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Extreme emotions, dealing with the evil MOTHER IN LAW., Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.-long post.- new
      #71529 - 05/18/04 10:55 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

Today has been very difficult for me, I thought dealing with my mil's self absorbed,selfish, mean spirited, cruel,sarcastic attitude days were gone. I thought I had moved on far away from them (married to her baby boy for 29 years). This is a gut wrenching story, I dont have the emotional strength to write it all down. To shorten the story, my father in law has had kidney removal (cancer), he had a difficult time, we almost lost him the first night. We have been so worried about his recovery, praying and praying that he would pull through and come back home soon. He is doing better, he has 3-4 more days. My mil, has two cats in her home that never use the litter box. They are both chain smokers, never to open a window for ventilation. This at one time was a beautiful home, everything in it is ruined, carpet, upholstery, window treatments, bedspreads, sheets, clothes, you name it , have all been ruined by the cigarettes. and the cats, they are both old animals, I feel sorry for them living in their own misery. My husband has been staying in Houston with his dad at night, she has been the most difficult woman that I have ever known. She is so selfish, she only wants him to come home from the hospital so he can take care of her. She has blatantly stated the fact that this exactly what she wants to happen. You can forget about her accepting any help from her family, she is a fortunate woman. Two sons, two daughter in laws, two gransons and thier wives, grandaughter.... we have all let it be known that if she needs any thing to call us. She will not let any of us help her, she has not bathed 6 days, she has no intention of bathing. She will not eat, I have cooked food for her that she likes to eat,and can easily tolerate. She wont eat any of it, on purpose. No bath no food, all to spite us, she thinks we are trying to boss her around and not let her think for herself. Couldnt be further from the truth, women need to maintain good personal hygeine, she needs to eat to keep up her strength to stay healthy. Every day in every way is a huge fight with her. A fight because she loves friction and discord,it gets attention. A grown woman 79, (her mind is clear as a bell, she is fully aware of every word and action), acts worse than any child or person I have ever known.
Tonight, she threw a huge fit,my husband wanted to have the carpet and upholstery cleaned before his dad came home from the hospital. I cannot even tell you the horrifying fit she threw, "we are trying to ruin her life, taking everything away from her, she has no independance left because of us", little does she know that she is going to have a woman(in home health care) 4 hours every day, for a little food prep, bathes and personal hygeine, beauty shop and doctor appointments...that sounds pretty darn good to me, I think if it were me, I would be pleased my family cared enough to take the time to help me out.
This little story has nothing to do with her loosing her independance, it has everything to do with her getting a life back, being able to go places and do things.
My sons both grown, took time out of their evening to help move things off of the carpet that could be damanged from the steam. It was a horrible scene, I begged my guys to leave, that I would stay and finish. The vile, hateful things that were coming out of her mouth, to me are unforgiveable. I have dealt with her and her fits for all of these years, and I have been in the middle of the last one. I left her house completely hysterical, I have tried and tried for years to overlook her ways. But after tonight, this is the last straw, my health cannot and will not be subjected to this ever again. I will not have her in my home again!! In the morning I am going over to greet the carpet cleaners, I will sit and stay in the house until they leave. I have been accused of stealing her silver place settings after the last carpet cleaning. She had them hidden under a bed, I was there when she found them, never forget that every where she went she told people that I had stolen her things. Not one thing was missing out of her home. Not one apology after being treated so terribly. Anyway, I will stay in the house, pay the men. Come back home, and I will never step foot in her home again. The behavior of this woman, has caused me to have too many health problems. I am going to have cramps, extreme stomach pain, total constipation for a while now. As soon as I can get myself calmed down, I am going to bed, hopefully to sleep. I have been working so hard to get my body and state of mind in a healthy place. I refuse to take a step backward, that is why at this time, I have to remove the thing that is causeing me to suffer so. She is now on her own.
For those of you who think I may be reacting too harshly to her because of her age, she has a mind as clear as the night sky. I was not raised, nor did I raise my children to live in a home of constant strife and chaos. I will not have it in my home.
I called my husband, David tonight, he is so upset and apologetic. He said he should have never left me alone to deal with that woman, he said he should be her to take care of it. I love him so, how can such a great man, come from a mother like that?
Right now, my heart is broken, but I will perservere, in the morning it will be a different story. I love my husband, and I will do anything for him. But when my health is at risk, he stands beside me.
This is a prime example of how sress can give IBS a port into your body. I refuse to be its victim. I will not give up, and I think that is why I have been feeling pretty good lately. Up until tonight, hello headache, nausea, and cramps. I am going to bed, if anyone has suffered through this type of problem, I need to talk. I have come to think so much of all of you here on the boards, I hurt when you hurt, I cry when you cry, and I pray for you when your body is in such pain. I love you all, take care of yourselves.

