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      #54609 - 03/26/04 10:14 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

So my allergist thinks my sinus infections may be from acid reflux! That's right, you heard me! he said that all the acid can go straight UP! So he put me on nexium, the purple pill, and he said stay away from citrus, tomatoes, and dairy.


I need YOUR HELP! All I've been eating is dairy and tomato sauce since being on prednisone. I don't know how to get on track from here! I ned to follow Heather's diet WITHOUT tomatoes! I LIVE on these red goodies!

As far as dairy goes, there's only one Kosher soy cheese and I loathe it! Any suggestions?

Doc also suggested I lose weight...20 lbs! *yikes* I've been thin all my life and used to I've gone the other way. I know I'm eating emotionally as an escape. What can I do to replace the comfort I get from food?

Just to clarify: I am asking for ideas on what to eat, and ideas on how to replace the comfort I get from food!

Thanks so much for everything...I love you all! Be well and have a fabulous weekend!!!!!!!!!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re:!!!!!!! new
      #54620 - 03/26/04 10:35 AM

Reged: 02/19/04
Posts: 558
Loc: North Carolina

oh girl if you have GERD stay AWAY from tomatoe's they will be awful for take that from someone who knows personally. Stay away from acidy foods cause u will "feel" it literally in your stoamch. That means tomatoe based foods too.

if God brought you to it. He will bring you through it.

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Hi Ruchie
      #54653 - 03/26/04 11:09 AM

Reged: 06/18/03
Posts: 105
Loc: Brooklyn, NY

Hi Ruchie,

I never chatted with you before, but I think you are so sweet!

I'm sorry you have GERD on top of everything else. I have it also. I mainly eat rice, pasta (usually with a little teriyaki sauce for flavor), grilled chicken, grilled fish. Nothing too spicy and no caffeine.

It's really hard with both IBS and GERD but girl just take it a step at a time and don't worry too much. And as for comfort food instead of regular chips I eat baked chips or a fav cereal. I know it's not the same but it makes me feel like I'm eating something.

Feel better soon.


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Re:!!!!!!! new
      #54656 - 03/26/04 11:12 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Ruchie, I hear you about the tomato sauce. I love it but it doesn't love me or my GERD. And it's one of my hubby's homemade specialties that he's so proud of -- it just breaks my heart that I can't eat it.
However, I have learned to adore plain pasta with a little *shhhh* -- butter! Or olive oil if you like it -- I don't.

And there's a Stouffer's Vegetable Lasagna with no tomato sauce. It's not kosher of course but you could make your own version -- it uses a white sauce and lots of very well cooked veggies. It's delicious.

I know your doctor said no dairy but it's not nearly as much of a trigger as citrus and tomato.

But here's my best suggestion. Our standard IBS and GERD safe dinner at our house is as follows:
1 serving of grilled chicken or fish
1 serving of potato or rice or couscous or pasta
1 serving of well done green veggie or carrots

We vary it by marinading the chicken in different flavors, but varying the starch and by varying the veggie. It's rare that we get tired of it enough to want to cheat!!

As far as comfort things to replace the food, you're going to laugh but I swear by curling up in bed with my teddy bear and *SSHHHHH* -- sucking my thumb! Yes, at age 50, I rediscovered what a comfort it is when I got sick with fibromyalgia!! Isn't that silly!!

Seriously my other comforts are things that take me out of myself where I lose track of time. My mother and I swear by jigsaw puzzles -- we call it puzzle therapy! Also, crossword puzzles.

When I was newly divorced and living alone in NYC 25 years ago, I played the same two or three music records over and over again, Joni Mitchell in particular. I also play the piano and when I was desperately unhappy I'd just sit down and play my heart out.

And of course there's Bev's favorite, trashy novels!!

Seriously again, spiritual or inspirational literature also helps me calm down and get centered. I always have one of my books an arms-length away. And don't forget prayer. Ask His help. Ask Him to comfort you and help you be healthy.

You are a precious child of G-d and a precious part of this community here online. We'll be cheering for you the whole way!!

Hope this helps! (And hope I don't get too much grief from the others about sucking my thumb!!!!!!!)

Keep it simple!

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Ruchie new
      #54666 - 03/26/04 11:28 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

I'm thinking on the foods. I'm going to check labels at the HFS this weekend for you... see what I see. (I never made it over there last weekend)

As for comfort... this may sound insane but I'm serious about it. Do you do any needlework? I know that sounds weird, but I just took up knitting and I find it sooooo relaxing and centering! And it's nice 'cause I'm already making Christmas presents for people. I know you guys don't have a lot of expendable income, but needles aren't too expensive and at first you'll be practicing on cheapie yarn.... it would be up to you later if you wanted to splurge on some of the more expensive stuff. There are classes at knitting/yarn shops and lots of community centers have them, too. Or better yet, see if you can find someone who knits to show you how. That's great for just the beginning bits--- take a class to learn the more advanced stuff. My Mom cross stiches and finds that very relaxing. And you can buy kits for not too much money. All you need is a kit and needles. I don't care for cross stitch 'cause it's so tiny and I get frustrated at the precision of it. I'm much more into quick and broad movements! (My paintings are super-sized and very full of movement! I don't "do" small and detailed. Hullo! ADD much!? )

Also, lots of people find gardening very comforting. It's that whole getting your hands in the earth thing.

I'll keep thinking....


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OMG, Ruchie! new
      #54691 - 03/26/04 11:52 AM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Honey, WHAT NEXT?!?

