maybe some day I will be too.....
In the meantime, Get Better and never give up hope!

Healed in Jesus' Name

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Re: Jrrachel - You're a fighter! new
      #8011 - 04/30/03 07:36 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

First of all, give yourself a pat on the back for everything you have done so far. It looks like you've taken some really big steps lately. Admitting feelings is rarely easy. I can so relate to how you are feeling now - I was there last October. I had the frustration, anxiety, low self esteem, fear, etc. - everything you mentioned. I finally had to bite the bullet and talk to my Doctor. I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'm not saying that that's what you have - I'm just sharing my experience. I was terrified to leave the house and my anxiety level went through the roof. I couldn't function any more.
You're in a tough situation, kiddo. You're away from your family, you're about to graduate (enough to make anyone feel a bit strange), you're in a different state, and you're dealing with some heavy duty personal issues. The important thing is that you're seeking help. The counselor thing can be strange, but if you find the right one, I'm sure it will be helpful. Don't be ashamed of how you feel. Did you know that 20% of the population has at least 1 bout of depression in their lifetime? And that's what is recorded - most people will tell you that they have his a rough spot in their life.
You'll get through this. Take one day at a time, and celebrate even small triumphs. It's the little things that count in this life. Take care, sweetie. Sending lots of big hugs for you. Hope my ramblings make sense.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Jrrachel - You're a fighter! new
      #8015 - 04/30/03 10:07 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 140
Loc: St. Louis, MO

thanks, hansolo

one thing i am proud of is that i am a fighter. always have been. this isn't the first time i've had lots of things to overcome... it won't be the last. but even if i have to stay in florida for 12 years to graduate, i'm gonna do it. ;-)

i'll let you all know how things go... tomorrow i have an appointment with someone who will hopefully be able to refer me to a counselor.

what does everyone know about anti-depressants? is it possible to overcome things like this without them? i'm going to ask the dr. that, too, of course, but i'm curious for those of you who have been in similar situations. i HATE medicine... so does my body. so i'm trying to avoid it if possible.



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Re: Jrrachel - You're a fighter! new
      #8024 - 05/01/03 06:56 AM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 61
Loc: The Sunflower State: Kansas

Hi there,
You asked about overcoming depression w/out medication. I would strongly encourage you to consider taking the proper antidepressants AND getting proper counseling.
The two combined are very important.
About 4 years ago, my daughter, then a sophomore in college, was diagnosed w/ clinical depression. About three years ago my son was diagnosed w/ mild clinical depression and OCD. Medication has helped them both IMMENSELY! As little as fifty years ago, my son would have been hospitalized because of OCD and left to "rot". But because of the medication (he is now only occasionally seeing a counselor), he is a productive member of society. He works as a PT/ATC.
My daughter has worked very hard these last few years to remove the stigmatization associated w/ mental illness...if you have any questions, I can refer you to her. She's 25 and probably can speak better to you than I. She has spoken to thousands of people across the nation about depression and overcoming the disease. She has talked to school children and seniors as well. Try to look at depression as you would other diseases...and I would hope that if you were a diabetic,you would take insulin. If you needed cancer treatments, you would agree to those mediations as well.
Depression is a disease, a change in body chemistry. The antidepressants help to balance that chemistry again.
I hope that I don't sound "preachy", but I am strongly passionate about seeking the proper treatment for mental illnesses. I am president of board of directors of the Reno County Mental Health Association, an affiliate of the national Mental Health Association (see
I am willing to help you in whatever way I can!!!
Big hug to you as you gather strength to overcome life's "speed bumps".
A mom...aka


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Re: Jrrachel - You're a fighter! new
      #8064 - 05/01/03 02:17 PM

Reged: 02/28/03
Posts: 161
Loc: Ohio

Hey Beth, hang in there.

I had my own bout with depression a few years ago. I saw a psychologist and was on Prozac for awhile. I've seen a few different counselors and have had no luck there. I think it is a matter of finding someone you really click with. I have a great relationship with my doctor, been lucky there.

The prozac helped for awhile, it got me through a rough patch, but like you, I don't like being on medicine. Even on the prozac, I still had some depression, and came to the conclusion that my depression was more situational than a chemical imbalance. 20 mg a day wasn't changing the fact that I was eating poorly, getting no excercise and living in my future mother-in-law's basement.

I know I feel tons better when I eat right and get exercise, but it is an ugly cycle for me. I hate exercise and never feel like doing it. Of course, the less I exercise, the worse I feel, and the less I feel like doing it.

For me, meds weren't the answer, although they helped for awhile. I know exactly what I need to do to be happy (eat right, exercise, deal with personal problems), it is just getting the motivation to get off my butt and do it. Another thing that is essential is positive thinking. It sounds so cliche, but now that I am out of my depression, I can look back and see how negative my thoughts were. (I can't do this, no one likes me, etc.) It was really hard to think positive at the time, and felt odd and unnatural, but it makes a subtle but incredible difference over time.

I'm not anti-med, I know they are necessary and amazing if you really have a chemical imbalance. It might not be a bad idea to try them and see if they help. Prozac made me a little spacey for the first week, but after that had no side effects for me.