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Re: Extreme emotions, dealing with the evil MOTHER IN LAW., Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.-long post.- new
      #71546 - 05/19/04 04:16 AM

Reged: 05/12/04
Posts: 54
Loc: Southern Indiana

I am new to the boards, but not new to dealing with a difficult mother-in-law. My mother-in-law only calls my husband when she needs something. The last time she called she wanted him to come over a replace a toilet for her. He is not a plumber, and is hardly qualified to do this. She feels that he owes her. Not only that, but my 21-year-old sister-in-law and her boyfriend are living there without paying rent. Why can't they help with the upkeep of the house that they are living in. Luckily, my husband refuses to give in to his mother's demands unless they are really justified. He does care about his family, but he has said that the kids and I come first. Hope that you get through this ordeal and can put the stress behind you so that you can get well. You have to look out for #1 (yourself), because nobody else will. Good luck!

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Re: Extreme emotions, dealing with the evil MOTHER IN LAW., Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.-long post.- new
      #71548 - 05/19/04 04:21 AM

Reged: 04/10/04
Posts: 126
Loc: Alexandria, VA

I am so sorry that you are going through such crap with your mother-in-law. My own mother was not a peach to deal with, but compared to your mil she sounds almost angelic (almost, but not quite ). My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am sending positive thoughts your way.

"Sometimes you are the Windshield, sometimes you are the bug".

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Re: Extreme emotions, dealing with the evil MOTHER IN LAW., Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.-long post.- new
      #71555 - 05/19/04 05:31 AM

Reged: 04/01/04
Posts: 346

Hi Gigi,
Was reading your post and what kept going through my mind was that although you describe you MIL's mind as clear as a bell the thought that she doesn't want to take care of her hygiene, eat, clean up etc. as well as her attitute toward others seems to show she may be having some type of mental difficulties. These things are not normal if a person has a healthy mind. The only thing I can suggest which I know from experience can be very difficult is to have someone get her to a doctor to have her checked out to see what is going on. If she does have some sort of chemical inbalance or other physcological condition this would explain what she has been doing. If she checks out okay and is just overbearing then I would keep my distance if I were you in order to protect my own health. However, it still sounds to me like she could use a good checkup to rule out anything else. I would leave that up to someone else to do as you have enough health problems of your own and need to take care of yourself first. I wish you the best and please let me know if this works out.


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Re: Extreme emotions, dealing with the evil MOTHER IN LAW., Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.-long post.- new
      #71556 - 05/19/04 05:33 AM

Reged: 08/20/03
Posts: 54

I'm sorry that you are having such problems with your MIL. But it sounds like you are doing the right thing. I can't understand how a person can be that self centered and obnoxious to people who are only trying to help. You have a wonderful, giving heart and have done more than most people would do. God bless you, honey, you sound like a compassionate woman with a heart of gold. Take care of yourself, you need to make sure you are ok so that you can continue to nurture your own family who care about and love you. I'm glad that your husband stands up for you and understands what you are going thru, and I agree, I don't know how a man like your husband could come from a woman like that.

My husband is an angel as well and my MIL is self centered too, although not nearly to the extent that yours is. For the last couple of years we have been pulling their butts out of the financial choas they have created for themselves, I won't get into the ugly story, but they owe us nearly $10,000 and have yet to talk to us to work out a way to pay us back (plus we actually own their house, we had to buy it to keep them from getting foreclosed on). My MIL doesn't drive so whenever she wants to go somewhere she calls me to take her, we live about 15 mins away. I work at home and so she thinks I am at her beck and call to taxi her whenever and wherever she wants, without ever bothering to ask if I'm busy or offering to pay for gas. But after reading your story, I don't feel so bad about the way she acts.