Why do you hate all soy cheese? Have you tried them ALL? In a recipe or just by themselves? Kree's recipe for mac & cheese is to die for. I use soy cheddar -- and a LOT OF IT -- but I'm sure you could use any kind of cheese. What about rice cheese? I even throw a few peas in it for some veggies. I love this dish.

No tomatoes .... hmmm.... lets see .... does that include barbecue sauce? Yes of course. Duh. Okay, I'm thinking... How about chicken nuggets? Kree's dijon chicken? Oh, wait -- Linz' salmon with garlic, basil and lemon! (ooops -- that's citrus -- leave off the lemon.) - TURKEY BURGERS! Oh yeah! Kree's got a fab recipe in here. Or Kerris' linguine with salmon and garlic? Oooh, baby! How about Kree's crockpot chicken stew? (No tomatoes!) Pumpkin cheesecake? ADBs? RKTs? Banana Bread? Chocolate pudding? JoanMarie's chocolate tofu pie? Pumpkin muffins? Molasses cookies? Ginger muffins? Chocolate Banana Frostie? Tuna noodle casserole? Mags' broccoli leek soup? Or her pierogie casserole? JoanMarie's mallow graham bars? Or her rosemary turkey with mushrooms? Mags' turkey and roasted red pepper pasta? Oh, and JoanMarie's FABULOUS burgundy chicken with mushrooms?!? (LOVE that stuff!)

Ruchie, honey, you can do this. You KNOW you can. You also know we're here to help you. You've joined the Weight Losers Club; just remember to check in every day, so that you can answer to someone besides yourself. I really like the 7 points in Dr. Phil's program:

1. Expect failure but keep trying;
2. Don't deny yourself;
3. Weight yourself often;
4. Exercise 1 hour per day (groan);
5. Add little bits of physical activity into your daily routine;
6. Eat a high carbohydrate, low fat diet (Yaay, Dr. Phil!);
7. Eat 5 meals a day.

Lastly, remember Michael. Remember what he said to me in his e-mail (that I forwarded to you). POSITIVE THOUGHTS PRODUCE POSITIVE RESULTS; NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, NEGATIVE RESULTS.

Your Number One Fan,

<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: OMG, Ruchie! new
      #54704 - 03/26/04 11:59 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Thanks Bev!

I can't eat the rice cheese or most soy cheese...they're not Kosher And I can't have sugaaaa remember!

But the suggestions you gave for meals are AWESOME! Thank you sOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

I'm so glad I have you're the BEST! Keep checkin in on me!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Ruchie new
      #54774 - 03/26/04 01:16 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Yeah, knitting is fabulous! I don't like cross stitch either but I used to do crewel embroidery that was fun.

Also, just plain old solitaire with a deck of cards. SOOOOO soothing and calming. (and then there's my addiction, the cell game on the computer.)

Keep it simple!

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Re: OMG, Ruchie! new
      #54775 - 03/26/04 01:18 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

"Pumpkin cheesecake? ADBs? RKTs? Banana Bread? Chocolate pudding? JoanMarie's chocolate tofu pie? Pumpkin muffins? Molasses cookies? Ginger muffins? Chocolate Banana Frostie? JoanMarie's mallow graham bars?"

Gee, somebody has a one track mind!!!! But you mentioned tuna casserole - that's an AWESOME comfort food.

Keep it simple!

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Ooops? new
      #54782 - 03/26/04 01:23 PM

Reged: 11/04/03
Posts: 5918
Loc: Northwest Washington State

Hey! How did those sneak in there?

<img src="">Bevvy

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Re: Ooops? new
      #54783 - 03/26/04 01:24 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

LOL!! Okay, you're forgiven!!

Keep it simple!

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Sing it Sister new
      #54837 - 03/26/04 02:51 PM

Reged: 12/18/03
Posts: 2439

Hey Ruchie,

We're in the same boat. I have GERD and the purple pill (hope it helps you as much as it does me, the thing is a miracle drug). I'm also an IBS Loser. Plus, I understand about food restrictions because I'm a strict vegetarian, which has some overlaps with Kosher food... since Kosher Gelatin is occasionally safe for me.

My suggestions would be lots of good, yummy safe soups. You can make them with a vegetable stock base that's not tomato (try to get the low sodium kind though). Soups are really low in calories.

Also, I eat a lot of pasta with a little olive oil and spices. No tomatos, nothing hot, but still flavorful. You can even get flavored olive oils to use.

There are quite a few of the recipes posted that are safe... the honey oven fried chicken is tasty, and when I make it with soy chicken it's low cal.

Hmmm... hope this helps a little. If not, at least I can offer sympathy and moral support!

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What a strange connection... new
      #54857 - 03/26/04 04:53 PM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey Ruthie,
I was so surprised when I read your post...that is the strangest connection. I think you and me have some things i common, I too have chronic sinusitis and GERD, and I never thought about a possible connection for me.
My doctor just prescribed Nexxium for me, and at first I was skeptical because I don't personally have a lot of trouble with my GERD, I just stay away from trouble foods and it doesn't really both me (that I've noticed)...but OMG, if that could be causing my sinus infections...wouldn't that be something?
Anyways, I really hope it works for you, and I think I'm going to bite the bullet and try it too, I'll let you know how it works for me.
As for foods, I'm just learning my way around the kitchen, so I don't think I can suggest much, although I also have to stay away from tomatoes so I can sympathize with you there. I find some of the best things for me when it's really bothering me are just plain bread or pasta, it sometimes even soothes the GERD. Sometimes I'll put a little olive oil and garlic powder in the pasta to spice it up a little...don't know if that might help?
I really hope you feel better soon!
Take care!

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