Whatever you decide, let us know how it goes. We're here for you! (Sorry for the super-long post!)

"Soluble fiber not included."

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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #8068 - 05/01/03 02:34 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


That's AWESOME news! I'm really glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself--you deserve it! I hope things fall in place for you...and that all the steps you're taking towards getting better help quickly! I understand your reluctance to take meds. Talk options over with the coucelor. You may or may not need meds--I think it's GREAT that you're going in there knowing how you feel about meds--some people probably don't even know how they feel about that until they're put in the situation. You should feel good about that! I hope that you click with the person you're going to see. Good luck with that!!! Hope you feel GREAT soon! ((((big hugs))))


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #8116 - 05/01/03 08:28 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 140
Loc: St. Louis, MO

i went to the dr. today and she gave me a starter pack of Effexor and a prescription to fill after i'm done with the trial. i piped up and talked to her about how i feel about meds, and asked her what she thought about counseling. she said "sure! i'll set up an appointment with a counselor for you." and said if i have any side effects on the meds, to call her and she'll switch it... she said there's like 15 different kinds so something should work without bothering me too much.

i kind of decided that if this really is a chemical imbalance problem and not just situational (which i am SURE is part of it... just don't know how much), than i should try the meds. hopefully it will just be short term, though.

i'm not just like this about some kinds of meds... i realize depression is a physical problem as much as anything else. but i just don't take medicine. i don't even have any advil in my house. i HIGHLY prefer natural ways of making myself feel better, partly because i am so sensitive to medication in general. i feel the same way about IBS meds... i'm taking them for now, but i want to be free of them as soon as possible.

thanks for the advice and help and information and for being there. you're all wonderful !


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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #8120 - 05/02/03 12:31 AM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 909
Loc: Brisbane, Australia


I wish you all the best and just wanted to share that I have had a good experience with Anti-depressants. Like you, I was against it and very scared about the whole thing. Unfortunately I had spiralled down so low that my GP said he wouldn't let me out the door unless I took them and would hospitalise me. This hit home because I couldn't bear to be away from my family especially my son. It was all caused by infertility issues and frustrations and then my IBS becoming absolutely debilitating. My husband literally dragged me to the doctors office where I collapsed in sobs and I must admit it was a relief to give in and admit that I was suffering from depression.

I didn't have any side effects so I think I was lucky. After about 4-6 weeks I noticed a big improvement and after about 8 weeks I felt absolutely terrific! I stayed on them for some time and then gradually came off. I chose to do that because I wanted to pursue infertility treatment and felt that I was in the frame of mind to do it finally.

Anyway, I'm a lot better now and certainly wouldn't be afraid to use them again in the future.

Good luck to you,

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #8122 - 05/02/03 02:09 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

I too wish you all the best with the medication. I dont blame you for not wanting medication, because people can highly dependent on them. FOr instance, my mother is absolutely addicted to tyenlol. Whenever she has a stomach ache, headache, backache, or whatever kindof ache, she just takes a tyelol, and when she runs out.... well watch out! lol. Anyway, I dont want be on any med eathier, but my med has really helped me and although i dont want to be on it forever, im really glad i have it for the time being.
I wish you all the best

Healed in Jesus' Name

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Re: Jrrachel - so proud of you! new
      #8152 - 05/02/03 11:48 AM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 61
Loc: The Sunflower State: Kansas

I, too, am proud of you. The first step is admitting something is not right, then the next steps are easier. In fact, though I don't know any of you, I am proud of all of you to face your depression and to get help. This kind of illness is one of the hardest to face.
Situational depression could definitely be a factor, but, I suspect, the illness can still cause a chemical imbalance.
This second generation of depression medications works faster with less side effects.
I, too, wish you the best.


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Re: Beth new
      #8167 - 05/02/03 04:58 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 612
Loc: New Jersey,USA

Im not sure if you saw the other threads about look alikes, but well I saw you! lol. Theres this girl in my history class who looks exactly like you (from your picture) And her name, beleive it or not, is Rachel! lol.I think I mightve scared her because Ikept on staring at her thinking if i didnt know any better Id call her Beth! Someone on the board said every one has a twin- I guess yours is in my history class!

Healed in Jesus' Name

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Re: Beth new
      #8174 - 05/02/03 07:16 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 140
Loc: St. Louis, MO

haha. that's funny. maybe she really is my twin!! although i already have one... so i guess that would make us triplets ;-)


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Re: Jrrachel - you go girl! new
      #8181 - 05/03/03 05:59 AM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Wow. You have taken some really big steps! Congrats! Remember, the med thing is a decision that only YOU can make. I decided to take the meds although I hated the idea of it. My OCD is definitely due to a chemical imbalance, and it is recommended that meds AND therapy are the most effective treatment. Sometimes, in this life we have to take things to help us even though we don't like them. Therapy though is a wonderful alternative and you may have more success there. It looks like Sue48 is full of information on all this - and I think she's right. Depression is just like diabetes or heart disease. What if you had to take insulin? You'd hate it... but there isn't really a choice with that, right?
Anyway, hang in there, and do what's right for YOU. That's what's important. Hugs. Let us know how you are doing.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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