Keep your chin up, and know that things will get better. I hope your FIL gets better, you didn't mention if he was going to or not. Your MIL may be really scared about being alone, she has had your FIL to wait on her her whole life and perhaps the prospect of being alone is terrifying to her. Although you say her mind is totally clear, I would wonder about that - anyone that would let the cats use the house as their litterbox and not clean doesn't sound like they are completely here. I had an old cat once who did that, she couldn't help it, but we cleaned up after her the best that we could and finally put her out of her misery (maybe her cats are sick as well and she hasn't taken them to the vet??). I can just imagine the smell in the house, you'll never get it completely out unless you replace all the carpet, padding, and furniture.

Anyway, take care of yourself and try to remain calm. I know how hard that is, my MIL and mother both make me crazy and I get terrible stomach aches from dealing with them. (((HUGS))) to you, hope things get better and let us know how you are, we care.


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Re:Thank you all... new
      #71558 - 05/19/04 06:20 AM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

As I read these posts, I am over whelmed with emotion. Five years ago I had a nervous breakdown which took me at the least 4 years to recover, and I am still a work in progress. My tears are flowing, I am doing my best for my husband, he needs me right now. He is very upset with his mom.

She has regular Dr. check ups, for the most part she is relatively healthy. This is just her personality, she has always been mean and vindicitive (sp). After I deal with the carpet cleaning this morning, I am done with her. I have an appt. with my own doc, because I WILL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! Thanks for the support. I love you all.

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Re: Thanks again!! new
      #71559 - 05/19/04 06:28 AM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

Thank you Shari, I thought I was in control when I got out of bed this morning. I had to take some anxiety meds to help me get operational.

This is going to be a hard day, I cannot eat breakfast. Which is very important for my ibs, I will try one of Bev's Bannana Frosties in a bit, never have trouble getting those down. I am so concerned about my health, I have to get my emotions under control, or I will be in devastation by dinner. Thanks for the kind words.

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Re: Extreme emotions, dealing with the evil MOTHER IN LAW., Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.-long post.- new
      #71560 - 05/19/04 06:36 AM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

She uses everything we have spoken of for power. I know it may sound strange, she knows the cats are a problem. She is a very vain person, has many issues with the way she looks at her age, actually, I just told her yesterday that she was still pretty, and she is. She is a very insecure person, and the only power she has is arguing (her fav past time) about whether the cats stay or go. I have decided that I am not ever going to mention the stinking cats again, I dont care any more. She wonders why her family will not bring the babies over to visit. She will not listen to explanations. I am sooo tired right now.

My own mother is such an inspiration to me, through her own hardships and health problems, she stays a happy, funny, positive person. She is a great mom.

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Re: Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS.
      #71713 - 05/19/04 03:40 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I spent the morning sitting on my mil's back porch with her, I took magazines and we sat in the swings, it pretty much kept her busy while I conversed with the carpet people. I had one of Bev's Banana Chocolate Frosties for breakfast,surprisingly I kept it down. I didnt start having cramps until lunch, I was afraid to eat, (never thought I would be saying anything like that) but, I just did not think it would stay down,with such an emotional upset, I dont bounce back as quick as I used to. I just had some rice, hopefully the D and the gas and cramping will lighten up. I took a long nap, that was gooooood.
I have been doing so good being C for the last month, I feel like all of my progress away from D is going to take a while to get back. I have a new rose bush to plant, so I am spending the evening working in my yard. Good therapy. Hope to be better in the morning, cant wait until my husband gets home,in about 3 hours. He is good for me!! God Bless You all.

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Re: Prime example of the effects of stress on IBS. new
      #71715 - 05/19/04 03:52 PM

Reged: 04/10/04
Posts: 126
Loc: Alexandria, VA

Whew. You made it through the day. Congratulations. I hope you have a relaxing evening with your hubby. I hope your father-in-law is doing better.

"Sometimes you are the Windshield, sometimes you are the bug".

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